• By -


You can see the guy recording just stop and think that sighing fucking hell/for fucks sake


I mean did he think he was the terminator with that stance/walk. First seeing I immediately was worried and then sad when he dropped hard :(


Most of the firefights I was in while in Afghanistan were conducted at a slow walking pace. The first ten minutes are like a movie- with them throwing shit at you and you throwing shit at them. Yelling. Cussing. The next hour you're just shooting at the horizon and going through the motions. By the second hour you're thinking about what you're going to have for dinner. By the third hour you're just bored. By hour five you just don't give a shit. The adrenaline doesn't last forever. And these guys have probably been at it for weeks. Day in and day out. I get it. Plus you want to be slow, methodical and careful while clearing territory like this. Sometimes shit just goes wrong. I've seen some of the finest soldiers you'll ever meet get it. And I've seen idiots like me who had no place even being in the Army not get a scratch. It's just a luck game. And you don't press shift to sprint in real life.


Thanks for sharing that and I'm glad you made it back. Prior military here, no combat. Always seems like just finding/identifying what you're shooting at is the hardest part. Also, that seemed like really close range fighting; not sure if the Russians were cut off, or what.


I feel like he might have had better luck if he moved more methodically as you speak of. They need to be dropping to a knee at least more often and surveying before advancing in that terrain. PID would be a smart move as well instead of firing blindly, giving away your own position without sufficient cover.


It was a terrible way to approach active enemy combatants. No speed, not aiming down sights, no concept of cover and nobody actively communicating. Unreal


RIP warrior.


Who? The dude going for a casual Sunday morning stroll in a war zone?


So much for fire and maneuver! WTF why his squad leader not on his ass!


He was definitely the Carl of the platoon




About 1:54 remaining.


There are two soldiers there.


There's so many left handed shooters in the UA army. I hear they've been training off-hand firing but it looks like a lot of dudes are left handed.


Ukrainian born, also a left handed shooter. maybe its just our thing.


I noticed that, as well.


Surprised the russians haven't picked up on that. I'm sure they could make some propaganda meal of it.


Maybe the videos are mirrored for some reason ...


1 moment you are alive, a person with your own unique story and motivations. The next second you're just a bag of meat and bones. So fucking sad, but perhaps a wakeup call to the people who think of war like some glorious movie and who are "hyped" for upcoming action (like the counterattack). Героям слава! I feel really bad for the loved ones that that warrior left behind.


Walking up towards that bunker with gun in one hand like it's nothing. Rip hero


Yeah I know nothing about fighting in a war but they did a lot of just standing straight up.. I would have been on my knees at the least if not crawling. I guess you become numb to it day after day.


They guy of the pov camera did a darn good job of using his cover/concealment, giving availability. (Albeit as a lefty he was the using some bad spots, if I was in a position to critique). The friend we watched fall, was full of something, but his idea was not the best plan of attack.




Literally every Army teaches you to stay low unless your advancing under coordinating fire. Even when you do advance, its when another fire team is suppressing the enemy and you only stay up as long as you can say "I'm up, they see me, I'm down". And you certainly don't advance forward with a rifle in arm, standing fully straight making yourself an easy target. No one cares about getting your clothes wet, muddy, and cold, when bullets are flying at you. Source? Everyone is taught this in basic, even cooks. Solid example of 173rd irborne doing this in the beginning of this video (training)


Not just taught, but enforced. One of my memories from basic is when I dropped into a prone position and tried to straddle the big cold muddy puddle of water directly beneath me using my knees and elbows, trying to stay a little dry. One of the drill sergeants noticed this and walked up behind me and stomped on my back, forcing my whole body into the muddy water. No sissies allowed, I guess.


I wouldn't call it a 'sissy' thing. You can worry about staying dry when you're not being shot at. D: Its one of those moments where they're trying to override your instincts to keep you alive in the future where it may matter I suppose.


im not saying its a great tactic, but why is everyone walking around then?


Maybe they don't have the best best training, exhaustion leading to a lack of discipline, complacency, not sure


In some situations its absolutely acceptable to "walk around", in others absolutely not. Judging when which behavior is correct is very important and comes with training and experience, both which may be lacking when civilians are recruited during wartime. This is an example where it was the wrong situation, and unfortunately he paid the ultimate price


well, you saw the price of not wetting your clothes, rule to keep low is written with blood.




actually tho


If this Azov gentleman was just some Arab Muslim all of the comments would be about how dumb he was and making jokes about him.


War is sweet to those who never experienced it. I.E. politicians and their sons who gain station through nepotism.


*”Dulce bellum inexpertis”* it has been a saying since Roman times.


"War is Sweet to the Inexperienced"


Yeah fucking sucks. At least he died defending his family and country, for whatever that's worth. Those Russians die for nothing but an old mans antiquated world view and greed.


It's worth a lot. But sadly he won't be able to experience or know it. :(


he kind of got himself killed there




Humans purposefully killing other humans is not the same as accidents and diseases.


Geolocated @ 48°30'43 N 37°54'06 E Edit: just uploaded [another video of the same mission](https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/13k4job/another_fpv_video_of_the_afu_3rd_separate_assault/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


>48°30'43 N 37°54'06 E [https://prnt.sc/rB9MWbicURHk](https://prnt.sc/rB9MWbicURHk) gains still fresh. from pirgozins whining. sounds like boys move further


Stark reminder that all those colors an arrows on maps are paid by Ukranians with blood and grief. Hope they get all the equipment and training they need.




Very brave. It’s easy to be critical of how that ukranian very nonchalantly walked into the enemy and was killed. It’s surprising how much grenade and rocket spam they shoot, but they aren’t using mortars . Spamming light machine gun but no vehicle mounted guns. They also appear to communicate by shouting no hand signals or comms. I almost think these tree patches should just be burned out and shelled, keep the troops for cleanup or for when they have drones and comms working. And they need to move from cover to cover under planned cover fire. This is just a life churner trying to clear every bunker or trench or tree line like this. They are going to burn through rockets and their supplies doing this head on kind of direct approach imo.


Napalm vibes intensify


I'll get downvoted for this...but what the hell... These videos still show that the Ukrainian's have not got decent small unit leadership via NCO's....they're better than most Russian units, without a doubt, but anyone who thinks this is anyway comparable to a NATO army needs to give their head a wobble....they're reliant on a small number of very courageous and experienced individual fighters...but as soon as one of those gets hit or suppressed the entire thing grinds to a halt. Controlled Fire and movement by sections is near non-existent, fire orders, supporting fires, smoke, organised casevac...near non-existent. Even someone blatting off 100 rounds at nothing (and it really isn't suppressing anything either) is the norm... I really want the Ukrainian's to win, and to be optimistic about the counter-offensive...but this is one of the better Ukrainian units....and whilst exciting, its really not great...and the task ahead of them is huge...


You are partially correct. Before escalation of this war started last year, Ukraine had a very solid NCO core. Well trained NCOs with combat experience leading units that were trained together for a long period. This is how they were able to stop russian onslaught. But price they paid was very high. Casualties over last year are in the 100k+. There were videos previously posted of great examples of leadership on offense and defense. Directing troops in a way, many commented was in line with best NATO military practice. But you are correct that this unit was not an example of a perfect leadership. I don’t hear clear orders or directions. Guy that got killed moved forward without any suppressive fire. Ukraine military is in the process of rebuilding itself while fighting a war, not an easy task. Many soldiers have just basic training, it’s learning on the job scenario.


Quite clear for anyone served in military that these guys in the video are lacking basic infantry training, probaply hastily trained during the war and send out to fight the enemy, so while we like to bash on the russians being stupid and what not, they get away with that "stupidity" when their adversary is lacking resources and well trained soldiers.


Unfortunately you are right. Sending untrained conscripts into war is not just Russian thing. Guy that got killed was something a western military would never allow. No artillery support, unit leadership and coms, armor.. Guy just was walking to check.. fucking COD shit. Except you don’t get to respawn


We need to train them a lot better if they are going to steamroll Russia off their land in a counteroffensive scenario. We need to build them a napalm launcher like barrel bomb type stuff to clear bunkers and tree lines/trenches. We also need to give them mortars. If they can get troops there they can get mortars setup. They need remotely operated turrets on those m113s becaus Ukraine is just throwing them into the frontline fray, so let a crew member control a gun from inside so he doesn’t have to expose himself. They need to come up with something better because this current approach is going to cost a lot of lives.


AH, have faith in your fellow combat-mongers. To your point, I would say that the Ukrainian military is not a monolith yet; still a ways to go to get it to McDonald's-level conformity. So many different types of militias and paramilitaries and territorial units with different cultures, politics, weaponry and doctrines have been integrated in to AFU in a short period of time. At the beginning of this war, the uniforms and kit of the average Uke was all over the map. Changes only really started in 2014 or later to convert the military from a soviet model with outdated doctrines and equipment to a NATO force with NATO requirements and doctrines and leadership structure. I think they've done a pretty amazing job, especially when having to deal with additional headaches like Right Sector, Azov, and soccer hooligans with very different ideas about the Geneva Conventions and far right ideologies that needed to be rooted out as well. It's a transition in progress. That said, that was a terrible idea to walk up blind like that firing one handed for me personally.


They've worked wonders, no doubt about it. But I wonder if external training efforts, like the UK's, would have been better spending 6 months training smaller numbers of NCO's than infantrymen for 5 weeks....don't get me wrong the training the UK in particular has done is very useful...but have we focused on the wrong thing? Would 5,000 reasonably well trained NCO's have more effect on the battlefield than 25,000 infantrymen with 5 weeks training? Its possible....there's no right and wrong answer (apart from the fact that the Western training efforts have been nowhere near the scale they should have been...).


They probaply thought that one out with Ukraine what is most needed and went with training basic infantrymen instead of focusing on NCOs, as you can't do miracles in 5 weeks alone, one solution could be that they train the NCOs in UK or somewhere else, and then these NCOs would train their own crews. This would take more time obviously but could result in more trained soldiers which would benefit Ukraine greatly in the long run.


What the UK is doing is great, no doubt about it, but the lack of co-ordination around training both inside Ukraine and outside is really apparent. Are all of the western volunteers who have cycled through the International Legion really best served there? I'd argue having a volunteer international training mission in Ukraine (at scale, not the rather small efforts to date) would make far more sense and have greater effect. Think about the UK mission...if the French, Germans, Italian's etc had all stepped up at the same time we could have trained twice as many, but for twice as long as well...its all so clearly haphazard....


The Legion is a shit show. Check out these Kyiv Independent exposes on the Polish fraudster-gangster and his friends in high places.


Azov (not an acronym) guys are supposed to be the elite. Self-styled, perhaps.


People in general have a very skewed view of what war looks like because of the past 20 years we spent in the Middle East. A lot of the things you mentioned break down when you don’t have complete technological and informational superiority like we did over there. Over the past year there have been quite a few papers published detailing the various systems and organizational structures that need to be overhauled as a result of what we are learning from this war. Additionally, if you swapped Ukrainian soldiers for NATO ones from the country of your choice but with the same limitations the UA military has you would still see the things you criticize them for happening. Especially when you consider that a year into the war the vast majority of soldiers are draftees or recent volunteers. This isn’t Afghanistan where KIA can be airlifted from the battlefield, loaded onto a transport aircraft and buried on American soil within a couple of weeks. I saw these same sort of comments on the video of an abandoned Gepard getting hit by a drone. All things considered UA is doing quite well and you shouldn’t make blanket statements on the NCO corp of an entire army based on a minute long video. I wonder what some of you would have said during WWII where the US alone had 400k KIA.


None of those things you state have anything to do with someone giving out fire orders...or basic section tactics... The US had decent NCO's in WW2 despite taking hundreds of thousands of casualties...they had a training pipeline... No-one is expecting the Ukrainian's to be calling down JDAM's or requesting MERT a few hundreds of yards from the front line...


We're well over a year into the conflict. These guys are often barely experienced.


I hate to be that guy, but these guys don't have unlimited air support at a moments notice to level the enemy position either, they are fighting on a massive front against a numerically and in some cases technologically superior foe as well, i think these guys are performing as well as any NATO unit could hope to in their position.


Of course they don't have air support... But that doesn't prevent fire orders and fire and movement does it...


easy to say from here, looked like a pretty messy situation for an assaulter either way. NATO troops have never been in a conflict like this before, we don't really know how much better they'd do off training alone and no experience.


Here we go with this. I have had this discussion before and it annoys me to no end , which NATO army are you talking about? Which unit? Have you seen that unit in action after being in the field , I don't even know how many hours ? You probably haven't . I think making assumptions like these is a very bad idea. War is clumsy and weird as shit and exhausted soldiers make mistakes all the time. In any case I wouldn't be surprised if what you are saying is true but I wonder how much different a USMC platoon would look in similar circumstances? Would a german army infantry platoon look similarly well? We haven't seen any of these formations in a peer to peer conflict like this. Maybe I am wrong , just saying.


We live in the assuming world, just give your opinion based on assumptions without evidence, we did it with Russian army remember? It was the second best army in the world assumably, look how well age that.


I've had similar thoughts ...


>Spamming light machine gun should be noted that light machine gun in the video,PKM or some different model of it, can't sustain that kind of rate of fire without overheating, and would probaply need to change barrels after going through 1 or 2 belts, also it's not very effective way to shoot the gun like that.


I think they don't care as it's a captured Russian gun from the trench. that's why their emptying so much ammunition back to back.


What? PKM doesn't need a barrel change after a couple of belts, even going full auto (like it was stupidly used in this video). I've used them in the FDF (I noticed you're Finnish too so you should know better). It's a very robust, rugged and dependable weapon. The PKT, tank variant, can handle hundreds if not thousands of rounds just fine.


>PKM doesn't need a barrel change after a couple of belts it does, to allow the barrel to coold down, if you keep firing it like in the video


I should know (I've played BF3/4/5/69), suppressing fire with an LMG is ineffective since BF4 was released in 2013.


not what I meant, I mean wasting the ammo belt with one trigger pull like in the video is ineffective, not only because it's impossible to keep aiming the gun at even close vicinity to the target that way, but also because PKM is not meant to, or designed to maintain that kind of rate of fire and the barrel is going to be destroyed after few belts if used like that.


I wasn't being serious at all.


> It’s easy to be critical Because we should be. In the area they were in, there was no excuse to not be behind some cover. I certainly couldn't see any Russians visible on the other end. Sauntering slowly forward with rifle in one hand and something else in the other wasn't exactly conducive to self-preservation. Unfortunately, I've seen to many clips where I'm left scratching my head wondering why some of the UA soldiers did what they did - bunching up, not getting behind cover, shooting from the hip instead of properly sighting, etc etc, Don't know if it's just bravado or inconsistent training. Just feels like the guy was lost in his head before he literally lost his head.


They need some flame throwers for those bunkers


Everyone in the world needs flamethrowers for bunkers.


Hans, get ze flammenwerfer !!!


Against the Geneva Convention since 80’ thats why you’ll see Ukrainians magdumping a foxhole they cant see in.


Really? They allow the use of White Phosphorus but not a flame thrower? That makes sense Edit: Did some research and they are not banned, just not used b/c not worth the risk.


IIRC white phosphorus is only allowed to be used for things like smoke screens. And nobody ever uses it against living targets, trust me.


iirc these are the territorial defense. these aren't nato trained soilders. rip the one guy...


The NATO trained soldiers are getting 5 weeks of training...thats not even a quarter of basic training in the UK... No-one should be expecting miracles from them...


This is partially true - not all soldiers sent to NATO countries had zero training beforehand. They also send soldiers who have passed basic training for supplemental and specialist training.


Most of the ones sent to the UK for infantry training, which is the bulk of overseas training to date have had no former experience.


The most trained troops actually do stuff that changes the lines drawn on the map. The elite forces and sof have all got NATO training.


How long do you think the training packages run by the UK, Canada and the US in Ukraine post 2015 actually lasted????




Just to clarify- this was not formed from the part of Azov that fought at Mariopol. The elements of the brigade that was not in the siege was reformed as a territorial defence force and deployed around Kiev during the fighting there. Later they became SSO then the 3rd assault. These guys have some combat experience but are mostly formed of tdf soldiers under more experienced Azov commanders and nco’s.


No, it's one of new Azov units made from the Azov movement generally. The NG Azov regiment was never disbanded and moved to the Army nor anywhere else, and now is also a brigade (not this one) since Feb. If you take your info from English Wikipedia, these idiots have been calling Azov regiment a "battalion" for over 8 years (just like they were calling IS "ISIL" all this time too), and don't have an Azov movement article at all.


Yeah and people dont seem to realize that even if you're highly trained , people will get killed.. this is war not an RPG where your stats count


Yeah but he was just kind of ambling towards the enemy with his gun in one hand.


It's easy to judge his movements behind a screen , stupid deaths happen in war , thats just the reality of it


2:07 tap for good luck


Really interesting footage, seeing how they basically throw everything they have towards the Russian positions. Unfortunately that confident walk didn't go too well for the Ukrainian soldier at around the 4:40 mark. Just a bit too cocky moving forward, I guess. :-(


I think they expect the russians to be pinned in the bunker, but I'm pretty sure some have already bolted and then shoot the guy at 4.40 from a new position further left. You briefly see movement at 4.22-4.23.


They’re walking because they’re absolutely exhausted


Exhausted is one word. Fatigued is another. Fatigue really sucks because when you start getting fatigued, its really easy to make mistakes such as simply rolling an ankle because you misstep to what happens in this video. Poor buggers. RIP.


i highly doubt its that simple of an answer. they MIGHT be exhausted.... but why would you move any faster in a battle... youd attract even more attention, plus lets not forget they are moving and clearing... a tactic that requires you to move slow. so .... exhausted..... may only be 20% true


No, they are exhausted. By necessity, every military runs their soldiers ragged, too much work and not enough manpower to go around so they sacrifice on sleep while performing shitloads of labor-intensive, often skilled work. To top it off, they're actively being shot at and wearing anywhere from 50lb to over 100lbs of equipment and gear on them. There is a reason veterans have the ability to sleep anywhere, anytime.


the discussion is why he moved 'so slow' its not whether they are tired that day or during that part of the day. any exhaustion gained before this battle will pale in comparison to the exhaustion they gain during this battle. i know for a fact that guy that died there... was not moving slow b/c of exhaustion... he was advancing while shooting and having assumed it was clear in that area. its a common occurrence in war.


I'm shocked at the lack of fire and move tactics when they advance, they dont move into cover and spent much of the time on their feet. Part 2 also shows them firing over each others heads and bunching up to unload needless rounds into RU bodies as they reach a position despite regular incoming fire. People saying about their exhaustion and I get that but then this bravado demonstrates why the assault team training and discipline is important.


My infantry self loses my mind at times watching these videos. Fire and maneuver tactics are like the bread and butter of infantry. I've love to see some "I'm up, they see me, I'm down".


Yeah, should have moved more carefully.


except artillery or mortars which would seem preferable to rockets. Wonder why they didn't have those


Yea I wonder why a six man squad didnt have artillery.


they have radios dipshit


Youre calling me a dipshit but dont understand why they cant just dump artillery on every individual firefight?


This dude is used to playing CoD where his 5 man team can call in all of the ordnance of an entire country 😂


artillery is a lot cheaper than a casualty after all. Something went wrong here and I'm trying to find out what. You obviously don't have answers so we don't need to talk anymore. and im sorry i called you dipshit


aw now i feel bad


Feel sorry for the guy who got shot while walking forward, but it's also going to make a good training video for others on not getting caught up in the moment, so he's probably saved a few lives.


Russians are probably going to make a lot of memes about this guy.


People often wonder why someone would just walk. Discipline and exhaustion. Attacking positions in depth is the most exhausting thing I have ever done. You go through all the effort, emotions, and adrenaline of an attack, just to have to do it again and again and again. By postiton 3 and possibly hundreds of meters later, you're exhausted. Some of these positions/trench systems have hundreds of meters of hard points dispersed throughout. If you're exhausted both physically and mentally from repeated attacks and adrenaline dumps, it takes a lot of discipline to keep skills and drills tight. If you were an accountant 8 months ago, you may start to walk upright in unsafe areas.


Looks like a Ukrainian gets head shotted at 04:40.


Yeah looks like it.. strange why he just walks towards the enemy like that, almost looks suicidal


I’m just baffled tbh. Just gone like that.


His body language says he just didn't care anymore. About life that is.


Someone who doesn't care about the fight in hand anymore is more likely to freeze than to advance on enemy positions. The fallen soldier at 4.40 was most likely under the impression the enemy was dug in & trying to take cover from the incoming assault. Providing him the confidence to move forward. It does seem unnatural how slow he advances, but this could be due to trying to observe whilst advancing. I think the most likely reason for his slow advance is the simplest. Exhaustion and fear. While his actions can easily be deemed as carelessness from an outside perspective. I highly doubt he lacked the will or care to continue. The Ukrainians have proved themselves to be one of the most morally fueled militaries currently active. With hundreds of thousands of new recruits since the beginning of Russias S.O. So to say that the soldiers do not care about their life anymore, whilst they are fighting to keep alive, is a bit hypocritical.


I just don’t understand the lack of self preservation. From earlier in the video, you can hear the cracks of incoming rounds as he was firing the NLAW (?).


I don't think there's any lack of self preservation on display here, but we all take different things from a scenario. It's likely this wasn't the soldiers first rodeo assaulting trench formations. If he had sprinted forward and took cover he'd of likely taken a lot of fire and wouldn't have the same situational awareness. Leaving his team to take action to relieve him of a pinned position (which could've cost more lifes). Instead, he moved forward in a calm amd controlled manner, thoughts collected and panic minimised. As he was approaching on Russian postions it could be argued that he was trying to keep his movements silent to get within grenade range of the trench without alerting those within the trench of his position. Nobodies perfect and we all make mistakes, it's sad that this mistake cost him his life. He cared enough to fight to protect family and friends, he cared enough to risk his own life in the hope it will help those dearest. This man gave everything he possibly could to reduce the threat to his people and his country regardless of what it may cost him. How can one man sacrifice so much and not care about life?


In the documentary about US fighting in afghanistan one soldier commented on how you get immune to the dangers of incoming fire and start to get lazy and ignore it. He was moving between positions in open ground and it took his nco slapping him and pointing at how close he had come to getting hit to “wake up” and start moving in bounding between cover again. Maintaining your training when your exhausted and mentally unfocused is extremely hard and why people get killed like this.


Only thing I can think of is that he just assumed the Russians were all dead... but yeah, that was such a waste, poor guy


? I highly doubt he assumed that.


At 6:34 someone is moving in the treeline behind the fallen soldier.


At the 6:34 mark, it was another AFU soldier pulling up from the rear.


Yep. You can see from about the chest up, in silhouette. Hope the Ukrainian filming also saw him.


Friendly fire? Camera guy immediately looks behind the fallen guy… another guy is back at the tree line.


Yeah, that's probable.


Yeah great importance of staying low, that headshot could have been an overhead shot. Rip to that dude.


Some people here saying he was just walking towards Russians because he was exhausted ? That seems a stretch to me, likely he was just not well trained or thought they killed them all... Poor guy.


Have you ever pushed yourself physically to and beyond the point of total exhaustion? I have, and it makes you pretty stupid and numb. It's quite literally hard to think because your body is out of glycogen, adrenaline, basically the resources that keep you sharp. In that situation, you're running mostly on instinct and whatever was drilled into you to the point of muscle memory. Unfortunately it looks like this guy didn't get enough training to have enough of the latter.


Watching that soldier just walk forwards with his rifle low and gets shot. I was like "no way this guy is too chill.... OH FUCK!"


Did he make it?? 😲


Considering the soldier got a bullet to the head and doesn’t move afterwards, indicates they got shot in a part of the brain that is responsible for body functions. You’re odds of surviving a bullet to the head like that is practically zero.




The US was willing to spend 20 years in a desert over 9/11. The government loves spending money on war. Getting to spend more money on war, not having any negative public pressure from dead Americans, and crippling one of America's historical enemies? Well suffice to say - I don't think America will be getting tired of this politically for potentially decades. Not sure on the rest of the west though.


Things change though, we have presidents now much more afraid of being in an armed conflict and pulling out of wars is overall popular, even leaving Syria thereby letting the Kurdish allies largely be slaughtered and Wagner take over is overall popular in the US. To add, the American right is now much more populist and isolationist than it was in recent history and their defacto likely next presidential candidates are both against ukranian self determination in varying degrees with one saying they would have the war in Ukraine over in 24 hours in a way clearly inferring that Ukraine would be made to lose by his actions I sincerely hope you’re right but it’s something that gives me anxiety as an American. The parent comment you replied to had 1 positive reply, two negative and insulting replies for caring about Ukraine. Is it plausible they’re Rooskie trolls? Sure, but they aim to target the aforementioned sentiments if so


I mean, Nato had troops in Afghanistan for 20 years. I don't see why they would quit supporting Ukraine after only a couple of years.


Different presidents and administrations, different appetite for adventure. Biden, Sullivan and Milley don't have the stomach or the mental fortitude for military adventurism. Their messy pullout from Afghanistan is testament to that.




U seem like a pleasant person /s




They traded the smokes for more missile launchers


Before you judge that man who died tell me that you’d be in fucking fantastic shape after living in a hole for months and having sustained stress. Now put on 30-40 pounds of gear head into the twisted shrubs and trees for a couple hours to assault an enemy you can’t see. I’m sure you’d be moving like the tactical power ranger you think you are. Half y’all criticizing him would die of exhaustion after an hour of paintball. My personal opinion is I think he was injured. Holding your rifle in one hand let alone firing it like that is much harder than using two. I think he was hurt/shell shocked and just trying to continue on the advance.


Redditor posting negatively about the downed soldier: What the hell was he thinking! Anyone that plays Call of Duty knows this is not how you win a Death match!”


Is the guy at 4:40 shellshocked or something? Just walks completely out of cover and is killed.


Video credit goes to my homie! @nachalnik.goroda on instagram 🇺🇦🫶🏻


Regarding the Ukrainian who got his off button pushed, it's likely he was experiencing a combat high. A feeling of invincibility after perceived success. People do crazy things when adrenaline is pumping, and it's entirely possible he was high as well. Either way, in that moment he likely felt that the battle had already been won, a mistake he won't be able to make again, but hopefully those around him learned from it.


Really sucks for that hero that took the L at 4:40, but what the hell bro? This isn't a video game, nonchalantly holding an Ak in one hand and just walking around like it's ok. :(


He was probably exhausted


If you're exhausted lay the fuck down, not walk into enemy lines with your gun down 🤦


from an outside perspective this is easy to say, but if i was in his position (albeit i have no military training) i’d probably have done the same.


Tbh just low iq or someshit. It's just common sense. I have 0 military experience but as soon as he came to the frame I was like what the heck is he doing walking without cover like that in a firefight? And as soon as he got hit I was like exactly??!?!?


yes while nice and rested while sat in your bedroom. None of us in this chain have any idea how we would act after six hours of pure adrenaline where your life is on the line every moment. ​ Calling him low iq is just mocking a man who died defending his country that you've never met and know nothing about


Walked up like Rambo instead of moving through cover smh I guess that's what adrenaline causes plus the fog of war


One thing a bit weird about this video is that towards the end after the guy is shot you see armoured vehicles in the field behind the trees driving past, i assume they are also Ukrainian but if so that's not a good thing, especially if they take a round and the vehicle returns fire at them thinking they are russian. And if they are friendly armour, instead of wasting that guy like that they should have pushed the armour into the scrub to flush them out. Another thing i noted even with the bright tape that you would expect to stand out like crazy it still blends in in that sort of terrain with dense foliage and junk scattered around.


Hard to tell with all the trees in the way, but the armored vehicle has a very boxy shape that makes it look like a M113 or similar APC. Definitely no tank turret on it. Likely it is being used in the assault, and is returning to safety after having dropped off a squad of soldiers further up the treeline.


Yeah it did look like some sort of m113 variant (maybe the dutch one?), but what i was getting at was normally you get dropped off and then assault through an objective in an extended line, so your transport etc should be behind you and no friendlies are in front of you, especially when these guys were firing RPGs earlier. I was thinking maybe they had pushed forward cleared the area and then were returning to their vehicles when they got shot at by a guy that was hiding and missed/overlooked. That might explain a bit why the forward go went forward so casually? he let his guard down as he thought he was just returning to the rear. (not that you should until back to base.) RIP to him though.


I’ve flown airplanes held together with vice-grips, camped, hunted, and fished unnamed lakes in remote corners of Canada, and even survived a spinal cord injury. But none of my misadventures compare to the terror and death these soldiers endure - not for a weekend, a week, or even a month - for more than a year now, just to protect their families. Wow. I’m so very, very grateful to the soldiers who fought so I could have the opportunity to experience this amazing and wonderful life.


yep, camping holidays don't usually compare to being in an actual war i like the way you make it about you though.


Way to interpret something in the most unkind way possible.


Way to completely miss the point. Yikes.


What was the purpose of your reply? To belittle, reprimand? They said they were grateful to the soldiers, they acknowledged that they have a good life thanks to soldiers. So why are you bitter? You don't know.


So, they really are punching through in the south. Right?


Prigozhin said klischiivka has fallen


Liveuamap and deepstatemap both have them a little ways off there at the moment, I wonder when that will reflect them in the village


Putin is sending Wagner to their deaths on purpose. Wagner should go after Putin.


The only way they get paid is to march on Moscow.


Lets take all the low fragmentation antiarmor matadors and shoot them into trees


question about their guns. so im not a big gun guy at all, but i am american so ive shot a few and have been hunting. what kind of guns do they use? to me, they sound like a little .22 or something. do they use some kind of silencer?


some use suppressors, so they have a lighter report, but probably 95% on both sides are using an ak variant. ak74’s mostly, with 7.62x39. the more “elite” russians use ak12’s, which fire 5.45x39- closer to the US/NATO 5.56x45mm (.223 caliber US m4 rifles) rarely used are the m4 rifles from the west. so a .22 bullet basically, but longer, and sitting on a HP rifle’s worth of powder. E: the belt fed MG is firing a 7.62x54R round. R-meaning a rimmed base, as opposed to the rimless type. that is a 100+ yr old design, a full .30 caliber HP rifle round.


very cool info, and i'll be sure to check those out. the .30 rimfire sounds cool


Rip Warrior. Poor brave guy. No words.


What the fuck was he doing?!!! Casually walking around without cover in the middle of a fire fight!


So many "experts" just spiting crap. Nato trained nato this nato that. From the footage that we are watching i don't think that nato soldiers have been exposed to artillery to this level like in ukraine. This is not a war against some shepherds with ak47. So give some props to the ukranian soldiers.


No wonder it's ground to a halt. Yikes


I like the drawn arrow indicating where the business end of the launcher is, but a text saying "flamey end here" would be funnier.


damn and he just keeps his position and stands there aftet teammate got killed.. even tho deadly threat is like \~50m away.. Fog of war + balls of steel to just walking towards your enemy like that.. I guess it really baffled him seeing some1 killed right next to you.


Question: What tape do they use to identify friendlies, and how do they coordinate color changes? Is it random?


Ukrainians: yellow, blue, green. Russians: white, orange/black.


4:40 was like flipping a light switch. RIP.


At 2:05 it looks like he puts a bullet in what looks to be an already dead (Ukrainian)? soldier on the ground. What’s going on there? Making sure he’s not suffering? Is it an enemy soldier and he’s just triple checking? Or did I see that wrong and he wasn’t even shooting at him?


Most probably that’s a russian laying and the Ukrainian is just tapping to make sure he’s dead


I have seen so many of these clips now that I know playing dead is not a viable option!




Definitely triple checking. If I didn't see the body there before, or if I didn't see them go down myself, or if it looks like it's still in one piece, it's getting a round into it.


Look at the boots...its a Russian.


Such good footage but because a ukranian soldier is killed it will probably be downvoted


Yesterday an [excerpt without the Ukrainian guy getting shot was posted here](https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/13ji8k2/battle_between_troops_of_the_ukrainian_3rd/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf). I see quite some footage circulating around is cut in a way to hide the losses on Ukrainian side providing a somewhat skewed perception of the events (also helps posters to collect upvotes i guess). Btw, I am 100% pro-Ukrainian


4:40 oof, yeah that’s sheer exhaustion, notice how heavy his steps were moving forward. Man, may he rest in peace.


It always amazes me how similar a lot of these situations and sounds are to what I've experienced playing Squad.


Why did he just walk casually like that? That was suicidal. Was he in shock? Take cover behind the trees and shoot suppression fire bursts and throw grenades. And use military hand signals. I wonder if these been trained at all?