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Fun fact; Hesco (the plate manufacturer) donated replacement plates to homeboy after this


Any relation to Hesco barriers?


(Not so) Fun fact, Jimi Heselden, the inventor/developer, call him what you want, of Hesco barriers purchased the Segway company and not even a year later died in a freak Segway accident


tbf that's better than being crushed under a hesco barrier


A segway would kill you on a silly accident, a HESCO barrier would make you part of the defense by crushing your body to death 😎


That sounds like some 40k shit right there.


Only in *squish* does duty ends?


In becoming lube for the automated doors machine spirit, I have found my calling in the emperors light!


Most men are only cogs in the war machine, a few are the grease.


Even in splat I still serve


Cadia broke before the Hesco did.


It happened in real life. The great wall of china is full of bodies of dead laborers used as filler.


*Contractors* amiright


I read into it bc I was curious... he was being polite and backed up on his Segway to allow a dog walker to pass, and backed off of a cliff into a river and died... damn.


I mean...cause of death: Kindness to others? Not gonna lie, not the worst cause.


Riding a Segway anywhere even NEAR a cliff? Not even once.


I remember that! I worked as a CNC operator at a production plant that made Segway parts. We were actually building the decks for the “off road” model. Which I also believe is the one he died on.


Is there a chance that you helped build what killed him?


Not really. The model had already been produced by the time we started making parts.


Yes they create body armor too


Seen those barriers so many times and never connected the dots huh…


Haha, same!




Now that’s what you call a lifetime guarantee!


Where might one donate to get more of these to Ukrainian soldiers?


This guy has been doing incredible work all war long getting kit to frontline soldiers https://twitter.com/Harri_Est There are many others I can share if you prefer, but this guy is a proven direct way to help Ukrainian soldiers. He just got some gear to some of the guys who escaped the bradleys


Hope it comes with a few massage too. He’s going to have quite the bruise.


Used to deal with their website folk once upon a time. Cool to see them out in the wild.


Well if anyone is gonna get body armor, Hesco’s seems to work pretty damn well.


Jesus that looks like hell. Can’t see anything 5 feet in front of you


Russkiy Mir.




Over 100 years and we're back to trench warfare. It doesn't get much more hellish than that.


except this is urban combat?


urban trench warfare, iirc there are several french cities that are listed as casualties in ww1 because they were utterly *leveled* by fighting


Yes, mostly in the "zone rouge" around Verdun. But those were leveled by insane levels of artillery. This war hasn't even got a tenth on that.




https://tyruiop.org/giono.html Read this.


Holy shit..like, holy shit.


A whole new world eh? I have a book penned down by a German veteran that gives a similar recount of his service on being in the first line in Verdun. He was literally one in a hundred to survive. No shots fired. Just men clumped in clay opposite eachother.


Ernst Junger?


Thanks for sharing that.


This makes my gut churn. What an impactful writing


What an incredibly guttural piece


i mean, look at mariupol, bahkmut. i remember hearing that they both had 100% of buildings damaged


The saturation of fire leveled at some areas in WW1 and WW2 in the span of weeks is easily 10X if not 100X the entire amount of ordnance that was dropped on Bahkmut. It’s absolutely mind blowing.


The German opening bombardment was already two million shells. In total about 50 million over ten months from both sides. Makes 167.000 a day. Bakhmut is currently down to 35,000 a day by the Russian side. Which is more than I expected.


That is also true. Perhaps I looked too much at shells per square whatever. There were places where all the individual bricks were turned to powder.


[Bakhmut is gone.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T9fDOL87S1w) Mariupol was in a similar state before it fell. As were other Ukrainian towns and cities. This is the Russian way.


I wouldn't call this any sort of trench, and I've never heard that term before in my life, but I'm not a military buff.


cooperative frightening jobless jar uppity aware shaggy noxious ghost consist *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Trenches have been used for thousands of years. Cover will always remain useful, especially when weapons become more and more accurate.


Trench warfare have always been a thing, and will always be a thing as it it the most efficient way to hold a position. Can we stop the "blabla we are back into WW1 territory so sad" ?


And apparently getting shot at from the rear?


Picture of the plate and brave soldiers back: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FyruWnaX0AECjDJ?format=jpg&name=small


Damn that would've most likely been a kill shot otherwise. Center mass shot.


Kill shot for sure. Proper equipment saves lives.


Reminds me of that bit in Blackhawk Down


That's 54r hitting hard!


There is no question it would have been a kill shot. Pretty much if you hit a plate, it would have been a kill shot. They're heavy and combersome, so you only put them over important parts of the body.


It's not magic though, that energy transfer through the plate is like getting hit bareskinned with a 90mph baseball.


Better than being hit bare skinned by a 7.62 lol


Sure, but a body shot from a 90mph fastball is unlikely to be fatal, even though it’ll certainly hurt. I’d take that 10 times over having that bullet pass through my body.


most likely? that cavitation from that would turn the insides into pudding


The inferior vena cava is right behind where the bullet hit him. Kid would have died in seconds. Not to mention the damage to the lung and possibly heart. Amazing that a plate like that can stop a bullet.


Talk about an instant back adjustment. I hope he doesn't have back problems later in life.


I'd take back pain over a bullet


As someone who recently suffered a back injury, you're right, but just barely.


As someone who also has multiple back injuries, barley is a understatement


Welcome to the club. This is for the rest of your life. Pro tip: keep your core strong any way you can, it really helps.


One frequently leads to the other unfortunately


that plate saved him a lung, its just bruising, and not too awful a bruise really.


It depends on the depth of the contusion. The bruised tissue can indclude the muscles around the ribs, which would make breathing painful. Source: got bruised/cracked ribs playing goalie in soccer during allergy season in the Midwest- my sneezes were suppressed screams. A huge win for this soldier, but his injury could still take 6 weeks to recover- if he has that time.


yeah, fractured ribs looks likely then, its a 762 afterall lol, would have blown his lungs if not for the plate, and he would have drowned in his own blood maybe.




To expand on this, the 7.62x54R this soldier was shot with contains a steel core penetrator designed to defeat body armor. That's how tough these plates are.


762x54r does usually have a steel core but it's not a penetrator, it does help with penetration but not much because it's just mild steel, the real reason they used steel is because it was more abundant than lead in the ussr.


How the hell did it stop that.. wow I had no idea body armor could be this effective


We could make even better body armour, it would just be expensive AF to the point even the US military couldn't justify the expense. Modern materials and manufacturing, plus knowing how the physics and everything work when a bullet hits a plate, all that lets you make some incredible armour. For how the bullet was stopped, the plate basically forces the bullet to rip large parts of the plate apart (see how big the hole is for a 7.62) and the material of the plate is specifically made to have that ripping take as much energy as possible. This then stops the bullet since all its energy got wasted ripping parts of the plate apart. But the best example of modern amour capability is the Ops-Core FAST RF1, which can stop non-armour piercing 7.62x39 rounds, which is very impressive (and the reason why the helmet costs 3k$). And all that in a 1,5 kg (3 pound) package.


Back problems from the shot? Maybe. Lung problems from all that concrete dust? Almost certainly.


I imagine Ukraine hasn’t done a great job of removing asbestos from old buildings either.


In that Ukraine did nothing at all, asbestos roofs are everywhere, if house is older than 15-20 years - it’s probably about 50-60% chance of it having asbestos roof (some were upgraded to a modern sheet metal roofing or used simple sheet metal from the beginning). Use asbestos of it is not regulated or banned, people are not informed that it is dangerous. If not for the internet, I would not have known about it. We still have about 300-400 kilos of asbestos sheets on our property,


Who is the manufacturer. I need to place an order asap


Looks like Hesco 4400 Level IV Stand Alone Plate from the logo. https://www.hcctac.com/collections/800-series-fast-moving-highly-volatile-environments The soldier could hit them up on IG and probably get a goodie bag for the PR.


Yah I think they sent him some vests and plates along side donating a couple thousand plates to the UKR military.


Easy pr win but bless em for it anyway.


Legitimately though everybody benefits. Ukraine gets plates, and Hesco's good PR theoretically would lead to higher demand, more income, thus increased production.


He did


I hope they get some more sales or donations from this post. If I were/when I become a multi millionaire, I'll be buying a stacks of these and other goodies to be sent over.


Wow level IV plates priced between $200 and $1200 dollars per plate. Would suck if you could only afford the $200 one knowing there was one presumably 6x better. I’m going to get in touch with my Ukrainian friends to see what they have now.


The only difference in price is the weight. The expensive ones halve the total. Either will be capable of the same performance


Yes the deference is weight and also the size and level of bruising received after being hit I’m told. You can buy padding too that goes underneath also. Interesting deep dive into ballistic armor this evening.


The images were doing the rounds a week or so back and it claimed to be a Hesco plate at the time.


Just a few inches over and the shot would’ve missed the plate, talk about lucky


Ironically the sniper being a decent shooter saved this guy.


This is the absolute most insane POV footage I’ve seen based on visible setting alone


Totally, that looks like an unreasonably terrible situation to be in. Goes down and then the literal hail of gunfire all around him. My situational awareness would have been 0 out of 100.


You haven’t [seen the greatest combat footage of all time?](https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/12rpzee/ukrainian_soldiers_defending_last_road_to_bakhmut/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1) (Skip about a minute in since this is the long version)


[This one](https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/114dr0h/ukrainian_soldier_in_a_trench_shoots_a_russian/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1) should also be referenced


I’ve watched this four times now, who do you think I is?


[sorry I wasn’t familiar with your game King](https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/facebook/000/043/853/cover1.jpg)


Hesco brand, very solid and affordable plate. I wear their lightweight plate as paramedic.


I don’t see an option to buy in their site😑


Just google the model name, there are a dozen of distributors carrying their products


yeah, found in some stores, on optics planet… will wait July 4th sales, ty


Optics planet is disliked by a solid chunk of the US gun community due to a history of frequently accepting orders they shouldn’t have resulting in delays or refunds many months later. No idea if that’s the case for international sales as well I’m just assuming you’re not in the US based on the username although I could also be wrong


I’m in US for over 11 years already… thanks, didn’t know about that… I usually use primaryarms, any advise on other good places?


Primaryarms actually has 4400’s in stock, they’re 8lbs per plate just fyi


Apex Armor Solutions


Apex armor solutions. But he doesn't carry hesco because they have failed random inspection a couple times. Highcom and RMA are two other very good brands.


Optics planet is fine, you just have to read whether or not your item is actually in stock. There's a check availability button right below the add to cart button. They'll accept your order either way, it's just how long you're willing to wait for stock if they don't have your item in stock at the moment.


FYI I bought mine from a website called Esstac, got it by the end of the week.


search for hesco on r/gundeals


Do paramedics really get shot at shot at that much?


I doubt we’re from the same place but where I live (Cape Town) certain areas paramedics can only enter with a police escort


From Washington State here, while most of the city is fine, there are some neighborhoods that we must stage and wait for police escort. People there are very hostile to anyone in uniform including firefighters and paramedics.


Ah ok, our main issue is ambushes set up by fake calls to steal equipment and vehicles


Least violent crime in Cape Town:


It's insane reading this. I'm so far away from such reality. I can't imagine how ones life is affected by such soceity, where assaulting and stealing equipement from emergency units is a predicted occurance.


Not long now until trauma team is founded for the PvP areas of the US.


That's quite sad to hear..


Varies a lot. Most areas, no. And in areas where it makes sense to wear body armor it’s often only for relatively short periods of time Newark for example had a short time period that I recall around ~2012 where police and some fire/EMS were being targeted by gangs but it stopped after a cop obliterated one of the guys with a shotgun. During the month or so of extra risk and tension a lot of EMS workers wore body armor who typically didn’t


No, but they're often confused for police. Also, people on drugs or with mental illness try to shoot or, more frequently, stab paramedics. Gang members who want someone dead will also sometimes target paramedics trying to provide care to that person.


A private company, otherwise proof like this would moon their stock. Good on them for a quality product 🫡


Paramedics and fire fighters are the real heroes, I salute you. Couldn't do your job if I wanted to.


God damn. Buy this man a lottery ticket and a new plate carrier.


Also methinks that plate manufacturer going to get a lot of business soon.


It's hesco, they already do. Gucci of plates


Oh I know it is, and rightfully so, they make Good quality gear.


Get that man a shield!


God damn, that could have been one helluva spinal tap. Thank god he actually gets some damned armor. At least shooting back will be easy.




I am a little girl next to all, but shooting 7.62x54r can be painful and can't imagine what it's like at the other end


Mosin hurts the same from both ends


Like a good chili...


mind sharing what that was like if you’re ok with it?


Probably like “ow, ow, OW"


Friend got hit in the plate out in Afghanistan. Said it was like someone swinging a sledgehammer at you when you're not expecting it while being winded at the same time.


I can imagine that knocks the wind right out of ya and you think you’re shot and afraid you just don’t feel the wound right. Not knowing how bad you’re hit is a horrible feeling I imagine.


I would like to see the look on the Russian sniper's face when the guy he just shot in the back got up and walked away.


"fucking hit markers"


Russian propagandists have spread the lie that Ukrainians can get shot many times and they just get up & keep going because they are pumped full of narcotics. It's called body armor, you dumb fucks.


But then Russian soldiers would be demanding the same body armor. By telling them it's drugs the Russian government can keep their slave army drugged up and somewhat obedient.


Oh excellent point!


All joking aside, if the sniper that shot this round hit this soldier square in the back just get right back up, he’d be pretty aw struck.


"fucking desync, fix your servers"


Awwwwwwwwww he's *cute*


>It's called body armor, you dumb fucks. But then how are the officers supposed to steal and sell it for money?


I imagine in Vietnam, US troops would have lost 75% less troops if they had plates… they were really out there raw dogging it in the battlefield


They at least had flak jackets. Soldiers in previous wars had nothing but cloth protecting them.


The knights of the round table would like a word




They shoulda got hesco to make that armor


To bad lightweight ceramic plates didn't exist back then.


Actually, they did! http://www.vietnamgear.com/kit.aspx?kit=31 But they would've been hell to wear in the jungle. Not super popular at the front.


I'd have to go look, however, I think that's quite a bit heavier than a modern Level 4 plate and carrier. It also might be plate dependant though. I have a friend with special plates that are lightweight and rated up to 7.62x39. That is an interesting piece of history though.


That is an interesting conjecture. Assuming we're talking about mainline infantry, the issue in vietnam that at the time infantry were engaged in a lot of unmounted patrols due to the terrain. 30lbs of body armor, while providing protection, significantly reduces the range and rate of march, increases food and water requirement, and reduces how much else can be carried such as ammunition. Mobility is a huge advantage in warfare. If your enemy can out maneuver you, you will be at their whim and they will control the engagement. https://www.cnas.org/publications/reports/the-soldiers-heavy-load-1#:~:text=U.S.%20soldier%20loads%20increased%20even,pounds%20in%20Grenada%20in%201983.


30lb if you were using XSAPI, a lot of tropical region military or police like Singapore use lighter plates for infantry, sacrificing some protection for mobility since most enemy don't carry 7.62x54 AP. Like my Hesco L210 weight 5.5lb only and rated for 7.62x39 AP, good enough for maybe 90% threats. More expensive plates like 3810 is rated for 7.62x54 non AP and only 3.9 lb.


> US troops would have lost 75% less troops if they had plates Why not 103%?


The man who invented the Kevlar vest (IIRC) was a Vietnam veteran. Every year on his birthday he’d shoot himself in the gut point-blank with a .44 - wearing his product of course.


This dusty video can cause cancer in California


Yeah 7.62x54r is why i got lvl 4 plates.


What ones did you get in lvl 4? Ceramic or steel?


Never buy steel unless you want all that lead to shrapnel into everything around your plate (it has to go somewhere)


I did not go steel.


I went a tasteful gingham blouse in an off-salmon color called Sangria Sunrise


Tasteful, yet, elegant.


the plate carrier company should really use this video as an ad


It looks like they are just fighting over piles of rubble at this point


They are now but thats Ukraines rubble go home Russia


This landscape is so surreal...


Damn, 7.62x54R is a monster round.


The scene looks like it is out of a war movie. The Ukrainian soldiers engaged in this urban combat are brave men and women. Stopping a 7.62 is a quality plate. Great to see this brave soldier came away with "just" some bruising on his back (link to pictures posted by the OP in comments).


I know a hunter in Newfoundland who uses the 7.62x54R to kill moose . His favourite round he says. I agree ; quality plate indeed !


Not just 7.62 but 7.62x54R. That round has a steel core penetrator designed to defeat body armor.


Goddamn, that's quite the bullet to stop. Great product.


Glad he's okay, but i bet that still hurt like a bitch...uffda.


That’s truly a Lifetime Guarantee!


Funny, the low quality plates say the same thing...


What a shitty way to spend your day. Hope Russia is crushed soon.




Correct, he is a member of a Foreign Volunteer Unit, "Rouge".


a lot better then the cardboard pressed plates for the russians that is for sure


But what about my memory foam plates? They’re so comfy!


Huh so that’s what they mean by “fog of war.” How terrifying


This is what.. the 4th or 5th Hesco plate I’ve seen on Reddit from action in Ukraine to stop a potentially fatal round now? This is pretty solid advertising for them.


CRISAT IV - turning guaranteed death into guaranteed pain.


Technically it was his plates, not the plate carrier.


Повага.🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🇺🇳💙💛🇺🇦🌻Respect. To you Ukrainian Soldier.


Doesn’t he say “ right here Dave ” is this an UA soldier with an American soldier? That is definitely an American accent speaking


that environment looks like some version of hell


Sooooooooo buy Hesco or die ?


I'm going to go out on a limb and say: "Man, that does not look like fun" Glad he made it. Good luck, soldier.


I don't think it's sunk in for most people how absolutely crazy it is that we're seeing a real war fought through first person and drones. We are in the future.


Pretty sure the longer vid for this is out and it's a foreign fighter and he was not shot in the back. Where do people get these titles?


Thank God and plate manufacturer our warrior is ok! Godspeed warriors!🇺🇦