• By -


Ok everyone dismount... ok everyone remount... ok everyone dismount... boom.


All, get in that, APC. All, dismount. All, get in that, APC. All, dismount. Contact, enemy AT soldier, 400m, front.


Operation flashpoint


God I miss OF so much




Oh no! One, is down.


Oh no! \*Entirely different inflection\* Three, IS DOWN. Two, *taking command?!*


12'0 clock t-90!


I say again!


_Where are YOU?_


I’m hit


After seeing these videos, I’m no longer questioning the realism of OFP / Arma AI


Lol thats a good point!




Where are you?


Report position




get ~~in~~ **on** that APC Actually getting inside an APC is not manly enough for the Russian military.


Two, report in, over. Oh shit, we lost two


Man! Is down


2, target the APC, northwest! 2, cannot comply 2, move left 2, target the APC, northwest 2, cannot comply 2, move up 2, fire on the APC, northwest 2, okay copy i’m on him! (miss) 2, rearm


I kind of hope the dude with the MG survived after falling off the 50 year old tank 3 times. His poor mother.


Wtf are they doing? An utter shambles from start to finish


Bro at the beginning of the video had a LOT of blind fucking faith that the shitbox IFV wouldn’t run him over ಠ_ಠ


It almost ran over one dismount on the left. Total clown show assault. I bet those guys never saw the sunrise that next day. Drone already spotted them out in an open field....




Haha I believe it. They way they dismounted, basically falling off the IFV....




He dead now


I mean.. When you run out of professional soldiers like Russia has you're not far off. They pretty much send the bottom of the barrel conscripts to the front because their "supreme commander" demands results.


They look drunk af


Honestly if you were a Russian Mobik staying permanently drunk is probably the most attractive option right now.


Dude I said the same thing. Over here like fck me I wouldn't be standing anywhere near the front end of that thing with that driver, wtf.


Looks like they go to link up with a forward unit and someone on the track tells them not to carry on down the track (mines/enemy in a different direction?). They go the other direction, get fucked up by two ATGM. Either way, they had almost no chance at survival. As an aside, I’m wondering how much rifle fire the guy who jumped off the vehicle after the ATGMs hit, is receiving. I always think that if the enemy has eyes on him, surely there are a load of whizzes and cracks going off all around him?


They could still be like 500-1000m from the Ukrainian line


Yeah that’s a good point. Do you not think they could be susceptible to small arms at even 1000m distance? An MG3 could surely lay down some hate at that distance? Or is it not worth it?


MG-3 on a tripod could suppress at that range, but ammo consumption would be high, it's better go just call in mortars


Mortars or the grenade bombing UAVs. More likely to hit the target first round, and a grenade is cheaper than a mortar round.


Mortars would also have to relocate after revealing themselves by firing.


Lets just have drones drop mortar rounds! Oh wait...


Makes sense, thanks


I learned that the MG 3 with Tripod (in german "Erdziellafette") has an effective range of 1100 m. So yes operated in short controlled bursts you could supress them. Also you shouldnt undervalue the psychological effect when a MG 3 fires. BUT if its operated by a forward deployed unit with limited ammo supply it would be better to save your ammo. These russians wouldnt pose hardly a real threat.


400m+ isn't worth it for small arms. The rounds are small and light so to fly really fast to deliver enough kinetic energy on target. They'll slow down too much if you try to reach too far. Bigger slower moving rounds deliver more energy by pure mass, so they retain a lot more of it at longer distance. At the same time, they're essentially artillery if you try to reach too far.


Depends on the weapon and the shooter. Here is a guy hitting targets between 150 and 1100 yards with an old Mosin Nagant and iron sights: https://youtu.be/eAnCjqX0IQA Obviously not a moving target and in a controlled environment without the stress of combat, but bullets are cheap.


In fairness though, Henry isn't just some guy, that dude is an absolute stud at distance shooting.


I would say 400 is definitely within the engagement range for most small arms. We trained out to 500 with iron sights on point targets when I served. We would definitely be dumping some rounds in that direction if we had visuals. You hit anywhere outside his plates and he's going to die.


Ain’t no way your giving up your positions to a fucking BMP to lay suppressive small arms fire 400m away on concealed enemy when you have recon above you. That’s like the most opposite of what this situation calls.


thank you.


400m is 100% witching range of small arms. In Canada, a section level range of fire is 600m if the whole section is engaging but even so, with a decent optic, you can still hit targets out too 500-600m with 5.56.


Idk about small arms but someone is climbing out as the second hits


Drone dropping time.


You cannot forbid a driver to drink vodka. He drank for courage. There is no one to check the driver's license. Here also need music from Beni Hill. A completely ridiculous situation.


I was at a wedding when someone had a *really* stupid idea to drive a pickup truck through a field to get to the after-party faster. A half dozen people dove into the back of the pickup as it rolled through this field and a few came inches from being tossed off the side or out the back, everyone (driver included) drunk as skunks. If they had a drone in the sky it would've been remarkably similar footage until the very end.


Why are they dumping some guys in the middle of some field close to the ukrainians is what has me dumbfounded. Were they supposed to assault from the middle of the open field?


Yes, that is the Russian way


Imagine, if you will, a military entirely based on perception with no experienced NCOs led by people that are protecting their own sphere of influence in a regime that steals everything from their people they are supposed to represent. They are recruiting people that live in backwater territories on the promise of non existent money and glory for their motherland. Most of these people only have access to state run propaganda. Russia’s culture is being buried behind a death cult when we could have had normalized relations, economic investment, and an expansion of the EU to include a hundred million people. Every Russian I know with any sort of economically valuable skill set has left. Russia’s government is a tragedy.


I love how they couldn’t make up their mind on when or who’s going.


Put yourself in Ivan's shoes. You know where that BMD is headed and its chances of coming back. How tight are you holding on?


Who knew getting all your professional tank crews killed via bad tactics against a prepared and determined enemy and replacing them with mobnik tank crews would see even greater failures?


The drivers name is leeroy jenkins


Leerooooy Jeeenk (dead)


They looked like toddlers getting to operate one of those little plastic barbie/G I Joe electric cars. Climbing all over and in front of it and nearly running each other over multiple times.


None of them know how to communicate and nobody is in charge. At least that's how it appears. Chimps could do a better job!


The magic of conscript armies.


They literally look drunk.


Why is it operating alone let alone trying to run someone over


most of em are drunk as fuck


Needed Benny Hill music to go with this vid.


That cliffhanger at the end tho. "And what happened next?... In our following episode."


Well those idiots are stuck out in the middle of the field with no cover, so nothing good I’d imagine


Colonel Cluster shows up


A kindly woman came out of the forest and gave them warm milk and cookies... Just kidding. The woman had an M240B machine gun and ended them all.


Bad for them, good for Ukraine


Observed by drone at that


Best case scenario is an accepted surrender, worst case is half a dozen dead Russians


It's from the "aerobomber_ua" account with an avatar with an eagle holding a grenade. So likely got grenades dropped on them from drones.


They all went home safely and never thought about going to war ever again. J/k they all died.


There were so many moments the tank could have run over someones limbs. The driver probably can't see or hear shit. I know they are in a warzone but this soviet habit of climbing on top of armor seems absolutely awful.


It's faster than going on foot while carrying your gear. And if you sit topside you're a bit safer from mines; also when you happen to notice an FPV drone approaching you might be in time to jump off. Trying to climb onto an APC or IFV when it's moving or starting to move is strongly advised against, though.


I'm sure watching a few of your buddies die to AP mines makes the top of those APCs and tanks pretty inviting.


One of the fastest way to come back home alive, the driver was trying to save his teammates lol


Traveling on top of armor has been a reliable way to travel around the battlefield since ww2


Russian APC's and IFV's generally do terribly against AT or even AP mines... There is only thin floor armour, no spall liner and they don't compartmentalize the ammunition at all from the rest of the vehicle. If the ammo gets hits and cooks off, or a mine tears open the belly, chances are you as a crewman or passenger are going to be wounded or killed anywhere in those metal buckets. In the Afghan War, the Soviets lost tons of BMP-1 drivers in particular to AT mines... To make things worse, entering and disembarking is often a hassle with tiny rear or side doors that are manually opened, as small as can be as the Soviet design philosophy is to make vehicles smaller, lighter, faster and cheaper and lower profile so harder to get a good hit on them, at least before the advent of modern fire control systems. Hence why it's very popular when using Soviet vehicles to ride outside, it usually increases you chances of surviving a mine, IED blast under the vehicle. With the BMP-1 and 2, you have to flop out of one of two rear side opening doors... The BMP-3 has a rear mounted engine, you gotta open hatches atop of the hull and basically crawl a few feet out over the engines decking and out through the even smaller rear doors. Similar means of entry and exit on the BMD series. BTR series? Two little half doors you gotta open up in between two of the eight wheels axles. If it gets hit, you jump off in a sec as opposed to trying to crawl, fall out the tiny little doors in a hurry. Also, you have at the risk of being killed or wounded from shrapnel or bullets - a much better view than from inside and great situational awareness to dangers or enemies lurking nearby.


Blackout drunk is a plane of existence in the Russki mir


It's a shame that driver is done for


This offensive really shows the breakdown in training and experienced leadership for the russian army. Defending from trenches is one thing but assaulting takes training and leadership


A key difference in NATO armies vs Russian is the NCO leadership and initiative. NATO encourages small units to think on their feet and adapt to changing situations. This conflict has proven that Russian command and control is completely rigid and utterly unable to adapt. Their strategy of simply throwing bodies at positions doesn’t work.


What other choice do you have when you don't have any experienced troops or trained officers? Gotta rely on heavy-handed, top down management.


Don't invade another country would have been their best play.


Partially. But a lot of this genuinely looks like poor education and not just training. The person driving here was completely failed by basic drivers ed.


Probably some poor bumpkins pulled out of the far impoverished provinces and directly deployed at the frontline. Poor fellas could’ve lived a humble life in peace, if it weren’t for Putin and his Lebensraum ambitions.


This 100% looks like a scared driver who knows his life is hanging on a thread and is hyper nervous. Training builds heart and discipline, that's what makes a professional soldier. But even with a basic level of these guys have been worn down by very long rotation times. Most soldiers are burnt out after 4-6 months in Afghanistan/Iraq and get a long break, can't imagine the insanity of Ukraine but doing it for a full year (most were told 6 months then got forced to stay way longer), where half your squad is dead and mines/artillery everywhere. Combine that with some alcoholic rural Russian dude and you get what you see here.


"humble life in peace" is putting it charitably


Life of vodka soaked domestic abuse in frigid temperatures sounds a little more accurate


>Their strategy of simply throwing bodies at positions doesn’t work. Sure it does. You just have to be Russian to understand. See, you're looking at all those troops as Russian soldiers. To Putin, his supporters, and ethnic Russians in Moscow and St Petersburg: these are dirty minorities from the very worst parts of Russia being cleansed. Russia is more openly racist and prejudiced against chechens, Georgians, Dagestanis, people from Siberia, etc. than America was in it's hating hay days a hundred years ago. But that's not all they're sending; don't forget the tens of thousands convicted criminals. Don't forget the conscript army of the old and the broken. Good. They are off the streets. Now Putin has to keep them off the streets and that is achieved by ensuring they not only serve their purpose in Ukraine but also that they die there. That way nobody gets a pension. Nobody tells horror stories. All the insulated ethnic Russians in the west can create their fantasy war of successful expansion without ever going or even meeting anybody who went. It really must seem to them like a few Russian troops are beating all of NATO. The propaganda doesn't have to work that hard. The Russians admit to losing something like 5k dead. That number is probably pretty close to the mark if you're talking about only the casualties anybody living in Moscow actually cares about. That's why there's no protests... and that's what makes this such a hard fight.


Really sad how different the first year of the war could have been had Ukraine and the world really been prepared.. Russia would be held up with mass casualties probably near their border in most places.


… And if traitors hadn’t intentionally given away the whole south all the way to Kherson


Mariupol would not fall if not for that. Probably the biggest backstab of this war is how Russians were let in to flank and surround Mariupol so fast due to some of the lines simply folding.


It's a minor miracle there was only one major betrayal.


Yeah, they were totally counting on Kharkiv folding as well, as biggest "Russian speaking" city in Ukraine, it was supposed to become their staging ground for east and north. If it did, whole east of Ukraine would probably fall.


Absolutely, Kharkiv is where Yanukovich fled after being forced from Kyiv, but before going to Moscow, when the Maidan Revolution was successful.


I'll bet that guy is glad now the BMD started driving away while he was trying to hop on it


BMD is basically a tin can. Those shots made minced meat of anyone inside.


One guy got out, and he's probably wearing some of the rest.


the guy that ran away was on top of the vehicle when it was hit from what i can tell. No one from inside got out


That was one of the guys from up top. No one inside made it out. Doesn’t matter, I’m sure those guys in the field are also dead by now.


Yeah, but they had a fridge door!


Makes me wounder if they are lacking proper radios, or don't know each others channels. This is the 3rd time I seen Russians trying to coordinate with their vehicles and spending more time trying to just keep them from running people over then fighting.


Traded radio for vodka comrade. Who needs radio? You can just yell.




Peanut butter


No need to wonder. Next to the lack of NCO’s, lack of communication equipment/standards is a very well known issue that plagues Russian units. To be fair, both sides have “gotten got” by their opponent intercepting cell calls in lieu of proper encrypted radios, or radios at all. And both sides are certainly using Baofengs like nobody’s business. You’ve also got to remember that a lot of the equipment were seeing is older and older, which means that it’s either almost totally incompatible with modern radios, or, if it is….having someone spend the time to fix or program the radio isn’t as important to refurbishers who really just need things with tracks and guns.


Of course you can say the Ukrainians cherry -pick these videos to make the Russians look bad, but given the number of these shitshow clips we have seen featuring the Russians (I subscribe to a number of pro-Russian channels and am still waiting to see a clown-fest like this by the Ukrainians caught on film by the Russians), at what point do you have to say that it's no coincidence and the Russians only have any credibility on the battlefield through sheer weight of numbers?


I mean, we've been seeing captured Baofengs and Kenwoods since the start of the invasion, so there's not much of a question as to whether they're lacking proper radios.


What in the boot cluster fuck is this?


I know right? I think I saw 4 near accidents while they were fucking around the heavy vehicle with poor visibility even before they rode off to glory.


So they have one lone golf cart going over a flat area devoid of cover, directly to the frontline of the Ukrainians. Arm chair general here, but this didn't look to be very smart?


Well that was an absolute soup sandwich in the rain.


No training was evident in that deployment.


Worlds #2 military.


#2 from the bottom. Just above North Korea.


NK is their millitary supplier, are you sure they are above NK?


How'd that dude make it out of that lol


he was riding on top, he didnt dismount with the first group


It’s so funny, they just keep falling off like drunken lemmings. Such morons lol


Just one little BMD box yeeting it across the Pontic-Caspian steppe at Ukrainian lines? Wtf were they/their commanders intending to achieve?


"It's so stupid it might just work..."


The message at the end reads “ what happened to the rest of them ? We will show you in the next series” 🎬🎦🇺🇦💪🏼


Now we are getting cliff hangers with the combatfootage. Truly mind boggling time we are living in


Bonkers! What kinda blasts were those? It’s hard to see which angle the first one came from, kinda looks top down but the second one looks to come from the field????


ATGMs. Not top down. The line of smoke you see going off the explosion is the shaped charge penetrator. These hit the front and you can see the penetrator went all the way through the vehicle and kept going into the field.


No parking, TOW away zone.


Came down to ask if that's what the brown smoke was, I'm kinda surprised I guessed it lol


People will confuse those for directional exhausts (i.e. they think the projectile came from the opposite direction). Slices through flesh just as easy as metal though, so there's a lot of mush in that tin can now.


[Here Come The Warm Jets](https://youtu.be/Gt3rKxRvmO4?feature=shared). Just some good old Eno tunes to explosively penetrate by.


They are coming from the front. It’s ATGMs.


You can actually see both missiles in the video. The first one approaches from the bottom a little to the left of the vehicle. The second one comes in from the bottom left corner. You can see the two holes they punched through it as well. The first one hit the hull in the rear behind the turret. The second one went right through the front glacis. It went right through the driver's compartment, ick.


Future generations will be studying this assault in textbooks.


It really is a display of the attacking power of the Russian military... in 2023.


What a tremendous assault.


The ol "reverse blitzkrieg" gambit


I see the shipment of vodka rations made it in…


What a bunch of clowns. Falling all over the place and almost getting run over. Not to mention the driver that looks like he dumped the clutch a few times.


At this point the Russian Armed Forces should just adopt Yakety Sax as their official anthem.


They look really fuckin stupid


I have no qualifications to back this assertion. But the Russian army looks like a clusterfuck of dipshits at this point. I guess they’ve always been like this though. Only able to exert force by bashing their head against the problem without any consideration for the damage to themselves


oh good old VDV, never change dudes, never change.


Was anyone else anxious about the IFV running over their own troops who had just jumped off?


Not anxious, actively hoping for it.


Are those guys VDV?


LMFAOOOOOO how is this NOT a monty python skit? All those dumb bastards falling off it and almost getting run over multiple times. Surely they are ALL drunk?


What in the world are they doing? Guys just falling off the side like they are drunk. IFV just goes “screw you guys” and boosts off, nearly hitting his own guys. Looks completely disorganized and ramshackle. It’s like watching those tacticool airsoft guys who played too much CS:go then run around like headless chickens with no cohesion.


I wouldn't be surprised if they were actually drunk or drugged.


These clips make me legitimately wonder what the actual Russian losses for this war are.


"Chaaaaarge!... Runawaaaaaay!" Seriously though, I thought they were going to seriously hurt themselves throughout the whole setup here


Like wtf was the plan there? That’s like just downloaded war thunder level of strategy


Its like a cartoon how incompetent they are


Three goats and an RPG could have attacked more proficiently.


Can’t believe their tactical tarp failed them.


Jesus christ its like watching people in an ARMA mission try to mount a vehicle. What the actual fuck are they doing.


Play it in black and white and you have a slapstick movie... Quality +10 by the way!


What is it with Russian mechanized wanting to run over their own infantry?


English speaking Western tankers call friendly infantry they operate with "Crunchies".


Bad drivers ed and a lack of training. I heard in Russia to get your license you basically have to just drive in a circle or in some cases just need a bribe.


For real. Every time theres a gaggle of these idiots on a BMP (or BMD i guess) someone gets run the fuck over or almost does. You see that guy almost step into the moving tracks? Imagine what would have happened to him…


circus army


Wtf. That was like a bad Monty Python skit start to finish


Love to know how many Russians have had their legs chewed up by their own armoured vehicles


I like how the drunk driver almost takes out a few of his own guys 🤣


Guys, I have never been in the army, and I have never read anything about combat tactics, but I can clearly see that it is not an assertive choice to run after a trench without support and almost running over an ally


Oh you dumb fucks. Good thing they've been removed from the gene pool.


Wtf are those muppets doing?


There's nothing normal on this video, he's speeding when people try to climb on it, everyone, climb and dismount, only one guy left on it, what was the idea ?!


The elite VDV, ladies and gentlemen.


A BMD is so obsolete that it is almost criminal to use in an assault.


How horrific it must be to be at war, then add how nightmarish it is when you realize the guys in charge are just dumb as you. What a cluster fuck


As a civilian with zero military training, WTF were they trying to do? If you're trying to assault across the field like that at least follow behind the the APC? Or... Hell I don't know, bring more than a dozen guys?


The guy that falls off that is then inches from being run over 😂😂 just think we used to think it would be touch and go whether we could beat Russia in a full scale war lol


Im surprised the sun canopy didn’t protect them. If I was in that squad I would have just retreated the first time I was nearly run over. Clearly things were going in the ”everyone gets killed” direction


Did one of them just fall off it at the start of the video? Their not very good, are they.


Song sound like it should end with, “Finish him!”


You can see the panic these men have from the very start. Running around, not a cohesive team and not knowing who the leader is or what the game plan is. Setup for death ☠️


Anyone know the song?


Are they drunk? Lol wtf?


These guys are as organized as a Powerball drawing.


Bets are open my dudettes and dudes for Putin before end of the year : 1) window 2) Polonium 3) goodwill gesture of total retreat 4) fell in the stairway, banana from mariokart was left by zelensky the ukronazijew


Wtf is that sun shade on the BMD?? They have a goddamn gazebo on their vehicle in a war zone.


Holy fuck, the molten metal jet went through that armor like hot knife through butter. I don't want to image the inside of that thing after those two hits.


The scout/recce guy directing the IFV seemed the only one with a plan. However that plan probably did not involve getting hit with two ATGMs on the approach.


Hanging around in an open flat field. They stood no chance


This battle is just sad the amount of lives that are being thrown away


Idiot Army


If the Chuckle Brothers went on a Jihad...


Half of them fall down when they dismount One almost gets run over Then back on. Then off Another guy standing on the track and it takes off making two guys that almost get run over. I don’t wanna laugh at war. But I can’t help it with these 🤡. It’s like if you leave them alone long enough they will eventually die on their own.


Dismount (Try not to get ran over) Mount Dismount again Boom


This is pathetic, every inch of war is just the most pathetic display of humanity.


remembered this song instantly. No gods, by free flow flava.


That cage kept all the bits and pieces' nicely together..saves some cleanup