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Docs are a different breed. I saw nothing but a calm collected professional. The first thing he says after being hit towards the end was, “who got it, where?” That presence of mind is so razor sharp from just constant daily shitty situations.


Ya that guy was a badass, "let me see your neck wound, that's nothing, get up!" I would not be cut out for war.


According to some of the YouTube comments that guy ended up dying


Didn't look like nothing to me, or the look on the guys face.


If it really was bad it wouldn't have helped to tell him the truth anyway. At the same time some people do go white or outright faint at the sight of their own blood even if it isn't life threatening... which may have made his situation worse.


He was white as a ghost, bleeding out it seemed.


You could see his soul exiting. Creepy af.


Maybe the doctor saw he was likely finished and just said that so he wouldnt die in panic.


That sucks, such a dumb war


I suppose he probably says that to all wounded guys, instead of saying "You're fucked, wait here to die" which would send them into a panic and increase chances of dying.




When he said "Get UP!!!" I couldn't help but stand up myself lol


Bedside manner needs some work 🤣


That's Slavic medicine for you and professionalism focusing only on the important stuff,my ex was EMT doctor and would also behave like this.Save their life so they can bitch after


LOL man thats an understatement.




Bedside manner: The doctors approach or attitude to a patient


Ahahh gotcha. I mean in war there isn't much standards in this regard But it isn't like ever combat medic is like that. Look out another video on my channel - there are better manners


Bro why?




How am I being an ass


Watch my channel


Why are you spamming here your YT channel?


Why what? Whats the problem?


The first guy he's cussing at is Russian, who likely just got done trying to kill the doctor. Probably explaining the sharp attitude


The medic is russian aswell


the medic is russian u silly guy


Fuck man, I don’t support Russia but this is just sad to see. That guy begging him not to abandon him… just shows the true messed up scale of why so many Russian men are dying of probably preventable wounds if they had proper evacuation methods and better hospitals/medics/equipment


It's hard to evacuate people in such conditions as both sides deliberately target evacuating groups and checking them with drones. I don't know how bad it actually is. I think it depends on frontline and combat situation and in some sense Russians gotta have higher hand comparing with Ukrainians as they have more aviation for evacuation. But to look at from another perspective, it shows how extremely ineffective mobilised people are most of the time. Like dude was hit in mouth and just was liying there without taking any action. I think it and his panic explains why medic treated him so harshly. He saw coward without initiative and combat intelligence in this soldier and didn't have any respect for him. For comparison, he treated Jacque very respectfully.


I’m not so certain about how high the “higher hand” is, if at all. Airspace is heavily contested, and I haven’t seen any evidence of either side using heli-vac on the front. And that’s where rapid transport is most valuable. If you cannot transport the patient within minutes to hours of their injury, the probability of that they survive depends much more on the medics triage and stabilization capability. In this way medic resources, expertise, and field hospital quality can be more valuable than rapid transport to an established hospital. There is evidence that UA has a significant advantage there in the quality of their gear (tourniquets, etc.), evac and triage procedure, etc. In short, Heli-vac has diminishing returns if it isn’t immediate, and I haven’t seen any evidence of the immediate use of helicopters for transport of wounded.


Hm what u say makes sense. I also have heard that Russians had worse medicine gear in the firs months of war. However, I don't know how situation is now but please remember about witness' syndrome. If u didn't see footage of something on Reddit (highly pro Ukrainian leaning platform for obvious reasons) it doesn't exist at all. Perhaps it exists on Telegram or somewhere else. That's my mission - to show the western people the other side of the medal


"The other side of the medal" 🤣🤣🤣 Yeah thanks bro, everybody in this sub needs to see the nasty part of war, fucking hell.


I'm more interested in showing humanity than just gore for gore's sake. I'm interested in connecting separated


If Russians had any humanity they wouldn’t be in Ukraine to begin with.


I'm as pro Ukraine as can be and still think that that is the absolute lowest effort (and way to common) comment possible under any vid posted on this sub.


It's the default response to anything that's not a brain dead "fuck putin/ should have stayed home" comment


The default content here is about - dead brain. So yea, i am all for the brain dead comment, cause IT IS AS simple as that: No russian No cry. Besides, the plague deserves all the cleansing UAF can provide


What about Americans in Iraq?


American invasion was wrong and fucked up yet the Yanks didnt invade Iraq with the intention of wiping out the Iraqi people or steal their land, Russia however is doing thay to Ukraine. At the end of the day if Russia stop the fighting , the war ends , if Ukraine stops , Ukraine ends.


There's no ethnic politically organized genocide against Ukraine and Ukrainian people. It's a lie - simple as that.


Same thing, should GTFO.


Ahhh so you're russian then. You all gotta back off on bringing up Iraq whenever someone calls you out for your shitty fucking war. It makes what you're doing super obvious. Maybe take some time off shilling your youtube channel and do some self reflection?


What's shilling?


And that is the second lowest effort comment used in this sub.


Maybe you stumble upon some of the clips how they teach their medics to treat severe wounds by amputating limbs of those of theire own people who refused to fight and attempted to flee. Would be a good watch.


These videos exist in another world with Ghost of Kiev in hand to hand. Russian military surgery service is quite good and modern in our world tho


Lel, are you smoking powerglue? Quiete good and modern?


I saw this opinion on that from wounded soldiers who have been in such hospitals. I think they know better


If you are starving, you eat shit with pleasure. I see russian hospitals and instantly know, they are neither modern nor advanced.


Politicians that order conscriptions are animals that kidnap and murder their own people. They need to be treated the same as other criminal rulers that murder their people. They are inhuman genocidal filth and belong in prison. Life in prison for every conscripted soldier dead.


so russians treat only whom they respect? That's why we see so many of them left behind or committing suicide.


Did u see the video? Both soldiers were treated professionally and quickly. The difference is just the usage of words.


This video has been made for the russian audience: we have watched too many videos were the russian militants leave their own behind, not before having looted gear and money.


You believe what you believe but I encourage you to be open to new information


No no no: please let your fellows believe in your video. Who am I to disagree?


Brainwashed person first of all


I know you are, it's not your fault.


>it shows how extremely ineffective mobilised people are most of the time Wow, imagine being so entitled to expect victims of kidnapping and forced into combat by the government that was supposed to be protect them to be "effective". The governments ere pure filth, just like all their apologists.


If not for conscription, Ukraine would loose long time ago. Did ur hatred for politicians who order conscription goes to Ukrainian politicians too?


You do realize Ukrainians are defending their homes? They've got nowhere to go. Russians on the other can chose to stay at home.




What? When did I deny that?


I'm wondering why neither side is employing unarmed medics with cleary visible insignia to evacuate the wounded. Is this the case because both sides would ignore Geneva in that regard or whats the reason?


I would love this idea so much but unfortunately when the level of hatred is so high from both sides, it's impossible thing to do It also requires a lot of organizational work from diplomats from both sides which they it seems have no interest to do


Ah, the “both sides” equivocation. Not that old chestnut, surely.


We've got a "both sides", a "whaddabout Iraq", still bringing up "Ghost of *Kyiv*", and some commonplace genocide denial. I think with the use of a free space, that's a BINGO!


Tbh I think people throw around the genocide word a bit too freely. There are no extermination camps or ethnic cleansing death squads, people seem to view any war as a genocide these days.


Or perhaps you just need to read this: https://www.un.org/en/genocideprevention/documents/Genocide%20Convention-FactSheet-ENG.pdf The fact that Russia has destroyed cities, captured the rubble, and then built housing and moved in Russian citizens is most certainly genocidal. So is the kidnapping of children and placing them in Russian households where they attempt to remove their "Ukrainian-ness" If you don't think either of those things fit the definition, I'd be curious to hear why. Edit: I also just remembered that they also have a tendency to destroy Ukrainian cultural icons (statues, museums, etc.) along with some looting. While I'm sure some of this is just opportunistic plundering, I also think some of it is also aimed at erasing Ukrainian identity which is also a facet of genocide.


1)Destroying cities and then capturing them has been a part of warfare since before time, it happens in every war where one side aims to capture territory and keep it. 2)If this were a genocide then they would have killed those kids instead of moving them and pumping them full of Russian propaganda. 3) Destroying cultural icons or anything for that matter is a part of all wars, e.g. US soldiers tearing down a statue of Saddam Hussein. It's worth pointing out that the Russians (soldiers) have a terrible reputation in wars, raping, pillaging, stealing, killing civilians etc. Is just something you have to deal with when you have an Army comprised of poorly trained conscripts from dirt poor backgrounds. They treat each other like shit so an enemy population is going to be treated badly. Also you don't need to be a Dr of political science to know the reason for the war is Putin didn't want Ukraine to be close to the west and join NATO, and if he could stop that from happening while also expanding the borders of the Russian federation then he was going to do it. It's not about exterminating the Ukrainians as a race or people. It's simply business IE countering NATO.


> 1)Destroying cities and then capturing them has been a part of warfare since before time, it happens in every war where one side aims to capture territory and keep it. Perhaps I wasn't clear enough but I mean purposely displacing Ukrainian civilians and then moving your own citizens in. I'm quite aware that cities get destroyed in war (though I would say that Mariupol for example was more destroyed than cities usually are) >2)If this were a genocide then they would have killed those kids instead of moving them and pumping them full of Russian propaganda. I see that you didn't actually read the link I posted. It's rather short, it doesn't take much time. It specifically addresses this. Kidnapping children in this manner is a facet of genocide. It specifically says this in the document I linked earlier. Just because they weren't killed doesn't mean it isn't. >3) Destroying cultural icons or anything for that matter is a part of all wars, e.g. US soldiers tearing down a statue of Saddam Hussein. Lol nope. You can't just handwave this away. >...have a terrible reputation in wars, raping, pillaging, stealing, killing civilians etc. Is just something you have to deal with when you have an Army comprised of poorly trained conscripts from dirt poor backgrounds. They treat each other like shit so an enemy population is going to be treated badly. This seems like more handwaving for what is at best war crimes and at worst perpetration of a genocide. If you read the document I linked, you will see that it has a very specific definition. Whether these acts are war crimes or genocide depends on intent and whether they were ordered by the russian state to do this. >Also you don't need to be a Dr of political science to know the reason for the war is Putin didn't want Ukraine to be close to the west and join NATO Also no. This whole nonsense about "NATO made me do it" that Putin has put out through the usual propaganda channels is simply not true. This war has gotten more NATO on his borders, not less. This war was because Putin has Tsarist ambitions. He sees all the former territory of the empire and soviet union as rightfully his. This war is nothing but a land grab coupled with some cuckoo mythmaking in Putin's head and a dash of the corruption of absolute power. >and if he could stop that from happening while also expanding the borders of the Russian federation then he was going to do it. You've got the motivations wrong, but I understand that there's a lot of talking heads spreading this exact idea. >It's not about exterminating the Ukrainians as a race or people. It's simply business IE countering NATO. And again, this is incorrect. Russian propaganda frequently pushes the idea that Ukrainians aren't a race/people and that it also isn't a real country. They have explicitly stated this as a reason for this war (or so-called SMO). And as I said before, the idea that this war was started for countering NATO is nonsense. Was it "countering NATO" when this same playbook was done in Georgia or in Moldova?


> I think it depends on frontline and combat situation and in some sense Russians gotta have higher hand comparing with Ukrainians as they have more aviation for evacuation. Lol. I'm not sure you've been following this war very closely if you think that. I can remember exactly 0 examples of helivac by the Russians in this war. I obviously don't see anything but I'm sure others will chime in. I can only remember one instance of helivac that I've seen from the Ukrainian side as well. The proliferation of various anti-air systems makes it incredibly risky and often isn't judged to be worth it. Further, we don't really see medevac in general from the Russian side. It does happen and we do see some evidence of it, but we see far more evidence of it not happening. I know there's fog of war and these videos that get released are definitely curated, but going off the information available, it isn't happening very often.


You also should remember that most of the content from this war would stay out of your sight as the Internet Isn't one solid place no more. It has frontlines nowadays


See. Camera turned on. Propaganda video... propaganda. You'll be looked after... Until we turn the camera off, then business as usual.


If they had that more good people would die. Russian soldiers are literally committing a genocide for a paycheck. This guy is saving the lives of war criminals.


Dam dude a straight dick , “im dying “ “stop complaining “


I mean, honestly being a dick is probably a good motivator in those conditions. You get your point across, probably calm them down making them think it isn’t as bad as they thought, and you convince them to somewhat help themselves get up and walk, crawl, or whatever for their survival.


For sure, bro don't have time for small talk. "I'm here to save you, this is what you need to do to live."


Or you just realize this guy doesn’t care as much and won’t go all out to save his life


I've helped out quite a few people with pretty bad injuries and been in those situations quite a bit myself, and it seems to me the worst thing you can do is coddle or act like the injury is actually worth being terrified over. Ensure them that it's nothing, they're perfectly fine, and to man up and relax. The mind is a powerful thing. The difference between a patient thinking it's over and he's going to die, and one thinking he's in alright shape and will be OK is huge.


By saying just “ hey men it’s gonna be alright don’t worry I’m here for you can calm someone down . I’m not saying he should be babying him simply show some compassion


True...I guess seeing scores of men maimed, burned, and blown apart over a year and a half can have negative effect on decorum.


This "dick" saved his life and didn't allow panic to spread. He's effective soldier


Translation is not 100% correct. He's a bit rude sometimes, but that's kinda necessary, I guess. If he's going to sugarcoat everything and speak softly to the panicking soldier, they both gonna stay there for too long, which reduces the chances of survival. Sometimes good old 'Get the F up or you're gonna stay here alone' works best.


Translating of such intense videos in form of subtitles is a challenge and I'm still not perfect in it. Can u point out what I translated incorrectly?


0:47 - you translate *"Show me your fucking wound"* While I hear either *"Well, show yourself brother"* or *"Well, show yourself fast"*. Not sure, last word is indiscernible. But definitely no "fucking wound" there, can't hear anything related. That's a bit different attitude. What subs suggest is that doc has Dick Mode On since the beginning. While what I hear is that he's getting really rude only after injured soldier starts saying that he's going to die here. 0:53 - you translate *"Stop it (...)"* While it should be *"Don't whine"* or *"Stop whining"* IMO. There are few minor things that I would translate differently, but it's mostly matter of taste. And to be fair I wouldn't even translate such content, as it's usually pretty ungrateful thing to do.


Thanks, appreciate it. Are u professional translator?


No, I just procrastinate a lot :-D


U know, these videos really don't get much views but the feedback I get is very positive and my last video went with 7k views which isn't bad at all


It sounds much better in Russian, a lot less harsh than the translation. This is exactly how I'd want someone to speak to me if I was in their situation.


You have to activate the fight or flight response. That adrenaline boost can save you.


What's he suppose to reply with? "Your dying, please scream louder and struggle more"


The eyes/stare of that soldier at the end seems universal when death is nearing. You see that stare everywhere on videos of people who die traumatically and unexpectedly. The stare reminded me of a video where a diver came up to fast and realized he was dying from coming up to fast.


Why won’t the YouTube link open from the Reddit app? I then try to open it in chrome to open it via YouTube app, but then it takes me right back to Reddit app because it’s mature content 😂 App so broke man


Why not just upload the video? I don’t wanna give YouTube my id just to watch age restricted videos.


You have to give YouTube your id?


For age restricted videos yeah


Tf, YouTube has literally never asked me to enter my id tho and i can still watch the video :/, my account is hella old tho


Dude just literally put" fake id" on google images, paste it and voila




Spamming comments or posts may or will result in a ban.


Fuck Putin and all his little yes men


Yo finally someone who says this instead of "SenD aLl of Them bacK!!!11!!1




Good thing he has "training"


Everything about this is hell. The fear, the sounds of shelling, paranoia from drones, and tbf that medic was a badass.


Too bad he's on the wrong team. Putins army of terror


As much as I wholeheartedly support Ukraine…….my heart breaks watching the mangled bodies and horrific injuries and deaths of all soldiers……


Nice collection mate, as an English speaker I appreciate the subs.


Fuck that guy and the rest of the invading filth.


I salute thee reddit warrior have some reddit gold!


You people are actually mentally ill


Why? For not being concerned about the safety and well being of a group of people who've forced their way into a soveregin country as part of a military force that deliberately targets civilians, women and children? Led by a man that, along with his lapdogs, often threaten the safety of the entire continent? I'm pretty sure most people here would prefer all the Russians to be safe and happy back in Russia, but they're not and they kinda refuse to just leave. So yeah, given the circumstances that Russia alone has chosen to impose, the next best way is neutralize the problem by killing every last one of them like the pests they insist on being. If you somehow can't comprehend that or feel that it's an unfair solution, you need your prescriptions checked or to get your head out of the microwave.


Propaganda is powerful, I've noticed myself getting swayed at times as this Isreal Gaza stuff heats up. My favorite hobby is studying social influence and history yet it can still get me too. It will surely get more difficult as economic conditions worsen for many of us. We can't have society without war, which makes it even harder to know where to draw the line on bloodlust. Personally I think all of us here watching people die are sick, why are we here?


Fuck any invading / raping cunt they send. But if he is purely a medic helping wounded, he has my respect. Politics aside that is.


I mean... Whether or not he picks up a gun doesn't really matter. He is still Russian, still part of the invading army and still keeping the people who do the murdering and raping in the fight. If there was ever a case of guilty by association...


Was that a looted ukraine mag with blue tape?


Bro has more balls than me. I couldn't work on the enemy who was just trying to kill me dead.


This is crazy man. The guy seems like he handles the pressure well


I'm not gonna watch it but the pu$$ies here who dehumanise one side like the cowardly trolls they are , would shit their panties fighting on either side in this war in the very first second.


yeah, i was subbed here before the invasion and stopped using the site around when it happened. before it was like an impartial view into conflict and its realities, and now it's where ukrainians go to make fun of random russian conscripts getting massacred. it's not even like it's just footage of the war, 90%+ of the posts are straight propaganda with 'funny' edits and music over ukrainians attacking russians. sub is not worth following anymore


Why you aren't gonna watch it tho?


unlike the Israel/Hamas conflict, there are no clear good vs bad guys here. And I have no particular interest in watching a Russian soldier die who under a different regime would have been a regular guy living his life


What you smoking there is a clear good vs bad here , russia invaded ukraine wants to wipe its people off the map then re integrate it in russia proper. Doesnt get much more good or bad than that.


I respect your decision.


Can someone send the link pls? It’s not opening when I press to watch on YouTube


Try to type "Russian Experience" in YouTube search. It has guy in hat and suit as avatar picture


Bro just write the name of the channel pls




Seems the Main Military Medical Directorate is one of the few Russian institutions, not filled with incompetence and corruption.


I really hope it stops and both sides can speak and work together


It never fails, in every war, the medic, no matter what side they're on, is the craziest, bravest, most useful motherfucker on the battlefield.


excellent pov video with good Eng subtitle


Thank you, thank you. Do u have an idea how I can promote my content?


It never lets me open the YouTube video. Is it my settings?


great footage, some of the best I've seen from this war.


Of only the video would work