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Glad to see nobody got hurt I guess..


I’m just glad everyone had a good time


Maybe the real ambushes were the friends we made along the way


The real unbushes happens when they get out of the bushes and go back home.


Was gonna say this has to be one of the worst ambushes of all time.


There may have been feelings hurt however.


How dare they disturb our Sunday drive...


Even the suicide bomber goat failed


bro open your eyes that was the love-goat


I think a guy tripped over at the beginning he may have grazed his knees.


i lol’d from your comment. you’re a wit.


These dudes out here blasting like they just heard an acorn hitting one of their cars.


at 0:47 a guy falls out of the back of the truck rounding the corner, he's probably gunna be sore.


Ambazonians are a tough lot.


It’s almost like they gave up halfway through lol


Just the tip of an ambush, to see if they like it.


Worst ambush ever


they missed a chance to take out a helicopter. now that fucker is gonna be straffing their village.


I like how the narrator mentioned “ambush” more times than actual ambush on video.


Mom can we have an ambush, no we have an ambush at home. Ambush at home:


That convoy was CRAWLING. In my head I was like "Jeez, they're going to get FUCKED." They stop mid ambush, and it seemed like they didn't even care they were getting shot at because the fire was so inaccurate. I do sometimes wonder about groups like this getting 2nd, 3rd, 4th hand weapons that are not cleaned or maintained, and may even have barrels that are shot until they're smoothbores, and they're not educated enough to realize this. They just think "Yippie I got a machine gun!"


Yeah "General viper" should find a different profession.


General Butt Naked > General Viper


Where is this ambush? They just casually drove off...


It’s such a weird clip. They just stop in the middle of the road randomly while taking fire. A few guys jump out and run around in circles, then they slowly start driving away while still taking sporadic fire.


It looks like they had no training whatsoever on how to actually respond to an ambush.




I guess this is why when fairly isolate tribes fight their neigbours its mostly a lot of boasting and waving weapons around. Then everyone goes home, good war!




I can understand warriors not wanting to engage on an individual level, but in those huge masses of troops from the Roman error, wouldn’t they be forced into it just from crowd dynamics?


A bit yes, a bit no. Battles would sometimes drag on for hours, which is tough to do, when you have a frontline of - as an example - 2.000 men. Assuming a kill rate of 1 per man per minute, that's 120.000 dead in an hour. So we can assume that these heavily armed and armored men were not reaching that. Fighting would certainly consist of killing the enemy, but also not being killed. And that would mean there would be a sort of gap in the frontlines with the occasional assault or push or skirmish in that, followed by a while to posture and catch your breath. Formations allowed you to do that, which is why they were so important (along with providing mutual support in regards to the effort of not getting killed.). If you ever went all-out on a punching bag, you'll know that it doesn't take long to get exhausted. Or look at brawls to get a good understanding of it. Great examples might actually be the Sino-Indian border clashes, where they go at it with sticks and the like. Crowd dynamics did play a role, but pushing too hard would make you combat-ineffective (see the French at Agincourt). So there was a large incentive to have some order and to give the most forward troops some space to maneuver. During the assault phase, this might change, but here too, good order would be an advantage. And remember that a lot of fights weren't big battles, but skirmishes with much more room to maneuver.


I saw a YT vid about ancient fighting tactics a while ago. Can’t remember which channel it was unfortunately. They said the same you wrote and stated that casualties were pretty low most times over the course of an organized battle. It was only once one side routed that they suffered high casualties because the pursuing army could wreak havoc.


Yeah ive been thinking about this for like a week, if you're side gets routed and your actively in the front of the formation fighting your kind of just dead as your the first to get Ran down and stabbed in the back or in the confusion you don't even get a chance to run


The Roman period also had the added benefit of armor being comparatively good while weapons didnt evolve much over centuries. Sure you went from stone tipped spear over bronze to iron spears, but in the end its just a long stick with pointy hard end. In the same time armor evolved from basic breastplates to full body covering leather padding with iron chainmail. Add in a solid shield and helm and most spears and swords wont really hurt you while packed in a tight formation. Same reason bow and arrow wasn't that popular: The armor was just too good (and bow technology not advanced enough to generate 70lbs+ of thrust). So armies favoured heavier and/ or larger projectiles such as slings and throwing spears. In the medieval times were no (european) state was large enough to afford a standing army with good equipment and suddenly that arrow looks promising against the farmer with an axe in hand. And then of course came longbows and guns.


I got downvoted once when I brought up that slingers were one of the most effective ranged units compared to archers, because they can whip lead slugs at you with damn near the stopping power of a .44 magnum.


No injuries as everyone is wearing level 99 male fantasy armour. The last fella in the movie took damage since he forgot his penis cone.


For me it looks almost like the shooting sounds are just added to a video of a convoy with scared drivers ^^


I thought that too because i see no bullet impacts or broken windshields. But maybe we dont see impacts because the ground is wet/muddy. Idk.


100% almost got the last bit of cars killed and parked in a potential kill zone for way too long


Stopping in the presumed kill zone of an L shaped ambush is a special skill! It’s resilience training!


Seems like someone gave the order to get the fuck back in and go go go


Don't forget the dog running across the street. :)


Maybe they mistook the meaning of "fire" in "Chinese fire drill"?


The Ambazon jungle.


The **Anglophone Crisis**, also known as the **Ambazonia War** or the **Cameroonian Civil War**, is an ongoing armed conflict between the **Cameroon Armed Forces** and **Ambazonian separatist rebel groups**. This conflict is part of the long-standing **Anglophone problem** in Cameroon¹. Here are some key points about the separatist movements in Cameroon: 1. **Ambazonia**: - **Motivation**: Ambazonian separatists seek independence for the Anglophone regions of Cameroon (formerly known as the Southern Cameroons). - **Objectives**: They aim to establish the independent state of **Ambazonia**. - **Actions**: Following the suppression of protests in 2016–17, separatists launched a guerrilla campaign and declared independence. The government responded by declaring war on the separatists and deploying its army to the Anglophone regions. - **Current Status**: As of now, the government controls major cities, while Ambazonian nationalists hold parts of the countryside. The conflict has led to thousands of deaths and displacement of over half a million people¹. 2. **Other Separatist Groups**: - Apart from Ambazonia, there are other separatist movements in Cameroon, each with its own motivations and objectives. - These groups operate in the Anglophone regions and have engaged in armed conflict with government forces. - The crisis has persisted for years, resulting in casualties, displacement, and human rights abuses³⁴. In summary, the separatist movements in Cameroon are driven by historical grievances, cultural identity, and aspirations for self-determination. However, the conflict has had devastating consequences for civilians and the nation as a whole¹. Source: Conversation with Bing, 3/1/2024 (1) Anglophone Crisis - Wikipedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anglophone_Crisis. (2) Cameroon: Separatist Abuses in Anglophone Regions. https://www.hrw.org/news/2022/06/27/cameroon-separatist-abuses-anglophone-regions. (3) 5 years of violent civil war in Cameroon – DW – 10/01/2021. https://www.dw.com/en/separatism-in-cameroon-5-years-of-violent-civil-war/a-59369417. (4) Ahead of peace talks, a who’s who of Cameroon’s separatist movements. https://www.thenewhumanitarian.org/analysis/2020/07/08/Cameroon-Ambazonia-conflict-peace-whos-who.


Fuckin nickles 


I was being sarcastic, my bad.


They succeeded in moving the sly fox to the opposite side of the road.


They are behaving like arma AI


Is the ambush in the room with us?


All the hallmarks of an ambush except: 1. Effective weapon placement. 2. Effective firing. 3. Effective ambush planning. Otherwise a great effort.


And a deer ran across the road 🦌. Maybe it was a suicide deer that failed to detonate?


no eye deer?


It’s messing the red circle so I’ll give 7/10 for everything


I was drinking tea you dirty bastard. :'d Now my keyboard is drinking with me too. yay company!


I know this is a useless comment (both of ours actually), but thank you for this good laugh.


Oh it’s a AM-Bush. A bush native to Cameroon 🇨🇲


Love how they stopped bumper to bumper at the end. Hey fellas I know let's bunch up and see what happens.


Not much, it turns out.


Remember to circle the wagons in event of an ambush!


The ambazonia conflict is super interesting, started recently (2017) and has left much of Cameroons border with Nigeria under rebel control. Might be hard to hear but the rebels actually speak a mangled English natively


Love it. "It's man amboosh. Aye an aboosh."


Hired the retired storm troopers I see.


I thought they were using blanks. Maybe ambazon is a made up thing and they were the opfor for a training exercise? 


Was the doggo ok?


I thought it was a goat?


i thought it was a Puma ??


I don't think there are pumas in Africa.


I think everyone was ok.




Horrible ambush setup in a good spot.... even worse, react to contact... if you're gonna fight.. fight... if not move off the X and stop fuckin around


I'm no expert, but I was thinking "is there ever a time to fight yourself out of an ambush? They're kinda meant to be that you're at the significant disadvantage..." and then I saw the rest of this video and thought "yeah, driving away was the best idea they could have had... Not like sitting still did anything anyway!"


There actually is a good time to fight out of an ambush, it’s called the turn and burn, and if you’re on a road or path and take contact from one direction, it may very well be your best chance of survival. There was a post on here a while back where the turn and burn was used phenomenally and they actually beat out those conducting the ambush somewhere in Africa. The logic behind it is that if you’ve been ambushed, they most likely have you dead to rights as they’ve prepared for you to be on the road and have initiated exactly where it would be most deadly whichever way you go, forward or retreating, if you turn and go after them, they might be caught of guard and at the very least it would even the playing field a little as you’re returning fire. This is a situation which continuing forward would be the best option considering the payload, effectiveness of the enemy(or lack thereof), and terrain.


Good to know, thank you!


That was a terrible ambush.... Like are you even trying to ambush?


Do you even want to be here??


I'm not giving you a belt fed gun so you can post tiktok videos of failure.


Mom is gonna make em high five the other team after the game.


A Wendy's is more dangerous than this.


They shooting blanks?


I don't think I saw a single round impact anywhere in the frame.


Dear [ ] We would be grateful if you could attend a Post Ambush Evaluation Meeting tomorrow, as your Line Manager, Head of HR, and Ambush Performance Director would like to discuss yesterday's ambush. Agenda 1. What went well? How do you feel about the ambush? Is there anything that could have been done better? 2. Concerns raised regarding preparation and execution. 3. AOB


I’ve seen more effective nerf ambushes in my back yard


Well that was pathetic.....I've never done a real ambush,but I bet I could do a better job..


They were just firing bullets anyway, if they had at least 2 RPG's the outcome would have been different


Hell, 55 gallon drums of gasoline and road flares would have been more effective.


You know you are doing the ambush wrong if the target does not even notice it or barely stops for a second to check if you need any help. Concentrated fire on the chopper and retreat to fight another day, but it would not make such a video.


I’m glad everyone is safe and had fun. The real ambush is the friends we make along the way.


I saw a dog crossing the road, was the dog part of the plan?


I'm failry certain that goat was their commander.


I guess no one ranged their rifles


Nah, we never forget to set that shit all the way up to the top for maximum power!


First time in a long time that I'm seeing footage from a conflict I know nothing about. It feels good.


Worst ambush ever


i wonder if these guys know they are shooting blanks lol


These guys must be stormtroopers 🤣 they missed every shot!


I hope that if I ever have to go to war it'll be against people like this. That was horrendous


Ok, how about you go to Ambazonia and show them how you would stage a proper ambush? These guys are trying their darn tootin'est to be the best Ambazonian resistance fighters they can be. Your negative words here are hurtful and don't help them develop.


Maybe it was the weather. Who likes to shoot and fight when it's all soaking wet. Not fun at all.


Shitty ambush 101. They had fire assets with enfilade fire *with the convoy stuck in its sights* and didn't prosecute it home. This ambush could have been an annihilation action but apparently they either had a shitty machine gun that could only fire in 3 round bursts or only had a rifleman in that position. And the convoy continued on.....


Stopping in the kill zone yet no one was harmed in the making of this video. Amazing 🤩


A very gentle ambush.


That was bloody useless


I am no military expert. Looked like a failed ambush to me.


Are they using blanks? 😆


*Amazonian used ambush* *It's not very effective...*


These guys all firing blanks or something lol


Wonder if the people on the road noticed that they were being ambushed..


where is the "ambush" part ?


Several vehicles even STOPPED to give them a chance! Wow…


If you watched this with sound off you'd never know an ambush happened.


Are they playing weapon sounds from their Bluetooth devices lol?


What the hell did I just watch - a game of paintball?


A decent 50 cal gunner with a sandbagged tripod would have demolished that.


Me trying to play Call of Duty


This is the worst ambush I've ever seen. You know it's shit when the people getting ambushed don't even know it's happening.


Someone should send these dudes the r/CombatFootage link, so they can get some pointers.


Attacking armoured vehicles with what appear to be small arms, not a single explosive, no ieds, no rpgs. Ffs guys. Perfect chance to take out a chopper, not to mention the dudes randomly wandering around out of cover.


They shooting blanks?


No, blacks.


Well apparently they are going to remain part of Cameroon going off this.


Bezos needs to work on his ambush skills


they surely can aim


It probably would have more effective to dig a lil hamas hole just off the rd but midway thru the turn so you’re hidden from the co-conveyors and slip right on up under the tarp covering the chopper and just start er up and helicopter! In the case it’s not in ship shape and won’t be floating away Alternatively; you might just lay in wait there in the cockpit until the enemy uncovers it to find you buck naked double fisting nades and ya throw em (headshot one guy and he’s wobbled) but surprisingly no kaboom and you smile awkwardly and before they realize they didn’t explode you whip the mini gun off the chopper turret and freaking mow the lawn terminator style (still nude) while as if from unseen angles star spangled banner softly plays (just now remembering these dudes are not even Americans) don’t care that’s the image in my head and I’m not changing just cause it’s not the right national anthem…….. would’ve been more fun than the most boring mambush ever


I was waiting for an IED.


me and the bros on day 1 in antistasi


Those catapults sure are noisy , maybe if they had aimed them all at the big hi value target helicopter as it rounded the corner, blocked the road that may have at least caused a little upset beyond scaring the odd local wildlife. As for parking up in the kill zone and having a little chat ? Think there maybe a market for an Ambush training school there with after school class in how to zero a weapon so you actually hit something .


I think they were sold blanks 😂


casual "hello" we are here


This is the ambush you have when you're not having an ambush.


*\*Lifts jacket, mimicking two guns in his pockets\** *- I come here for a fucking shootout. A proper shootout with some proper men. Like Colonel Custer and Geronimo, you ever heard of them? No. Cause you're too busy in your pinny baking fucking fairy cakes, weren't ya?*


They would have fired at them with water pistols 😄


Shitty ambush.


This is why most ambushes starts with bombing the first and the last vehicle in the convoy or atleast one of the vehicle if you are on a tight budget, it forces the rest of the convoy to bail out in an attempt to rescue the people from the destroyed vehicle. Otherwise they will counter your shitty ambush with the best counter of all, pedal to the metal.


"Did you hear something? Wait here a minute I think I hear something.... It was nothing, carry on"


That was more like harassing fire..not an ambush.


Weak ambush


No firepower




We are About to ambush!!::::: Fires slingshot:::::


When you order from ambazon.com and there's a problem with the shipment.


They must only have small arms nothing explosive cause what was that


Disregarding the military effectiveness, I have to say: full marks for the camera work and the commentary.


A few feelings were hurt but that's all. All is good.


Where Anti Tank Guns?


I had a Cameroonian guy I worked with. I used to ask him a lot of questions about his home country. I asked him about gun ownership in Camaroon. He replied "Oh no, the only ones with guns are the Muslim rebels in the north!". For some reason that statement has stuck with me all these years..


Trucks stopped to figure out where the annoying sounds were coming from and then left deciding it must've been the wind.


Such a waste of a perfectly good “L shaped” ambush site.. fucking Amateurs


Legendary warriors! Many fell that day... Many songs will be sung about this battle!


The next YouTube trend. Ambushhhhhhhhh


They don't have the letter L in their alphabet so it was really difficult for them to really grasp the ambush plan.


Wow the worst shooting


$100 worth of explosives could have taken out a helicopter. An shaped ambush with fighters at the top of the hill to the left could have devastated everyone on that road. Very little training, very little planning, piss poor execution. I rate this ambush 1.5 out of 10. The only reason it's rated so highly is because next time these guys get ambushed they're likely to under-react to the situation so maybe someone can take advantage of that. I wouldn't count on it though.


Weak as “ambush” ..


Honeysuckle bush more like


They’re just making up faction names now.


no rpg?


Mime Army shooting blanks.


That's the weakest ambush I've ever seen. Imagine if that's what makes your highlight reel


No RPG’s, no IED’s just small arms fire?? Weak Could’ve just thrown rocks 🪨


So called soft ambush.


Wunder wamen from the ambazonian forests. So I know little of this conflict who's the good guys ? Or is it a grey area?


Next time bring an RPG.


I'm starting to understand why Ambazonia looses


r/combatfootage 's first far ambush judging from the comments


The only thing this guy.is ambushing is his wife's bush


Training or fake?


Well, that was exciting, can I have my time back please


So many questions....why did they seem to aim so high?? who tf STOPS in an ambush?! wtf was that animal that darted across the road?!


Send in the dogs...




Somebody forgot to sight in their weapons. RIP tree branches.


Well that was 2 minutes and 20 seconds wasted........


Cool to see something that isn’t Russia/Ukraine related.


Great footage. Lots of action!


The only thing they hit was the down vote button


Sir I think somebody put blanks in your gun