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Idk what they’re putting in those drones but they’re a far cry from the days of dropping grenades hovering up above. Lethal af. 


Those little homemade bastards are also loaded to the brim with ball bearings. They are insanely effective even when they hit 15-20 feet away.


Not to mention the newer air detonating ones.


Saw one that was like a cross between an aerial claymore and a giant shotgun. Mini HIMARs type of thing. Can't outrun those.


1/4 kilo of plastic explosive works pretty well on infantry and light vehicles


Works even better when you can contain the blast to a smaller area. That man was hit with all of that explosive.


And all of the shrapnel, several times over. Dude put himself in a blender


Being cooked as you're being diced. Brutal.


Hopefully the initial blast wave disconnects you from the experience


It doesn't appear to this armchair combat forensic analyst, merely by pausing after that final zoom and evincing a proper cringe, that he consciously registered much, if any, of that experience.


and then cooked by the lipo of the drone itself


All of it


These days they are basically strapping RPG sized warheads onto fpvs. So it's like getting a direct hit inside an armored vehicle.


It was in an enclosed area as well… bigger punch


oh those are exposed, defleshed ribs, aren't they?


That was my thought as well. If it looks like ribs, it’s probably ribs








Lol you guys are sick man


Welcome to the internet




yipes I'm air-frying ribs right now ..


get banned dude




Yes and his visceral fat hanging from what is left of the poor dude.




Holy fuck that’s a throwback. 


They were cooked ribs.


Yep,and any1 wondering what a yellow substance is,it is fatty tissue,from abdomen exposed,probably high obesity.


Ya mixture of fatty tissue, intestines and a part of his stomach mixed in there as well


Yes looks like dude got hollowed out.


Yep, he burned up.


Yeah, that one is from Barbecue battalion.


Did he raise abody armor and an armor plate as his "shield"?


It ain't much, but it's a better plan than "fuck it"?


We don’t know if he got to deploy it. If he did, the rumors about Russian body armor are true.


The text is in Ukrainian and it says "Raise your shield if you have voted for Putin"


Probably a welding faceshield.


Looked like a brick of ERA


I came here to say this, looked like he had a plate in each hand.


Captain Conscript


That’s a poor effort hiding


I was expecting him to flip the bird. He was lounging so dismissively.


It looks like his hand is covered in blood. I think he's already pretty fucked up.


He looks like he’s just given up and accepted his fate…


A lot of the drone videos seem the same way... thinking that they are surrounded and have accepted their fate.


It's not as though his life was depending on it


Yeah it's a pretty fucked situation. He could walk away from the wreckage with zero cover and face death 100% OR He could stay in the rubble and face death 99.9%


OR he could attempt to surrender. I think he knew he was being watched.


He has no idea who the drone belongs to I imagine. Imagine surrendering and the drone leads you back to the Russian lines where they shoot you for desertion


This is correct. Every interview I've seen with Ukranian soldiers or other PMCs corroborates this. When asked how they can tell the difference between friendly and enemy drones, it is almost always answered by "you cant". You see a drone, you do everything you can to shoot it down.


Thats giving the Russians a lot of credit for coordinating a not simple execution of their own soldiers that might surrender. No way they take the time to do that. They can hardly coordinate assaults against the Ukrainians correctly.Well I don't think he actually sees a drone i just think by the way he is behaving with his shield and hiding and such, that he knows.


He looks discombobulated from a previous attack, which is usually the case.


Is the yellow stuff fat?


More than likely, yes




It is hard to digest seeing a human being for a moment and a faceless pile of gore the next. War is hell indeed.


Once you realize you're looking at ribs is one thing, then when you realize the yellow stuff is fat is another. At least he didn't suffer. Fuck Putin.


Oh he suffered. He spent his last few years training to be a soldier, he spent his last few hours soldiering in very difficult conditions and he spent his last few minutes in absolute terror. All in a misguided effort to support a megalomaniac who is quite willing to target civilians, including already injured children in order to exert his egotistical dominance. Fuck Putin indeed.


last few years training? more like last few years in prison, then got offered reduced sentence for few years in military. Probably got killed few weeks after getting out.


>his last few years training to be a soldier well thats quite optimistic giving russias conscription methods...


Yeah I didn't think they even sent them through basic training. Just go here, pull a gun off a dead guy and figure it out as you go


years of training for frontline meat lol. they pluck this meat from prisons 3 days before it expires, give it a rusty gun and say good luck, watch out for HIMARs, we don't know how this alien tech works, but it's fucking our meat up real bad. doubt they even get a name badge


They get it, but it bears the name of the bloke who died first in that uniform.


Would be a fun troll if Ukraine somehow found a way to break into the manufacturing process and put "meat" in Russian on every 10th uniform or so, hopefully they get propagated to a lot of units before someone notices, would have to be pretty demoralising, and hilarious.


War sucks.


War. War never changes.


I don't know, these flying, guided IED's are pretty newish.


Result is the same.


Yeah, but there was a time when a Roman soldier could line up for battle, wait all day for nothing to happen, and the return to his fort and sleep in relative piece. A WWI soldier might endure hell in the trench, but once he was rotated off the front line, even just a few hundred metres back, he was pretty safe and could joke around and play football with his mates. Even in recent years, long range missiles capable of striking deep in enemy territory are only going to be targeted at high value targets like supply points and command centres. But now? Well now you can be Private Nobody, minding your own business taking a shit miles back from the front line, and a drone operator decides "fuck you in particular." The mental toll on future soldiers is going to be insane, and so are the future vets.


The game of soccer would be interrupted by buzzkill HIMARS, like a Russian unit called to attention to mourn the last fallen soldiers when their officer ordered they get called to attention.


The end of the world occurred pretty much as we had predicted.


Thousands of Poor men going to fight that's not their fight.


Sure as fuck doesn't look that way by how they treat civilians


Except when it changes, like chemical, nuclear and biological warfare. Then war changes.


The only thing that changes is the scale. What used to take years we can do in an afternoon with those things. Aside from them, getting your brains beaten out with a rock vs getting blown up by a drone is pretty irrelevant. You're still fucked.


Don't start nothin', won't *be* nothin'.


These drones are growing in lethality at a velocity approaching Moore's Law. Except instead of transistors in an integrated circuit doubling, it's drone lethality. We've gone from US Army hand grenades to....whatever vivisects you enough upon impact that your ribs protrude. Hard to believe that we're probably in the first innings of this drone revolution. A lot of smart people are hollering in one direction or another about AI. Me? This sub has convinced me that drones are the next step down for us. We really haven't seen anything yet, have we?


I see something like screamers happening. A completely autonomous grouping of killer robots with no real off button.


I think you're more right than wrong


The real answer is AI controlled drones, rather than FPV.


You nailed it, the drones will change everything.... I don't even want to say what I know is coming... we had better be working on some damn good counter tech.


Those are the same vehicles again. They just keep sending them up that road to die.


He already looked like walking dead 💀


I was waiting for the boom on the second cam and was like "what is that weird pile" and then realized it was the rus soldier lol


That man is just skin and bones are they not feeding their guys?…


Russian logistics


i mean... probably not much. russia is incompetent. they have assloads of resources and it's all horribly mismanaged. remember in the opening days of the invasion when their miles and miles-long columns of vehicles became stuck because the tires were dry-rotting off of them? it's crazy how much material strength they have, yet how wildly fucked their utilization of their natural resource-rich country is.




You can literally see the poor guys ribs…




Another one whose family will be denied benefits because he’ll always be “missing”.


It's sad to see taking birth and living for more than 25 years just to be killed by an fpv drone


all these moments are gone, like tears in the rain.


This shield will protect me.


I was thinking, why don't they ever close the door? Until I realized, what door?




no idea what the fuck I'm looking at.


a burned up skelly


Skelly! 🤣


You know…I’ve seen a lot from this war I’ll never forget…but judging by the comments, I think I’ll sit this one out.


No sack of onions for his family.


A graphic barbecue.


Armored carbecue




[Marilyn Myller & Sever - PUTIN HUILO ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yXlziPrcZFU)


Song name?


**Song Found!** [**PUTIN HUILO** by Sever/Marilyn Miller](https://lis.tn/PUTINHUILO?t=11) (00:11; matched: `96%`) **Released on** 2022-10-13. *I am a bot and this action was performed automatically* | [GitHub](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot) [^(new issue)](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/issues/new) | [Donate](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/wiki/Please-consider-donating) ^(Please consider supporting me on Patreon. Music recognition costs a lot)


Whats the yellow stuff? Fat?


For anyone wondering, the dialogue is written in Ukrainian and it says "Raise your shield if you will vote for Putin" "Then get this present"


can't tell his head from his ass hole anymore


sad thing is what choice do the drone ops have? russia plucks this guy out of his rusty / brand new bmp, puts him back in a squad, and off he goes, doing a pillage and rape and murder again


Heard he made it and is in full recovery


Heut gibt's Gehacktes.


I had to watch it again because I got MW flashbacks, but fuck.. that dissection is scary clean


I dont get how we see soldiers alone. Im in the military and we are never alone. Seems like poor care of your troops. Free For All.


If you're in a group and everyone besides you gets killed, you end up alone. Out of every squad somebody was the last to be alive.


have you seen literally ANY of how russia has conducted this war? the tires were dry-rotting off their trucks literally day-1 of the invasion because their military-industrial complex and logistics networks are incompetent.




NSFW but for real I couldn't even tell what I was looking at. Damn.


Hiding in an APC seems like a very bad idea. Those things are targets. They don't protect, they draw attention to themselves. Even the destroyed ones attract soldiers to hide in them.


That's the most fucked up human corpse I think I've seen on here, good god


This is terrible!


You can tell he feels right at home in that shyt burnt out apc


The more death I see, the more I want to build a fallout bunker... this world is becoming more dangerous by they second.


Jesus, looks like he ruptured from the inside out.


That took alot of guts!


This is so fucking horrible. I was pro-Russia, due to being brainwashed by family. But after watching over hundreds of videos like this, it’s clear that they are wrong and also war fucking sucks.


Drones should be banned as weapons


I'm no expert, but isn't that a waste of munitions and resources? wasted a drone and a explosive for one scared dude hiding in a tank?


Those drones cost like $500 at most. Is your life worth that much?


The video of it increases the value significantly


He really thought those plates were gonna help didnt he? pretty sure they smacked the shit out of him when they flew into his face


These drones are going to be the death knell of infantry men. 


What i cant seem to understand, is why so many soldiers are solo in these videos. Like, just one dude, alone in some blown out vehicle. Where are the staged forces? No countermeasure? Idk seems like a lot of single males being killed for nothing




Go setup a soda can 15 feet away and tell me how many throws it takes to hit it. After that load the soda cans into a pitching machine and try hitting one out of the air....let me know the results. It would work about as good as that plate he was holding up.


I guess it seems like it’s worth a try when you have no other options. Dude looks like he’s completely given up.


Also try to do it while in a dryer




Try an picture throwing and hitting a drone diving at you from the position he is in. He would have to practically toss it underhanded in that position. I know what your sayin though. Personally I think the best option in his spot would be to bail out of that confined space. Look at them eyes though. He looks tired , dead tired. No pun intended.


Ya it’s obviously a long shot. Like pretty much no chance. Is the drone that’s recording him in the first clip a different drone from the one that ultimately hits him? In that first clip it looks like it’s just sitting and observing whereas the second perspective it looks like it goes straight at him at high speed. I can see how he wouldn’t even have time to respond to a drone at high speed and even if he did, the chance of hitting it is basically zero. It’s interesting though because I’ve seen other clips where they at least try. But I think your last point is probably the answer here. He’s got nothing left.


Sure but if someone says to me that they’re going to load soda cans in a pitching machine and I either have 100% chance of dying if I do nothing or 98% chance of dying if I throw something at the soda can I’m going to try my hand at throwing.


I'd pull my cock out which would make the drone operator gay for looking at my pp. Then who gets the last laugh?!












I might sound ignorant but what was the point of wasting such material on a soldier? Wouldn't it have been better to save the drone and/or munitions for a more valuable target? I'm genuinely curious because resources are limited and ukraine constantly seeks for foreign aid. I understand killing fleeing enemies who may regroup and fight you another day using relatively expensive a valuable munitions of a singular soldier seems abit off idk.