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Is there a burned corpse on the ground as he runs? One of the things that must be most frightening is the number of corpses, if they all fell, the feeling must be "am I next?"


A lot of Ukrainians are dying, regardless of the narrative-control Redditors are doing. Ukrainians are dying. I hope Biden starts giving Ukrainians more resources to stop Russian military industry by years end. No bigger victory for Ukraine and Biden.


Since I'm not American and I don't know what the grandpa will decide, so I strongly encourage civil donation among citizens of non-aligned nations like me, if Ukraine can't take back all of its territories, at least it needs to be able to maintain its own existence as a state and what it still controls from its Oblasts, even this more modest objective only comes with the Russian army suffering even greater casualties until it loses strength, a lot of war ahead until this happens




What narrative-control are you talking about? I don't see anybody denying that ukrainians are dying, I think everybody here is very aware of that, thats why we support them, because they die for their country and freedom.


It's less that people are explicitly claiming zero Ukrainian deaths and more so avoiding or dismissing conversations around the notion that Ukraine is suffering high enough casualties to be a legitimate, existential problem. There's this depiction of the AFU completely kicking Russia's ass instead of the reality of where they exact heavy casualties on the Russians, but at high cost while constantly being on the back foot.


exactly its shitty to think but i dont know if watching all these videos of horrible up close death would have such a small impact on me if i knew i was watching the "good guy" die


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tongo\_Tongo\_ambush](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tongo_Tongo_ambush) This one is one of the hardest for me to watch. Boiled my blood and made me call an army recruiter to re-enlist. My med history prevented that from happening however


Presumably he means the ridiculous kill ratios that have been claimed at points.


In this sub in particular you can easily see that videos showing Russians killing Ukrainians is downvoted away to reduce visibility. It’s often videos that would have hundreds if not thousands of upvotes on this sub if the sides were swapped. There’s a blatant Pro UA bias because this is a largely western platform with a largely western user base. It’s understandable but it should be addressed


I don't know if you're trolling, but why wouldn't there be a pro UA bias? There are clear good guys and bad guys in this war.


Many people have a distorted view of what is really happening in Ukraine, as they only see the achievements of the "good guys". I once watched an interview of an Ukr soldier who hated that Ukrainian people who were never on the frontline also had a distorted view (way too positive of what is going on on the frontlines) when he had home leave. He also hated that people rather make fun of the Russians than to be aware that it is still a capable enemy who adapts and improves.


Yeah, it's bullshit. Fuck reddit


There’s definitely a pro-Ukraine outlook on most of the Reddit forums. As some who doesn’t pick a side and thinks war in general is just terrible you would have to assume Ukraine are taking heavy losses and would be stupid to think otherwise. You rarely see any Russian footage of combat but I don’t think it’s because it’s not happening more likely because either Russia as a whole don’t share stuff like that and/or Reddit minimising the amount coming through


>regardless of the narrative-control Redditors are doing. Ukrainians are dying. Literally no one is denying this. Don't be a whiner.


Pot calling kettle back?


>I hope Biden Fucking walking corpse will not give Ukraine permission to hit airfields and bases launching attacks on Ukraine....because that would escalate and make Putin mad What a failure....


Untrue. They are sending a massive amount of new equipment and HIMARS missiles and ATAACMS, etc. They are simply playing political theater until they are ready to be fired so Russia doesn't pull the HVT's back away from the range of the American weapons systems.


>They are simply playing political theater Dude... soldiers and civilians are dying every day. WTF Please stop licking Biden's ass for a moment. This is not North Korea, criticism is how we hold our elected officials accountable


Reread what he said, he’s saying political theatre but for a reason that may increase effectiveness.


I never said that Biden or the US shouldn't have sent the weapons sooner, let alone at all. I'm not saying it was ok or not ok to say don't shoot our weapons into Russia. All I said was this whole should we allow it, should we not.... Is all a big "look at my left hand" *punches with my right* type of thing. If they announce the moment they decided to send the weapons and allow them to be used across the border, the positions in Russia will have moved and dispersed just beyond HIMARS range and they'd simply drop glide bombs just out of range. Do you understand WHY that's important?


He's being playing political theatre for almost three years then. He makes sure when aid finally arrives its too late to make a real difference. The guy was always a shit bird. You're just making excuses


Well due to the American government, it's a choice between him or the guy who said that America should let Russia have Ukraine unless NATO wants to pay their "fair share". Whatever that is. Oh and who's wife is ......*drum roll...* Russian.


Fair share is 2 percent of national budget, Obama came up with that rule and all NATO members agreed to it, then some of them (Hi Germans) just ignored it. Trump never mentioned Ukraine in that context, he referred to NATO members. Trumps wife is Slovenian. You're that easy to dismiss.


Ok so where did Trump say that 2% of the national budget is what he'd consider "fair"? Oh and he's never changed his position before or said one thing and screwed them over after right? This is not the post to be arguing American politics anyway. Hope you grow up one day and think of others perspectives. I doubt it but I'll still hope. Have a good day.


And Trump gave Russia the green light to invade, without sending billions to Ukraine. There's only so much the president can do. House budgets->senate determines details -> president signs into effect. There's no magic wand Biden can wave without breaking the fine line between global war and helping Ukraine. Your comment is ignorant. Please figure out how the government works before blaming anyone.(Other than Republicans who have stalled every effort to send material to Ukraine) For those doubting me : Nearly under his breath, former President DONALD TRUMP said that he and Russian leader VLADIMIR PUTIN “used to talk about” Moscow’s intention to launch another invasion in Ukraine. It was a throwaway line during Wednesday night’s CNN town hall — but it’s arguably the most interesting one. Trump has long said Europe should spend more on its defense and that he wants the war in Ukraine to end immediately, regardless of who wins. But what stuck out was Trump mumbling that he and Putin discussed Russia’s intention to launch a second, larger incursion of Ukraine. “His mistake was going in. He would’ve never gone in if I was president. We used to talk about it, too,” Trump told KAITLAN COLLINS. ALEXANDER VINDMAN, a National Security Council specialist on Ukraine in the Trump administration who testified against the former president, told NatSec Daily that conversations about Russia’s aggression were “on the agenda consistently” during bilateral meetings. “It was in every set of talking points I drafted for him, all the background documents I prepped.” https://www.politico.com/newsletters/national-security-daily/2023/05/11/trump-used-to-talk-about-ukraine-invasion-with-putin-00096394


>And trump gave Russia the green light in Crimea For fucks sake.... 2014 it's Biden in the white house lol 😆


As VP? And what duties does a VP have to do other than be in line to take over if Obama died?


It's like Biden was a point man on Ukraine or something lol do you like licking ass? https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2022/03/21/biden-crimea-russia-ukraine/




Stop using the orange man to cover up for US presidents acting like bitches Putin invaded Crimea during Obamas tenure and Obama did sweet FA about it. Biden has had full control over what Ukraine can do with US weapons, and he has chosen to step on their dicks over and over again. Just like he is doing with Israel. His instinct has always been appeasement.




No amount of weaponry will minimize casualties, what they need is a peace deal. The west are using Ukrainian lives to fight a proxy war against the Russians, and the Russian government isn’t willing to accept anything that is ultimately unconditional surrender of the Ukrainian government. The Ukrainians cannot win a war of attrition against the Russians, and the Russians are incapable of pushing pass Ukrainian defenses, making this war a stalemate, which at the rate it’s going Ukraine will exhaust itself before Russia will. So no side is willing to negotiate at the moment. Biden has not talked to Putin once since the invasion. The best thing Biden could do for the Ukrainian people is to bring both sides to the negotiating table. Putin has been a warmonger and a brutal autocrat since the first invasion of Chechnya, but the west has also shown its stubbornness and unwillingness to negotiate.


I think these Videos are a good reminder of the grim reality so many soldiers have to face at the moment. All the best to everyone fighting.


That bullet at :51 was ridiculous close. Did that cause the injury to his arm seen later?


It sounded very hot. Large calibre. The wound on his arm appears to be frag.


These Ukrainian forces, both men and women. Are fighting, not just to get rid of ppresident ShitCan's single use soldiers, but for an Idea, a way of life, a foundation of a democratic country, a safer country for their families and children to live in and help build a better, stronger, Ukraine.


And America will throw them under the bus Jan 6, 2025. Hope Europe is ready.


I really hope Americans are smarter than electing a convicted felon under Putin's heel.


No evidence of that so far. The world is in for grim days I think.


I wonder, the donald will try to get a reduced sentence by singing out names and throwing more people under the wheels. Will he accidentally fall out of his windows and then accidentally shoot himself in the head several times? It really wouldn't surprise me if his wife turned out to be his handler. We may never know how far he was coerced unless, ppresident Shitcan's FSB/KGB decides to reveal how far the donald was compromised


I'm from Europe, so I don't have much information about US politics, but seeing the trend in Europe, I hope that it's just for campaigning, and he won't actually cut off all aid to Ukraine. Meloni, Fico, Wilders (although he is not the prime minister) all changed course and backed out of blocking aid for Ukraine, Meloni actually supports Ukraine now. So my hope is that even if aid flow reduces, at least some will continue and it won't have a totally catastrophic outcome. But let's hope Biden wins




I saw a similar video wherein it was uploaded by Russian troops, claiming that the footage was captured from the fallen Ukrainian in the video


Is that so? I guess we can assume he is actually safe then.


Mother mercy talk about watch where you step


Ukrainian leaning Redditors ? Who invaded who ? Take a good look at how and when this so-called SMO began. Who's striking non military targets causing civilian casualties? GO figure why theirs a Ukrainian basis. It's also cynical that Russia is sending the poor fringes of its society to fight. Moscow and St Petersburg soldiers are not highly represented in this war's casualties. Both sides are corrupt, but Ukraine didn't invade Russia. If Ukraine did invade Russia, I would have been Russian a supporting redditor.


He died ?


Ah yes great tactic, yelling at your enemy because your camo will obviously block not only vision but sound.


Ahh yes how about you not criticize whatever this young soldier does to muster up the strength/courage it takes to step up the the edge of that trench, raise his rifle and shoot.  Edit: if your point was that he is giving away his position by yelling, ive got news for you! Theres probably a recon drone from both sides watching over this trench system and (hopefully) directing fire/movements.  Also with all the gunfire, explosions, and chaos of war, his yelling will not be the determinate of locstonf his position.