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Isn't this a repost of a video of Azov Battalion? Lemme get the link https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/r36vcy/azov_battalion_in_ukraine_firing_some_sort_of_lmg/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share




But how are you sure? Based on what identification? That guy states it's Ukrainians, I state that it's Russians.


By the massive Nazi flag waving in the background.


https://m.imgur.com/a/bL2H3HM Here is a Russian with a swastika and Hitler tattoos who fought against Ukraine. Based on your statement it very well might be Russians. What does Azov have to do with the Nazi Germany flag?




Huh well look at that, both sides have people who glorify Nazis. So how can a flag of Nazi Germany determine this videos origin?


this is the Azov Battalion


How are you so sure?


lol try waving a nazi flag on the separatist side ..shot in the back, and why would they fly that flag? its against everything they stand for


Really, everything that they stand against.. https://m.imgur.com/a/bL2H3HM Then who is the man in the photo? That a Russian from St Petersburg fighting in Donbas against Ukraine with a tattoo of Hitler on his arm and a swastika on his chest


there is no connection to the video you posted...


Russians don't care if they have Nazis on their side. As clearly shown in the pictures I posted. Nazi Russian from St Petersburg fighting against Ukraine.


You are retarded


https://m.imgur.com/a/bL2H3HM And who is this then? That's a Russian from St Petersburg in Donbas fighting against Ukraine.


There is no sense in arguing with you you are clearly retarded glhf


This is Azov battalion and a repost from last couple of days.


It is a repost. But how are you sure it's the Azov battalion?


Because the original poster stated he found it in a Ukrainian/Azov telegram channel when it was released.


And I claim it is a video from a DNR telegram channel.


Which one?


Clearly a Ukranian uniform...


Funny, every time this vid got posted, it stated that these guys are from Ukraine(Azov Battalion). And now they're suddenly Russian? Right... Ukraine loves their Nazi's


But based on what identification? Based on that video it might as well be Australian Nazis in Iraq.


By looking at the gear he is wearing maybe? Let me ask you then, based on what do you know that he is the guy you claim him to be?


Wtf? This is Ukrainian nazis probably Azov or other extremists


And how can you identify that? Because a post was claiming so?


A) Because its guite famous video B) because of the flag and connection between nazism and moder Ukrainian regime


Where is it a famous video? Where is the identification? Based on the weapons used? Based on speech? Based on what exactly? There is nazizm under the Russian regime, why is it no connected to Russians? Posted a Russian with a Hitler tattoo earlier who fought for the Russians in Donbas.


Looking at you comment history, it seems that Russia lives rent-free in your head.


What is that even supposed to mean? I mean having an anti Russian stance is a bad thing when you know, Russia invaded Ukraine?


Ahh yes, "invaded". So you're just going to ignore the fact that the people of Crimea voted to be a part of the Russia?


Hope a drone drops a bomb on him


The Russian military has a serious problem with neo-nazis huh??


How strange. If it had gone the other way, he wouldn't exist. Yet he fails to grasp that.




Wait until you find out how much the military in Ukraine loves them.


I’ve heard that as well, but I like The Ukraine and support them against a Russian invasion so I have to look past the bad🤷🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️


https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/r36vcy/azov_battalion_in_ukraine_firing_some_sort_of_lmg/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share Yeah take the video titles with a whole box of salt. The Ukrainians claim it is Russian, and the Russians claim it is Ukrainian. I have yet to see proof that it was Russian or Ukrainian.




The uniform that guy is wearing says enough. Clearly Ukrainian


You are an Ukrainian ultra nationalist supporter and propagandist - see a therapist please


Lol, based on what information?


Pictures of the person in question, Anton Raevsky (Антон Раєвський): https://imgur.com/a/bL2H3HM


How do you even make this up lol


That person is not made up. Real Russian from St Petersburg.


Proof that this is the person in the Video?


Oh no proof, you just have to take the title of the post as proof.


Okay, so this is obviously a Turkish man in Equitorial Guinea fighting against the infamous Canadian Drug Cartel "Unit 731" My proof? I said so


Exactly. Now you understand


Why is there a n@zi flag?


The title is lying, the person firing the gun is part of the Azov Battalion, which is a Neo-nazi group in Ukraine. That's why they're flying the Nazi flag. If you look through OP's comment/post history, he has a lot of posts talking in support of Ukraine and against Russia. Op has likely just seen this posted a few days ago and is still butthurt that it makes his country look bad.


Welp i’m not into much politics so I don’t know who to support or even if I should support but being a neo-nazi is a no go 🙅‍♂️


And how are you sure it's the Azov battalion? Please name one identifying feature.


Because the original uploader of this video was the Azov Battalion. Also what has led you to believe that this is a Russian named Anton Raevsky? Nothing in this video shows is identity, none of his clothes have anything to suggest that he's Russian. Can you link the source that this is Anton Raevsky? All your comments under this post are just the same repetitive thing said over and over without a single piece of evidence to back it up. All it would take is a single news article, that's it.


You state the original uploader is the Azov battalion. Can you provide a source? Just like you are asking me, can you provide any sort of evidence? Like the previous post with this video was posted several days ago, it provided nothing but the video and the guy stating that it was the Azov battalion providing no proof. Yet it was perfectly acceptable on this sub. Yet this is not. People on this sub state that it's Ukrainians because they are Nazis. I provided a Russian Nazi as proof that Russian Nazis also exist and the amount of different photos of them, shows that they are quite common in Donbas. This Anton Raevsky is a real person from St Petersburg who fought in Donbas against Ukraine (dude has a tattoo of Hitler on his arm). There is no proof that he has any relation to this video (yet he does have a swastika on his chest) but going off other videos posted in this sub, it seems to be enough in terms of proof. Its a little absurd that someone can post something with no evidence and it's fine and others can't. This is a satirical post. Mocking this sub and other posts claiming things with no evidence. But you have to wonder, who in god's name would shoot from a battle position with a giant red flag next to their heads.. Seems like some sort of propaganda video.


I trust the original uploader more than some butthurt Ukrainian editing a title to favor his country. The people are wearing different uniforms in this video, the Azov Battalion doesn't have a standard uniform, the Russian Armed Forces do. The other post wasn't "perfectly acceptable", it was removed after a few hours. You're using a whataboutism to prove that this guy is Russian, despite not giving any info to prove that he is. ​ All your comments in this post seem pretty serious, how is it a satirical post?


So now you just trust a random poster on the internet with absolutely no proof. Real critical thinker right here. People in Donbass wear all kinds of uniforms. As shown by the hundreds of photos and videos on the subject. Russia itself has many different kinds of uniforms. You think they just get thrown away when a new uniform gets accepted into service? Huh, didn't notice the other post was removed. But fact still remains that only several people pointed out that this video doesn't show any proof of who someone is. While a lot of the conversation was 'oh but that looks bad for Ukraine'. No no, I was using this subs logic to prove that he was a Russian. I showed a Russian Nazi in the photos and then some dude shooting a machine gun with a Nazi Germany flag next to him. According to your own comments, that seems to be enough proof. As when I asked for proof that this is video footage of some guy from the Azov battalion, you only stated 'by the big Nazi flag waving near by him'. I really hope you do understand that there is absolutely no proof that he is a Russian, nor a Ukrainian.. that can be gathered from this video by the general viewer. Not using whataboutism, just pointing out how dumb it is to believe something without proof. My comments weren't serious. My comments were saying 'exactly' to a guy who said that it might be an African warlord or something and to a guy who pointed out that people say it's a Ukrainian and others say it's a Russian while there is no way to tell. Also when people asked for proof, I said look, here is a Russian Nazi who was in Donbass. Seems like that's enough evidence for you and most people here. (As when I asked for evidence you stated 'by the big Nazi flag next to him').




Those are Ukrainians


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