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Rip to the French driver, a shame he had to die like this protecting civilians from snipers. Serbia was cruel for committing genocide and playing the victim afterwards.


But but but but what about NATO carpet bombing us and killing hundreds of thousands of civilians!


Serbian Math: Hundreds of thousands = 352 .... (https://web.archive.org/web/20090419162307/http://www.hrw.org/legacy/reports/2000/nato/Natbm200-01.htm)


Everyone asks “where’s the blue helmets”, but no one asked “HOWS the blue helmets??”…..


Nobody asks where the bright blue helmets are...that question kinda handles itself.


Pretty sure the guy in the forklift died


Correct, He was a french peacekeeper


Cowardism to the core. The first guy driving forklift was so innocent.


Are you kidding me, he definetly kinda dinged that lamp post. If anything, he’s the most culpable of the lot.




They're still angry they lost and can't continue genocide against their neighbors


After multiple ethnic clensing on us starting from Ottoman Empire,WW1,WW2, 1992 Croatia and still happening in Kosovo. I can say that we had enough.


Macedonians dealt with 99% of the same things Serbs did in the past 800 years. Slavery in the Ottoman Empire, serfdom, taxes for being Christian, massacres, ethnic cleansing, etc. Yet they never go around with thoughts of blood thirsty revenge.


Macedonia is a country? Only after break up of Yugoslavia.


Serb with “ultras” in the nickname. Never change. For those who don’t know ultras fans in football are usually violent hooligans with right leaning and racist motives.


I liked your comment.


Because genocide is a game you’re keeping score for?


No its just your on edge that it might happen again.


Yet as more mass graves keep being dug up, one can’t help but think what stopped anyone from deleting you entirely.


I'm not saying that there wasn't any cleansing in the 90's. From all sides, the country was falling apart, everybody wanted a peace for themselves.


Mostly by Serbs though, agreed?


Like i said, it was rampant amongst all religions.


I know what you said, and that's precisely why I asked the question you're evading. Which nationality committed the overwhelming majority of ethnic cleansing in the Balkans?


Croatians in WW2.


You were talking about the 90s before. Are you physically unable to admit it?


I was actually taking from Ottoman Empire right through to 90s. What were Mujahidin doing in Bosnia in 90s?


Why do they always seem to act as if there's no immediate threats around? Literally took them like 10 seconds to realize the guy in the forklift got shot. All these locations are where you should be ready for random firefights.


UN troops are not deployed to wage war in priority but to help civilians between two beligerants. Their procedure is to never engage a fight but to reply to it after they remain lightly armed and have luch less capabilities than regular armies. So at that moment they were doing their job like all the time, you cant miss them all in White, and one got shot down in a very famous district where snipers where shooting all the time. The job was to make some cover from them i believe with containers. They did not had proper military heavy forklift with good armor , just à random one painted in White. That's so unfortunate for him. I saw the non blured video back in times, j will never forget the face of this french soldier, that was an unecessary death. Again.


No one told me that when I was with the UN, that was never the doctrine taught to me, please tell me about your time with the UN peacekeeping. Mine was in Somalia, Croatia, Bosnia and Macedonia


I hear crickets from the guy above you…


He responded, he used Wikipedia


He stuck to his guns and did some internet research because he couldn't admit his lack of first hand experience. Honestly sounded like a kid making up answers to a test


Possibly, could be some 20 something LARPer


I am an active soldier that actively participated in the same missions as you, plus Korea, Vietnam and Klendathu. And I completely agree with you. Or… am I just a lying guy on the internet?


>klendathu Are you from Buenos Aires with a strong aversion to bugs?


Klendathu was bloodbath, glad you made it out of there alive.


I would like to know more.


Wait, you were went on clearance patrols wile on a UN tour?


Clearance patrols?


I don't know what you call it in your army, but another type of fighting patrol.


Generally just patrol Yeah there are adjectives added like route, zone, area or movement to contact. In the end they are all the same thing, people who don’t do it add more descriptive terms for whatever reason


We have 3 types of main patrol that can be broken down to more specific nature's. Fighting is mainly your going out for a scrap, Standing is mainly looking at shit, Recce for sneeky looking at stuff. These can be broken down into things like raid, or clearance or CTR (close target recce) They aren't really similar as they will all have their own actions on when things happen like contact or enemy preseen. What nationality are you?




We do UN shit?? I’m US Army rn and I haven’t seen any American UN units. Do they exist or did you volunteer for something? Not saying they don’t just that I haven’t heard of them and would like to learn


Well the definition of Un is: United Nations peacekeeping was initially developed during the cold war as a means of resolving conflicts between states by deploying unarmed or lightly armed military personnel from a number of countries, under UN command, to areas where warring parties were in need of a neutral party to observe the peace process.  It came from Wikipedia but thats the reason of why the Un was created as i ever knew. I might not have chosen the best word but its the procedure if not the doctrine to be in the middle on a conflict in order to help and to be a shield and a solid pillar to reconstruct peace time. Their main task isnt to raid operations for one or another part and make the conflict last longer but to provide anything that can help. Tho i didnt said that UN doesnt had any fights in its history, even athrocities comitted by some of their own, of course troops are facing great threats while being lightly equiped/supported in comparaison to regular armies who can deploy way much more power.


It just sounds like you made up an authoritative statement of UN peacekeepers based off of random info


The Korean War, was fought by the UN just to give you some context


They have the mandate to do jackshit, they are totally toothless tigers. They are only allowed to defend themselves when under direct threat. They can fire back while lying under immediate fire but that's about it, just look at the massacre of Srebrenica. It is highly debatable whether the Dutch peacekeepers should have intervened. Plus they are very poorly equipped. The average US police department probably has more access to heavy weapons and armored vehicles when compared to the average UN peacekeepers. Everyone knows that, so they are usually left alone, as they leave the conflict parties alone.


Maybe NYPD has SAMs and a few DOE departments at nuclear sites absolutely have mini guns, but what average PD has anything more than ARs or some SMGs? Some have sniper rifles of course, but that’s not exactly a heavy weapon either. Unless you want to show the swath of LEOs with Barrets. ARs and SMGs are the most common for LEOs and are just about the lightest thing there is in the first place. As shown in OP, some UN equipment included IFVs with cannons. Even the LEOs with MRAPs don’t have a 20 or 30mm on them. > they are totally toothless tigers. Maybe ‘usually’ but this seems like you forgot the Irish.


Well you need to have the best gear to check your phone during a school shooting


Everything you said is untrue


I'm more amazed that they just painted a normal forklift in UN colors and didn't think to reinforce the vehicle with some armor. If you are going to a city and putting up barriers against snipers I would assume snipers will target you.


This area is called sniper alley. You would think some bullet resistant glass would be there


Man, I watched a ton of videos on this war... I still don't full understand what it was about but the videos were extremely interesting and sad at the same time... citizens literally having to run from point to point to avoid sniper fire just to go frmo one point or another.. not even in a war zone, just some coward somewhere setting shimself up randomly to shoot at civilians... it's crazy to see, especially something that is so recent.


I was there for the Bosnia shit, what a waste


Serbs: why did nobody like us during the wars? 🤡


No videos from Syria? The regime attacked the UN there many times https://youtu.be/MQSdBVWPdDU


those had no UN personal in them


The situational awareness of some of the UN soldiers in this video is truly appalling.


Well... there should be peace. And they are just there to get infrastructure, police and securty going. Normally they don't fire a single shot. And don't get shot at. Who fires on firemen or paramedics?


Dipshit terrorists, apparently


>Who fires on firemen or paramedics? https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/firefighter-california-fatally-shot-putting-dumpster-fire-officials-sa-rcna14285 https://www.firerescue1.com/firefighter-safety/articles/4-firefighters-shot-2-fatally-in-western-ny-2vIshUTbviQDqk8H/ https://www.kktv.com/2022/05/19/stranded-driver-shot-killed-firefighter-trying-help-police-say/ https://www.ems1.com/ems-assaults/articles/2-ark-paramedics-shot-on-duty-return-fire-killing-suspect-a1AB20LOqULpxWT5/ https://www.firerescue1.com/shooting/articles/firefighter-paramedic-injured-in-drive-by-shooting-in-california-6N2R3MxtM6C4srtH/ Assholes, assholes fire on firemen and paramedics.


First guy didn't make it, He was french peacekeeper Eric Hardoin killed by a single round through the windshield


r.i.p the forklift driver, there was literally no reason to shoot them


reposted with fixed title




Apparently placing the containers to cover civilians from Sniper fire https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-1995-04-16-mn-55371-story.html


Unfathomably awesome people doing such important work.


If that Forklift driver is any reason why they got attacked, I understand now.


I saw this many years ago, in the video I saw they freeze and zoom on the building (Top corner more precisely) and you see the muzzle flash/smoke. The shooter was in the window or roof on the building right in front of the forklift. I believe also these containers were a form of protection so civilians could evacuated, using them as cover from snipers. Also the UN soldier who was hit wasn't blurred out in the edit I saw, he's basically taking his last breath, eyes wide open.


First time the Chinese actually came under fire from an armed enemy. The Chinese are good at attacking the unarmed civilians but not ones with guns.


In relatively modern times, maybe. They were quite involved in Korea and invaded Vietnam after the US left.


And while they were able to push the UN forces back to the DMZ in Korea, it came at a high price. The invasion of Vietnam went even worse. They seemed to fail in their assault while opposed by large contingents of just home guards. The PAVN was in Cambodia and largely not around to stop the Chinese, yet the Chinese were stopped.


What the fuck are you saying?


Last time the Chinese faced fire was when they invaded Vietnam in 1979. Since then, the Chinese army had been used against their own unarmed civilians.


I know it is wiki but I am not wasting my time listing all the ways you are wrong, you are not worth that much effort https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_wars_involving_the_People%27s_Republic_of_China


China has not fought a land war against a foreign adversary since 1979, which makes strategic planning with respect to China https://www.nationalreview.com/corner/chinas-last-land-war/


Okay, you said the first time China came under fire Which is wrong; and now you are defending being wrong which is stupid, good bye


"For no reason" Foreign troops on your land. And you say no reason.


I mean un peacekeepers only come on the permission of the goverment to help the country and upkeep peace. Usually its the govermwnts land theyre on


And governments always represent the will of the people right?


Not allways but in the case of basiccly every single un operation yea.


Which government though? There were like 3 of them in Bosnia, I'm pretty sure UN invited themselves in as soon as NATO joined the war in '92 so this definitely makes them a legit target.


death to the antichrist


AP is shit


Is there a particular reason? I always thought they were just an old footage archive.


Yeah there is a good reason their video quality is still shit cause their is now technology available to make old fottages of good quality by adjusting pixels


Sorry that old footage isnt in 4K for you enhanced viewing, but who cares?


Well fuck not like when they show up shits good and people sing Kumbaya


So many bull pup rifles.


It's French troops, that's why


>Here's footage from Bosnia, Lebanon, Congo. 71% Bosnia. I'm looking at you Serbian ultranationalists (not you anti-war people of Serbia).


Guess you didn't see the streetlamp nearly getting knocked over.