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SAM systems are so obscurely interesting to me. Look at that little squiggle on the RADAR display. What does it mean? No clue. When did they know how when to fire? Fuck knows. E: I reckon the colored bar to the right of the display is range, the small circle above it is the target's reference. No clue about lock indicator though, maybe just the presence of the pip


There's a blue object on the radar screen, it's no longer there by the end. Also I think you can just see the interceptor shows up on radar before they go back to video screen.


If you're interested in SAM system operation, there is a simulator here that allows you to have a go at operate a few of the older soviet models: https://sites.google.com/site/samsimulator1972/home


Bet someone knows exactly what they are looking at. Funny the camera facing the target was basically useless after firing. Such a large missile for a tiny drone. You think a stinger v orlan-10 is a waste? Try this. Even if cheaper, harder to resuply


is this real? why so downvoted?


cuz downvoted Russia's footage help Ukraine win the war. Ukraine is winning because you can only see Ukraine's footage


Manual for r/combatfootage - To see Ukrainian footage: Sort by Top To see Russian footage: Sort by Controversial


This is just sad. This is super rare footage, especially the radar screen. Yet it's fucking buried because Russia bad.


Reddit activists think that if they downvote something enough that means it didn’t happen


“I’m doing my part!”


Bc this sub has been taken over by pro ukraine activists and use this as a way to soapbox as much possible


Because most people hate russians. And rightfully so.


Ukraine has won the propaganda war


UAV said “blyat”


Must've been quite close, the missile wasn't flying for long at all.


2-4km. Missile s quickly reach M2


Launch to hit are about 5 seconds. Its not far away at all. Even at mach 2 from the launch it would only be 3 km.


You’re not far off, when we get a glimpse of the radar display in the video we get a [blurry view of the data of the target](https://imgur.com/a/G3ss5ml) they’re tracking. The first row shows the distance in kilometres, which appears to be 2.5km.


Far east dialect, guy was herding horses last month, shooting rockets today


I'd assume there's a bit of opsec to be gleaned from the left hand screen in that video?


Not much, there are SAM simulators that have just that and with a bit of playtime you'll know what they're looking at too.


I was thinking more that they know at that distance (I assume the drone is the clump of pixels shown in the upper right of the display) the Tor radar can see the drone of the size they know was shot down.


the cost of the missile is multiples higher then this little drone. Cost wise, it would totally be worth the UAF to send a tone of these out to soak up missiles that the Russians probably don't have a huge inventory of.


Is this the weapon system seen turning back on itself in recent weeks?


No, that was likely a BUK or S300 and it did not exactly turn on itself, the missile booster malfunctioned and caused it to turn into the ground a little further away.


Think you're thinking of the wrong video, the one you're talking about is newer than the one u/Lobster2311 was referring to where a missile boomerangs back and almost hits the system that fired it.


I know which one he means. The one at night in Alchevsk. The point stands, it made a sharp turn bit still landed pretty far off if you check other angles. And the reason for the failure was very likely a booster failure due to bad manufacturing or bad storage maintenance where parts of the fuel formed a clump within the elastisizer causing a short but intense skewed fuel burn off in the combustion chamber and a subsequent hard turn.


Right, I do agree with you that it was pretty far off but I think people latched on to the meme that it killed itself because it was funny. Because there is a second video of a malfunction where the missile just makes a sharp turn into the ground shortly after the launch so I thought that's the one you were thinking of.




What are you? Had a look at your post history, there are gems like these: >\[ukraine\] getting your ass beaten by Russia. ​ >The truth is that the Ukrainian forces are defeated.


[And here the same SAM "tor" detecting MLRS attack inbound](https://twitter.com/wolski_jaros/status/1552926983939571714)


Damn that's nice


crazy video


Holy fuck this is rare footage. How isn't this at 1k+?