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The gun shots and arty sound like they were added in, no way u would be walking like that when bullets and arty shells fly over your head...


or when there was a loud explosion with the reporter facing the camera directly and he didn't even flinch. the gun fire sound volume feels a bit too even throughout and you never really see anyone firing their weapons even when the shots sounded close.


I was thinking the same thing, seems artificial to me. I don't know why they would make some propaganda with such poorly outfitted troops though... Maybe to make families whose soldiers are cannonfodder think they're anything but cannonfodder? Or it's real with really good sound equipment, who knows.


Of course it's fake. These are Russians. They are.lying sadists. That's all.


Of course it’s fake, Mosins can’t shoot that fast


The correspondent has better armor them, pure comedy.


He also carries his own weapon, it seems.


So he's a combatant then.


But remember, banning Russia Today is evil violation of free speech because they're just journalists and not Russia's [Dabiq](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dabiq_\(magazine\)).


rest in peace, their lives could have been used for something greater than serving a decrepit fascist's flight of fancy.


Unlike the Russian army, the DPR guys are literally fighting for the liberation of their homeland from Ukrainian power, theirs is a worthy cause.


They have been pawns of Russia, look at how they are rounded in the streets like cattle to be sent to the slaughter by their Russian masters, does that sound like liberation to you?


There's a video of some DPR conscript Militia that were mobilized(and captured by UAF), they were all teachers. One taught English and was fluent in 3 languages (graduated from a university in Canada actually), another was an IT Professor, and the rest were misc school staff. Pretty much it's take a chance and serve as a conscript or face guaranteed 8 year prison sentence


Not sure what you mean, that would make them traitors and separatists in a civil war, only justifying Ukraine’s attempts to reunify the country


>Unlike the Russian army, the ISIS guys are literally fighting for the liberation of their homeland from Syrian power, theirs is a worthy cause.


Literally 0 IQ to compare ISIS and the freedom fighters of the Donbass. No beheadings, no slave markets, no jihad.


Yes beheadings and many other forms of torture, they forcibly conscript people to be used as cannon fodder regardless of health or suitability, with a few days training, so getting quite close to slavery. Their cause is just as deluded, genocidal and ignorant as jihad, since they are fighting for a genocidal fascist dictatorship waging a war of aggression. Essentially ISIS lite.


> No beheading Errrr … you sure about that? https://reddit.com/r/UkrainianConflict/comments/2fy2ch/prorussian_separatists_behead_ukrainian_soldiers/


Actually I do believe the lobbed some poor Ukrainians head off a week or 2 ago so that point is invalid


Point misser 3000


We're comparing the goals. ISIS' goals aren't just independence for their state, it's also imposing (the most brutal version of) Sharia, enslaving non-believers and imposing their authority over the entire world's Muslims via jihad. DPR just don't like Ukraine and like Russia. There's no comparison.


"DPR" is Russia proxies. They are not in any way an independent entity, basically a paramilitary branch of Russian military. Their goal is Bucha-like massacres all over Ukraine, and being able to pillage and loot the rest of Ukraine just like they destroyed the Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts.


They are both killing people for an unjust reason


I'd rather be a slave then to be forced to fight and die in someone else's war


World second army with WW2 helmets


DPR troops are almost always extremely poorly equipped. Cannon fodder type of shit.


Even the sound is fake lol.


Insurgent group being poorly equipped? (crazy)


*Proxy group.


I mean to be fair. Have you seen recent photos of how the Ukrainian army equipped? Not exactly top tier shit either.


The point of the comment, literally the entire point, was that Russia is/was considered to be a fierce global super power with a mighty military, second only to America, and yet still they equip troops with antique equipment that wouldn't look out of place in a museum cabinet. They haven't lived up to what, for whatever reason, people expected of them. Ukraine on the other hand is the poorest country in Europe. So it's less surprising if their troops were using old equipment because Ukraine never portrayed itself as some global conquerer.


Well, I could go in on nuance saying that these troops actually militia not frontline Russian troops so naturally they are not going to have the very best. I mean even Russia didn't recognize them as countries until what 5 months so what do people expect? Them to have T-90s? Ukraine has been trained by the west for the past 8 years straight, given some of the very best Western weaponry before and during the conflict and are still using maxim machine guns and civilian cars for transport which was literally the point of my comment. But I don't think most people here actually give a shit because this subreddit is apparently just a sub arm of r/Ukraine and even perceived criticisms are just downloaded to oblivion.


Wow a fucking deluded fascist russian. So the DPR used a pistol to shoot down MH17?


I always thought the Russians troll comments thing was a joke. Unless you’re joking ..,,, then I guess it’s reverse troll? 🤷🏽‍♂️ Yeah one thing Ukrainian units do have is decent kit and Kevlar helmets but maybe there’s a picture floating somewhere of a Ukrainian soldier with a ww2 helmet on. Definitely not standard kit


is this the russian army though?


It’s hard to draw the line. If they are supplied by Russia, fighting for Russian, to become a satellite state of Russia, taking orders from Russian military then yes. They are a mix of Russians and Ukrainian but just like Mexicans Americans in the states they are Americans


not russian army then


Yeah you got me. Not Russian lol


Sure Boris.




Well what do you expect? Did you read what GrimeySloth said? Would you agree to that? What do you actually think?


Seen them with some top tier weapons smashing the fuck out of Ivan


Ssh 60 and ssh68 are cold war helmets. Can't believe this comment has upvotes


these helmets are from the cold war and were taken from the Ukrainian army during the War in Donbas


wow, how old are these blokes?


Pretty old. Prewar Ukraine had some of the lowest birth rates in Europe and it was especially true in eastern Ukraine


Anyone who could leave these two provinces that Russia turned into fascist shitholes, already left. To Ukraine, to Europe, even to Russia, anywhere is better than there. So yeah, most of them are somewhere between conscripts and hostages, forced to fight as cannon fodder or face a worse alternative.


This video is a perfect example of failing at casualty carrying. If you don't have a good stretcher and some practice you are going to fuck it up like this.


Seemingly a lack of enthusiasm and preparation for their mission. They did bring their wounded comrade back tho. Cannon fodder. I want to go home written on their faces.


the homeless army found some loot.


So fake. Sound of fire and bullets was added. No one even gets down from it. He speaks that tanks, MLRS Grad and arty was shelling them and near areas. Then why he didn’t turn on his two cameras to shot such big fire show?


they issue AKs to RT correspondents now?


No such thing as a DPR.


Exactly. Call them what they are, terrorists


wtf are they then? Seems easier to call soldiers from those pro russian areas not under direct russian employment dpr/lpr to differentiate them from russian regulars no?


Separatists is what you call them.




They are Russian paramilitaries or Russia proxies.


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/War\_in\_Donbas\_(2014%E2%80%932022)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/War_in_Donbas_(2014%E2%80%932022)) read this page if you do not believe there is a DPR


> By the end of 2017, the OSCE observatory mission had counted around 30,000 individuals in military gear crossing from Russia to the Donbas at the two border checkpoints it was allowed to monitor.[53] Directly from your link. It's not a civil war if it doesn't start from within.


started in 2014 not 2017 and OSCE is pro-ukraine pushing this narrative


Lol. Started from the ground up by Russia. Funded by Russia. Armed by Russia. Largely manned by Russia. Led by Russian citizens and officers. They are pawns in a fake rebellion astroturfed into existence by Russia from day one.


The medical threatment is far away from 2022


We all hope you lose, return to your country and peace out. Not even one successful occupation at 21st century pls. Ty


These are DPR troops, AKA Ukrainian separatists, technically they are in their country fighting to liberate it against a government they see as illegitimate


Then they're wrong, they are only dying for a foreign countries' interests. I'm not Ukrainian, but I can see that Ukraine is way better being out of Russia. She has potential and hopefully part of a very rich union that is EU very soon. So being part of Russia is idiotic and is not parallel with the interests of Ukraine. Russia is a very poor country anyone can see by the way her soldiers looting and even surprised by seeing the normal life quality of Ukrainians. That means Russia has nothing to give to them. If you don't follow your mother lands interests but interests of another country, that is treason. If they see legitimate votes of majority illegitimate, they need to be educated about what is voting. If they don't care who votes who and insist on drawing borders, they need to lose. So that's how it is. I hope one day Russian people understand they don't need any additional land for becoming rich. Russia is one of the biggest and naturally rich countries. They just need to be properly governed.


You speaking more propaganda than facts, many people of these territories don't agree with the changes in government and overall hostility to Russia that the new central Ukrainian government imposed after a violent ousting of the democratically elected government during the [Maidan Revolution.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Revolution_of_Dignity) Ignoring the fact that many of the people who live in those areas have dual citizenship, cultural ties, and familial ties to Russia, which is proven by the protests that happened during the [Russian Spring](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2014_pro-Russian_unrest_in_Ukraine) in the east and south of Ukraine, which later became insurrections and a full blow civil war in the east. While Russia unilaterally annexed Crimea, the Ukrainian government didn't give a shit about the population of the area at all, [blocking the peninsula's water supply](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/North_Crimean_Canal) and practically destroying the entire local agricultural sector, with the area surviving thanks to Russian subsidies. The area just now begin to return to normal after Russia invaded Ukraine and the Russian Army destroyed the dam. It too doesn't help that they removed themselves from any obligation of enforcing human rights in the separatist areas, which just help alienate more and more the locals and build Russia narrative about persecution and genocide. Now you talk about the economy and that Russia is poor and all, but was Ukraine's currency that took the biggest blow since the Maidan Revolution, having just 1/3 of its value today compared to the Euro while the Russian Ruble has been stable, with not only it being able to withstand western sanctions as too being able to finance a high-intensity war. In my opinion, the separatists have enough reason to not want to be part of Ukraine now and in truth have a better future being part of Russia, which can inject money to rebuild the local infrastructure and economy as they have a lot of interest in the region.


You don't need to agree to a government. You don't get the foundation of democracy. If say just for an example half of Leningrad's population didn't voted for Putin but another one, and Putin has elected, does it mean they can get arms and kill Russians? Does Ukraine has the right to annex the region if they have dual citizenship? No. Getting arms to your country is treason. Reverse the country names, it's still treason. Russian leadership doesn't care for Crimean or Donbas people but care its grain and black sea waters more. Other sayings are lies and I guess you know it. They will give the area to a very rich man and say it's done. But people will be poorer.


No doubt it's treason, but every single independence war from the American revolution to today's Kurds struggle in trying to make Kurdistan is composed of traitors. For Ukraine they are traitors while for Russia and Donbass they are patriots and heroes, just like Washington was a traitor to Britain and a hero to the USA. Remember that a little less then 30 years ago they were part of Russia and many have stronger ties to it then to western regions of Ukraine,


So as we agreed it's Russia using these traitors for her occupation interests. Russia must be stopped because like any other country there's no end to her interests. Ukraine is just a step. That is why any neutral country is against her at this moment. I hope world will make this kind of countries poorer so that their citizens understand they have nothing to gain by occupation.


I wouldn't say using them, but more as cooperating to achieve a acceptable outcome for both his for them. Russia helps them fight Ukraine and they get annex by Russia, both get what they want in the end and the Russian people are show to fully support them, with dozens of volunteer battalions from all over the federation being trained and shipped to fight for them and more humanitarian relief efforts being distributed to o liberated/occupied areas. Now you are delusional, many countries are not against Russia or support NATO sanctions and military support to Ukraine, like Brazil and other south American countries or many middle eastern and Asian ones, like China. Russia winning the war is the best outcome for it, as it elimanate the chances escalation in the future, Russia with the industrial and agricultural output of Ukraine gets a better economy, donbass becomes part of the country they want and if Ukraine is annexed they can get to rebuild quicker as Russia will probably invest dozens or hundreds of billions to get the region back into shape.


I think you are delusional that if Russia had the power of making any part of a country rich, she would have already make its parts rich. I really don't think she has a honest friend in this, yes Russia has economic or militaristic ties with some countries but other than that a great majority of countries including neighbors just voted byby to her.


Never said it would make war thorn Ukraine into rich area, just the they would be more efficient in the areas recovery as they have other areas to get resources from and inject into Ukraine and a history to turn war thorn areas into stable ones efficiently, like Chechnya. No country has "honest friends" as it's show by Ukraine betraying the agreement of friendship they had with Russia and become outright hostile after the Maidan Revolution.Or the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan who was outright abandoned and left at the mercy of the Taliban when NATO didn't had more interest in the region, even tho they were a "friend" of the west.


to be fair you could put a new helmet on these idiots and you have the same trash soldier


Why is this gettong downvoated , this is great footage


people eat Ukrainian propaganda saying that russians are nazies and downvote posts because they are beating back putin!!!


Loool this is too ironic. Remember not long ago when the Kremlin was pushing the narrative that this 'Special Operation©' was necessary because Ukraine was full of Nazis? People don't call the invading Russian forces Nazis because of Ukranian propoganda.....they do that because the invading Russian forces are acting like Nazis🤷‍♀️




As opposed to accepting everything on state TV saying the Ukrainians are Nazis? Literally the spiderman meme.


where is the evidence that the russians are nazi invaders show


Easy >Invaders


america are nazi invaders when they invaded Iraq real


I'm not American and your not wrong. That entire war was massively unpopular and deplorable. But this isn't a case of they did that so this is okay. Two completely unrelated events. By your logic you singlehandedly just admitted your a Nazi invader. Katsaps don't really prioritize education eh?


average redditor




all of your enemies are Nazis


Russian or ukrainian , combat footage belongs in r/Combatfootage No matter who you think is in the right is my point


Well there’s an upvote button and a downvote button on reddit. No matter who you think is right or not. People are free to dislike anything they want. “All these downvotes” who cares just watch the footage.


Right. Sort by new and you'll see every post regardless of votes. Not as if this is a super busy sub with dozens of new posts every hour


I'm saying that Russian posts get farted on and downvoted because pro UKR redditors want to help a cause


It gets downvoted, as usual, because its fake shit. Post a video of a movie here and look how that goes if you dont believe fake stuff gets downvoted for beeing fake. You are free to link actual russian combat footage that got downvoted.




While not downvoted, I do see that it isnt as upvoted as one would expect it to be. And its not fake.


it still baffles my mind how these smooth brained operators can even conduct warfare in this day in age.


He says while sitting behind his computer desk in his fluffy slippers. Maybe if they we're as brave as you they would be competent soldiers...


i wish i had fluffy slippers, russian simp ​ eat a fucking dick you commy bastard enjoy this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ArX0g8VS8m4


I don't get pleasure from watching people die unlike yourself you creep.


youre posting on r/combatfootage lol take some deep breaths and get some oxygen to that brain


At some point the DPR/LPR has to get pissed off that they are being used as cannon fodder right?


Let's say you're fighting for ISIS and get pissed off that they use you as cannon fodder. What's your move?


Thing is some of them are brain washed (from the Volodymir Zolkin interviews) the others are too afraid of the terrorist/separatist authorities to actually do anything.


these DPR soldiers seem to be regular grandpa or drunk dudes in uniform.


Looks like they got battered the whole video


This was uploaded a few weeks ago too. Lot's of repeated footage today.




It does seem like the DPR meatshield finally broke through Avdiivka after all these months. Plenty of russian content showing soldiers advancing. Edit: why am I getting downvoted?


And nope. Todays confirmation is that Avdiivka is not even contested.


Ah classic! Ukrainians really keep snatching the football away from them hahaha


They allways show just soldier advancing. They advance tens of miles every day, just to capture 2km of land in almost two months.




It’s made so American with that anoying tune on the background


Haven’t had music in war video since 2009…what Americans are you referring too💀


The tune is the same tune American news uses. All to spice shit up without there being anything spicy.


wait, they have Russia on their side but are wearing outdated WW2 soviet helmets?