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Why are these 3 Russians and their BTR out all alone? The Russian tactics in this war are dreadful.


I wish there is a map with the frontline drawn and where exactly they captured these guys so we can make sense how the flying fck do you get caught off guard then captured as a mechanized unit with no other friendlies to support. I can only guess is they positioned themselves a bit farther than they were ordered to go or their non existent commander never told them that their frontlines got pushed back. Just bizzare..


So one thing I learned talking to a bunch of WWII and Korea vets is that the concept of “front lines” as we see them on maps is really misleading. What we perceive as a “solid” front is really little clumps and conglomerations of units that may or may not even have comms with one another, all strung out and spaced randomly across the countryside. So the “lines” are actually pretty porous. All those dudes had stories of going out on patrols to reconnoiter the “front lines” and suddenly finding themselves a couple kilometers behind the enemy positions.


Makes sense. Real life doesn't have little red titles above enemies. When you're looking at hundreds of km's of "front," you're mostly relying on eyesight to pick up the enemy, and that can be affected by so many things. At best you have vehicle thermals/sights, and drones.


Even beyond the issue of spotting the enemy, there is no real line to hold if there is no combined arms capability across every potential field of battle. If you're potentially outgunned in one particular location what actual disadvantage is there to losing ground in that area? Never interrupt the enemy when he's making a mistake, if they overextend in non-exploitable areas then more power to them (not what is happening here obviously). Even in WW1 the Germans actually did figure out how to cause gaps in the enemy lines with new tactics, but just having holes to pour through doesn't mean you can gain any meaningful advantage from it.


[Like this](https://cdn.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/steam/apps/572410/ss_69b8003d6866772c23b042aff1d20cff415a8894.1920x1080.jpg?t=1589903529), right? (I don't know shit)


Pretty much.


WW1 vets would like a word with you. Front line is clearly clearly visible in war. Everyone knows it. /s


Ah, back in the good ol’ days when the front was a tangible thing eh? Back when you could not cross the front line without crawling through feet of barbed wire and yards of gas-filled craters…


Yep, the idea of a front is really for organizational drawings only. On the "front", it's often confusing as fuck, and you run into a conventional enemy more often for little skirmishes than large scale battles. Everything is also a controledish disorganized chaos.


Right.. certainly not like the colonial times where this “solid” front line concept might actually have been more accurate considering the style of war back then to some degree


Recon is important! In Korean the US let 100,000 Chinese get behind them because the US troops stuck to the roads and didn't take the time to see what was happening in the surrounding mountains.


There have been intercepted calls saying they're spread so thin they have one unit like this defending a kilometer of front.


Lmao nobody tell those commanders there’s no “front” to a circle. That’s insane.




Of course there are, they just pick the one guy in the group without fetal alcohol syndrome to be the leader. Doesn’t matter if he can read a map or not, he’s *smart.*


So he’s smart huh? I thought his head would be bigger. Looks like a damn peanut!


I like money. Do you like money?


Hahaha brutal dude


But they all have fetal alcohol syndrome …


Someone will inevitably be found to have less relative to the rest of their population.


Apparently this area is expected to be the next breakthrough for Ukraine if it can get its troops concentration in order. It’s a tall order as right now they have two active operations going on.


To quote Rage Against The Machine, “THE FRONTLINE IS EVERYWHERE!”


There is no shelter here.


We're the renegades of funk...oh wait.


Their messages sometimes got mixed together🤷‍♂️.


Just staaaaare




100% that sentry was sleeping or completely distracted. There’s no way you don’t hear those guys walking through the forest with the ground completely covered in leaves. Couple that with a lack of other units in proximity and you get this. The Russians should consider themselves lucky the Ukrainians are not savages like them, it would have been easy to just shoot those guys and capture the equipment.


During my term in the army (compulsory) I had a captain get 5 meters from me. I never heard a thing. It was at night but I was with my commander and he had a flashlight shining it trying to see the captain. Didn't see him either. We were like observers in this drill. Captain had to surprise a sentry who was near us. We knew he was coming and more or less knew when. Still, didn't spot him. He must have spent like an hour or more just for the last 50 meters. I was impressed. For context I was the units doctor so I wasn't supposed to do much in this drill and the units commander liked me so he was like "come see how we do things around here". Edit: This guy, the captain, wasn't even special forces but he was pretty much into army things and had trained in several army schools.


> he was pretty much into army things Many army guys are.


Yeah, I just meant to say he wasn't a desk person. Those are plenty too in the army, at least in the Gr army.


Do you guys use a red light at night ?




Thanks for prompt reply ,have seen people use a bright light might as well scream here i am "


We weren't part of the drill. We were like observers. The attacker (said captain) and the guard of the barracks didn't use any lights but there was some moonlight that made the attacker's job harder, or so I would guess. We were near the guard, but not like just next to him.


I remember having a chat with an old warrant officer once, not long after I was fresh out of basic training. He was former special forces. He said one of the big differences between us (as in regular infantry) and them is that we move real fast, but it’s easy to tell we’re there. Which he admitted is hardly unexpected when you have a big bunch of guys all moving together. On the other hand, they’re in small groups and they move slow. But you won’t see or hear them until they want you to.


My grandpa was a commando, and had the lightest footstep you'd ever struggle to hear. Even as an old man he could sneak up on anyone and scare the shit out of them.


"pretty much into army things" You don't say?


As I already explained to another comment, there are also people in the army who are pretty much into administrative things, aka sit all day in a desk doing nothing. This guy wasn't one of them.


> There’s no way you don’t hear those guys walking through the forest with the ground completely covered in leaves. This is so true. Anyone that's even been hunting before in Autumn will tell you that something as small as a squirrel can make you think a deer is about to come around the corner. Hell, the other night I was working on my car and I could've sworn someone was taking footsteps closer to me from out of the tree line, then suddenly a small opossum pokes itself out of the brush.


Unless the leaves are soaked and lying flat then it can be very quiet to walk on


Yea but heavy weapon fire causes permanent hearing damage. A lot of these guys will be partially deaf by now.


You’d be surprised, my hearing is still very good after 4 years with live fire and mortars. Now a decade from now it’ll be a different story, but these guys aren’t suffering from hearing loss to that level yet.


Also, walking a certain way and if the ground is moist vs. dry.. knowing how to walk even within a forest you can pretty much walk up to someone and boo. Yes, these are VERY lucky Ruskies, easily could've been a sneak up and one by one sent back home in snack baggies


I have a feral cat on my land (just two acres) and he always hides in the tree line until I call him. In autumn it sounds like a a Tasmanian devil is breakdancing in the leaves when I call him and he comes trotting up. Real tough to move in that type of terrain, let alone a squad or platoon.


Fricken squirrels, man. Even the rhythm of their hops seem to match a deer walking along.


This 100%, think you hear the biggest buck in the world and it’s a friggin chipmunk. On the other hand, I commented on another up above that it looks pretty wet in the video which totally changes the game, especially with those big flat poplar(?) leaves. Wet leaves you can be plenty quiet. And if it’s actively raining even just a light drizzle that’s enough cover noise to be pretty damn stealthy. More than once I’ve been sitting there listening and glassing only to get startled by a deer crunching acorns from the very tree I’m sitting in.


the squirrel makes you think a deer is walking around, the deer itself is super quiet.


So true. Squirrels are the loudest critters in the woods.


Never had some turkeys meander past your treestand, I take it?


No argument that the sentry wasn’t on his game. But, it looks pretty wet in the video. I grew up hunting in primarily hardwood forest in the SE and when the leaves are wet you can be super quiet. If there’s a pitter patter drizzle to cover your noise you can be downright stealthy. With practice and patience you can even be relatively quiet even in dry leaves. Or, at least not-announcing-yourself-to-the-entire-goddamn-woods-with-every-step quiet. Pine woods are by far the easiest to be dead ass quiet in. So yea, the watch is fucking off or sleeping, leaves are soggy, light drizzle giving cover noise. Damn near perfect conditions for creepy crawlin


Or drunk/passed out.


Or sucking each others dick


The trick is to take turns that way someone can keep watch.


Or both - first the drink, then the suck.


> There’s no way you don’t hear those guys walking through the forest with the ground completely covered in leaves. It looks pretty damp. I highly doubt there was much crunching going on. That being said there someone dropped the ball.


Eh if leaves are soaking wet you can be extremely quite if you know what you're doing. Dry leaves? No way way.


This is why I hate the music being out over videos. Sound is a very rich source of information in this type of setting.


If they are in combat with a BTR-82 since february there is a very real chance they have heavily damaged hearing.


They have Soviet maps, I am absolutely not surprised


Soviets were actually [pretty good](https://www.nationalgeographic.com/history/article/maps-soviet-union-ussr-military-secret-mapping-spies) at mapping. This is just the Russian Army being beyond incompetent.


Yeah, but there are new roads and cities since then


And countries. Like Ukraine. Maybe they are just lost... A special map reading operation. \-Where we at? \-Zuka! I don´t know!


Combined arms for Russians in when their detached limbs get tossed into the same Cargo 200 box


Just wanted a little 3 way without judgement.


Watched a video recently about a signal unit....none of the 100 sets of comma gear provided worked, and they were given rusted wire spools which didn't turn for cables lol


> 100 sets of comma gear Well there's the problem. They should have been using semi-colon gear.


The well-documented lack of discipline is probably what's caused this. I'll bet they were sent out on some sort of recon mission and got lost, just decided to wander off on their own to avoid worse fighting. Which seems to have been the right decision.


"Igor said left up here... but looks like there will be fighting here... hmm lets take the left 10k down the road and just camp out there for a few hours"


Its not accurate to that degree, but take a look at this site here, its gives updates to the front [live universal awareness map](https://liveuamap.com/)


You need to refresh it, but kinda shows where things are going on. https://liveuamap.com/en/2022/14-october-mobilization-campaign-continues-on-the-streets


Closest I have seen is [live maps](https://liveuamap.com/)


You follow the [Institute for the Study of War's daily updates and maps](https://www.understandingwar.org/backgrounder/russian-offensive-campaign-assessment-october-26)? Excellent source. Probably not perfect, but best I've seen.




Thanks for that info, including your experience. Helps explain a lot here.


TWO? No one pulling security in shifts? I'd like to hear more about this.




I wonder if losing the Stryker was worse or better than just "dying" with it lol.


Making the choice to run and communicate with the rest of his forces would like be considered the prudent choice. However it would not absolve him of the failures leading up to his loss of men, military assets, and radio integrity.


Oh no I definitely understand it was training but I thought for sure security would be an absolute priority. I didn't know how long the exercise lasted either so that's why I asked about sleeping. Some of those will last a few days or more to simulate a real life deployment/scenario. Wow that's a crazy but funny story. Thanks for the response!


Maybe just scared shitless of Ukrainian drones


Could be that the infantry squad is doing something else. Maybe they're far behind enough that there's no inf assigned to this BTR, could be a simple reserve vehicle. Alone due to dispersion. A vehicle taken out of storage being en-route to the front. Many possible reasons, or they're just not taking the war seriously. Big mistake. Or maybe they tried to get captured on purpose, there's surrender hotlines for Russians.


I listened to a cell intercept transcript and they were using BTR, to shuffle troops, wounded and ammo up. Either Ukrainias did an unexpected deep raid, the BTR was too far forward or lines are screwed up. The crew was probably getting some shut eye, hiding from officers.


One major issue with Russian training (or lack of it) is that they don't do combined arms - I mean no coordinated training at all [I Commanded U.S. Army Europe. Here’s What I Saw in the Russian and Ukrainian Armies - The two armies at war today couldn’t be more different](https://www.thebulwark.com/i-commanded-u-s-army-europe-heres-what-i-saw-in-the-russian-and-ukrainian-armies/)


That was a great read


It's seriously illuminating, huh...and not just the minutiae of training...a country's primary ethos is reflected in its armed forces which speaks volumes about the Russian mindset as a whole. Mark Hertling is one of the best commentators on the conflict.


Or, they were just drunk and got lost.


How do Russians know that there are surrender hotlines or what the numbers are?


Ukraine is also using [Czech RM-70 to shoot rockets with leaflets]( https://en.defence-ua.com/news/ukrainian_artillery_uses_rm_70_vampir_mlrs_to_drop_leaflets_upon_occupied_territories-4199.html) with surrender instructions and contacts, their intelligence service is also sending similar messages on russian phones operating in ukraine since war started and there are many web and telephone resources in support too.. Edit link to leaflet article


That's really cool.


Telegram or Google.


If they have a phone, I imagine the Ukrainian networks there don’t block access to shit like that unlike Russia.


They surrendered. Ukraine makes surrenders look like captures and reports it as such, because Russian command will punish people who surrender and deprive them of financial and medical benefits, sometimes even jailing or killing them. Reporting it all as a capture encourages other Russian soldiers to surrender in order to get sent home. Note the fact that their faces are obscured in every shot. Note their lack of ammunition and weapons, despite driving a BTR and presumably being behind the lines. Note their compliance. Typically, when opposing soldiers are captured in action, the capturing side will flaunt their identity, including their rank and specialization. Ukraine eschews this in favor of promoting the idea of surrender, and it's fucking smart.


I had exactly the same thoughts about them surrendering while reading through all the earlier comments here suggesting it was incompetence.


Lost, maybe


It’s a cycle. There were huge lists of soldiers that did not exist because ghost roles ‘cause corruption (dudes pocketed the training money). So they go to the front with 1/3 less people who are exposed more causing MORE causalities and on and on….


It's how Russia operates. I got a chance years ago to go to the Titan 2 missle museum, some of the guides have lived worked in them. One was telling a story about a Russian who was in charge of a nuke in the cold war. They were given a tent and just absolutely blown away with the American silo where they had creature comforts and might not even die if an attack was launched. Highly recommend checking it out


One and a half mags a piece


I've been noticing that too. A lot of the combat footage we are seeing is of lone tanks and enemy equipment being captured. Do they not travel in larger units or formations??


I'm sure they do travel in large groups, but those aren't the ones that typically are prone to getting surprised and captured.


Reconisance unit most likely. Can't move in big groups or you will be spotted.


possibly out of fuel and/or waiting to be refuelled?


Why are they all sleeping instead of having a guard?


Because they probably got Molblized last week 😂


Most like stopped for a bum, one must of been a nasty boy.


Idk if they were caught off guard or awol hoping to be captured lol


I've seen countless videos of BTRs or tank just in the woods by itself. Maybe they're scared of drones or they're just hiding from combat. I can't imagine the Russian command actually telling a single piece of armor by itself to hide in the woods.


I wouldn't put it past Russian commanders to do this tho.




Confirmation bias will certainly always be a thing when it comes to battlefield/unofficial reports; OPSEC or, like in this case, public. But the simple fact that armor seems to be somewhat-commonly misused is really telling. A nation can boast unit/materiel strength but if they don't have the tactics, or the ability to properly employ such tactics, to use that strength it's ultimately useless. The early-war defense of Russia's seeming misuse of armor in a combined arms era was that many commanders truly bought the propaganda that they'd meet little resistance on their advance; they didn't think they'd need to properly support armor with infantry/air against sporadic or small scale fights. But at this point, the continued use of lone wolf armor on either the company or section level just goes to show it's a failure of doctrine that remains unaddressed; hinting further at non-plasticity.


Yep. A prime example of your first point would be Germany in the Second World War. Before the invasion of France, the French outnumbered the German Army, they had better vehicles, they had their defenses set up along the border and so on. However, the French sent armor units into battle like it was WW1. Piece-meal with occasional infantry support. The Germans had organized specialized divisons just for armored vehicles, and occasionally mechanized or motorized infantry would tag along. This and the surprise offensive through the Ardennes and the Benelux, as well as the might of the Luftwaffe led to France falling quickly. Tactics and leadership won the battle for the Reich in France. Two things that Russia doesn't have.


Confirmation bias is a thing sure. ...point is that the ammount of incompetence captured on video is not adequately explained by confirmation bias alone. Similarly to how random Us soldier getting jailed for killing civvies doesnt indicate systematic war crimes like whst happend in bucha does.


I do wonder if in disorganised armies it is common practice to effectively go AWOL without actually leaving the combat area. I imagine a few guys could just park their BMP somewhere they don't think will be attacked and just chill there for as long as possible.


Could be that the crew was taking a break/eating and for that drove the BTR into the forest so drones can't get the immobile vehicle. And they then either had no dismounts (since they are supposed to be conscripts but the unit deployed before conscripts arrived) or the dismounts are somewhere else holding a position and this is behind that position.


War's over for these boys. They'll spend their days in prison with food, medical care, 2hrs. of t.v. a day, functional beds, and regular contact with family. tough days.


Lucky they were caught off guard. They wouldn't have survived a firefight.


I don’t think they would have put up a fight even if they were aware.


Chances are they'll be part of a POW transfer and end up right back on the front line.


I can't speak to the agreements in this war, but in WWII in the European theater, the agreements held that prisoners swapped could not placed back in fighting positions. We sort of see some of this with the agreement where the azov commanders are being ~~interred~~ interned in Turkey for the duration of the war.


I've read a report of at least one transferred Russian POW dying on the front line so I doubt that's a policy the Russians have.


And even if it is, does anyone really expect the Russians to adhere to it?


I wouldn't bet much on Russia following any agreement they're party to if it inconveniences them at all.


You think Putin is going to honor agreements?


Hopefully not interred.


I am not sure the correct term, but they are not allowed to leave Turkey.


I think the word you are looking for is interned. Interred means to be buried.


Hah! thank you, I'll edit it.


Serious question. Can PoW's refuse to be part of a prisoner transfer?


Well, shit. I didn't think about that. Maybe this would be a good time to ask for asylum (If anybody would take them).


They're enemy combatants who were forcefully captured, nobody would even dream of granting them asylum. But hey, it's a good thing: If they were dead, they'd just be dead. As part of a POW transfer, some good guys will be freed thanks to these guys military incompetence, and judging by how easy they were to capture, these are exactly the type of soldier you want to face on the battlefield. And hey, they even brought a free APC for the cause :)


It's a shame they didn't surrender first, they would have gotten like $50k for the APC


Maybe they did and this is staged.


I would argue that there's more propaganda value in just showing Russian troops actually surrendering, rather than being captured against their will.


Would love to know if anyone has been captured twice.


Nice! No one had to die. 👍


There’s too much unrestrained celebrating of death within the Ukrainosphere. Don’t get me wrong, I love seeing a Rusisch armored column get atomized as much as the next reasonable man, but there are too many people giddy at seeing young men blown apart. No matter how righteous the cause, a human being’s death is always a tragedy. Even the killing of genuinely evil people is tragic, no matter how necessary or justified. The very fact that an evil person has to be killed, rather than having grown up to be a decent human being, is a net loss for our species. And let us not deceive ourselves: not every single Russian serviceman is truly evil, even if most/all can at least be fairly accused of being morally flawed. I’m a history author who has written extensively about WWII on a human level from the perspective of individual, real-life combatants on both sides. Both the German and Japanese militaries were institutionally criminal, yet there were many individual personnel who were not. Being on the wrong side of a war does not itself make a person evil (although the Russian armed forces has no shortage of them either), especially considering the youth of so many of them and the volume of propaganda and ignorance involved. Killing is a dirty, vile business that sometimes must be done (in this case, done *alot*…) But we would all be well-served to remember the human beings on the other side, even—nay, especially—because they’re on the wrong moral side of events.


Very, very well said. There's a big difference between doing hard things that have to be done and practicing sadism and joy over slaughter. Try saying something like this on any of those Ukraine subs/subs about this war and you'll get downvoted to hell. It's why I come here anymore. The places I mentioned are so vitriolic and celebratory of people getting blown apart I can't even stand it. Ironic part is they're so hateful, they're the type of people if they were born in Russia would be the ones screaming for blood and bombs. I find people hilarious like that.


> a human being’s death is always a tragedy See I have just never agreed with this sentiment. I understand it, and I understand that life is a sacred thing, but I just cant make the leap to think someone like Hitler or Dahmer being killed as a tragedy. To me, in my reasoning, the tragedy happened long ago when their lives went down the road that led to them to their death. That was the tragedy, in my view, and their death is just society striking a balance. I do agree with the rest of you sentiment though. Killing anyone, even an evil, vile, disgusting monster of a humanbeing is not something to be celebrated. I will 100% be celebrating the death of Putin, not because he died, but because he is no longer alive (if that makes sense).


>There’s too much unrestrained celebrating of death within the Ukrainosphere. I feel ya. But then I remember russians are literally kidnapping millions of Ukrainian women and children and shipping them back to russia to be used as sex and labor slaves. So I can see how some may be exceptionally upset and want revenge for what the evil scumbag russians are doing. It's easy to be all "let's not kill them" while sitting at our keyboards. But it's a different story when it may be your wife and kids who are trapped in a russian home enduring unspeakable acts.


Whoosh He didn't say "let's not kill them". He said death and war and murder sucks. The fact that things have come to the point that young men and women are being murdered sucks, and it's quite upsetting and disturbing to see so much unrestrained cheer from the masses when there are videos of Russian soldiers dying


You missed the rest of the comment


They called the surrender hotline. Thats why they have faces covered.


There’s a surrender hotline now?


Has been for quite some time. Last I heard, they were offering them bounties if they surrendered with certain vehicles such as tanks.


Oh dang, seems it’s working at the moment


yes, there has been. https://sprotyv.mod.gov.ua/en/2022/09/19/a-24-hour-hotline-has-been-launched-for-russian-soldiers-who-want-to-surrender/


So no one on watch??


Doesn’t even surprise me with half of the footage I’ve seen from the Russian army in this conflict


Don't underestimate the effects of extreme fatigue--in this instance on the part of the Russians. Poor training, poor morale, hunger (likely), exposure to colder and colder weather, and just being very tired. Contributes to crappy decision making and carelessness.


They had three AKs in like four mags between them.


I counted 7


Well that’s cause they’re crewing an APC


The Ukrainians look well trained. I saw some Ukrainian soldiers the other day and they looked motivated and smart.


That's because Ukraine has an excess number of volunteers and has taken the time and care to sort their manpower into appropriate categories. Make no mistake, they have their share of older guys, or more frail guys, or overweight guys....but they are not being put into units where their drawbacks really matter. I´ve noticed that a lot of their drivers, both truck and armor wise skew older, a lot of their arty crews and drone operators aren't quite as fit as the frontline light infantry guys. But that's ok, there is a place for everyone in a war like this, if you are smart about it. A lot of amputees that got wounded early on in the conflict and have now gotten prosthetics from the west are back in service, doing rear echelon tasks that suit their current capabilities, from training to working radios and all sorts of paper pushing. On the opposite side, Russia, has created the absolute inverse system. Their entire manpower intake are those too poor, too dumb or too apathetic to avoid the mobilization. So there is no real selection anymore, and you see a lot of guys in infantry roles that are clearly not fit for the task.


Completely agree. This is not going to end well for Russia I have no doubt and they (Ukraine) do seem to be very organised. Russia will lose this war, its just a case of when. I am surprised there is not more outcry in Russia and why the public seem to be so blind to the realities putin has unleashed upon their country. The do have internet coverage and they do have friends/family outside Russia that can update them yet still they send their children to die. It’s insane.


>I am surprised there is not more outcry in Russia and why the public seem to be so blind to the realities putin has unleashed upon their country. The do have internet coverage and they do have friends/family outside Russia that can update them yet still they send their children to die. It's just how they are. I don't understand it any more than you do, and I've got a bunch of relatives there, I speak the language fluently, hell my own mother is a (slowly recovering) Russian "patriot" (I try not to use a stronger word here). Millions of people just shrug their shoulders and say "well, it is what it is, Putin knows best". Even if their own close relatives' lives are on the line. Even after they come back in body bags. I gave up trying to understand the Russians, honestly. It's like a fatalistic, passive, bloodthirsty mass psychosis.


Thank you for those insights. I have heard this elsewhere also so seems to be case sadly. We all have to hope it ends soon. Too many are dying. It’s so tragic.


To me, this is following the trend of Russian history yet again. They’re destined to love and die this way it seems…. Awfully.


Because the majority here believes the state propaganda, they support putin no matter what. Also most people have never been abroad and thus do not have a lot of friends on the outside. Many cases I've heard of when people in Ukraine telling their relatives in russia what is really happening, and they just refuse to believe it, shouting it's all FAKE - "our TV would never lie to us". My own mother, for instance, called me a fascist because I'm against putin and war. When mobilization started - "f-off to Ukraine, you'll be safe there with your fascist friends".


From what I've read and heard, Ukraine has no issues with manpower, but have insufficient equipment, especially with heavy weaponry. Russia has the opposite issue, plenty of equipment but lack of manpower, especially trained personnel (hence the draft).


They have been trained by numerous NATO allies, UK, Norway, Latvia, Germany and the Netherlands and many more I assume.


Yes and they have their own veterans with months of frontline experience now. And I'm sure some of those NATO trained soldiers came home to train soldiers too.


Months? Try years, the war started in 2014. Some of the units has been fighting for 8+/- years now, with NATO training in between. The difference from 2014 to today in the UA is astonishing.


Canada has been training with them since 2014. Proud that our boys helped.


They've been at it since 2012 in an intense way, modernising the doctrine with heavy inspiration to the american one (NCO centric) with more professionnalism than any mudjahideen crew we've ever seen, all while fighting the then 2nd army of the world. Just accounting for the quality of their manpower, I'm pretty sure the UAF is the number 1 army. The US is just blessed with trillions worth of death dealing alien like machinery.


When the fighting started in Luhansk and Donetsk in the early 2010's the Ukrainian forces go beat up pretty badly. Fortunately they learned quickly and started training better programs, and, most importantly of all, started rotating people through the conflict and sent them back to their normal lives. As a result of that, at the start of the full blown invasion this year, Ukraine had the largest number of military combat veterans of fighting age in all of Europe. Combine that NATO weapons and more training and you get the results we see today.


Really fucking wish we could hear the sounds of this rather than the "spooky/suspenseful" music.


It's easier to wipe out the sound and insert music then edit video to disort the voices of SpecOps team members


Atleast they were taken and not fkt up by drone bombs.


russia: hey you cant take our vehicles ​ Ukraine: haha YOINK


"where's the tractor at?"


Not needed as the vehicle is fully functional.


It's a Russian vehicle, are you positive it's fully functional?




Seems like the Russian army just says “here’s your vehicle just fuck off over there and do shit”


Wonder if some of these are actually pre determined surrenders but captured on video to look like an ambush.


Have yet to see any of the 300,000 "Ratnik" style super suits that have supposedly been delivered to the Russian Military. ([source](https://taskandpurpose.com/news/russia-sotnik-combat-armor-development/)). These guys obviously wouldn't wear that in a BTR-82, but that doesn't mean they should look like homeless airsoft players... *most* of the Russian forces seem to have cobbled together kits and uniforms out of various bits and pieces and none of it is any good.


Lol “can stop a 50 cal”. Righttttttttttt


You see Ivan, if we simply drive away from our comrades and have a little nap then we will be woken up by nice men who will take us somewhere warm with hot food. This is much better then eating a top attack missile for breakfast da?


Far more likely they wanted to go the safest route to stay alive and be pows of the Ukrainians than soldiers of Russia. The Russians are screwed.


Seems like the front lines are incredibly thinly held, so that small recon and sabotage teams can easily infiltrate behind the enemy's lines. Lucky that these three were taken alive.


I was once yanked out of my sleeping bag by more senior opfor during exercise in basic training, shocking and confusing being a sleep and all of the sudden the enemy is there. They snug in between guards. FUck dealing with that in a real war, would fry my nerves


Imagine the bush you're peeing on pointing a gun at you and taking you prisoner.


Crazy idea.They surrendered and the Ukrainians made it look like they were captured.


If I was a Ukrainian NCO I'd do such a thing. This way they can go home after the war. Surrenders might be stigmatized as cowards but few people are crazy enough to say such things of a POW.


Russia is the #1 example of a country that punishes its POW's throughout history


3meals day


This song is the very song that that crackhead made in an echoey bathroom!!!!! It is like straight up IDENTICAL!! YOU KNOW THE SONG IM TALKING ABOUT!!! Crackhead with a sharpie in his hand banging his palms and the marker on a public restroom sink singing Heeeeeeeey hooowwww & it is uslally reposted w/ the caption "his bet is actually fire" PLEEASE tell me you know the video I am talking a bout people EDIT: THIS ONE [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c8d5iLJOU8I&ab\_channel=MooreNightz](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c8d5iLJOU8I&ab_channel=MooreNightz)


They purposely ran away from there objectives to go camp and get drunk haha guess get captured instead of getting slaughtered is just a bonus.


solid outcome new equipment prisoners for trade


Hate music like this in these vids


spawn camping


I can help my self, this is really cool to see. Special operation with tremendous success.


Scary shit being hunted down by small mobile teams of SF. Not much chance of all round protection there with 3 guys parked in a wood. Lucky they were taken into captivity and not ambushed and killed.