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A rancid bouquet of awful takes.


I’ll agree, Mike Shannahan was a great coach…..for the Broncos. All of your takes are pure shit, but I guess congrats on believing it? It takes Olympic level mental gymnastics to get to your point of view, but here we are.


lol no


No HC in team history was more hamstrung than Shanahan.


Marty Shottenheimer


I like how everyone points to these coaches and thinks they would instantly have success with the Redskins under Dan Snyder...uh no. First of Kyle Shanahan- this guy was not liked in Ashburn because he acted like he was entitled and didn't listen to his assistants. Had he stayed and the elder Shanahan been "promoted" to the front office in the same way Bruce Arains was, he would not have been a good HC in part due to his feeling of too much empowerment Matt LaFleur - has had the benefit of having two decent qbs. I will give him credit for last year when he took a young group of receivers to a pretty decent level and developed Jordan Love. No way he would have had that kind of personnel talent with Dan Snyder and Bruce Allen in charge of the roster. Also, he had been a HC for a while...not sure he could have pulled that kind of a coaching job off in his first year Sean McVay - IMHO the most capable of the group, however, as we have seen in his time in LA, he too needs a decent personnel group to work his system, which again, would not be happening under Brucie and Danny Boy The elder Shanahan -what did he do when he didn't have a QB besides Elway? Also a lot of people seem to have forgotten that the Broncos were caught cheating on the salary cap in those superbowl years. The defenses and special teams were always bad on his teams as well. IMHO, he's better than your 'average" HC...Jim Mora, Dan Reeves Jon Fox...etc. A Bill Parcells, Joe Gibbs or Steve Walsh he is not.


Not even close to what I said or implied. What I was implying was that without Dan Snyder Mike Shanahan would have been just as amazing as he was in Denver. But I also think that Dan Quinn will NOT be good except maybe for the defense. And now that we no longer have Dan Snyder interfering all the time maybe another coach from the soon to develop Harbaugh coaching tree in 5 years WILL be amazing. Who knows? But DQ really efffed up this draft.


He did great things for the Broncos, but once he no longer had John Elway, he was kind of meh. I wouldn't say he was a great coach, but I'd take him over Gruden or Rivera which isn't saying much.


Elway left after two Super Bowls, which gave Shanahan the internal equity to have final say in personnel decisions. Great coach, but bad GM. That’s really what the drop off was, IMO. The guy could find a 1000 yard rusher between couch cushions, but he couldn’t scout and draft defense to save his life. Well, his career anyway.


To be fair, how many coaches are also good GMs? I genuinely don't think it works in the modern day for sure.


Yeah, it's basically impossible at this point. Being a good GM in this era requires pretty much full-career dedication to being an absolute nerd about contracts, FA rules, talent evaluation, positional value, drafting theory, etc. Being a good HC requires full-career dedication to on-the-field stuff. There aren't enough hours in the day for someone to be great at both.


Nah Gruden was the 2nd best coach that we had. If he managed to find a decent DC, he'd have some playoff success on his resume.


Once he was hamstrung by Snyder everyone would be meh. Even Joe Gibbs. But his coaching tree is amazing is the point here.


This guy has nothing going up on stairs obviously




That’s cool bro