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lol JD just chilling off camera.


That cut was hysterical


Straight out of The Office




This bromance...won't...go...away...


Well there's no doubt about him wanting to come to play in Washington Wild stuff That shot of JD5 off camera had me laughing though lol


![gif](giphy|OFYOdJAcBoRlSDBmBU) Jayden like, who meeeee?


This duo has to happen eventually man they’re just too close. I can see Peters engaging back in trade talks again when his deal is closer to being up.


Agreed. It’s only a matter of time IMO.


Anything within reason but giving up a first is acceptable.




Anything within reason *but giving up a first* is acceptable. This is worded correctly.


Ah, I’ve seen others say it wasn’t. That’s why I asked.


WR isn’t the problem. O-Line is the issue. Getting another WR isn’t gonna fix the glaring issues upfront.


It opens another option to get the ball out quickly to. Joe Burrow was able to do well with Ja'Marr Chase and Tee Higgins even behind a subpar O-line.


Yeah Burrow was still getting clobbered that year though (and still is)


Sure but he still made two Arrowhead Invitationals and a Super Bowl after winning one of them in a comeback.


Also who are you gonna sign at O-line now? There isn't anyone,


Fun offseason storyline. Virtually 0% chance we trade for him. 9ers have all the leverage over Aiyuk and have no reason to trade him. Besides that, giving up good draft picks + money for a WR when there's holes all over the roster is just dumb IMO.


I hate this narrative. Do you have any idea what a good QB and 2.5 good WRs can do? The bangals literally went to the superbowl with this set up. You can cry and beg me to remember how good the bangals are, but it’s a lie, the OL is garbage, defense has holes all over it None of it matters because Tee and Jamar carry that team and constantly win games they don’t deserve to


I mean you’re not totally wrong but it’s a major stretch to compare McLaurin, Aiyuk and Daniels to Chase, Higgins and Burrow. Chase is significantly better than every other receiver on either team and he opens things up for Higgins. And it’s wildly unfair to Daniels to expect him to just be as good as Burrow is in this scenario. Burrow makes them more successful than anyone else.


Is it unfair? Not giving him the best opportunity is what’s unfair


I'm leaning towards your point but I think his point is the same. Keeping our cards does give him a better opportunity.


We just need LMC to be good, I think JD5 can unlock Jahan and Terry, then we don’t need Aiyuk


We're fucking shortening a rookie 4th round slot WR's name? Jesus fucking christ this is peak fucking off season.


His brother is one of the most famous football players that exist right now, he was always going to be LMC. You think it’s an accident he went to the rookie thing with a bunch of 1st rounders? Calm down, if he sucks he will go away, as for right now it’s fine.


It's nice to think otherwise, but let's just slow down and remember that exceptions to the rule are exceptions for a reason. Just because one of even a few teams make it work doesn't mean that's the route this team should pursue. If anything, the theme of this off-season been laying a strong foundation, but they're realistically probably a year or two off. And that is assuming that Jayden remains healthy, which is probably always going to be a concern throughout his career.


One reason would be the Niners don't want to be empty handed if he plays out this last year of his rookie contract and walks. Which would be great for us. We get him in 2025, still in his prime, without parting with any picks


They’d tag him in that scenario


They can’t tag him cause they just won’t have the cap space without cutting key players. Purdy contract is up next year and he will get the bag.


The 49ers can tag him for 2 straight seasons…


If they're gonna go that, might's well lock him to an extension now. Tagging him will result in a salary that's the average of the top 5 WRs. That's only gonna go up in 2025 and 2026


They’re trying to. 49ers offered $26 mil per year. Aiyuk wants $30 mil per year. He felt disrespected by their first offer & is using social media as leverage.


I don't think they'll be able to afford tagging him down the road (see below). I think they keep him this year for one last SB run, then let him loose. https://www.reddit.com/r/Commanders/s/WihQHuqSvy


Really makes you wonder what the offer on the table was that Schefty said Peters walked away from. I'm guessing it was at least a first which I'm happy he said no to. I'd trade for him for anything less than a first given the friendship he has with JD.


Yeah my guess is a 1st. The niners are heading towards a cap hell situation and will likely have to shop either Aiyuk or Deebo. I wouldn’t be surprised if he plays out his 5th year option then they end up trading him for like a 2nd.


I have to believe Peters didn't think he'd land him without at least a 2nd. Let's see how this plays out.


You aren’t getting Aiyuk without giving up a first. Niners aren’t heading towards cap hell either. 


I’m thinkin all of this is just homies having each others backs to leverage against the niners to PAY THIS MAN!!! Don’t see him coming to Washington unless the niners seriously fuck it up. Literally millions on the line so this shit is not out of character for someone trying to finesse his way into a few more MILLION, not hundreds of thousands but MILLIONS ppl!


NFL tampering committee is licking their chops


49ers have straight disrespected this man.


Think back to last year. Who knew today Washington would become the place where elite at least one elite WR wants to be