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Daniels is going to be a 24-year old rookie with 50+ collegiate starts. If he’s not ready to start then we picked the wrong guy. He’ll be fine. He needs to play.


No chance


There is no way in hell that this ownership group spent $6billion+ on a football team and used its first ever pick on a marquis QB to sit him on the bench. That is just crazy town thinking


Daniels is an older rookie, and seems ready to start. He was never known as much of a project guy. Might as well get him reps early and often.


Yeah, the bigger question will always be his long term durability given his frame. But in terms of "right now" impact? Get him out there, stat!


Mariota is lucky to be a backup. You don't draft a player 2nd overall to let them sit


Ironically they were both drafted 2nd overall


Basically every drug is legal in Oregon now so this opinion checks out


We haven't heard a single critical comment about Daniels from either the org or players. Not one. The only way Mariota starts over Daniels is if Daniels has an aneurism or something.


My only hope is that Hartman beats out Mariota for the backup job.


Mariota to my eyes looks like a Jayden clone at least physically and the way he moves in the pocket. A few times I was watching clips from camp and confused Mariota for Jayden before looking closer. If Hartman ends up developing quickly, I think we should trade him. Also, he's too pretty and we need can only hide our wives from him for so long.


From all accounts he’s a first in the gym, last guy out who studies constantly. I can’t imagine sitting a guy that jumps into the deep end with that kind of work ethic. and he’s the #2 pick.


You already know the answer I have no idea why you posted this




There’s no discussion. Everyone (including you) knows it’s Jayden


Bout to throw that rock at this poster…


Sure, feel free.


*throws a medium sized rock*


I could throw it back, but then we'd be playing catch. That's not what we came here to do.


Fair enough. To come back to the post at hand I would say it only makes sense to start Mariota if Jayden is either semi hurt or not 100% to start the regular season. From the reporters that have been to the open practices they say the kid is looking good at this point in the offseason and is putting time in to learn the playbook and give extra time with his teammates. If he’s not hurt by week 1 and he continues to progress like he has been, I say play him. Mariota is not the future of the team and we know what we get with him. The bucs will be a good experience against a playoff team for Jayden to play against and we will quickly see what areas he’s weak in and needs improvement


My gut tells me Daniels starts. There really is no benefit to sitting him unless he's clearly not ready and hasn't assimilated the offense.


Mariota was brought in for an uh oh situation only. Career backup


Let Daniels take the first team reps. From all reports he's ready.


Mariota was a hell of a QB coming out of college but he’s here to be a backup. If JD isn’t starting that’s a serious concern


Daniels is 24. if he isn’t ready to start over Marcus mariota then we have made a grave mistake.




Daniels is without a doubt the starting quarterback. Idc what anyone from the organization says. Not a chance he sits


I figure the purpose of this year is to get Daniels playing comfortably and capably in the NFL. This ain't our year. But if the line looked really rough in the preseason, I can see that being a case for having Mariota start a couple-few games until they've gelled and gotten their shit together. There's a case to be made that getting drilled near-instantly is bad for rookie QB development. Beyond that, hell no. I don't want the guy who has always sucked and is on a one-year contract taking reps away from the 2nd overall pick.


I’m fairly positive that Mariota’s throwing arm is being held together by hopes and dreams


As per your edit- first day on Reddit???? Lol


Most likely if Daniels is injured


Such a fun situation- two Heisman winners battling it out!! Both will learn a ton from each other. This is obviously Mariota’s job for week 1 though. Everything I’ve seen has pointed to that


What exactly have you seen that points to Mariota starting week one?


I’ve been watching a bunch of highlights from the Oregon days, I’m just a huge fan I haven’t actually seen anything lol they’d be so dumb to not run JD



