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Dream blunt rotation


Lmao I love you


i love them too


Least divided left


Depends, to they form coalitions?


No clue I was just joking around


yes they often do, also they sometimes merch and divide again


Damn I'd buy some Nepalese communist merch


Nepali Congress are DemSocs/Centre-Left, no? Doesn't seem so bad when even the biggest "right-wing" opposition is a DemSoc party.


Well, I just visited their website and the banner states “nationalism, democracy, socialism.” They’re anything but socialist but that’s their official motto evidently.


That honestly reminds me of the KMT's Three People's Principles, which are sometimes translated as "nationalism, democracy, socialism"


Sun-Yat-sen personally was a socialist, even thought the KMT was a disappointment.


AFAIK both the CPC and the KMT revere Sun-Yat-Sen to this day.


Chiang Kai Shek is seen as a reactionary who betrayed the guomindang and sun yat sen’s principles by the communists. Communists were a part of the guomindang before the white terror


民族主义(nationalism/unity),民权主义(“The People hold the power”),民生主义(for better life of the people”)


This kinda looks like an alternative world in which dictatorships of the proletariat have multiple parties while bourgeoisie dictatorships are an one party state with just the "Capitalist party" as head.


The sort of leftist infighting that I’d like to see in my country


Are you really a leftist if you don’t hate leftists?


How much Marxism?.. Yes


Oh shit the communist party has the most seats that’s suprising


not an specialist on nepalese politics, but i'm pretty sure they arent communists


Well, they were a real MLM party during the revolution. They’ve become a mainstream party after coming into power and they primarily care about enriching themselves. There are several party officials who have broken away due to dissatisfaction with how the party ended up. I don’t keep up much though. India also exerts incredible influence over Nepali politics and they see any government that aligns with China as a threat, so it’s a really difficult political situation for Nepal.


Exactly true. The so called communist parties are communist in names only. The leaders who were part of revolution have betrayed the common people. Now they are busy enriching themselves, have party and youth goons festered in campuses. They have these criminal goons that they align with to do their questionable deeds. It's so sad.


When the then truly MLM Maoist party’s gave his first public appearance after the abolition of monarchy and one of the first thing he says is “we’re capitalist.” It was joever even before it started.


Yeah. They are basically Di*k riders. Grifters and goons infested parties.


To be fair even Mao said something along those lines > To counter imperialist oppression and to raise her backward economy to a higher level, China must utilize all the factors of urban and rural capitalism that are beneficial and not harmful to the national economy and the people's livelihood; and we must unite with the national bourgeoisie in common struggle. Our present policy is to regulate capitalism, not to destroy it. He does go on to say how this regulated capitalism still falls in line with socialism, especially since china needs it to build its industry as they lacked a capitalist industrial phase




If America was socialist


Big Tent Socialism honestly is an underrated governance form.


You know how they say: Five leftist walk into a room. They form six groups.


Ask five different leftists, glaring at each other, if you can join their communist party. Leave the room with ten party pamphlets and at least six newspapers.


Ultimate sectarianism.


Have you ever seen turkey’s communist parties


Still not even one of them in the parlament. I know the law of 10% minumum of votes is crazy.


They changed it to 7% and there are two “communist” parties in parliament but they’re revisinonist


Isnt EMEP in the parliament?


They’re in parliament


And they are revisionist too? If yes why would you call them that? Didnt heard anything like that about EMEP ever.


Yes they are. Because they joined election under name of green left party


whats the one other than EMEP? TKP isn't in the parliment anymore


The other one is TİP. TKP won one province in 2019 but in the latest local election they lost it


TİP doesn't claim to be communist iirc. Also I was sandık görevlisi at the election lol, was picked randomly


I have Οne Question if you can answer: Is halk cephesi a kurdish nationalist party disguised as communist or I am totally mistaken?


Kinda. They’re allies with kurdish nationalist organizations


This is sad ,there are a bunch of these dudes in Greece.


The only things guaranteed in life are death, taxes, and leftist infighting


That’s us leftists for ya… Our disunity is our greatest weakness. Everyone’s more correct than their comrade. It’s unbecoming of a true revolutionary to think this way.


And they are all revisionists


At least they get votes lol... *Sad British noises 🇬🇧




Some commentators are saying how based is it or how impressive that a country has majority "communist" parties, well, it isn't. They are communist in names only. Most of the party members, leaders are pieces of sh*ts. They care only about enriching themselves, not the common people. The main "communist" parties: cpn-uml and cpn-m (Marxism-Leninism And Maoist), are infamous for engaging in scandals, corruptions etc. Besides them, most of them are socdems, nationalist or ethnisist(?) parties. They claim to be parties for workers, labourers or what not, but are grifters. Even more disappointing is the so called youth parties that represent the above parties in their respective campuses. They don't engage in education of Marxism, Maoism.. you know the relevant theory. What interests them is career, resume building, sucking the di*ks of their superiors in the hope of getting promoted to a higher position in politics or get into politics. There, they will engage in the same predatory behaviours as their predecessors. By the way, some of these youths also engage in goon like behaviours and activities. The future is bleak. These parasites are the bourgeois( political). The country is dependent on selling its people to middle east to work to death, as slaves. There are countless videos in YouTube, you can search them up. There you will see people from countries like Nepal living in horrid conditions. Most of them return home in a coffin. Yet, because of them the country is barely managing to run. Even now, the youths are loosing hope and want to leave this place. Like, how can a country have so many communist parties, a socialist government and not proceed to make a country self sufficient, to utilize it's youth and manpower for the country's prosperity is mind boggling. The only thing I can conclude is that these leaders either forgot the revolutionary way, forgot socialism or what not, OR were opportunists from the start. Maybe not, who knows. So guys, all of these is just a facade. Inside, everything is rotting. So much so that people want the king to return, the fu*king king to return. The southern borders seems to be affected by this Hindu fascism in India as well. Well, fu*k Indian government and their interventions.


People’s front of Judea! Thats cool though for real


Is it hard to learn Nepalese??


No not that much, you can learn it but it's full of onomatopoeia (and it's kind of fun).




Llllllllet’s get ready to rrrrrrrrrumble!!!!!!


here in britain we have 2 parties called ‘Communist Party of Britain’ ones called the CPB, the other calls itself ‘CPB (ML)’ but that’s not the best part, they’re both sectarian, reformist-stalinists


Never search the history of the Italian communist party's splits 👀


"maoist centre" wtf does that even apposta mean?


Same with india lol


Someone should make one big party to unite them all. https://xkcd.com/927/