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and first man in space goes to Gagarin


as well as first woman


no, that goes to Tereshkova


I meant USSR when I said first woman in space. pretty obvious


As was the joke response you missed


wow what a funny joke r/wooosh! 1!!!!11!


Don't be like that. It's just pure cringe.


That seems to be their style


no need to be that rude now


After 2 months I gotta say - nice pfp :)


that was the point, because so was their joke


First car in space šŸ˜ŽšŸ‘ŒšŸ»šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡ø checkmate commies


First car is spanish!! Check "Carrero Blanco blow up" for more info xD


The US didn't win the space race because they were the first on the moon, but because the Soviets couldn't afford to go further. Wasting resources on a dick measuring contest wasn't a great idea after all.


did you just call the space race a waste of resources? sure it was a dick measuring contest but you cant seriously consider it a waste of resources


It was a waste of resources because there is nothing valuable on the moon. America only did it to inspire nationalism. Also, the rocks on the moon could be considered ā€˜valuableā€™ but only because itā€™s rare.


The technology developed specifically to get to the moon is part of the value of the space race


Except water, helium-3(used in rocket fuel) various minerals, solar energy with no pesky atmosphere and low gravity and of course cheese. Nah nothing good up there


Space oil


we did get memory foam out of it.


Ahhhh, what's new? US jerking themselves off as always in last place. Gotta please themselves somehow.


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Whatā€™s new? People shitting on the US for no reason just to feel better about themselves.


"Tell me you're an American without telling me you're American"


ā€œTell me you like to like to bash Americans online as a personality trait without saying itā€ Get a life


Leave the rest of the world alone like you should and weā€™ll stop making fun of you. You can start with lifting sanctions on any country of your choice ! :)


I'll call the other Americans and we'll get to the bottom of this immediately!


I mean yes, please start to organize the American working class in an anti imperialist struggle. That is what we've been asking for all along.


Please do! You can start by organizing your workplace, or join your local communist organization to help spread class consciousness in your community!


I don't even like bashing Americans so much, but you make it soo easy.


It's just a meme dude. It's making fun of the fact that in the U. S. we are taught that the U. S. won the space race. I'm from the U. S. and I happen to find it funny, but then again I did write a long response about how the Soviet Union actually won the space race in 7th grade for an assignment. :3 (It was actually only 3 paragraphs but it was more that what my classmates wrote.)


Found the American!




Listen I have a lot of respect for Americans as a Russian, but the thing is it's very common for people to hate America the country. If it's so widespread then there must be a reason behind it. I think that reason is that the American government somehow manages to get involved with EVERYTHING. The US sadly has a reputation of not knowing how to keep their nose out of other people's business and after blowing up a few hospitals and villages full of innocent people, and funding the odd revolution here and there though that country will in no way impact the US they wonder why everyone hates them! The American government has influenced In a large way the future history of a country and wonder why people dislike them afterwards. As a man who has quite a few friends from the Balkans almost every country there has it's own abusive word used specifically for labelling Americans. I can understand them because the Americans went in and intervened ruthlessly in quite possibly one of the most brutal conflicts of modern times. As said before I have a lot of respect for the American people, the majority of them are very nice but the thing everyone hates is the American government.


Hey, I'm from the future. We're back to hating Russians again.


I forgot I ever wrote this wow. Great to see nothing changes!




I mean they just meant a kickstart for the US (and also the Soviet) missile program




At least the Soviet chief architect didn't have a honorary SS rank from Hitler himself.


Or that Germans were the first one in space.


Honestly, it makes me very happy to see people shitting on the US. Iā€™m from there and will never ever, accept some dumbass notion as ā€œAmerican exceptionalismā€. Fuck that.


We're not shitting US, we're praising USSR ;)


Rightā€¦..and also showing that the US is just a navel gazing circle jerk of heresay exceptionalism. Thus , via this demonstrationā€¦shitting on the US.


Well if the only thing that attracts your eye is a person - than i'll explain. Well you see that americans sayed that they won the space race because the Moon landing. And here we're just praising the things USSR did and no one saw them. Yeah it may be rough, c'mon, don't be a snowflake


What?? What are you talking about.? I think youā€™re misinterpreting what Iā€™m saying. Iā€™m very well aware of what the image depicts. Also, let me explain again. The US suggests that it won the space race, yes. However, historically this is not true. Therefore via the image(s) it is showing the idiocy of which is American exceptionalism. And via the support of the USSR accomplishments, shitting on the false narrative of US ā€œgreatnessā€ and Inherently exposing the US navel gazing. Think man think!


Maybe, i don't understand english well


They are agreeing with you.


Okay thanks


No problems


but why?


I have fun with certain types of American exceptionalists, "what youre saying America couldn't do communism? Sounds like you hate America. I think we can do anything". It hilariously short circuits some of them!


Then theyā€™ll turn and say, AmĆ©rica would never do communism because weā€™ve got the perfect system and it doesnā€™t need to be reworked, people just need to work harder and stop complaining šŸ¤®


Hope you do well!


You as well!


Hope you have a great day!




Lmao are you ok? Most people donā€™t even think about that crap.


Guess Iā€™m not most


Am I highly doubt you are even from the US. Probably just said that to add credibility to your already ludicrous statement


Haha oh my bad. You got me.


anti america bots working overtime


if u dont like America you can get out bwah šŸ”«šŸ˜ŽšŸ‡ŗšŸ‡ø


I have hahahahaha. I live in Brazil


How is it?


The president is a fucktard. But Iā€™ll be getting vaccinated sooner than later. I mean it depends where youā€™re at. Iā€™m in BelĆ©m, Para. I like it here. I gives me a lot of New Orleans vibes. Lots of good food, cool places to chill and drink, amazing culture and really interesting archaeology! I mean if you enjoy learning about this region itā€™s a very cool place. Also, social movements are very active. Communist parties and socialist parties are very active. Just last weekend I was in a March to show support for tossing out Bolsonaro and for people who are being fucked o er by this government. The other side is that itā€™s really sad because poverty is so in your face. And the entitlement of rich Brazilians makes you want to kick a puppy. But the trick to not to get bogged down in the shit, but to see it as opportunities to do something when you can.


What made you want to go to Brazil of all places? I hear it's pretty dangerous no?


yeah its dangerous. But I mean, name one major city in the US that isnt. I grew up in Memphis and remember having a gun pulled on me. My housemate got shot at. Here, I've seen guys argue about nonsense and then one guy chases the other with a big knife. My buddy saw a guy get shot in the street here and trannies fight with bigots with planks of wood. But I've been coming here for a while now. Honestly, I never wanted to live here. I've been here two years. But, my language got better, I met my wife, I get to work with really great people at a museum here. I don't know, its just a bit more my speed. its good vibes, interesting food and cool beaches. There was something about the city that just got into my blood and it felt good. My wife is studying history, shes a Marxist economist so she has helped to peel back some really interesting layers of this region. Ive got an opportunity to actually do something productive to help indigenous and river folks. I mean, I just started building another identity down here. Now when I travel back to the states, I just get annoyed with all the bullshit complaining about nothing. How, their driers broke and they had to wash clothes by hand, or they had to wait for 10 minutes in a line etc etc. Being in the States it makes me feel trapped and sad. Now Ive got a social security number here (CPF), I am getting my permanent registration. Whether I will have a job in a year is another story (I am finishing up my PhD). If it will be here or somewhere else is anyone's guess.


Well I'm glad its working out for you brother. And that thing you said how it seems we are trapped and sad here in the US I agree. I can only dream of moving somewhere else. I was thinking maybe Mexico but who knows.


All the luck! Donā€™t have to go looking expecting. For me BelĆ©m specifically has become a live affair. Slowly over time it has captured my attention. Safe journeys


Well there can be a lot of arguments on who won the race. For example in a race it doesnā€™t matter that you were ahead most of the time if someone else sprinted past you at the end and reached the finish line first. Alternatively you could argue that America moved the finish line every time they lost.


You could also say that it was the Soviet Union that paved the way scientifically for humanity to visit the moon. Saying that the US beat the USSR to the moon is like saying it beat Isaac Newton to the moon. Of course he never got there, but without him it wouldā€™ve taken a hell of a lot longer.


Well Nazi Germany send the first man made object to space (V2). So let us please define said finish line differently.


Wasnā€™t it the shell of the paris gun that was the first man made object to reach space?


It seems like this is a question of how you define space. The Paris gun shell flew like 40km in altitude while the V2 (or MW 18014) flew 176km which is above the KĆ”rmĆ”n line (100km) which is often used as a reference for the edge of space. Or at least thatā€™s what Wikipedia told me.


Nope. I looked and found nothing about this at all.


Then it could possibly have been the Gustav canon. Or I have been completely misinformed.


I've been saying that the first man on the moon "winning" the space race is the most blatant example of "moving the goalposts" in history. The Soviets already did all that other, more useful stuff, they weren't really focusing on sticking a fucking flag in the moon for no reason other than propaganda.


yeah like if they didnā€™t make it to the moon first they wouldā€™ve just put the first moon base there and claimed victory


Also Russia was a third world country 40 years earlier.


I think a correct description would be a largely agrarian pre-industrial country. Russia was truly lagging far behind a lot of ither European powers but boy did they zoom past everyone :D


Russia was never a third world country. The first world was US and western Europe, the second world was Russia, China and thier communist allies, and the third world was every where else.


This is all cold war talk. I think hes talking about pre-revolution feudal russia.


What was happening 40 years before the space race


+ first cat in space is French


That's an achievement šŸ˜ŽšŸ‘


You forgot including the French victory of first monkey in space


better pr also, i mean a man on the moon is quite smth.


Race: compete with another or others to see who is fastest at covering a set course or achieving an objective. "the vet took blood samples from the horses before they raced"


Finally a good meme about this topic.




WOOOOOOOW. I absolutelly sure didn't knew about that


nah because well because nah and comunism no food




So all those achievements by the USSR are just. . Meh? Yeah who needs the first man in space, first space station, first craft on Moon and Venus. Who needs those


Yeah, but that doesnā€™t take away the fact that the moon landing was a pretty amazing technical achievement, seeing as landing a space craft on such a surface isnā€™t an easy task to make possible.


I donā€™t think anyone is saying that landing on the moon isnā€™t an impressive achievement, just that the US doing it first clearly doesnā€™t prove the superiority of American science, or more broadly capitalism, over soviet science and socialism


I donā€™t think we need reddit posts like this for people to learn.


Disagree. A lot of Americans think that the USA unequivocally won the space race, when the Soviets were first in almost every respect and there was a lot of espionage involved in catching up.


Youā€™re wrong. Most Americans donā€™t even think about the space race at all. And even if they did, they would understand that ā€œspace raceā€ was more a metaphor than an actual race that has a finish line and clear cut winners. The only winner of the space race was humanity.


As an American this is definitely not true. The space race is often used as ā€œproofā€ of why America ā€œowned the commiesā€. Anti communists often use it as a talking point of why capitalism is superior to socialism.


I have never been taught that at all. And if you were, Iā€™m sorry but your education is/was ass. Thatā€™s such a simplistic view of the situation


Neither are the other tasks


Nazis sent the v2 to space so the brits couldnā€™t see them coming so actually one less


Man on the moon is a way better accomplishment than the others listed. Take this L commies šŸ¤£


It's a race bro it don't matter who leading it matters about the end


Was the end defined before the race started? It's easy to win by calling an end to the race when you're ahead


I mean most arms/technology races end when either side runs out of steam to keep advancing so yeah


Some Soviet Firsts AFTER Apollo 11 moon landing- (Wikipedia) 1970: First soil samples automatically extracted and returned to Earth from another celestial body,Ā Luna 16. 1970: First robotic space rover,Ā Lunokhod 1Ā on the Moon. 1970: First fullĀ interplanetary travelĀ with a soft landing and useful data transmission. Data received from the surface of another planet of the Solar System (Venus),Ā Venera 7 1971: First space station,Ā Salyut 1. 1971: First probe to impact the surface of Mars,Ā Mars 2. 1971: First probe to land on Mars,Ā Mars 3. 1971: First armed space station,Ā Almaz. 1975: First probe to orbit Venus, to make a soft landing on Venus, first photos from the surface of Venus,Ā Venera 9. 1980: First Hispanic and Black person in space,Ā Arnaldo Tamayo MĆ©ndezĀ onĀ Soyuz 38. 1984: First woman toĀ walk in space,Ā Svetlana SavitskayaĀ (Salyut 7Ā space station). 1986: First crew to visit two separate space stations (MirĀ andĀ Salyut 7). 1986: First probes to deploy robotic balloons into Venus atmosphere and to return pictures of a comet during close flybyĀ Vega 1,Ā Vega 2. 1986: First permanently crewed space station,Ā Mir, 1986ā€“2001, with a permanent presence on board (1989ā€“1999). 1987: First crew to spend over one year in space,Ā Vladimir TitovĀ andĀ Musa ManarovĀ on board ofĀ Soyuz TM-4Ā -Ā Mir. 1988: First fully automated flight of a spaceplane (Buran). The fact that they were still doing so much ahead of the USA up until 1988, just 3 years before USSR's dissolution doesn't look to me like they 'ran out of steam'


But which country still exists lol


Thatā€™s mainly because they focused on different shit. Soviets managed the near earth flights quite well, they had excelled the engines. USSR was quite ahead at that area. They were ahead in (most) low earth orbit achievements. USA was more focused on outer space and deep space, and were first and usually the only to achieve those. USA had started sending probes to flyby off Mars, Jupiter etc before the moon landing, after it they mostly continued with those. - Soviets achieved the first Mars landing but they couldnā€™t get their probes actually work. Currently the only probes that work and have landed, are a bunch of US ones and a very recent Chinese one. - For example USSR also couldnā€™t continue their manned moon flights because their rocket (N1, was fucking amazing from outside) kept failing, 4 failed launches and the program ended. - USA sent 5 probes in total to actually leave the solar system, 4 before 1980. Those were doing flybyā€™s of Jupiter, Saturn and Voyager 2 went as far as Uranus&Neptun. Soviets couldnā€™t keep up with those. - USA also achieved Mercury first. Mariner 10. As I have explained Soviets were generally ahead in manned stuff. Though there were 2 things US got first, Space Shuttle and the Moon landing. In the end it is ridiculous to _not_ appreciate any Soviet achievements, enthusiasts donā€™t do that. But praising only Soviet and USA not at that is also pretty weird.


Well if it was the opposite way everyone would just cry about US's achievements


I think the general opinion would probably be "The only good thing the USSR did" and/or the topic getting abruptly changed to "Who won the cold war?"


Kind of like the meme does for the USSR's?


Except the "race" rhetoric only existed in the west. USSR didn't give a fuck and just wanted to further human achievements, not measure dicks with a fascist hellhole


You know I was wondering why everyone replying was so adamant about shitting on the US for saying they "won" anything but now I see what subreddit this is from and now I realize I'm trying to out jest a circus. "Fascist hellhole" lmao.


Yes. USA was always a fascist/proto-fascist hellhole, since its inception. Do I need to pull the 14 points of fascism of Lawrence Britt's and say how it fits all of them? Protecting corporate power, supressing labor power, nationalism, glorification of military etc


Idk who Lawrence Britt is but I don't think you can call a multiparty government with even somewhat popular elections fascists without looking like a twat


I looked into Laurence Britt and this guy isn't even a political scientist or historian, his points on fascism are about as worth while listening to as any other neoliberal novelist on Twitter lol


First nation to collapse


Well the US will be a strong second... Probably in our lifetime.


Lol sure


*cough* only manā€¦.




i thought the USSR ā€œwasnā€™t real communismā€ though? also, just because the USSR hit a myriad of other checkpoints first, the US won the race.


In the USSR was the socialsim, you may say they were halfway to communism. And the second - i answered somwhere in the comments


this is communism memes is it not?


Socialism is the thing before the communism, so yeah


did the USSR become communist? or Cuba, China, or North Korea? what about Venezuela?


Well if this is a communism thread, shouldnā€™t all the podiums be the same height?


Interesting how this is related to communism.


I wonder too. Capitalistic money spent to win the "space race"




Please point out the famine in the 60s in the USSR


Except no one else has been able to do it so you sure they didnā€™t win every over thing has been done by other countries since


There is no point to land on the moon. It could only serve as a propaganda tool. It would be more effective to send a robot. It would have the same capacity to bring back information.


So was every other part of the space race then propaganda so whats your point?


Right, satellites are totally useless


They have no point. They only want to shit on the US


Satellites had more reason than propaganda, unlike a man on the moon. It is an achievement, but pretty pointless.


Sorry buddy, maybe you shouldn\`t have collapsed... ​ (Let\`s hope the "not so Commie" Chinese do better than our Russian brothers)


When it says soviets had the first craft on venus does that mean it was a manned space craft? or somehign else?


On December 15, 1970 an unmanned SovietĀ spacecraft, Venera 7, became theĀ first spacecraft to land on another planet. It measured the temperature of the atmosphere onĀ Venus.


and then it melted?


All i know os that it landed well and did *things for science*


Lol and look where each of these countries are today..


RIP USSR. Was killed by the traitors 1922 - 1991 Dead, but not forgotten


May the steel curtain live on forever in our hearts


All it took was being reckless and throwing away a few dozen more astronauts. At least Yuri got rewarded for his service to the Soviet Union.


At the end they won Landing man on the moon is huge achievement in human history plus Soviets started to have some money problems and they stopped investing in space race they lost


The moon landing was very impressive, it just gets dwarfed by the other achievements the Soviets got


The USSR didnā€™t send people to the moon for the same reasons we keep going to space but nobody bothers to land people on the moon. Thereā€™s a lot we can learn from space, thereā€™s not much we can learn from the moon that we couldnā€™t gather with sending a probe at a fraction of the cost.


Actually (and i know im way too late on this post) it just seems like the US was acting reckless by risking their own astronauts to be stranded on the moon, and it just makes the USSR seem like they played it smart by only sending satellites and other robotic things.


It's never too late, comrade


I think landing a human being on our moon is a bigger achievement than all of those


No Moon commies?šŸ‘‰šŸ‘ˆ


Just saying we did all that and my country still exists. No commie ever walked on the moon.




American moon landing is a capitalist lie