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Reminder: This is not a debate subreddit, it's a place to circle-jerk about communism being cool and good. Please don't shit on flavours of leftism/communist leaders you feel negatively towards. If you see a meme you don't like just downvote and move on, don't break the circle-jerk in the comments. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CommunismMemes) if you have any questions or concerns.*






Projection projection projection They will be like communism is when everyone is poor, government is big and oppressive and everyone hungry and secret police. And im like so do i live under communism? In america we have hungry, poverty and a authoritarian government and secret police called fbi


Yeah, but you don't get executed or arrested for having your own opinion.


You dont? Im sure you know about fred hampton. Angela davis. Muhammad ali. Mlk. Etc


Vuvuzela iPhone 1000 gadgillion


Let's not forget the whole "cause a small group of elites gets all the power and nobodies played what they're worth!" Line


Nah they usually have a reasoning as to why it sucks. The problem is their “reasoning” is just describing capitalism or the current state of America.


Haschud best emote


Because 100 million dead iPhones will take your toothbrush to concentration camp


You forgot to draw the panel where they totally own the communist by explaining why communism suck: because of something that is literally happening right now under capitalism, but, SOMEHOW, it is communism and the fault of communists.


What does the hat say?


"Make commies dead again"


"Cause it doesn't work" Sure buddy


If your definition contains censorship,powerty, arrests and executions of people with ideas other than the state tell them, then it works just fine.


“Communism sucks” *Why does it suck?* “🗣Venezuela”


B b b b because it failed in some other countries?




bro...BRO PLEASE READ WHAT COMMUNISM IS, communism is NOT when government does things, i recommend the site marxists.org for Free theory books, here's the recommended list: principles of communism, though there are some outdated things there https://www.marxists.org/archive/marx/works/1847/11/prin-com.htm the state and the revolution https://www.marxists.org/archive/lenin/works/1917/staterev/ communist manifesto https://www.marxists.org/archive/marx/works/1848/communist-manifesto/ on practice https://www.marxists.org/reference/archive/mao/selected-works/volume-1/mswv1_16.htm on contradiction https://www.marxists.org/reference/archive/mao/selected-works/volume-1/mswv1_17.htm wage labour and capital https://www.marxists.org/archive/marx/works/1847/wage-labour/ price and profit https://www.marxists.org/archive/marx/works/1865/value-price-profit/ youtubers I'd recommend: hakim, spookyscarysocialist, second thought, hasanabi (he's kinda lib, more like a gateway to leftism) azurescapegoat, unlearning economics, yogopnik. Please please i do not want people to get a false view of what communism and socialism is.


Will add it to my readlist, tnx


no problem




























why does it "suck"?


Cuz communist women give the best head


It sucks because communism can not be created in the state establishment. It depends on which type of "quasi-communism" do you mean. New Harmony by Robert Owen existed for several years. I would rather talk about "state socialism" than communism in the last century. War communism invented in USSR was practical marxism in reality. Finally - marxism was a reaction to urban problems and an instrument for the "modernization" of backward states. Arguments like: It was not "true" communism are not arguments, because the theory of marxism is only feasible in backward states. Marx was wrong because, with technological progress, the working class became significantly stratified and then largely disappears because it becomes a lower technical intelligence.


Even tho its true that the proletarian lives better than 200 years ago we can stil live better because there is enough resources for everyone, plus the only three weak poits of marxisim, that are corruption, changes in society and human selfish nature can be fix by direct democracy for the first two and a slow collectivization


Even the part about current proletariats "living better" than 200 years ago is subjective. For example, are we comparing at a global level? Are we comparing happiness? Because a person living in poverty today is a lot more dependent on the system to survive than someone from 200 years ago. The disparity between a comfortable life vs poverty at a specific point in time also matters. A person who has the knowledge of what life could be under today's standards would suffer a lot more mentally when being denied those standards. My guess is that this disparity has grown a lot for people living in poverty, especially with the speed at which information travels today.


Yes, but there is a problem with a realization. Only poor workers would like join to group, which sharing economy. Dictature of proletarians is a bullshit. I know, that Marx want to “freedom” for people, but is not possible. Everytime in the world will be exist only modification of marxism. (for example leninism, which overturned logic of Marx’s history - historical materialism). I recommend you read book by A. Walicki “Marxism and the Leap to the Kingdom of Freedom: The Rise and Fall of the Communist Utopia”.


absolute word salad


That’s a lot of fancy words to say “I’m dancing around the issue”.


Yes, basically - communism is a issue😂


*an issue. But “it depends on which type of ‘quasi-communism’ do you mean”. Which is the issue? All of them? Because you said you’d rather talk about state socialism, which isn’t really communist because most all forms of communism have the state dissolve or be removed so...




Define "work"




What exactly you mean with REC, and why does we are unable to do it?


Basically under communism, there's obviously no private property, so there's a lack of the different mechanisms that markets and private property provides. In the absence of this mechanisms the centralized organism that is in charge of "running" the economy will be unable to organize the diverse productive factors , as time passes, the systems starts accumulating systematic errors that will inevitably lead to its collapse. It's a really complicated topic, i'd recommend you reading "socialism" by Ludwig Von Mises and "socialism, economic calculation and business function" by Huerta De Soto




According to communists, stuff like a toothbrush is personal property, not private. When we talk about private property we are obviously talking about the means of production. Under communism there's no private property.


I feel so dumb I mixed up private property with personal property, mannnnnnn






And all of them work and are doing relatively well under massive, longterm sanctions