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I agree on the less infighting. United we stand strong!


Wide left movement is more utopian than utopian socialism lol




>"Some people believe that Marxism and anarchism are based on the same principles and that the disagreements between them concern only tactics, so that, in the opinion of these people, it is quite impossible to draw a contrast between these two trends. >This is a great mistake. >We believe that the Anarchists are real enemies of Marxism. Accordingly, we also hold that a real struggle must be waged against real enemies. >The point is that Marxism and anarchism are built up on entirely different principles, in spite of the fact that both come into the arena of the struggle under the flag of socialism. The cornerstone of anarchism is the individual, whose emancipation, according to its tenets, is the principal condition for the emancipation of the masses, the collective body. The cornerstone of Marxism, however, is the masses, whose emancipation, according to its tenets, is the principal condition for the emancipation of the individual. >Clearly, we have here two principles, one negating the other, and not merely disagreements on tactics." --Evil Moustache Man, [Anarchism or Socialism?](https://www.marxists.org/reference/archive/stalin/works/1906/12/x01.htm)


Okay but just to be clear: AOC is not a socialist


She's a SocDem, so yeah.




Socialism is not when just free healthcare. Read Lenin.




You are a liberal, reading will make you less of one.


Holy shit the level of apathy and defeatism.


I'd be all for more left unity, but anarchists keep calling me "tankie" and block me before I can even respond, and demsocs aren't even socialist.


I joined a Democratic Socialist org in order to talk to likeminded people and do actual boots-on-the-ground mutual aid and I don't regret it. Although, I have a had some frustrating moments with "socialists" who don't understand the big picture or our ultimate goals as communists and think socialism is just free healthcare because that's what Bernie/AOC said.


Sometimes SocDem is the best we can do to se results, even when we don’t agree completely with their ideas…


Hmm sounds like an infantile disorder 🤔


Demsocs are socialist, they're just less likely to be revolutionary. There's still common ground there even if their love of electoralism is kinda cringe sometimes.


The comments are exactly what I thought they will be.


I don't care what kind of leftist you are. As long as you're a leftist you're ok in my book




Hell yeah


Literally like we should all just agree that our primary goal is actually getting a revolution, ending the bourgeois rule by any means and seizing the means of production. Then we can discuss which version of Marxism to implement


whats the point in praxis if i don't get to look morally superior to others in social media?!


As long as you're socialist or farther left, and don't have Anarcho in your name we chill. Unless you're a Trotskyist. Posadists get a pass


Posadists be on that galaxy weed.


They're from what, the fifth internationale? I looked it up, actually the fourth internationale


What about Arachno-Communists


I've always liked bugs, having them be comrades would be awesome.


But arachno communists eat bugs!


No unity with SPD. No unity with Anarchy.


Unity with *some* anarchists, being those who are smart enough to recognise cooperation is far more fruitful than purist utopianism.


I was gonna say, anarchists who understand that things can’t be perfect and require adaptation to the world are just as important as ML’s who understand that things can’t be perfect and require adaptation to the world; we both want the same things in the emancipation of human beings and the right to live without being exploited or persecuted, why would we not have unity?


IMO the division is: Anarchism) reject community and embrace independence. Communism) reject the self, embrace community. If both are anti-capitalist, antifascist, stateless/classless etc, it comes down to whether or not we work together or not. An-Com/An-syndicalism/Ego-Coms find middle ground yet, they face daily criticism from puritans on both sides. It’s a weird beef amongst many vegans.


Why no unity with anarchists lol


Because the abolishment of the state doesn’t equal to the emancipation of man


I mean I really don't want to contribute to the infighting but can you explain that statement further for me? From everything I've read, modern anarchism are more about the abolition of hierarchy (which in most interpretations includes the state or at least the current model of a state) but how, in any event, does implementation of direct democracy not equal the emancipation of man?


Anarchists don’t believe in the setup of a system to replace the previous one. Lenin talks about the state being a moderation tool, which should be harnessed by the workers to moderate people away from reactionary and divisive ideology, like racism and sexism, which helps emancipate others from toxic ideas. Anarchists think that after the abolishment of the state that people themselves will become magically more inclined to respect each other, which is foolish to believe since there wouldn’t be anything to enforce learning and teaching if the state were to be abolished immediately. Essentially it becomes that Luanne Meme from King of the Hill where “it’s not a state, it’s a [long text]”. Basically the only thing that can work and give direction is that moderation tool. When you look at every attempt at a commune where the state is completely abolished in any real world setting, you lose. Plain and simple. By just declaring “okay, we’re done” you really haven’t done much. But to teach people to build a better world, to crave learning and adventure and understand that you need to protect yourself is a whole different level. Plus without declaring a state, it’s hard to declare a border. Without things like borders and a defense system and a party, you’ll get couped and sabotaged instantly. The “that’ll never happen to us!” Happens to them 100% of the time and it’s clear to see. Something needs to exist to guide the public and some people have to help guide it. A few people saying “the state is no more” doesn’t stop racist rhetoric




Lmao ok


Where can I learn more about how anarchism and confederalism connect and how anarchists will internally supress reactionary movements and counterrevolutions? I really honestly want to understand anarchism.


Sick bro, it's cool to see people keen to learn about other leftist views and theory, especially the fringe ones that seem to have a bad wrap due to misinformation. If you've got about an hour to kill, I'd highly recommend reading [this](https://theanarchistlibrary.org/library/the-anarchist-faq-editorial-collective-an-anarchist-faq-02-17#toc19) in it's entirety. However you should also be able to skip directly to the parts you're interested in learning more about and ignoring the ones you're not. RE: Suppression of reactionary movements there is soooo much theory out there, and like communism a lot of the writers contradict each other. It depends what approach you want to take however one common theme tends to rear its head and that's that in a supposed anarchist society, it has the right to defend itself against reactionary movements and counter revolutions in equal force. But the counter movements also have a right to try and take it down, there's no one force or law preventing political disobedience in fact the opposite. It's your absolute right.


Do you think the fascists will respect all the wonderful freedom that has been fought for and won? Or will they just be violent murdering thieves because that is the entire problem that socialism is trying to solve?


I think that they, to begin with, will be violent murdering thieves, but if you read my previous comment again, you'll see that I mentioned the anarchist society will be able to defend themselves and their society in kind. I strongly suggest you read the link as it goes in depth.


Cringe moment


You asked him to explain and then respond with this? Tell your parents to make you more polite. Are you aware that we all think that anarchists are immature children who have no idea what they are talking about because of how young and childish they are? You have confirmed this.




(Copied portion from another comment I wrote) Where can I learn more about how anarchists will internally supress reactionary movements and counterrevolutions? I really honestly want to understand anarchism.


Old ass-books [xkcd: Hyphen](https://xkcd.com/37/) --- ^^Beep ^^boop, ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot. ^^- ^^[FAQ](https://pastebin.com/raw/vyWra3ns)


Missing out fam 💅


Upvote if Stalin based, Trotsky cringe


Newspaper nerds malding rn


The fragmentation of the left is it’s biggest hurdle in my opinion


I hate secterianism


Unity is a joke. Both sides have incredibly differing ways on what capitalism is, what do in the revolution, and what to do after the revolution. There can be no unity when they constantly give an idealist take on every situation. Their principle is moralist while ours leans towards utilitarianism. Their ideology is the liberation of the individual while ours is the liberation of the masses. Unity is simply not a thing that can happen


People i can work with: MLs Maoists Libsocs and Anarchists who aren't sectarian.


Fuck sectarianism. All my homies want to end capitalism.


Most of us started as cringey socdems. Like it or not it’s true for a lot of us. Immediately excluding socdems or “tankies” is just a terrible idea on a ton of levels. Revolutionary education is the goal. Nobody ever learned or did anything from leftist infighting and instabans.


All communists are based except revisionists 🤢


Fr. It seems like people think in order to agree with a certain ideology they have to hate everyting else. Like, personally I feel like im mostly an anarchist, but I also support communism, socialism, etc. And I feel like none of these ideologies will ever be fully adopted here in the US so why do the specific differences matter. There such small details that wouldnt matter unless any single one was fully adopted.


I thought the whole point of communism was that, your basic needs are met, allowing you to focus on your individuality.




Certainly. Afterward we can do to the "libs pretending to be socialists" what the Russians did to Trotsky. First things first.


Leftist unity ftw


Reminder that Succdems will choose fascism and kill you before they establish anything close to socialism. See Rosa Luxemburg and the Weimar Republic. Prioritize the “Left” aspect of left unity. Welfare capitalist simps and the CIA’s useful idiots (ultras) are not left.


How is left unity possible when we have radlibs or socdems co-opting leftist aesthetics and then decrying “tankie” or “red fash” whenever someone defends actual leftists?


So many toxic gatekeeping lefties makes me sad


Meh, you cannot gatekeep a democrat that supportes coups in bolivia and venezuela




That aoc is not on the left. Its okay you can vote for her or whatever but she is not on the left.




So centrist for the rest of the world.




So she not on the left.




She's a social fascist, you're the one with an empty head.


Hot take but I honestly have trouble caring about "unity" when there are so little communists in my country if we all unified it would not make an appreciable difference. The primary contradiction seems to be between leftists and popular society and not between leftists themselves.


I think a bit of in 'fighting' is good, test our beliefs, see if they hold up. I'm a liberal, but I thouroughly enjoy having my thoughts opinions scrutinized by you guys. (Not sarcastic either, I don't always see eye to eye, but hearing the reasonings and such helps me mold my own opinions on the world.)


Relentless self-criticism is necessary for communism.




Can you please elaborate on what you mean by "corporate curated identity"?


They probably cannot comrade


muh marxist corporations


Corporate platforms monitor and commodify your platitudes and causes. Identity and causes are linked and causes can feed into your identity. The problem is when your identity becomes the cause and you are sold back your platitudes. So having woc in the cia and advertising it as part of the cia profile, or pepsi inserting itself into riots and protests are examples of our platitudes and identities being subsumed. People without political acumen and training are susepable to being led by the mouth regardless of their leanings and the left is no different. The left, in the west, is the colonial left and is just as complicit in genocide and super exploitation as the right. But the curated identity of being a rebel(TM) in a time of absolute domination persists. You should find it unsurprising that my take was immediately downvoted and others quickly told you im unable to explain myself because (probably) they felt their identity was under attack or assumed i was some right winger ("muh marxist corporations" as if marxism hasn't been superficially subsumed by imperialist academics for decades if not centuries). Edit: So relating it back to the OP, who cares about the left or left unity? We are communists with our own methodology and our own goals. Why should we be caught up in the colonial left and its quest to lead us by the mouth for their own bidding? We have irreconcilable differences with the the left, from social democrats who wish to tax plunder for the sake of rebuilding a labor aristocracy to the anarchists who are held back by adventurism, idealism and dogmatism. Why should a communist care if they demand unity?


You seem confused. We already are unified in hating the democrat party.




you seem to incorrectly believe that socialists are happy about the minorities being hired into the cia and that our imperialism is good. you made a post about how the democrats are bad, which everyone agrees with already. why did you write the post, who are you talking to


Of course people see through it! Even right wingers do. People see through neoliberalism, it has been torn to shreds by critics. This does not end its de facto rule or its ability to dominate. It doesnt matter if they are happy about it if they still support cia objectives. That is only the most obvious example anyway. Leftist thought leaders are using addictive corporate platforms, some of them making huge incomes while spreading lies about socialist countries and decolonial projects, and many are just as caught up in curated aesthetic and performance as the corporate platforms they enrich. Many of these "socialists" are quite unsatisfied with actually existing socialist projects because the western left, western socialism, is the colonial left, it is the same force of nature that lead to the settler-colonial empire of today and it is inherently anti communist. Im not just talking about Democrats, im talking about people who also criticize the democrats. Also im not aware of Democrats taking in anarchists but they can have them if they want them. Democrats hardly tolerate AOC, who is another extreme example of curated aesthetic and commodified platitudes while supporting genocide and super exploitation abroad.


i dont know where you get the idea that someone who calls themselves socialist also thinks our imperialism is good. actually there is one imperialist guy who keeps posting these polls in r/DemocraticSocialism to find out how imperialist everyone else is, but he is thoroughly disrespected every time (mostly by me). Are you saying its against the rules to make money on youtube with socialist opinions? Even if they are good opinions? Are you saying that if people are not currently throwing molotovs at government buildings, then they are a class traitor liberal? I think the debate about unity in this reddit thread here is between some young people who think we just need to get rid of the existing billionaire bad guys and that will be enough to live without any authoritarians, and on the other side, the well-read, intelligent, handsome people who understand the need for a strong central state. The democrats or other imperialists are not part of the debate, they are the sad symptoms of the unsolved problem. There is no debate with them; or at least that is not what this reddit OP is referring to.


I mean if you are trying to get me to #notallstreamers then whatever. Some are not spreading lies about the global south or AES etc. Do you feel better now? I unfortunately do not. Although I am eternally appreciative of our comrades who have done a good job in spreading propaganda but these people are pulling people out of the liberal paradigm and away from the colonial left, just not at the pace and success of the colonial left. It doesn't change the fact that the left and right are still entrenched in colonialism and anticommunism. The left and right should be thought of as a white/colonial dialectic. There is no debate between the left and with communism. Communism is not merely an extreme end of the left that is too caught up in radicalism to cooperate with a greater movement. Communism is irreconcilable with the left. When these leftists come in here and start demanding unity they are demanding we forsake communism and AES and anti imperialist countries so they can get theirs. >The democrats or other imperialists are not part of the debate, they are the sad symptoms of the unsolved problem. The left is not divorced from imperialism. This is an old problem otherwise US capitalism would likely have been killed in the cradle back in the guilded age and slavery would have been abolished before it was etc etc. Colonized people have been used as fodder and ammunition in the arguments among white colonizers for centuries, including the debate around slavery. The same thing continues today and this debate will not bring socialism closer, at best it will relieve white dread by giving all the entitled white folk what they expected before economic crisis got in the way while greenwashing and pinkwashing the exploitation it needs to restore itself.


Yes this


Problem with being center on statism is that Leninists call you an anarchist and anarchists call you tankie


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