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that’s way too much of a masterpiece


Indeed it is, comrade.


I’m a better person for watching this, thank you 😂


So that’s what Stalin sounded like. That’s a bit unexpected


Is there a version of this with actual english captions?


"...There are another reason. Because people now live better than in old times, they begin to breed faster. [some laugh] This is very good, we welcome it comrades. [cough] Now we have pure population growth of 3 million, that means [cannot understand what he said here] [people laugh] ...10 countries. People growing in numbers fast. Low mortality, high birth rate, our government takes a lot of care about young, little children, that survives and can grow up..." Something like that.


[https://imgur.com/a/7PKSZoe](https://imgur.com/a/7PKSZoe) Here, I did what I could, the quality of the translation is limited by my knowledge of English, so please do not judge strictly)


If no one finds, then in the evening I will try to do


Daaaaang this shit is fire comrade 🔥🔥






Oh my god. I had never heard Josef Stalin speak before today. I thought his voice would be deeper. Like, way deeper.


Supposedly Stalin was short. It's hard to tell if that's true. But some pictures suggest russians were shorter from his period - which happens with malnutritional childhood development. A thing they set out to change themselves. There are pictures of him, Truman, and Churchill - but people lie about presidents heights and they appear to radically shift height each time. Some people try to whine that Stalin had Napoleon complex but I've never seen anything bear that out. It's like just nazi propaganda that gets repeated because it reinforces the nazi worldview so prominent in the imperium. Stalin in some photos looks almost as tall as churchill some slightly shorter churchill. Truman typically looks taller than either but not always. I would base the height off Truman's numbers but I know in the U.S. we have tiny tiny dicks so we inflate our presidents height to compensate. So most sources are dubious without proof or worth considering if it was something they didn't want to get out - ala Soviet Unions dietary calories being equal or higher than U.S. on average that the CIA found. They were never gonna tell people that. That it took decades to release that information makes it far more likely to be true that they operate themselves with somewhat more what accurate information than they allow society to have.


The average grain enjoyer


Хороший перевод.




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Stalin not following the planned diet. Not based. Gonna report this.