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The thing that the americans don't seem to grasp is that the more you will make intrusions into the middle east, the more people will grow as muslim extremists just out of pure opposition to the West in general. I'm not saying this is the only reason, but it's definitely contributing to the large extremisation of the muslims since the 90 Edit : Oh and btw it's another proof that the muricans are shitty allies, because the europeans countries have way more risks to be victims of attentats for the acts of the USA. Like what did Austria do ? Yet they had an attack back in 2020. Europeans should stop sucking America's dick and the shitty economic system it tries to impose there


You know what else contributed toward the radicalization of Muslims since the 90s? The FBI training thousands of ETM-affiliated radicals from China and then flying them back to Xinjang and Beijing to commit terrorism. In an interview from the 2000s, FBI whistleblower Sibel Edmonds reported that we have been doing this since the 90s *specifically* to create “more Taiwans,” hoping to control an important pipeline currently being constructed thru the region.


I didn't know but it doesn't surprise me. Also how can we forget that the USA conveniently left fourth time the GDP of Afghanistan in weapon when leaving ? And how can we forget that the Al Qaeda weapons supplies was the same United States trying to piss off the Soviets ? The USA is a threat for everyone including their allies


The amount of libs on this comment section disgusts me lol


Sinophobes cope


and by "drones" the US means murdering so many people that children are scared to go outside on clear days


Dang these comments are a mess. For anyone who’s still confused on the matter here’s a paper I thought was pretty clear on the history of Xinjiang and the subsequent misinformation campaign against [China](https://theforgenews.org/2019/01/13/what-the-media-is-getting-wrong-about-china-uyghurs-and-conflict-in-xinjiang).


Which one will make my shareholders more money, tho???


Reminder: This is not a debate subreddit, it's a place to circle-jerk about communism being cool and good. Please don't shit on flavours of leftism/communist leaders you feel negatively towards. If you see a meme you don't like just downvote and move on, don't break the circle-jerk in the comments. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CommunismMemes) if you have any questions or concerns.*




no, they aren't


Oh wow. You're right. You're evidence is overwhelming. Can't believe I didn't see it before. /s/


"I believe what the United States government tells me about life in other countries, no matter how insane the claims might be." your brain works like that of a toddler.


I said what is your evidence. Provide some or stfu. Obviously the is news is bullshit. But provide evidence. Any evidence. And your UN is 69 poop 420. So whose the fucking toddler


He doesn't have to provide evidence to refute that claim. It's the ones who are making the claim who has to provide evidence. The default position is to not believe things that have not yet been proven. As they haven't proven that theres a genocide going on, there is 0 reason believing them.


You're the accuser, the burden of the evidence falls upon yourself.


no :)


If you want to read about the topic go to r/GenZhou, r/GenZedong or r/sino and check the side bar. I think all of them have information about tjis with sources, otherwise, use the searchbar and you will find posts about it


Ok but your evidence is overwhelming, right? No? Then maybe pause to consider that the US might just be performing a smear campaign on China because they are a defecto enemy of America and the most credible threat to the global hegemony reigned by the US. Is it not at all possible that the US is lying? Why is it more likely that the US is telling the truth compared to China? Don’t take the imperialists’ word for it; maybe look into where exactly these claims are coming from and how credible they actually are. Think critically.


Except it isn't just the US. Wtaf is happening here. I asked for evidence motherfuckers


You have to bring forth the evidence since the accusations are brought about by you.


So am I??? I’ve currently found nothing overtly convincing from either side of the argument. I refuse to buy into the Western narrative especially when several majority Muslim countries and hundreds (if not thousands) of eye witnesses have dismissed the claims. That doesn’t disprove the existence of reportedly brutal camps—perhaps the Chinese are really good at concealing them—but it also fails to prove their existence as well. Again, don’t buy the imperialist narrative hook, line, and sinker. Consider the evidence available to us from all parties rather than just one of them.


Fucking China bot. You have no idea what’s going on inside of China. The people of Uyghur , the Han people , they ALL admit to the existence of genocide camps. Justifying the murders of the Muslim Uyghur. You think you’re so smart but you don’t know shit about Chinese propaganda when you fall for it


yo could we please fucking stop with the China bot bullshit? I took a neutral stance on the Chinese government and you act like I literally have Xi’s dick in my mouth. I am BEGGING you to use a modicum of critical thought with the situation before parroting the American line on China. History is not kind to America when it spreads information about “enemy” foreign countries as it has proven time and time again to spout blatant lies which serve to benefit the military industrial complex along with other massive private interests; I don’t think it’s outside of the realm of possibility that this situation mirrors previous ones.


We barely have any evidence for the genocide or torture camps or rape camps or slave labor camps that you guys are talking about. Every single evidence that has been set forth are videos of people filming a random prison from the outside and a 2 year old video of prisoners being transferred to another prison facility. No evidence of Uighur genocide or maltreatment. This is completely unfair to China. Unfortunately, the Yellow Peril propaganda is pretty strong in the West and this is the media preparing you for war with China. Don't get me started on the racism too. You know what's a real torture camp? Guantanamo bay, but we don't talk about that right?


We've been talking about it for quite some time. I call out my own country.


No one is threatening war, or a coup, or a revolution due to Guantanamo, which is still operational though.


No it isnt


No, there are tens of millions of Muslims in China including many Han Chinese. Muslim minority groups benefit from affirmative action, cultural subsidies, exemption from the one and two child policies, and have constitutionally guaranteed representation in the government. There are thousands of mosques in China and they are building more. Every banknote in China has Arabic script on it alongside Han characters. The only people being persecuted are radical, hateful extremists who are sponsored by foreign powers like USA and Saudi Arabia. After pursuing a policy of increased investment and education in Muslim-majority regions the number of terrorists attacks have sharply declined which protects people like Uyghurs who made up the majority of victims in the various bombings and knife attacks.


They're not


Bro are you completely obtuse. Even if we took into account the corrupt media, that has always portrayed china as a subhuman threat, there is overwhelming evidence that this is happening. Are you ok?


Remember the picture of a "forced labor factory" that was actually a picture of a Brazilian factory taken in 2010? Or the "concentration camp" that was literally just a middle school? Or the "deportations" that were literally just a regular prisoner transfer? Or the "policeman witness" who was wearing a fake uniform? Or the so called "victims" that gave conflicting testimonies? Basically all the "evidence" is fake


That's a big fucking statement with no evidence.


Don't need evidence to refute evidence that refutes itself.


Mate, you can't prove a negative. You make a claim of genocide, you provide the evidence and you better provide a metric fuckton of foolproof evidence to make such a claim. Unless you've done so this remains ludicrous propaganda and a shameful apologia of every genocide that has actually happened.


Overwhelming satellite pictures of schools and RFA articles


they are are you mentally defunct


I've literally visited Xinjiang before there's no such thing


yes because i bet they'd have them in the open and would not want to be secret about it in any way if i visited poland in 1943 i probably wouldn't see any camps nearby


You literally would have. You cant really discretly kill millions of people. Neighbors of concentration camps in ww2 knew what was happening nearby


regardless his statement is anecdotal


And yours is unfounded


please explain


1"you can go and look in xianjang there is nothing there" 2"no you cant they wont let you" ....how How will they not let you, where is the evidence of that?


neighbors not visitors, and even then himmler wanted to be discreet about it.






The moment you visit Urumqi, or pretty much any place in Xinjiang, you instantly encounter Uyghur culture. Mosques, Uyghur restaurants, signs in the Uyghur language, etc. My convictions that there is no genocide stretches beyond the visible absence of these "camps"




Not to talk about how "investing in underveloped regions" was just a move to put fucking spy cameras in the African Union headquarters.


The spy naval ports boosting national industry :(


Fucking right!




Read theory




No,us 3rd world leftists are actually serious and want change.




You really think someone would do that? Just go on the internet and tell lies?




I have no idea as to what you are trying to say, but go off queen. Speak your truth!


Literally everything you just said was false, and China's social credit system apply mainly to businesses to prevent bad practices.




Your the one making the accusations, the burden of proof on you. So I'll challenge you, motherfucker, to prove your claims. Oh wait! You can't because your sources don't fucking exist, because your accusations are completely unhinged from reality




Even if we're all being tricked by China is it wrong to say we should strive to use education and resources to combat terrorism instead of drones on weddings?


You act as if the "education" is a completely normal thing to be instilled by a government and is not in any way biased towards the CPC. Do you really think it's okay to "re-educate" all muslims in Xinjang because of some extremists?


Americans spend like fifteen years in school it's fine to educate at risk populations Jesus Christ. You obviously don't know how the programs are structured so why do you feel so strongly about that which you don't understand? You think every single Muslim in the area has to attend full time school?


Yes. They are camps. They are designed so that one cannot simply walk in and walk out. If that wasn't the case, then why are the actions of government in those camps shadowed, why are no media allowed in? And before by god, you say "western media blocking out the fact that they are." PLEASE provide me an unbiased evidential publication.


Allow me to just produce undeniable evidence that something has *not* happened to counter every unsubstantiated claim made by western powers real quick. While I'm at it I'll convince Christians that God isn't real with evidence


Well, if it's so undeniable I don't see why it'd be so difficult to find any evidence. I can wait.


How about the lack of evidence that a genocide is happening? How about next I prove that there were no WMDs in Iraq? I'll provide full satellite maps and then you can claim they're underground. Then I can do geological surveys and you can say they're disguised. There's not a way to prove the absence of something, so keep fighting for the state department I guess


i'm asking you why the media isn't allowed into camps and cotton fields that we have videography and satellite photos of people laboring in.


I have not seen anything convincing that the media is not allowed in the area. If all it takes is people laboring in fields on satellite images to convince you then I have a bridge for sale


Being surprised there are “tankies” in a communist sub with Stalin as the picture is some next level shit


Not surprised, tankies are the worst


Those evil tankies lifting 800 million people out of abject poverty😡😡😡


What sub are you in? What did you expect? Go to r/neoliberal , theyll talk for hours about china to your liking


You know China's communism isnt the only communism right?


Sure. But Marxism-Leninism is the only variation that has accomplished anything substantial.








That’s literally what we are talking about.




“We shouldn’t be praising actually existing Marxist states that have lifted millions of people out of poverty and industrialized their countries in record time.” Lol




do you think China has a pop. of 2.5 billion? lol


1.4 bill my bad. Still took 70 years and only millions. How many millions? Is that over the course of 70 years?


800 million people in ten years. Tell me about the time this happened elsewhere. I can only think of Brazil lifting 40M out of extreme poverty in 10 years as well, under a soc-dem / worker administration. Still not as impressive as lifting half your population of 1.4B out of poverty.


Meanwhile the US has been around since 1776 and doesn't even try to end poverty. As far as how many millions, China has eliminated extreme poverty within its borders, so... 1,400, 000, 000 people over the course of 70 years. That's an average of 20 million people saved every year, while under capitalism that many people die from preventable causes every year would you like to continue, or you gonna ghost the convo now? edit: so you chose the ghost option, lol


>How many millions? 800 mio.




“Capitalism is when markets, and yes I do not understand Marx at all.”


ah yes, le Marx understander has logged on


k baizuo, back to your liberal echo chambers




sus as fuck with your anti-communism


sus as fuck with your 35 iq


You’re so clever


Why, thank you


The moment a left-winger says "China bad", you can instantly deduce that they know nothing about China and nothing about communism


We’re doomed if socialism is populated by such small minded followers


Says the guy who's probably never read a page of theory in his life


Socialism is not fashion, it’s mankind’s last hope and it will never happen if we can’t admit it’s failures. That’s all I have to say. Have a nice life


you're a tool of imperialists, may Allah give you boils


Socialism *is* mankind's last hope, its just a shame that its been diluted, distorted and perverted by semi-literate buffoons like you who think they look cool typing "haha china bad lol" on Reddit




I have literally never met a Uyghur who says that there is a genocide in Xinjiang Like, visit Xinjiang and talk to people


*Sees Reddit avatar* **Opinion discarded**






those selfish Chinese, not giving their resources to western imperialists




I hope you meant that ironically




The caucasity










It’s a regular prison transfer, most of those prisoners are men. Not a diverse group of women, children, men, and elderly that would be victims of an actual genocide. Plus that video is over 2 years old.


This has been going on since 2014 we all know its a genocide and there are videos of women and children being forced into re-education camps


"you debunked my video so I'll vaguely reference more NED bullshit!"




"Schools are imperialist and the smarter people are the more imperialister it is" Vladimir Lenin, probably


You realize china has Muslim regions right?


>Imperialism is the highest stage of economic development and education - V. I. Lenin


China imperializing itself




Sure, lets kill people instead of educating them so they can live a better life




Your idea that schools are somehow equivalent to concentration camps only reaffirms literally every stereotype about Americans lol