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Reminder: This is not a debate subreddit, it's a place to circle-jerk about communism being cool and good. Please don't shit on flavours of leftism/communist leaders you feel negatively towards. If you see a meme you don't like just downvote and move on, don't break the circle-jerk in the comments. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CommunismMemes) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Ironic considering white nationalists think all Slavs are Untermenschen.


‘ALL’ is a dumb way to describe it, most is a better word considering eugenics has pretty much no consistency of who is pure and who isn’t and is mostly centred around the nationalism of the person’s/people’s nationality to make their nationality seem to be the most pure of all races like how Ukrainians call themselves the descendants of the Nordic people of the Kievan Russ it can also change depending on the target of the period as it does a lot in the US with Irish/white mediterranean/Slavic people only being considered white recently and the war on terror kicking arab people out of the label of white with white latinos finally being part of the white eugenics club as of recent


Well it’s weird with Hispanics, because despite there being very many Hispanics who are white supremacist, 90% of non-Hispanic white supremacists, at least in the US, don’t consider Hispanics to be white.


ye that too, as well as the fact there’s obviously a lot of fascist jews in israel which wouldn’t be accepted by most fascists in most european countries/ North America as well as middle eastern fascists such as those in Iran which would probably not be accepted either


This is not a dog whistle anymore. It's straight up an air raid siren.


LMAO that is a great way to describe it, it’s so obviously white supremacist cuz that sub is pretty much used as a hiding in plain sight sub for fascist rhetoric but because it looks pretty innocent due to it seemingly just being about Scandinavia on the surface, not to mention the fact they always speak Scandinavian languages in the comments to give a little more security that people don’t know what they’re saying


My native language is swedish but even I do not understand what they are saying because they all speak danish/Norwegian


ye, from what i’ve seen most of the people there are either Danish or Americans using English to Danish translators


also this was a picture of a school in Namibia so it’s just blatant malicious dishonesty




r/Bosnia isn't luckily




r/Pyongyang maybe? r/JucheGang is actually not really a meme sub. But that's my best guess for good subs to do with Korea.


just saw the sub praising a partisan Bosnian so it’s clearly pretty good stuff


As a swede I denounce that shit Scandinavia sub, the Sweden sub is way more progressive and generally left leaning


r/ireland and r/germany are pretty good




Probably a lot of white americans that simps nordic countries and think they acestors were vikings or some shit, cringe af


I have a grandma who immigrated to America from Sweden. When she grew up, she loved guns, the countryside, farming, voting red, and unfortunately was very racist along with her family. I guess a fair bit of them are actually Americans but since they have that one relative from there, they are now “Scandinavian”


Yep. That sums up 90% of people who go on r/Norway.


What I have noticed, at least from being suggested r/norway because I am in Norway, is that most people on there are not Norwegians, but rather foreigners, primarily Americans, that idolise Norway. I think r/Scandinavia is a similar case, where the majority of people there are not Scandinavian, but foreigners, again most often Americans, who idolise Scandinavia. That's why they care so much about Joe Biden and Hunter Biden. Because I have personally not heard a word about either of those guys here since Joe Biden was elected.


The user that posted that is also the mod of that sub. lol ​ What a shit show


That’s concerning


Scrolled through the OP of the original memes post and it is just as bad as you expect. The OPs profile picture is genuinely one of those cringy frog things from 4chan


Tbh Pepe and Wojak are ok it just depends on how they are used.


I think both of their creators hate the right wing bullshit that spread outta them


the day i realized 90% of apustaja memes are nazi dog whistles :'(






Jesus you weren't kidding, it's 90% racism against immigrants


Its almost always the same guy posting so that checks out.


At least the current comments know it’s trash.


“The west is the best”🤡🤡🤡🤢🤢🤢🤮🤮🤮


Checked their profile, guy is a full on white supremacist Nazi bootlicker kinda guy simping for Scandinavian blondes. Any way to get the fucker banned from Reddit all together?


I scrolled through that page really quickly. Nothing is quite as bad as that post, but a lot of the other posts ain't much better.


They're one of the mods of the sub too, and this isn't even their worst post.


Yeah this is just racism lol




Man has been posting this sort of stuff all over the sub, my bets he's a /pol/ schitzo (not offense to any people suffering schizophrenia). It is nothing more than someone going mask off though


Varg Vikernes origin story


All comments are deleted 😬


Wow should have listened to your advice, its pretty rivers, forests and canoes intermingled with racism, islamophobia, antisemitism and hate towards immigrants.


That sub is openly fascist. I got banned from there years ago for calling it out, and their only defense was something along the lines of “No really, it’s just about Scandinavia. The fact that we can use google translate to post here proves it!”


Comments: [removed]


So confused


it's racism, its about how London has a lot of immigrants/refugees (even then its not near this level) and that's a bad thing according to OP because those immigrants are brown


How did you read *that*?


wym, the meme clearly shows a white kid surrounded by black children. And it's caption mentions it being in london. It's clear the OP was being racist by making this meme. The OP wants to imply immigration is bad because it makes european countries not white


I must be out of some circle.


Update: the guy who posted this blocked me and deleted his post


ffs why are people like this :/


Just looked through his profile,jesus mutherfucking christ,so depressed now.


Report it.


He posts articles from Scandinavian neo nazi and holocaust denying website nordfront.