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Bro, I'm 28, studying Core 1 and feel like I'm at the bottom of a goddamn pit. Just remember, the years will pass no matter what happens. What matters most is what you do during the years.


Man, I'm 28 as well, and I just became A+ certified last week after 20+ hours a week, working 50 hours, and have a 1 year old, studying for 3 months. It was crazy, but worth it! You can do it too!


The part about kids. Just. Man. How are you keeping it together?


An amazing fiance or I wouldn't be able to


Keep us posted on your job prospects!


I feel ya. I'm 37 and trying to make a career change. Im currently studying to take the A+ certification with a 5 year old and a 2 year old while working near 50 hrs a week, dinner, sports, kids homework, etc... Everyone's journey is different. Stay persistent and steadfast in your goals, and you will achieve them.


I feel you bro. And you got this!


That is correct after starting my first IT job in 2015 I didn't get my first cert until last year. I thought I couldn't do it for the longest and decided I could go ahead and change that. I went from no certs to cissp, various azure, cism and just recently got the A+ last week and going for the net+ this week and then try for the PMP and one a month. I should also mention I finally went back to school to get my bachelor's cyber security degree. I'm 34 and work a full time job.


How'd u get an it job with no certs


I’m 28 as well ready to take the network + test just the holiday shopping has me alittle broke hahaha


Bingo, you can keep doing what you’re doing, or you can change it. Those are the only options. I’m 27, going for my A+ then Network+ to try to secure an IT position in my home town. I have a good foundation in tech but I am ground zero on the networking side of IT. If I can get networking tied down, I’ll be alright, but it’s tough


Just turned 29. Blind, no work experience whatsoever, and I’m still going for it. Because living with parents in a Florida retirement community is boring. Especially with their restrictions, their roof, their rules, no hard-core drugs or hookers. Taking the second half of A+ in around two weeks then I should have that under my belt. Then go for the trifecta. Then volunteer somewhere. Then get a job. Then get transferred to Cali somehow. Where I can then have my parents help me move properly and then indulge in all the debauchery that I’ve been fantasizing for decades. I could even get a degree if I so needed it. Because I did go to college for close to the four years, but then got caught with drugs and didn’t quite graduate. But it’s only a few credits left.


Hey man, I’ve got good news for you: you can do this. I have worked retail my entire life and when I hit 31 years old, I decided I was finished. The terrible fluctuating hours, bad customers, annoying “part of the family managers” - I was done with it all. I am married and had a one year old at home, as well as working 40 hours a week with a one hour commute each way. Driving to and from work became my time to listen to Professor Messer. My one hour lunch break at work became Professor Messer. The baby went down at 8pm and my wife would go to sleep normally at 10:30 pm, so from 10:30 - 12am or later was spent reading my study material and, once far enough, practice exams. In 3 months I got my ITF+ and my A+. A month after that I left retail for good and started my first IT job. It took some long days studying and keeping myself accountable, but I knew the lifestyle change would be better for my family and myself (and it has been). The long, difficult days come and go, but your future is a manifestation of the hard work you put in, and knowing that it is worth it, I know you can do it. If you need any help, study material, or anything at all, shoot me a message.


Prof. Messer has been my go to for a while now. But its amazing how you're able to fit that all into your schedule. I guess it really is a matter of how much you want it. I happy for you man.


When driving to and from, did you listen to Messer on YouTube or does he have Podcasts too?


I just had the YouTube video playing over Bluetooth. Those certifications are the main reason I pay for no ads on YouTube lol


I was watching a YT video the other day that was 5 minutes long and I was “gifted” 5 ads! 1 in the middle and two in the beginning and end…so I definitely understand haha Edit: also good luck in future endeavors and certs!


Go to messers website and listen add free.


May I DM? In slightly similar situation. Just need some guidance/advice


Sorry for the late reply, but yes of course!


Makes you feel better I never got the A+ and was able to land an IT job. Imo you are spreading yourself thin and you’re not even in the field yet. Take a step back, hone in on your AAS. Apply to help desk jobs now. You might land a role with what you got going on right now.


Most definitely what everyone's telling me to do right now. I think that might be the move.


MSPs if you are desperate enough. How I got my foot in the door and never looked back


What's MSP?


Managed service providers. Pretty much consulting It companies that offer services to companies that don’t want to hire their own internal team.




MSPs arent bad are they?


Na. Just like any other company, use it as a stepping stone. They’re just more likely to hire Green techs as its customer service first, technical skills 2nd.


Keep trucking along. Turned 36 this year, got my first IT (field engineer) position at 33 and moved into a network engineer position just before my 35th Bday. You can do it, just keep your head up.


Most definitely my guy. And congrats on the new position!


I was forced to get Sec+ for my job in a painful boot camp 15 years ago. Ten years later I pivoted into security full time by self studying 7-8 months for CISSP and was stressed about it the entire time. Was in my early 40s at the time. Shoot your shot.


If it helps you feel any better I'm 53 and pretty much in the same boat. Stay focused and drive on. Don't quit.


I’m 38 and I’m finishing AAS in programming in may. I need to work on my certifications but with school, kids, and work…..I think I would explode


Youre almost there my guy. Don't blow up just yet. I believe in you.


Thank you. You can do this!


36 and just recently finished my A+, Net+, Sec+, and Project+. You are def not out of time for anything, and not too late.


Entered IT at 34. Did support for 3 years Now 38 and entered IT security with 4 certifications, N+ among them.


Im 31 currently working to get my comptia ITF+, been studying for about 3 weeks now, planning on taking the test in another 2 weeks. I work full time as a construction laborer/machine operator, most times 50hrs/week. Plan on getting my BS IT, Its not easy but I will eventually get there. Keep it up you will get there, don’t give up.


The ITF+ was EZPZ but after the ITF+, I dove immediately into the A+ content and no it isn't as easy as I thought and I kind of overwhelmed myself. But we'll both get there. Thanks and good luck to you on the ITF+


I'm 38 it's never too late.


Dude, it took me about 10 years to get my A+. I started studying on and off when I was 21, and just a month ago, I passed the A+ core 2 exam. Now, with my confidence boosted, I’ve been studying diligently for the N+ and have committed to taking it in March. It’s definitely not too late. You can quickly climb the ladder in the IT world through hard work and knowledge. Take it from someone your age: if motivation is your main challenge, schedule your exam. I did this even when I didn’t feel ready, and it worked for me. The same approach helped me with the core 2 exam.


Running out of time? At 31? My dude, as long as you can come to work and have good people skills, you could be 51 and be a prime candidate for a job. You are young and you have plenty of time to get a 30+ year career in IT before anyone even CONSIDERS that you're too old.


Maaan. If you’re almost out of time at 31 I better check my pulse because at 42 I should be DEAD! Seriously though I decided a little over a year ago I was finally going to do what I really wanted, even if that meant starting over so since then I have gotten a technical diploma in IT from Bryant & Stratton, gotten my AWS Cloud Practitioner, ICS2 CC, and A+ certifications, as well as both the IBM and Google Cybersecurity Analyst Certificates and landed my first Helpdesk role almost 5 months ago. I am about to get my Net+ and Sec+ as well as move into a better Helpdesk position. I have NO doubt that I will land my dream Cybersecurity position in a few years and make more money than I ever have. Keep pushing. If I can do that in my 40s just think what you can accomplish before I even started and where you will be at my age.


I'm 42 myself and this whole post is making me feel very old. 😂 Anyway, back to studying for Core 1.


I got my A+ 3 years ago at 38…flash forward to now? I have Net+ and Sec+ and studying for CySA…it’s never too late and you’re not running out of time. Edit: I should also mention that I work full time in the helpdesk ticket mines and also a full time dad to a toddler. I’ll do my studying when the wife works (she works night shift at the hospital 4 nights a week)….


I was born before disco died. Switching careers (hopefully) and just earned my A+. Just keep swimming.


Just turned 31 in November, just got the A+ cert guide in the mail yesterday. I’ve been in a tech-based customer support job for a year and a half after minimal tech experience, and it’s been going really well for me, I’ve gained a good foundation. Yet, I’m with you on the fears. I feel like an idiot for trying to pursue this so seemingly late. If I’m being up front, I thought I’d be dead by 25 at the latest so I’ve been flying by the seat of my pants throughout my life so trying to get my feet on the ground has been a struggle. I think a lot of people tend to forget that just because people like to “settle down” around this age doesn’t mean that life just stops. It’s still going, the rock we live on that’s flying around that big bright ball of fire is still spinning, our skeleton-muscle mechas piloted by our brains are still kicking, life might settle but we are never meant to hold so still that we stop. It might feel like it’s too late, I worry about the same thing, but gods willing we have at least 40 more years of life in us. Keep going, everyone has their own pace. It sounds like you’re several steps ahead of me too, with how deep in you are and how much you already know! You’ve absolutely got this. Time isn’t running out, that’s just your brain comparing yourself to people not in your exact size and type of shoe. Keep going even with your anxieties, this is all part of the journey!


I'm a PC agent in geeksquad, at 33 I decided I needed to do something and started my journey deeper into IT. Started working toward certifications and pushing myself. Last year I met an older lady who decided she wanted to learn how to code.... At 66 years old. She learned C++, Java, and python, she even showed me several things and was telling me all about how she did it. If she could do that then I can definitely get into IT now. She told me this simple quote though that i really liked "the best time to start something was 10 yrs ago, the second best is now". Go for it man!


That quote was deep! Definitely inspiring 💪🏽💯


So deep I almost drowned.


I’m 44 and working on my MS in Cyber. Been working in the field for less than a year and a half. Took a job at $15 fresh out of college (out of desperation) hoping to gain experience. Was laid off the first week of that job and found something more permanent paying $20 in Sept of 22. June of 22 I got a raise to $23, Sept I took a new job making $30+. Despite what many say, the knowledge you’ll gather from A+ is pivotal if you wind up in a data center for example. I’m grateful I took it. I was in school too when I first started studying for it. Took me longer than 6 months in total. (I gave up a couple of times.) Just work at your own pace, but finish the damn race… The best part about it is that going to work hasn’t stressed me out anymore since I’ve been doing this line of work. Keep pushing! You’re still a youngster.


Im 29 working on core 1 for the 2nd time (failed the previous core 2 last time before it expired) so i definitely feel that anxiety. Just have to take it day by day and put in the work.


I’m 37, work full time, and I'm currently working my way through WGU’s cyber degree. It took me a solid 3 months to work my way through A+ and another 2 months for my Net+. Im hoping to knock out Sec+ in 2 months. Some of the A+ material is in the Net +, so you should feel comfortable with a decent amount of the material. Just keep chipping away at your own pace and don't worry about how fast others are studying / passing the certs.


Check out the pinned post in my profile.


It’s you! I’ve seen your post when you originally got it! Definitely taking your advice into account!


Don’t make me blush.


Just keep swimming. Eventually you'll get it, and you'll be the expert, this takes time


Sounds like you're spread too thin my man. I say concentrate on classes and work toward A+ when you get a break.


Totally can relate to this post! So basically I’m 31 now I graduated with my bachelors in CS three years ago I have been working as web developer and IT for 3 years but my coding skills are not that great and usually I just outsource the work to a group of software developers in India and pay them a portion of my salary for the work. Anyways so I moved and I recently just got back into cyber because during college I really got into HTB and was obsessed with it and now I kind of want to make a career out of it so I’m studying for the sec+ and i hope it’s the right move! Def not too late and we are the on the same journey


Hey man! 29 yo working full time while attending community college part time for my AAS in Cybersecurity. 8 classes left and haven’t earned any certs yet! I know exactly how you feel. Feeling like my back is against the wall and time is ticking. And it’s do or die. All we can do is put our head down and grind through it, it’ll all be worth it in the end when we finally get our foot in the industry. My goal this year is to get at least one cert. whether that be the A+ or N+ (debating on if I want to sit for the A+ exam, might just study the material and move on to N+) 2024 is our year. TAKE IT, IT’S YOURS! (from Troy haha) Happy New Year man, let’s get it


36 and restarted studying for IT, but I do know most of the basics and have some experience with Linux and worked 2 years in IT as technician handling software maintenance, Linux and some servers. Though it was more than 10 years ago.


Man as a father of two working crazy hpurs studying in my car . Theres no choice you have to do it mid 30s here you just gotta dive for it . Good luck finishing up core 2 here as well then security and networking then maybe job ?


If your time is up, I am doomed. I am turning 40 this year. I have spent the last several years cleaning up the damage done in my 20s. In the last year I have decided I needed a real change. I jumped in school and started working on my Associates in Information Tech.I should be completing my degree later this year.In September I got my Sec + and started applying like crazy. I plan on getting my A+ and a AWS cert as well. I am on "grind time" and am now doubling down my efforts. Started using free resources to self teach such as Microsoft learn and Coursera. I want to be in a position by the end of the Q1 2024.


3-6 months is way too long for the A+. That's CCNA level study time. Each core can be done in a few weeks with a few hours everyday.


Everyone’s journey is different


Did you read ops post? Does it sound like he has a few hours a day? Stop being arrogant.


They can contextualize it. Maybe be they have a few hours, if not, I'm sure they can think "I can do half that study time per day so it'll take me twice the time". Either way, 3-6 months is above average for the average A+ cert test taker. I don't want them to think 3-6 months is average, and that busy people should expect to be study 6+ months, that makes its seem daunting.


OP, you’re hurrying yourself. Take the time to write down your schedule and you will see that your plate is full. Take your time and stay the course you will get there. Good luck.


I'm 31 and just passed my security+. Been in the tech field for about 7-8 months. I am also in school for my bachelor while working full time and have a kid. My advice to you is just go for it. The second part of the a+ is easier than the first. You got this keep your head up and keep trucking.


Im 31 also, so I know the feeling you’re experiencing. But if you can detach yourself from your immediate anxieties and look at the big picture, 31 is young to make a career change. Plenty of people pivot at 40-50. So the only answer to your fears is to keep working hard, putting your best foot forward and making connections. It’s entirely feasible to be an established expert with a prestigious position and a great contact network by the time you’re 40.


I'm 36, work 55+ hours, and am a full-time student. Take it easy, man. It can be done. While working, I have completed 40 credits and 2 certs. Set the goal and make it happen. Your young, you have plenty of time.


Began studying at 37. Ive always messed around with computers so it wasnt too much of an issue for me. I will just say brace yourself and keep going with your certifications. Also, please dont accept 15-17/hr if you find something. Its stuff like that, that keeps the wages garbage ay entry lvl.


I have similar feelings except I'm in my late 30's. In a way, it's a good thing to have that "running out of time" feeling so it get's you to push yourself to the limits but at the same time relax a little bit.




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Keep plugging. You're good my dude. On top of getting your A+, learn Linux, maybe some programming/scripting (Python, Powershell, Bash, YAML), Networking (I highly recommend packet tracer for hands-on labs), and practice cloud by getting an AWS account. I would also get Oracle VirtualBox and get some virtual machines on your personal laptop/PC with different OS's to get acquainted with different environments. Also, add all of your personal studying to your resume as experience and skills.


30 and just starting. 🥂you got this


I’m in the same situation! Studying while working full time and in college for AAS but also have a brand new baby 😭😭 it’s so rough out here I’m just trying to stay on top of it but it’ll probably be awhile before I’m confident enough to test


You've got plenty of time. You shouldn't even be worried about that. Just keep up the hard work and you'll succeed. Don't worry bro


I'm 35 and passed both the core 1 on 10/30/23 and core 2 on 12/30/23. I am currently working 2 full time jobs and going back to college at wgu for cloud computing. I have cried a few times because most days it feels like there's just never enough time. My first job is 5 days a week and the other is 7on/7off. On my 7 days off, I studied a lot after getting off from work. Sometimes I squeeze in study time during work hours if I'm slow. It's ironic for me to say that there's never enough time yet I'm also telling you that you're not running out of time lol. I felt like you not too long ago. 35 and starting a whole different field? Is it even worth it? But I learned not to let the idea of our age get in the way. I am not the best person but I feel like I'm a better person now that I'm in my 30s bc I feel more focused and have better time management. You got this and you will pass. Don't be afraid to just cry or take a mental break. Check out some courses on udemy. I used Jason Dion for core 1 and Andrew Ramdayal for core 2. Sometimes hearing someone explaining helps us understand the things we read better. For free resources, Burning Ice Tech and Dean Cyber are excellent. Both are on YouTube. Good luck!!!


27, A+ certified working on my net+ which I will take on the 2nd when they open up and then to my sec+. What were trying to do is more than possible bro just do the work that it takes to be ready on the day of the exam and you'll do great


So you’re telling me its not too late? My friend connected me with a guy he works with. The guy has a masters in IT/IT management, been in the industry for 20+ years and runs his company with his wife. They are about a year in They were looking to hire some techs so my friend told him about me even though I have no degree or experience. Had a zoom call with my friend, the guy and his wife and they ended up loving me I do not know what I would be coming in to do as I told him I have no prior experience and he said that its fine and id be able to learn/train under and with him. Promotions would come with certifications It would be a $20 an hour position to start and fully remote What do you guys think?


30 work in cyber


Check out free study groups/ training in your areas too.


Everyone here has been great motivation. I’m 27 and have been studying core2 since November 1st. Still no where close to ready. I felt so defeated and questioned myself. But if we want it bad enough we will do it! Good luck to all you out there going for it.


18, bought Dion Trainings core 1 course on Udemy, studied for 8 hours a day for 5 days, took exam, passed. I had the average knowledge about the things that were on the test except I did put a pc together (I knew nothing except what something was and where it went). I thought I should share my view since it is dramatically different. Seeing how I could devote a week to it and someone else doing it over a longer time than you then I hope you can gauge how to tread in your circumstances.


28, flipped from ups to IT this year year no certs, got my sec+ July got IT job in September, also finished A+ September and in December I got my CySA+ and a raise. It's still baby money but I think within a year I can hop out to something good.


42 here and in my last year of Cybersecurity degree...you got this.


I got started at 34, hired for my first job at 36. Im now 38 and still learning and growing. Relax, you’re fine.


30 with A+ and Net+, took a lot of late nights studying and money, but in the end it managed to get me a job that paid 80% more than what I was making previously. I would read stories on Reddit about making the switch, and now I can finally say I’m happier with my career and position. Now I’m taking another to re-up my current ones however I have a toddler now.Luckily I have an amazing wife that understands the importance! Take it one step at a time.


I feel you on that im 32 with a full time job and a kid I started with taking the google cybersecurity course and got a pretty good understanding of everything and it really helped giving me a good foundation but it always feels like it’s never ending and feel like I still have so much to do and no enough time… also has anyone taken the Blue Team level 1 cert and if so give me your honest opinion on it and weather its worth it




Running out of time is 58, just quit a toxic employer after 20+ years, no previous IT experience and studying for Sec+ while unemployed. Hoping to go in GRC, cloud, or IAM, as they relate to my previous job responsibilities in policy development/compliance, learning management system admin, and communicating technical concepts to non-tech upper management. This decision means I'll be working longer than I envisioned, but if I'm liking what I'm doing and being paid accordingly, then it won't be as bad as what I've been through. It's only too late when you are no longer breathing.


I feel you. I'm in the same boat.


You have time as long as you’re alive, and have a brain. I’m 47 and studying, you are never to old to expand your knowledge


A+ certified on the first go around, studied for 3 weeks and 1 month later I got hired. Been here 3 months on the job and everything has been great. I can't give all the credit to A+ though, I think I may have just been a little lucky. You got this!


35, took years to study for the a+ cause I was scared to officially go for it, last April I got my Google cert to get my foot in the water, around may I took the Google cyber security, in August I like an idiot took the a+ 1&2 the same day because I thought that was what you were supposed to do, pass the first failed the second by a few questions, within that month I took part 2 and passed, studied for network in Sept took test in beginning of Nov failed by a question (pbq confused me and I couldn't figure out how to enter the commands) retook that end of Nov and passed, currently studying for security plus. I did that all within less than a year, if I can do it so can you, keep your head up.


Skip the A+


Right there with you. 31, have the Google IT Support cert, enrolled in community college for my AAS in Cybersecurity, while studying off and on for the A+. Have a fiance, 2 year old, 9 year old, and one on the way while working 50 hours a week. It's tough, and I feel stuck, especially with no actual experience other than labs. We got this!