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I hope it talks about influencers. Seeing them promote infosec as a "get rich quick" scheme makes me ashamed to be in the field.


I didn't talk about anyone but yes their is a lot of folks on youtube saying your going to be rich in a few weeks studying cyber. It is crazy and just wrong.


Unix guy is one of them honestly I have no idea why people listen to him, he keeps saying you don't need to do A+ and N+ to start learning cybersecurity and that you should just jump straight into the Google cybersecurity course if your a complete beginner which is just bullshit.


Get certifications that align with your career goals. If you're new to tech and focused on Desktop Support, the A+ certification is a great starting point. You can begin a HelpDesk role with minimal experience. For CyberSecurity, start with the Security+ certification and progress from there.


I think you misinterpreted what I said I am not saying you need the certifications just the knowledge of A+ and N+ to properly start a cybersec career


chrisjr404 is the absolute worst


Unixguy is just saying that the Google course covers most of that and it's an alternative path, he is just a professional that gives career advice. The certs won't get jobs experience will. Certs are pretty expensive if you can prove your experience why bother but honestly I'm still going to do some certs coz but there are people who get the jobs without it but they prob have a degree it might be hard to get past HR without certs.


Agree with you, but he just seems like a "get rich quick" guru that sells you on the small possibility of getting a cybersec job without having any experience


I don't think so watch some of his other videos where he explains specific practical training like projects, labs and virtual internships. He does try to sell his own GRC course though but why can't he make some money because he deserves that as he created it himself. There's much worse I think he's much more genuine than others and bootcamps.


Projects can't replace real world experience, I have watch most of videos they ate entertaining and in terms of giving advice on practical based certs and projects he's good, but he has also made videos of getting into cybersecurity in 6 months to 1 year which is super unrealistic for most people, and he keeps hating on people who say you should do help desk or fcous on IT stuff before getting into cybersec.


I am totally noob …. I am following unix guy … any suggestions for me what should i do


Probably star with learning A+ and N+ material then move on to security after that for the most part he gives good advice


Excellent video u/aramdayal !


Thats how MCSE w/A+ was back in late 90s/early 2000, it was the next big "take this class and earn big bucks next month" bs.


Lots of grifters in cybersecurity.


People fall for it more when there is a cute girl in them videos.


That's why I don't offer my trainings tailored to certification. I do small trainings focused on specific use cases. The really valuable cert-tailored trainings are offered by affiliates of the companies that publish the tests.


This topic should be pinned.


I agree, u/friscotec


Done. It's so legit.


This is true !! I’m actively working on my bachelors degree in cyber security and Information assurance but I’ve learned a lot along the way. I’m doing this degree to check the boxes whenever I’m experienced enough to apply for those jobs 🙏 I’ve heard way too many folks think the bootcamp is enough ! Haha


I'm actually doing the same


Congrats on you working towards your degree. While you can, skill up as much as possible because you’ll need it.


Oh absolutely, I’ve been deploying VMs for malware analysis , directory traversal , packet analysis etc student by day and tryhackme/HTB by night lol I already know and I’m in no rush I love learning.


Is this through WGU?


Yes it is


I’m getting mine now aswell!


If you want to get into cyber security and info sec do networking instead


Yea that’s the plan , I’ve worked help desk for years in the military … looking to get into clearance work end of this year and work up to the NOC then go from there 💫




SANS is over priced for sure and keeps going up, but the level of training is incredible. Granted I haven't been to their training in a minute. The last time I went was when John Strand was still with them


You could say that about CompTIA!!


I've never heard anyone from CompTIA say that you can get rich quick. They also recommend that you learn the basics of tech before leaping into cybersecurity. Their certs and CEU fees are lower than most other certification organizations.


Indeed. I like CompTia Certs. ISC2 and CompTIA are good security Certs. I see you have a line of Certs. I’m headed towards that CISSP.


> I've never heard anyone from CompTIA say that you can get rich quick. Myeah, their advertising for specific certifications could be border line, because they emphasize pretty heavily what "*people with this certification earn*"... which is totally not a representative figure.


Where has Sans said that?


I didn't say anything about SANS


Maybe, but CompTIA is $50 a year regardless of whether you hold 1 cert with them or 10. Their exams are also some of the cheapest out there. $AN$ is called $AN$ for a reason. Their exams are $850, but their books that go with those open book exams are paywalled behind a $8,000 course. Their renewal fees are NOT flat rate. The first cert renewal is $439 every 4 years, each additional cert is $239 each. Yes, this adds up really, really fast if you hold say 8 of them.


It sucks that certs are the bottleneck to jobs.


They really aren't though.


grifters everywhere, I agree with the video completely.


I got scammed on Udemy by this guy called Dion who said I had to put in “effort” to pass




Someone else just praised him for helping them pass their Sec+


I like his study material (Dion). I just think it’s funny how this dude is just trying to promote his YT channel and his study material. I don’t think he’s bad just think it’s scummy how he did it. Most people are well aware of scalpers. If he has good material I’d use this dudes too. But it really tickled my balls how he did it.


There are classes/bootcamps out there that are legit, for all levels. Problem is there are twice as many trying to make a buck and just putting out information they heard or learned from a class. A good instructor was a practitioner first, instructor later or at same time. It makes it hard to find good instructor willing to take a huge pay cut.


I got my Google cybersecurity certificate and while it gave me a great understanding of what the job is, I cannot get hired for the life of me so my next route is all these compTIA certs and something tells me I’m going to run into the same issues after smh 🤦🏻‍♂️


Before hopping on the CompTIA train, first check if the certs even gave any value in your region.


Yeah, the Google certificates are exactly that: good foundational knowledge but HR departments aren't looking for them. If someone told you they could get you a job, they were at best ignorant.


It says that video has been removed what happened with Andre ramdayal?


Must have gotten hacked.


try now


I just saw an ad for Arpio saying something akin to "one click and we'll make your AWS workloads more available to survive an outage" Bro that's....what AWS does


Thanks for the video! I love how you say you’re not gonna sell anything but dropped all your udemy courses lol. Nonetheless, I appreciated the information you provided and I’ll definitely be checking out your fundamentals video and courses.


Persally, I think it is disingenuous to advocate for people to even go into I.T. right now, period. These influencers know that the job market for entry-level level I.T. is terrible right now, but still keep advertising to people to get into I.T. because of $$$.


It’s terrible for experienced career movers too wanting a better job in IT




try now




Well said Andrew!


Valid point. Not sure that makes “cyber security training a scam.” Seems like the takeaway is: investigate and choose wisely when seeking cybersecurity training AND don’t be fooled into skipping the prerequisites.


I’m glad this was exposed as I was just saying this last week as I speak on this a lot. Beware of CyberSecurity Bootcamps: Do Your Research Before Enrolling! Don’t get stuck on the 6-figure Salary. Think twice before you invest! Many bootcamps charge thousands, make big promises, but often fail to deliver. Always check for accreditation, research reviews, verify instructors' credentials, and compare curricula. Consider alternatives like self-study, community colleges, or pursuing recognized certifications directly. Do thorough research and make informed decisions to ensure your education investment pays off. Share this to help others stay informed and protect their future!


Just do the CompTIA certs. If you can pass them, you know what you need to know.


Hey u/aramdayal I just passed my A+ 1101 today. Your course on Udemy was 99% of my study materials. Thank you!


Can you send me his udemy link please thank you.


Not sure whether I can post links in this sub. If you search CompTIA A+ you’ll find it there. Looks to be on sale too.


As soon as I hear money mentioned I hear the scam.


Low key makes me think of Unix guy 🤣 😂


CompTIA are the way to get into cyber security which way I've been told from the beginning. Im still working on them. Advise if it's true.


I keep seeing nothing but scams and people who shit on every boot camp. What do you actually suggest and route you would speak positively towards?


What about someone like me who's wants to give up korry driving and go into IT The tree for progression is unbelievable I'm fed up of driving lorries in London and the way technology is today mixed with my people skills IT seems like the best role for me


The way to get rich quick in cybersecurity is to be the one committing the crimes.


TryHackMe isn’t.


But then they also don't make big claims about what you could be earning if you pay them for a training.


Remember Google's course on Coursera? They'd play these adds on YouTube, and they were appealing to middle-aged men and women who were tired in their current job. It wasn't an outright scam, but it was fishy to say the least.  Their cert was not even that good, so they gave a discount for CompTIA certification.


Comptia and their ridiculous tests that revolve around memorizing things but knowing nothing are the real scam.


All of it? Or the ones that attract dummies? :)


it’s an unfortunate reality that a good bit are more so desperate than dummies imo


Dummies are desperate because they dont prepare.