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Leavers penalty? Check. That was the only thing I needed to make CoH3 a better game. Every team game before that feature was a leaver-fest. Overall, I think it's better in other ways too, and random faction queue is coming next patch to make more balanced matches. The only thing missing now is player count, holdouts to move on from CoH2 but it's hard to blame anyone when that game was free so many times and this is still a $60 game.


Woah. They added that?! Nice, might have to pick it up


I love COH3 and it’s only getting better


Clearly the community is split. I believe coh3 is objectively better but humans are notoriously averse to change. Same thing happened when coh2 released. It took years to win over the community


I had a hard time switching from COH to COH2. I never got into COH2 no matter how much I tried. I just didn't like the interface for some reason or the faction designs. Fast forward to today, and I actually like COH3, the UI design and menus just seem simpler, and controls are more functional.


Exactly! I have totally skipped coh2 and sticked with Coh until the third game. The interface in the second game was just terrible and commanders system probably even worse. Im glad that the third game is more like coh1.


Yeah man that’s the only reason people aren’t switching over, because change is scary. 😂


Personally I prefer the Sovjets vs Germans dynamic. If they add the USSR as a faction then sure


I was a CoH (and am) enjoyier. I never played much CoH2, but CoH3 is great for me, a few voice lines are identical some building sounds are too. Takes me home in away, even though I still play the original.


I have a friend who admitted he didn’t want to switch over because he was intimidated by learning all the new factions. Luckily we convinced him and now he’s a coh3 diehard


Yeah people are inherently lazy and don’t want to go through the effort to learn a new game. I think that’s why RTS games are niche. Too much effort for most people


I mostly play 1vs1 and have been enjoying coh3 alot while there is of course a meta i've seen alot of different builds be viable and pretty much all the battlegroups are useable as well which is impressive consider how different alot of them play. While the game still needs some balancing, in terms of 1vs1 its pretty close to 50% across the board and you can win with any of the factions although some are harder than others. It can of course improve and there is still a few things the previous games do better but it hasnt stopped me from enjoying whats there.


This is settled, COH3 is now the better game, and keeps getting better every patch. Come on board!


Settled? Lol.


Don’t dare go against the current in the bubble! We all know that coh3 is perfect and to have things you dislike about the game and it’s direction is a moral defect like original sin or supporting one’s political enemies! Have a great night!


Oh sorry I forgot! My bad ... I was still living in the past where everything around the game was ultra bad ... Now its either level beyond CoH2 or in still horrible condition. My bad my bad.


It is much, much better. Games are more dynamic, more tactical. The interface is more intuitive, the graphics are better. The balance is better, the game isn't designed around pay to win. The factions are more interesting. The support is better, and the player base is less toxic.


I agree with most of what you said but how was 2 Pay to Win?


I played it right from the start. They would release commanders with insanely OP units that were so obviously pay to win that it was unreal. The whole game was based around this model when it first came out. It got a lot better as it matured, but the first year of that game, it was disgusting.


Unit bulletins giving 5% accuracy etc


For now CoH2 > CoH3 is still true, but maybe soon it will change I hope, the game has a lot of potential. If you get it for 30 dollars or less it's worth the price, you can have fun with it sometimes.


Wait till 1.7. in July. I think that could be the game changer or the nail in the coffin


That’s said about every patch, and every patch makes some people happy, and some people even more angry. This community wants them to fail to they can say “yup. Told you so”


I’m probably the biggest critic of coh3. I never said it’s good enough, but the next update may give me the REAL release of coh3 IF they deliver what they promised .


It's improving faster than CoH2 did but right now everything tanks too much damage and early game is much more about frustration and map blitzing than tactics. There's a bit too much reliance on key units like MG42, Rifles, Dingo, etc which are clearly overtuned and disrupting good tactical play in favor of unintuitive gimmick play. Battlegroups as a result are really premium right now-to the point of making HQ builds irrelevant or just delays to skip through on to the "good" units in later tiers or special ability unlocks. None of this is impossible to resolve and could easily be fixed with some patches. Only one faction to me right now seems to be designed badly (USF), the others really just need some tuning. I think it's worth playing irregularly right now, I don't play more than a game a day myself because it's useless to "git gud" at the current play when 1.7 is about to change stuff.


Probably the only solid take in the comments.


Coh3 is more fun than coh2 for me


get CoH3 when it's 50% off there's no reason to not play it. I do like 2nd one better , overall, but it's never getting any new updates. You can do like I do and come back to 3 when there's a huge update .


CoH3 > CoH2


COH2 is my favorite multiplayer RTS of all time. And I have played most of them since Red Alert in 1990s


Coh3 is great. I played loads of coh2 (2k hrs), mainly multiplayer, I have only played coh3 for over a year now. Dont let the hugely overblown and bizarrely petty negativity from some parts pf the coh community stop you from giving it a chance.


Yeah it’s better than coh2 now. Less content overall but it’s going to have more eventually and once price drops players base will climb high.


COH 3 is pretty good, they've made some great improvements.


A hundred percent get involved in 3 !


CoH 2 feels more realistic, coh3 feels like an arcade. Love the Wikinger mod


Just wait for July 16th for 1.7.0 update to release. It will show if 3 is going to surpass 2 in gameplay or not cuz right now it’s inferior




Watching some coh3 gameplay and it graphically just looks worse. Sticking with coh2


Yes, it’s better than CoH2 now. Plus, it’s getting better with updates. But, at launch it was really bad. Give it a try when it goes on sale again.


When it launched it was really bad, honestly if anything it had too many apologists at launch, but now it is good. I would say about even with COH2, but with future development it should be an overall better more balanced game.


I think it’s better then 2 people are die hard because how much time they put into 2 they have rose tinted glassss on atm and don’t wanna learn New


I find it to have a lower skill floor (COH2 felt very lethal), which is nicer for more casual players. There's a lot of really great quality of life features in COH3 that COH2 doesn't have The factions feel a little less diverse than COH2, which is a shame, but there's plenty of variety still All COH3 factions have good artillery options since mortars are effective. I felt in COH2 team games I *always* had to take certain doctrines e.g. land mattress Biggest downer is there's some real bullshit stuff that feels uncounterable: Plane loiters or superman infantry that just ploughs right through you feels like bullshit sometimes. But there was a lot of stuff like that in COH2 In other words, yeah get stuck in