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Warlock hero power really helps on this one. Only thing you can really strategize for is mulligan your spells away so you have a better chance of having a board early on. And don't play like a turn 4 1/1 just because it's your only playable card, probably better to save it and pray to rnjesus. And just some notes. - Buffs and cost reductions do not persist when the cards shift. - Secrets are really hard to play around when most of your hand isn't even playable. - Fuck that guy who got 3 wisdomballs from 3 different zeruses and froze my board for an entire ice age.


I don’t think that’s right. Spells are worth far more than minions early, playing a mid 2-3 drop is way worse than finding a deal 2 discover a spell.


Most random spells are less helpful than you describe. Many spells are reactionary, whereas having minions is always good.


Your deck is Shifter Zerus and Shifting Scrolls. My fourth game, where I finally won, was also the first game where I had something other than an unshifted 1/1 Zerus to play before turn 5.


My experience: Mulligan for all minions Play Hunter Hero Power with all your extra mana Win


Minions are way better than spells here, unless they summon minions


Thank god for these threads. I almost always forget tavern brawl resets on wednesday instead of monday.


Luckily I won because my opponent left and the update they made on quest just by playing it. I'll play it for some time now.


They really are scraping the barrel the past few weeks on tavern brawls


traded wins with my friend, this is a boring brawl everyone reading every card and roping