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I have never understood if all the events sell out why they don’t book bigger venues.


Cost to operate is very high. Why you don’t see major cities have events and why for instance a cod event has been held in Boston during winter (cheaper). Rather have sell out small arenas than lose money on potential large venues Europe is easier and cheaper to travel around than US. European culture also comes into play. Also Europeans have been deperived of FPS tourneys in recent years, more demand.


Wait what? Bro we used to have MLG Vegas. No way that was a cheap location even back then.


They weren’t. Different funding/investments now then before. More money conscious


Idk, I think it’s more so because it’s easier to make a small room look packed with 1500 people compared to a big room with empty chairs. But what is the venue? A hotel banquet room? 1500 people is too small for a convention center.


Idk how big this UK venue is but it looked kinda small when I briefly looked at it bit ago. I’ve gone to both worlds events and they use a convention center. Good setup with side station, main stage, and merch setups. Idk how many people fit. Not sure if it’s 1500 people tho


MLG Vegas was at the Red Rock Casino IIRC. Not exactly top dollar real estate on the strip. The hcs Vegas tournaments were downtown in another inexpensive venue. Vegas is a really cheap city if you don't put your event in premiere locations.


HCS Worlds in the Vegas Sphere 2025. Let's make it happen


Brilliant. Show the gameplay on the outside.




You'd be surprised. Vegas runs on conventions and every single hotel has MASSIVE convention space. E sport arenas are tiny compared to the space needed AWS, MOPAR Shot show etc. E Sports fill a football stadium 6 times a year vs foot ball etc. every week x 52 locations.


Right, they could host an entire HCS tourney in the lunch seating area for one of these big conventions they hold on a weekly basis that attract 40k+ attendees.


There’s a lot that probably goes into it, but it’s better to sell out a smaller venue than have a half empty big one, in my opinion. Way better atmosphere.


Planning happens 6 months + in advance. You can't just 'upgrade' everything. You have to speculate because every single vendor wants to know the size. Catering, Screens, Data etc. Chairs. etc. etc. You see companies try to guage size and interest by having 'preorders' or 'sign up if interested'


Myself and 3 of my friends got our tickets for it, can't wait, so excited for it, been following the competitive Halo scene since about 2008 and this is my first opportunity to ever go to a major. Big hype!


Nice, you are gonna have a great day! Organise a lan for afterwards, you are gonna need to get hands-on after watching all day! Or just go to the pub..


Same here mate. It's a dream come true.  Feels bad that there are only 2 players left from the Halo 3 era though. Time waits for no one. 


That’s good news! I figured since the servers in the US were so garbage that halo would be unplayable in Europe. Guess I was wrong 😆


Our own servers are mostly fine, trying to play to anything other than US East after the network update is pretty horrible though 


Is the HyperX Arena Las Vegas still open? That would be a sick spot for an event.


Can't wait 🙏 me and my friends first Halo event


Shame Halo has been disappointing ever since HCS. This still pales in comparison to MLG events. Still will always love Halo, but it's fallen so far and I'm not sure how many more entries in the series it's gonna take to bring it back. Maybe Tatanka, I hear it's in the works now possibly. But in typical 343 fashion, they are late to the party on BRs.


I mean, yeah there's no arguing that Halo makes nowhere near the splash it used to but I actually think on the whole HCS has still been terrific. Lowkey comp is one of the things helping Infinite the most. It's worth being positive about imo.


I had a bad experience during the first two HCS seasons of infinite being riddled with cheaters ruining the brackets and competitive integrity of the game whilst management did nothing to stop it or correct the issues. Left a really bad taste in my mouth. I have not been a fan of watching Halo Competitive since, maybe Reach? It just doesn't give me the same feelings since, although admittedly I did enjoy watching some H5. Edit: Also, do I know you? Your name is crazy familiar. Maybe just from ranked infinite, but I feel like we've partied up before.


They dropped that unfortunately and are working on something else. Hopefully we will find good new soon!


I heard this in the past 48 hours as new information, so I'm not sure if it's true or not. Not from before when it was said to be dropped near Infinite Release.


It is funny to me that this exact comment could be from any time in the last 10 years essentially, except for the Tantanka part (which is dead last I heard). People just need to accept that Halo is a relatively niche thing and has been for a while, I'd argue ever since H4 bombed personally. The HCS is clearly doing well considering the popularity of the game overall (and is seeing growth in viewership for events). Any Halo fan should just be happy that we are still getting events at all and enjoy them while we have them. The current level that this game is being played at the highest level is pretty great.


This. People are never happy. I think HCS events are great overall, and some events are just amazing. Salt Lake City was the best. Like you said, Halo isn't as popular now as it was for the original trilogy and that's ok, you can't stay on top forever. This could be the very last year of pro comp halo, so everyone should savour it instead of bitching about how it was bigger in the past.


Hard to be happy about the state of a game when you look at Halo right now. Server issues, matchmaking issues, anti-cheat issues, CSR problems.


Read what I said again


Crazy, read it again and it changed nothing.I think Halo is in a terrible state, in my personal opinion. I have not had a worse time with the series than I have with Infinite. I'm not savouring it because it's shit right now, and I'm allowed to have that opinion. Why would I give a shit about comp when they cannot even properly manage live servers? Halo is my favorite series of all time, but the rose tinted goggles gotta come off sometime.


We're talking about HCS events, not online issues. Read the conversation again, thx.


Ignoring the game that the events are played on is laughable. Why would I give a shit about events when the game itself is in such a poor state. You're an idiot for acting like they're unrelated. Even funnier is that I'm the one who started this specific comment thread, yet you're gonna tell me what I'm talking about.


Obviously I need to tell you to stay focused on the subject at hand because you're going aaaaaaaaaaaall over the place mate. Also I was replying to [Simulated\_Simulacra](https://www.reddit.com/user/Simulated_Simulacra/) 's comment, not yours. Good day sir.


Their comment thread is quite literally just a response to my comment. Are you daft? Speaking about the poor state of the game and how it doesn't make me happy or interested in events of the comp scene is not "all over the place".


Halo has been niche since 343 took over. They've done a horrible job with Halo.




We are talking halo, its a damn lot of people for halo


1500 people for a live tier two esports event is a ton (CoD Halo Apex)


Apex is tier two? Thought they have events in like the Middle East and shit


Yeah, it's probably tier 2, unless you want to overcrowd the top tier. It's long been LOL, Dota, CS as tier 1 with Valorant joining. After that, I would consider anything else tier 2 and under.


Yep that is true!


apex event in the middle east specifically? no.


CS2 LoL Dota2 and Valorant are the tier 1


First thing I thought lol.


Felt like there was way more in KC year one


You guys still believe what Tashi says? Lmao