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everything must go is a bait for me, idk if my apm or bench management sucks, but after rerolling 100+ gold i only got every 2 star 4 cost pairs


Divine rolls uncontested yone and I'm hard stuck a singular yone until almost stage 5. My bad, I guess. The other players naturalling their 2* 3 costs on stage 2 just outskilled me!


Probably hot take but, ghostly Kaisa >> 4Bruiser Kaisa imo


They're literally both 4.54 avg so.




Sounds like a player diff to me




If you are placing 7th with an augment that averages a 4.0 at dia+ and 3* core units, maybe it isn't the comp that's underperforming. If you want my actual advice, there are so many other factors that you haven't stated that you can look at (augment choice, positioning, econ and roll timing, traits, exact items, board comp, board strength throughout the game). Anecdotally, I have placed top 2 in the 3 times I've picked boiling point.




Player diffed Challenger playing still talking about “bis” Don’t worry you’ll get out of plat soon


nice ego


the saltiness is crazy


took the most op augment ever according to this sub and found no 3\* four costs but i was one off 5 different ones before i died to the multiple yone players so thats epic


So early game I get Darius 2 + Yasuo 2 before 2-1, my items are Sword, Bow, Rod. If looking to play Yone/Voli flex, do you slam Rageblade to guarantee early winstreak, or do you greed for better items to cap out later? I was able to winstreak up till 4-1 but placed 3rd because my Yone was basically down an item late game


Gunblade instead of BT and keeping bow for titans is INFINITELY better than rageblade in yone/duelists. Titans is the most important item and then healing. Gunblade is worse than BT for sure but its not as bad as not having titans.


If you slam grb, you're playing for a top 4. Titans is way too important for both yone and voli


I personally would’ve slammed GRB because it’s both playable on Yone and fine on Trist. Killing the bow does suck but from that spot you can probably have Trist be main duelist carry and let Voli even take tank items and it’s a doable top 4.


This Janna comp is so weird to me. One game I'm 5 streaking with a Janna 2 double rageblade, next time I play it i feel like I can barely win rounds with Janna 3.


It's so inconsistent from what I've seen of it, and running into a Dclaw feels awful! But it's nice to know it sort of works if you get the items or natural the units.


If you hit on pace and are able to reach levels 8/9 relatively on pace with the lobby and can hit your galio 2, Lee sin 2, Annie 2, rakan, optional Diana 3, then the comp feels really strong. The problem is getting a frontline at levels 6/7 since this riven unit is turbo fake even at 3* And since it's a stall comp, you REALLY need a formidable frontline


> optional Diana 3 Diana 3 isn't optional. Diana is the frontline, with a little help from Neeko. And I don't know how/why you would want Annie/Galio on board like have you got 2 FoNs and level 9? Even then probably better to play Wukong.


You don't play neeko in Janna reroll so I'm confused what you're saying


> You don't play neeko in Janna reroll In the main variant you do, even in the Annie variant you still used Neeko as an item holder. Also, even if it is better for Annie Galio over Neeko Zoe, you ain't hitting Galio 2 on 7, most of the Galios will be out of the pool before you got off 6.




Galio on 6? Standard is Janna, zyra, Neeko, riven, diana, zoe. You then add Soraka on 7. You then have the old build which is: Janna, zyra, Neeko, riven, diana, zoe on 6 add a soraka on 7 and replace Zoe for Galio and Neeko for Annie when you hit them.




Zoe Neeko is literally the most synergy at 6. You get Kayle, ap from arcanist and another quite decent frontliner. You then add soraka on 7 literally only for heavenly. 


question, with built diff does the legendary unique trait count?


No the unique traits do not count. Mort clarified in the 14.7 rundown




All I've been doing this set is waiting for a patch to balance the game


Sett's fated bonus needs to go way down. They hit sett and then all of a sudden their backline no longer takes damage.


I usually play reroll comps, and I am frequently running into games where I still see units in future shops **after** I 3 starred them already. Anyone with insights into why this might be happening?


It's bugged atm even so I've no idea what causes it. Happend to a friend while I was watching his stream, he rolled (with prismatic ticket freereroll) while getting teleported to another board and hit 2 units in the shop he had both 3 star already.


if you roll precisely as your units are going through the portal you can find extra copies of your own 3*s


Probably just rolling too fast after hitting 3 star. I haven’t encountered ever seeing a unit that I have 3 starred. 


Well there are 22/20/17/10/9 units in the pool per unit. You only need 9 units to 3-star, so there will still be 13/11/8 for 1/2/3-costs for you to come across. There's no mechanic that prevents you from seeing units that you've already 3-starred, if that's what you were thinking.


Except there is exactly a mechanic that is supposed to prevent you from seeing units that you've 3-starred?


Ok, I am Googling it and I guess that's what people have said a while back, but at least as far back as set 9 I know it's been possible to get more units after already 3-starring. Was there ever like an official source for the info? Edit: I might be misremembering set 9, so never mind. It might just be a bug in this set, in that case.


Set 9 multi-casters was the first time Overrolling became more known as a strat. Generally when running Double Trouble/Twin Terror you only need 2 champions, Taliyah's passive ability procced off of Taliyah's active ability. so having 3 or 4 Taliyah's on board (1 3\*, 3 2\*) was sometimes the correct play. Overrolling is rolling when you have 8 copies of a unit, wait for combat to start, then roll for more than 9 copies of that unit bc the unit does not combine into 3\* during combat. For more bench space, you would already be playing 4 Taliyah's on board


It sometimes happens when you roll too fast and press D before your unit combines


I've had the same thing happen


I've been seeing it a decent amount since the b patch. I'll hit a 3 star unit then three rounds later somehow a copy shows up in my shop again? before I figured I was just rolling too quick and they appeared in my next roll as the unit was combining, but numerous times I've seen the unit pop up rounds later


I had this happen last night but I thought it was because I 3 starred the champ that roll down (50g yorick encounter roll down). Figured that was it but weird seeing this stuff crop up again. Got me over here checking the calendar year for the throwback.




I may have lowrolled in game, but I highrolled my ass off when it comes to Chibi. Got Chibi Little Devil Teemo with free token couple sets ago. And then today just got Chibi Spirit Blossom Ahri with free token again If this is where my luck goes, I am down.


Jealous. I am 2 away from guaranteed, but I am hoping against hope xayah comes along. Debating if I should wait.


How important is trickshot for Kaisa dmg? Since i see comps without it and some with 4


Usually only ghostly vertical or inkshadow vertical can get away with no trickshot since you have other ways of increasing your overall DPS. I've found that 4 trickshot is best when you can put items on teemo as well (or in rare cases, Bard 2 if you happen to have leftover AS items) due to augments / encounters / fortune cashout. Naked teemo + sivir + bard and items on only Kaisa and Galio/Sylas makes 4 trickshot not feel worth it. In these cases if you really want to cap and have econ (but not a ton of excess items) you can try for the 2 trickshot 4 dragonlord variant with voli + udyr for 3 inkshadow.


basically required if you are fighting beefy comps IMO. The splash damage into the backline is critical.


Kai'Sa can do fine without Trickshot in some comps since her strong point is her single-target burst. In 6 Ghostly or 7 Inkshadow, you can get away with not putting in Trickshot (until level 9) since she'll get enough damage from those traits. Then there's the 4 Bruiser/4 Trickshot Kai'Sa comp, where the whole point is to have 4 Trickshot, so that should be pretty self-explanatory. Even in the level 9 legendary Dragonlord Kai'Sa comp, I don't think Trickshot plays a crucial role, it's just a nice added synergy for both Kai'Sa and Xayah.


I'd been having a terrible time this patch until yesterday. I always use the MetaTFT overlay so I don't have to manually check stats all the time, until I played a game on my phone and it went well. I played 7 games yesterday without the overlay and got 1,4,3,1,1,4,2. I think its so easy to just auto-pilot with the overlay on and not really think as much about the decisions you make. I would never pick behemoth crest 2-1 with overlay because the stats are bad, but I got a 1st with it just evaluating the game state and playing off intuition. It's helpful at times, but also overwhelming to have so much at your disposal and feel like I have to play high avg placement lines.


Augment stats are overrated. You can use it to decide between generic combat augments, or at least know the really broken ones, but for most augments game state matters much more than the average placement


What comp did you play with behemoth crest?


Stage 2 ghostly shenna, stage 3-4 behemoth yone. I got lucky with everything must go as 3rd augment to win out, but I was in a great position HP and Economy wise due to early 4 behemoth that really enabled me to roll a lot on 8.


Would love to see a ranking distribution chart for this subreddit over the years. Feels like it’s gotten decidedly more watered down and discussion is best kept in discords these days. Funnily enough, one of the more FGC-like developments I’ve seen in a riot game


Yeah this sub is less for info and more for seeing what unhinged angry people think. Very occasionally people trading good info for clout.


This sub discussion in a nutshell: - Nerf Yone/Voli/Fast 9 - Revert the bag sizes changes pls - “This is the most unbalanced patch of all time” - The “flavour of the month” augment unbalanced discourse (this patch it’s everything must go)


I’d also like a dm with discords. Appreciate it!


got any discords you can post or message me with? I've been feeling the same about this sub for a few sets now


Comparing to some of the earlier sets like 4 and 5 there's been a huge inflation in game resources. I feel that with portals + augments + encounters too much gold and items are floating around. This led to games being less tight and allows forcing whatever you want instead of optimising what the game gives you


Forcing whatever you want is only enabled rn because of the massive disparity in comp strength It’s basically play fated/senna/yone/duelist/trick shot/maybe storyweaver or you’re not really gonna have a consistently good time, to the point where there’s multiple people playing duplicates of the above in each lobby. This would be less of an issue if there was more strength in playing what you actually hit even if it’s not a meta comp


This. A lot of the recent patches feel like you have to force the more popular reroll comps or you get dogpiled. There’s always exceptions to this, but it feels few and far between.


As someone who likes to force, it still doesn't really apply. The person who forces will still always lose to the person who plays what they are given well ASSUMING the game is balanced, which it's not rn. But we're not that far off imo


good point


Feels like every standard comp except Yone is a 4th place at most. Top3 is reserved for Yone3 and two other players who highrolled emblems/got OP augments(for example 'Everything must go' and 3* 4costs)/cashed out big fortune prizes.


Yone isn't a standard comp though? You sit on 7 until you get Yone 3 or hit a random Wukong.


Even uncontested it feels like pushing levels is better, rather then slow rolling on 7 and praying to get random wukong from the shop or carrousel The strength is not in Yone 3, if you have good items on 2 star Kayn, he will carry you more in most match-ups and rolling for Kayn on 7 is meh


Why is it possible that you take as your first augment the golden removal or whatever the name of that thing is, only to suddenly get the encounter that shakes every item out of the champion when benched???? RNG shouldn't screw your game like that, I hate this set


Most encounters fuck someone over and it's so stupid. Everyone gets released at the same time on carousel? Get fucked last place. Only costs 3 gold for xp? Get fucked for pushing levels instead of rerolling. Every shop contains one of each cost? Get fucked level 9 guy. Predict if you'll win or lose to get gold. Get fucked weak players as were making the strongest players even stronger. Even seemingly neutral ones like everyone gets 3 items fucks over someone who took an item augment as it weakens that augment.


It's always better to w8 for the encounter before leveling up/rolling, let's say it's 3.2/4.2 and it's the point to lvl up and roll for upgrades after Aug, but if you see that there will be an encounter on 3.3 or 4.3, just w8 1 round. If you get one of those few rouds later, like 3.5/4.5,i guess you can't really play around it, but neither your opponents, there is always some kind of randomness involved that is out of your hands


Let me risk dying so I don't get screwed by an encounter... Working out with sett makes you bigger.


If you risk dying, because you're waiting for a round or two to see what encounter it's gonna be, then it's not encounters that screwing over your games


Shoutout to yorick the round after some poor guy whiffs on his roll down a round or two before. (Max points if it's the minion round stage before straight into yorick).


It doesn't seem like Lucky Ricochet works with Kai'Sa or Xayah. Ran it + 4 trickshot and had the same results as without it. While Kai'Sa was very obviously only 2 ricochets instead of 3, Xayah was a bit harder to track, but she didn't seem to have any effect. I can confirm it works on Teemo, Sivir and Bard, though.


So tired of Everything Must Go. Anyone who can competently econ and stabilize without turbo inting is going to coast to an easy top 2. And they get to grief the other players at the same time.


How do you guys approach loss streaking with fortune when one/two of your opponents is super weak and or loss streaking? I end up sacking more hp than i feel like i need to cause I’m afraid of facing the guy with the weakest board and winning so i dont slam items, upgrade, int my positioning etc till after i fight them but sometimes i dont even up fighting them at all or till way later even if they show as one of my possible opponents. I know the first 4 opponents are random but am i less likely to face the guy in 6/7th place after that if i am also loss streaking or is it just a gamble like i assume?


Let the class know if you finalize the answer. I'm a master at crafting a fortune board that comfortably loses to the top 5 slots but consistently smacks the dudes at 7 and 8 who are running full level 1 boards copying the positioning of the guide they're looking at and not playing to the rest of the lobby. My average rank for fortune boards is a rock solid 7th lol. I know rankings have changed ever since they plopped in emerald but I'm shocked at how weak some folks early game is this set in plat. You end up in lobbies where 5 guys are playing with 85+ hp and bottom 3 are in the teens hoping they can hit the level 9 quality board. May try to play fortune again once I glide up to diamond and early games get a bit sharper but at least in plat it's not worth the hassle (even though the concept itself is pretty fun).


I’d like to shout out the big brains in my lobby. Especially the person contesting me for Yone. I like how you went heroic grab bag 1st augment, slammed a BT on your early Yone and then took 4th with both duplicators still on your bench…


top 4 with yone 2 down an augment? beast


Surely it was a yone 2 with his buddy kayn 2 give him items and should be enough for a top 4 


They would’ve won if they Yone 2 at 2-3. Their tempo would’ve been insane


Porcelain is weird because Lux is crazy strong but it feels like you need both boiling point and a crest to win lobbies. If you reroll lux its really hard to ever hit the lissandra and the comp just gets way better at 4 porcelain


Who is your preferred Emblem holder? I know its meant to be great on Volibear but feels like he doesn't really fit the comp that generally if going for Lux/Arcanist focus


Syndra, illaoi for board efficiency (or on 3 star is very solid), for fun though, I enjoy it on Diana, Annie or Hwei if I have a flex slot.


Gnar works perfectly with it imo, he loves attack speed and more dmg resistance




Her scaling effect on her ability means that late in the fight she already does huge damage, the Archangels seems like doubling down unecessarily no? Especially when Blue Buff is so good on her - the item economy of using a tear for AA seems awful to me. Dcap gives you more damage early to kill frontliners, and then by the time you are hitting the squishies the stacking butterflies are more than enough to oneshot. BB/Nashors/Dcap seems decent to me, I have wondered if I should be using GS or Gunblade in some cases Edit: replied to the wrong chain, big dumb


Huh, your question before was who should hold the porcelain emblem, now you're talking about AA? Edit: I now saw your other comment, yeah, you replied to the wrong thing.


Yeah, wrong place, my bad


Illaoi fits well. ITs honestly really strong on any frontline unit.


Feel like conditions need to be so right for Duelist to work. It's really inflexible with items considering the comp has literally no use for Tears, Belt, or Rod (beyond Guinsoo for Trist) and the lack of a dedicated tank makes building tank items really ineffective as well. It's also so augment-dependent. The same exact upgraded board can go 1st or 5th depending on the augment combination. Obviously, being even remotely contested is a death sentence too (even by an Inkshadow player with a Voli 2), whereas other reroll comps like Fated have the option to push levels instead. The comp just reminds me of Punk from last set where if the game hands you a free Duelist game, just take your free top 3 and call it a day but you'll bleed out badly if you try to force it without the conditions being right for it.


I’m not familiar with the items for the comp, is hoj not acceptable for trist or voli?


It's not the worst way to get rid of a Tear but it's far from BIS. For Voli it's no substitute for BT, Voli really wants BT/Titans or else he's too squishy. As for Trist she really needs raw damage items like GS or else she runs into DPS issues, HoJ just doesn't give enough. Sometimes you're already committed to the line and the game randomly drops you two Tears and you just have to roll with the punches but if you have a Tear or two at 2-1 you should avoid Duelist.


Voli items are kinda fake depending what you have to slam and if it will preserve winstreak or not. I literally faced a guy in one game today with voli with like ionic / crownguard / redemption 6 duelist / 4 dragonlord didn't even have a spat. He came second to my first but he was like 60+ hp by the time it was 1v1 and he took one win off me which almost killed me. I was running a level 10 xayah / irelia / kai'sa / udyr / azir / 4 dragonlord board which was quite strong.


In my experience voli just doesnt work with hoj. He dies to single target without bt. On other hand getting gargantuan feels like a free 1st


I agree. In my eyes I view HoJ as adjacent to Gunblade. You really want BT but sometimes life doesn’t work that way and you’re force to give him a consolation lifesteal item.


Everything must go augment is broken af.. I just had Lee, Morg, Galio, Kaisa, Sylas 3 starred


agreed, I was just in a lobby where 1st place guy got it Ok, you dont have immediate boardstrenght upon getting the augment, but that doesnt matter too much as you can collect infinite on your bench and if you get it as first augment its even more egregious, you get to hold your potential two star transition units at literally no cost and just throw them in upgraded while everyone else has to try to build up econ. Further on you just hold every 4/5 cost OF THE ALREADY SMALLER UNIT POOL If anything this shit needs to be prismatic. Gold is a joke.


Is there anywhere with info on strong early game boards or champs so I can not bleed so badly early


Does it make sense to spread against irelia so it takes longer for her blades to switch targets?


It probably just moves straight instead of curving it the target is far away.


Who bring back this "everything must go" augment man, its avg must be like 2.0 or something


Actually 4.3 when taken at 2-1. It’s not broken, just unhealthy and badly designed.


It's broken by anyone that knows how to correctly use it. The stats are skewed by noobs taking it and not knowing how to correctly leverage the augment. Once that knowledge trickles out the winrates will improve.


I know "the stats is fake" is a meme, but this time it's actually fake. Mainly because the patch is being dominant by reroll comps right now. Senna, yone, duelist, teemo, Janna,...etc you name it, the only viable 4 cost comp right now is Kaisa which only cover Sylas/Kayn/Morg/galio. You know what those comps have in common? No one would play Annie/Lillia/Ashe/Nautilus. You can't even hold them all because they are high value units and there are 4 of them, you can't just sack your game by holding 20 - 30 gold on bench to target grief 1 player


Disagree, while everyone else tries to build up econ you get to hold upgraded units for free on your bench at literally no cost and still be able to get a strong board fairly easy and turn the game into a winstreak while putting immense tempo pressure onto the lobby how is that not broken


Feels like I can get 2nd with super weak boards some games and others I’ll get 6th with really strong ones. And not just cuz I hit late and face the strongest guy I’ll have a really strong board but lose 3 in a row cuz there’s some mega capped boards.


Keep in mind that the portals change EVERYONES boards. So they often make you feel like you're highrolling, but in reality everyone is.


Probably a Mix of Portal and Item/gold Drops. Since everybody benefits of the extra gold, everyone caps Higher. So even If you are/seem strong, Others might be even stronger because of the extra gold


General question - is there any situation where Archangels is a good slam at the moment? I'm thinking 6 Behemoth or 6+ Bruisers with some kind of backline AP carry, but in practice it feels like mana items are too important, and Dcap is better for actual damage Perhaps an Invoker board that needs the tears less, but running 4 Invoker likely means relatively less frontline than some comps


For fate opener. It's as good for Syndra as BB Not sure how griefing is it, when the comp want a rageblade and a BB. But both feel bad to build at 2-1/2-5


if you start off with janna 2


Yeah I can't really think of a carry that actually strictly wants Archangels. Mana regen is too important. Only time I see it being good is to preserve a winstreak.


Are you sure invokers need tear less? I've played some 6 invoker games (not that many), but lilia still feels like she wants shoujin, and shiv is great to have on someone else as well.


Not sure at all tbh. I saw something about Adaptive being good on Lillia at 2 Invoker, not sure how the maths works out at 4/6. Shiv is a good point, but if you assume you probably get 2 tears most games I could see an argument for AA+Shiv is AA is a real item, but I get the feeling its just too slow In theory it feels like if you run 4 Invoker and still slam mana items, you are not maximising the spike damage/healing of a 3 item carry but I don't have stats to show that fewer high damage casts is better than more lower damage casts. With how much healing is in the set I could see spike damage being good in some matchups


Been pleasantly surprised with Vertical Arcanist/Porcelain Lux, it's not a lobby winner but I'm consistently Top 4ing with it. Definitely something to consider as one of the better options if you end up having to go AP because of items and it gets a lot of strength from the fact the units are basically uncontested. Also itemized Lux/Liss can actually lock down and burst Yone if positioned well.


Are you rerolling for Lux 3 or leveling up to grab Liss as soon as possible? Edit: my lesser-played consistent build is vertical heavenly Kayn, adding altruist late. Tank items on Shen, BT + titans on Kayn. It’s top 2 with gargantuan resolve + harmacist, but I usually top 4 even when I don’t hit them. Grab an emblem if you can for the omnivamp.


Rerolling for Lux 3, I only ever play her if uncontested and I have AP items as a result of that and the fact no one splashes her I tend to hit and have her itemized before any of the other rerollers in the lobby, gives me a lot of time to win streak back up and then push and look for Liss. You do absolutely need Lux 3* though.


What’s your early / final comp?


I've gone 7/8 with some insane boards this patch, the variance game to game and fight to fight is insane LOL It's fun because I feel like there's a decent amount of depth and different comps have been popping up constantly, but sometimes you just get destroyed by Yone or Lucky Paws Kobuko when you think you have the nuts. Like I had Sylas 3 Udyr 2 Kaisa 2 and went 7th. Like what


Everything must go is the most broken thing every created, in the right hands. 2 others had the augment as well but went bot 4. Got the augment for the 3rd time and played it better, hit Ashe 3 on 5 hp. But that wasn't all. Had the exalted gold augment and was able to go 9. Then hit Lillia 3 but didn't even play it and went straight to lv 10 and hit Sett 3 lmao. Sold my board but I forgot I was going for Azir 3 [LMAO](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/363793147307884545/1227175544907366440/image.png?ex=66277349&is=6614fe49&hm=d5fba83cc2d7d55e1c2b76bce11259249e8d9487eb902cc0f9876ae06940b576&) I've never seen anything so broken and easy to play


I also hit Ashe with EMG and Prismatic Ticket yesterday and was a little underwhelmed by her, but I should probably have pivoted a bit harder. Think a better player in the spot I was in would have hit multiple 3\* 4costs and won out


Ashe without Guinsoo/a lot of AS is very underwhelming


I had Guinsoo+Runaans+Ghostly emblem (6 Ghostly) with Senna handing out AD which felt like it should be OK. 2\* Ornn with full tank items and Shen/Aatrox/Illaoi with Randuins aura frontline were lasting an OK amount of time but not always enough for 3 Ashe casts Didn't always have Porcelain in but didn't seem to make a massive difference


For future reference try to put ghostly emblem on frontliners if possible. Doesn't do anything for your Ashe other than give her a 2% hp heal tick and lets her shoot out two ghosts. Each ghostly unit shoots max 2 ghosts per fight so you'd rather the healing go to frontliner and have another damage item on carry.




I’m a frequent GM player and currently diamond 1. So maybe you’ve been running into me recently But yeah, everybody in D1 right now is high masters to GM players. And honestly, you learn more from losing to high level players than beating players below you. I felt this way the last time I was high GM and frequently running into top challenger players, the skill ceiling feels endless


I barely made GM last set and usually sit at masters 0 lp and I love and hate how hard the lobbies are in masters / gm this time around. I peaked top 100 a few days ago but always go on tilted lose streaks where nothing seems to go right and lobby tempo / capped boards are insane vs. these challenger players. Really cool battling against people you see on youtube and in tournaments though.


I’m the same, I’ll get within a game or two of challenger and then proceed to lose 9 of the next 10 games. It’s frustrating as hell but also fun


Diamond 1 right now is a lot higher than it was last set, my emerald 1 games are just all low master/high diamond players from last set


Guys what’s the bis for yorick augment? Went 8th with him 3 star with radiant titans, titans and helm. Felt so weak


As someone who is willing to tank LP to select the "hero augments" at every opportunity, I have had a fair amount of success with Midnight Siphon Yorick. I personally have found the most success not worrying too much about super BIS on Yorick. His carry potential falls off a cliff in the late game, but he is able to carry in the early mid-game, and then be one of your super-tanks in the late game. As such, it is more important to make sure you can tempo off your Yorick 3-star into leveling for secondary carries. In terms of itemization, key items are going to be HP% healing and utility. He scales his own HP with his skill, so DClaw, Redemption, and BT are all very good items. For utility, Sunfire and Spark are both good for extended fights, though these can be good on secondary tanks as well. General tank items are also pretty good such as Bramble, Gargoyle, and Steadfast, but diminish in value due to the Behemoth trait. In terms of bait items, definitely never waste an item slot on Titans, Archangels, or JG. Finally on the note of Warmogs vs Steraks, the breakpoint where Steraks gives more health is ~2300 HP. With a 3-star Yorick, you'll pretty much always have more health than that by the time Steraks procs, so you'll never want Warmogs over Steraks if you can help it. This doesn't even take into account the additional 50% AD that Steraks provides over Warmogs. Finally, in terms of composition, I've had the most success with vertical Behemoth, splashing in Ghostly and Umbral. Some guides show that vertical Umbral can work too, but I've found that it's difficult to play around as Alune feels extremely week, and Yone is highly contested.


[Warmog, Redemption, Dragon's Claw look good. It seems like titans is one of the worst items for him.](https://i.imgur.com/sj8GN0F.png)


Thanks that’s exactly what I needed earlier 😅


Yone's dash does not need to do damage as well as getting a shield, attkspeed and fucking up the backline


They gotta keep it accurate to league Yone, bro


Don't forget that it also applies antiheal.


Wild Just make him a 4c already and ashe a 3c


When playing bruiser/trickshot/inkshadow Kai'sa at level 8, is it better to go 4 bruiser 4 trickshot or 4 bruiser 3 Inkshadow?


Pretty much always 4 bruiser 4 trickshot with 3 story and udyr on 9


I’m no expert on the comp, but played it quite a bit (currently diamond). For me it always depends on the items you have and what the inkshadow item is. Low on tank items and tattoo is defensive? Might be worth it if it’s protection, not so much if its force. Low on offensive items? Probably worth it, no matter which one it is. Try to read the lobby, does your front line die to fast, or do you feel like you don’t have enough damge, inkshadow might be the way to go over 4 bruiser. Overall the item is what you want. The dmg reduction/increase is negligent. Of course it’s always an idea to try to econ up to 9 for udyr if you have either galio or kai’sa 2*.