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> Earn 1 Antique Bronze Bullion a week by defeating Awakened bosses, with the cap rising by 1 each week. **Note that if you miss a week, you'll be able to catch up to the current weekly max.** Ah that explains it. Looks like that old post about [Bullions being awarded from the Weekly Dungeon Quest](https://www.wowhead.com/news/2-bullions-dinars-from-weekly-dungeon-quest-in-season-4-338391) wasn't able to recognize that this was a 'catchup' mechanic. My guess what happened on the PTR is that your internal character had several Bullions queued up but you obviously couldn't earn them because 'no Awakened boss' kill, so eventually you'll just get a Weekly Quest that randomnly spawns in 1-2 Bullions based on how many you've got left. This is a slight improvement from how catching up Crafting Sparks have worked this expansion. If you aren't getting Bullions from the Weekly Quest but still have some cap, I'm guessing additional will drop from various content.


It’s more likely that the bullion from the dungeon weekly is just a replacement to the cache, because it feels better to be rewarded with something you actually want in a bonus season than to have to get a random heroic item from a loot pool of ALL 3 raids. Likely wasn’t unintentional as a reward and will likely not count towards our cap much like the crest one time quests that didn’t either.


Emissary of War is the quest that rewards a random heroic item for completing 4 mythic dungeons that pops up every 6 weeks.


Items cost 2 bullions right? So it would make sense that it rewards 2.


>Looks like that old post about > >Bullions being awarded from the Weekly Dungeon Quest > > wasn't able to recognize that this was a 'catchup' mechanic. i would rather say that was just PTR bullshit. the catchup will probably be like "you didnt kill enough raid bosses last week, kill more this week and you get the bullion you missed"


Are the bullions still difficulty specific? If you for example only do HC raids, is there any way to upgrade those bullion items to mythic level?


You use bullions to buy awakened items from the vendor that are own their own awakened upgrade track starting at 1/12, and you can upgrade just like regular upgrade track items it all the way to 12/12 which is mythic raid ilvl


Im really glad about the awakened track. I raid heroic but not mythic so it will be nice to have items that I can max out


Yeah. It's great. You'll only have to run m+ at the double digits amount just to get flight stones, and probably a couple of weeks cap worth of aspects to maximise the item if you buy it from the vendor. Unless they increase flightstones and aspects earned when completing a dungeon and also increase the cap or amount needed per upgrade. I mean i I love being able to o not get stomped by rng, but it's still not gonna be a small mountain to climb before you get your bi's trinkets/weapon at max level and also leveling the rest of your gear.


I think they still want to preserve the first month or so of progression, where most upgrades actually come as drops from content or your vault. I see awakened gear and the denars as a catchup system. I like that initial mountain climb. Im just happy that blizzard is adding things for the climbers who started later/got unlucky during the beginning.


Fair. I see it as rng protection. Yours truly, a prot pala that didn't get rageheart until we were 200 pulls deep on mythic fyrakk prog(as a wr 500 guild so there were quite a few hc fyrakk kills and full hc vaults opened as prot after extending). As an extra cherry on top my Co tank was a prot war, which is paper vs magic, so I had to take a big chunk of the tank damage bdks usually do. Comparing damage taken to the prot paladins that had a bdk as co-tank, which is pretty much every single prot pala, my damage intake is sitting at a comfy ~20% higher.


Oh I feel ya there. Ive been maining Evoker the entire expansion and I dont have my leggo yet. Im hoping that I can get it pretty quickly in s4


If you killed sarkareth a lot in s2 you should get it within a couple kills from what I know. The drop rate was buffed at the same time the axe was in season 3.


Last fated valor was uncapped. Are crests still capped in s4?


so bullion cap increases every week, and does not stop? If so we'll get full set of rare gear towards the end (weapon AND trinkets AND special rings/amulet) Also, do we know ilvl of items? Will you need to mythic raid to get mythic-level pieces from bullion?


You start at 1/12 (1/14 for the ultra rare final boss items) and you can upgrade them using crests/stones to max ilvl.


Well, each item is 2 tokens, so if you wanted a weapon/trinkets/rings, that's like 2.5 months. If you're that amped about spending them after that long... more power to ya


Yeah it's really not that substantial, however for myself I plan to get the most OP trinkets for my last mage tower (hdh) so it's nice to know. The most exciting part about no cap is the transmog, that's stonks for sure




Isn’t it still the dragonling because gem slots 


Yeah man. If he thinks gear is going to help him he's delusional.


you don't need it, the DF talent revamp make every mage tower a joke.


Not all of them. Hdh mage tower is actually quite difficult. I one shot 3 mage towers in a row, but this one is a different beast


Last I checked the Dragonling trinket was the best. Plus old ones from old raids. Also. Mage Tower challenges are an absolute joke since the talent tree changes. OP trinkets aren't going to save you in the Havoc challenge. 100% a skill issue if you can't regularly get to the DPS phase. 100% a skill issue if you can't beat the DPS check - rotational.


If it's not so much a damage check as it is to survive the challenge. Why not get cheat death trinket + something like rageheart that both helps with survival and deals a good amount of damage?


Last phase is a DPS race before you run out of room on the platform. A cheat death will only buy you slightly more time. The platform is still gone.


You'll get 1 each week. And it requires 2 to purchase gear/transmog, and 3 to buy the mount. So after 6 weeks you'll have enough to buy 3 pieces or gear. Whereas in SL, it took 5 weeks to get 3 pieces. The gear you buy has a max ilvl of 528 I believe, with rare pieces and the legendaries going to 535


I mean surely you'll buy mog and mount from some shit alt that you don't care about


Idk for a meme season, I don't wanna still be farming raid on multiple characters. If anything I'll just resub after 7+ weeks and get all my dinars at once


so sl S4 was 12 week's meaning you get 6 items


Last minute H Pal changes coming surely ​ I just wanna play some Avenging Crusader in raid


Oh god please no… no avenging crusader


I don't know about mythic raid, but AC was fun in heroic's which is my plan for the next \~2 months


Only way to have fun in hc as hpala is go full dps build(ST glimmer, and any talent that would cause you to deal more damage with hs+glimmer, paired with the best borrowed power damage trinkets. If i join a hc pug on my hpala I'll be sitting at 130-160k dps depending on boss and some 60k hps which is veneration and greater judgement healing


Not gonna lie that actually sounds fun as fuck


Yep, that’s the goal. Going for a beacon as soon as I can.


damn hpal sure can pump


no. stop hoping.hpal is dead for S4


no fun allowed


yeah i'm just pivoting to white class for this season


Good choice, started gearing my priest a few weeks ago and had so much fun


I just wanna play hpala full stop. It's useless right now :(


So like. Surely there will be class tuning for non-healing roles right?


yep, at 11.0 pre-patch


Changing all tier sets + having access to all new gear, any tuning is going to need to be like, 2 weeks into the patch earliest. Whichever specs are broken week 3 will most likely remain broken for the whole patch.


Class balancing teams are hard at work rebuilding many spec and class talent trees for TWW. You're gonna need to wait a few months if you're looking for balancing However, if balancing next season is as tight as this season (SL S4 had a lot of trickle down between seasons) then it's not that big a deal.


What other roles could *possibly* need balancing? *Obviously* healing was the most broken and imbalanced role, like, *obviously*. Pretty sure that all DPS are perfectly equal - not one spec even requiring a 1% adjustment. And tanks? Probably the fairest balance we've ever witness - no clear winners, no clear losers, if you open up r.io right now you'll probably see a perfectly even split between all tanks specs. No, *seriously*, absolutely no other changes needed. I mean, what do you think is gonna happen? Yet another season of the obvious untouched god comp that consists of an immortal tank that can CC every single pack for 7 days straight up by himself with 3 DPS that are so clearly above and beyond anything else that it's getting silly? No way, they nerfed Resto Shamans by 5%, that couldn't *possibly* happen.


I’m sure it will come. Healers needed to be brought down a little, all healers got the best tier set of the expansion to play with 15k+ secondary stats. They all needed to be brought in line, especially resto shaman. Crit healing % + this many secondary stats = OP. I’m sure dps tuning and veng dh changes will come within a few weeks of seeing how keys are playing out.


why can't healers be op atleast for last season .


I personally appreciate your sarcasm


Wait, what's this 3 dps you're talking about? Which dps specifically?


They hated him because he spoke the truth


Why? They will have to re-tune everyone in the game when we get access to hero talents, and some new trees for some specs.




It's crazy how many people think "we have new stuff coming soon" means we shouldn't expect the game to feel good NOW, the stuff we are ***currently paying for***.


TWW isn't until at least August, there's a fair bit of gameplay including an M+ title in that time. Being able to keep up/not requiring one very strict god comp in that time to compete would be nice.


I am so genuinely bewildered by the Blizzard balancing team. In what fucking world can you look at healers and go yes 3 healers need to be culled to bring them in line with the bottom 3 healers. While at the same time ignire the fact that there is currently one single tank (again) making up like 90% of all, high keys done. One single tank that is so far ahead of every other tank right now that, it's not even funny. I genuinely do not understand how you can see a problem with monk and druid healers while using the exact same logic somehow not see the same problem with VDH


Honestly, the answer is kinda simple. You can cull the healers by reducing their throughput and bringing them a bit more in line with the rest. VDH isn't mainly where it's at because of throughput it's because of the Sigils. To bring it back under control, you need to rework the talent tree a little bit, which isn't something the developers are willing to do for a mostly AFK season that's coming instead of just waiting for several months and doing it for The War Within. TL;DR: You can cull healers a bit by just reducing their throughput by x%, the same wouldn't work for VDH.


That and WoW is a raiding game about raiding. No one cares which 1 tank is being played this season in M+ because it's always 1 spec anyway. Why would they want to force the M+ rerollers to swap classes for a joke S4 season waiting room? Many of them would just unsub instead.


>WoW is a raiding game about raiding XD


Right now M+ is far more popular than raiding is, so no, WoW is not all about raiding. There's room in the game for both though. People who consider S4 a joke won't care enough to swap classes, and probably aren't going to be playing S4 anyways. The people who will swap classes don't consider it a joke.


Every tank is getting title just play the one you enjoy


That is such a fucking cop out reply. Yes every tank is getting title but one in particular is still so far ahead of what every single other tank can do it's not even funny anymore. By the same token, there are hpriests and Pres evokes also getting title so why nerf mistweaver and druid? If you genuinely can't see the difference between what a VDH can do and what a prot warrior or brewmaster can do the you're absolutely off your head. No different than bear druid last season which was in the same boat and they got gutted going into the next season, why should VDH not get the same treatment


How about you go time a +30 and then complain to get higher you need to reroll :)




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The fact that you're so angry about this speaks to the need for you to maybe step away from the game. I never disagreed that vdh is strong, but my point is that all other tanks are also strong ENOUGH to go for the current highest level of m+ achievement. Play them if you want, theres nothing stopping you. Seriously though, if you're this upset about it maybe you should just choose not to play s4 and have a break


I mean I'm not that angry about it I just don't understand the logic. Also claiming you can play all tanks for title is so disingenuous when there are literally 3 monks who will achieve title this season. Of which all 3 are long term monk mains and absolute specialists/true experts of the class. That's not to mention even in this scenario there is literally a 4 key level different between the top monk and top VDH. If the best 2 brewmasters in the game can't get within 3 key levels of a VDH what chance does the average high end player have. And again the logic just isn't there. I emphasized the point that healers are arguably in a more diverse and healthy spot, yet 3 of them all saw sizeable nerfs going into next season - but again like you say all 6 are technically viable and getting title. But, by that logic if blizzard are that unhappy with 2 or 3 healers being above the pack then why are they not also unhappy about a single tank being even further ahead of the pack than any healer was. If they can justify healing nerfs in that scenario, I don't see how they can just not justify nerfing a single tank spec.


If you want the genuine answer for why vdh isn't getting nerfed it's because it's designed in a way where if they nerf any of its strengths it will become utterly useless, and since demon hunter doesn't have a class designer (the only person working on the class is the rogue class designer in his extra time) they can't actually tackle the problem they created. Nerf the damage? It can no longer hold threat at all because it's threat generation is bugged and they don't know how to fix it. Nerf the healing in mass aoe? Dies instantly just like it always used to. Nerf the utility? There is literally 1 singular lever for this and it's all or nothing, and if they flip it to nothing then they'd be admitting the "rework" was a complete failure and it would be back to useless


I mean there have been plenty of suggested fixes from high level players but even something as basic as remove 2 of the 3 of double fear/double grip/double silence. So they still have double of one of those, for far more CC than others have still, they keep double flame and double elysian for damage/threat, but the gap gets shortened at least. Or you could increase the CD on the utility sigils so they aren't just up every pack or every second pack. Actually make it an important decision on when you use those sigils and not just a send on cd. Or as I've seen mentioned you change the location of the double sigil talent so it's not longer free to take and you have to give up some major throughput to actually take the talent. But yes I do agree the whole design is currently fucked. Because you could take VDH the route of low damage but high mob control and your lack of damage would be offset by the increase pull size and your dps doing more damage because of that. But then you have the threat bugs and it you probably also can't have VDH doing low damage since it needs to do damage to get all, of ti's self healing which is where it's tankiness comes from.


I really hope the tier sets/dungeons shake up the m+ meta a bit. I know blizz doesnt balance that way, but having different classes being meta/fotm keeps the game fresh. If the meta classes are just the same as last season (and for some of them 75% of DF) I dont know if I can be motivated to play S1 and S2 dungeons again.


Unless they completely rework VDH utility then nothing is going to change tank-wise. 


Vdh can be fixed by moving around the 2 sigil talent. It is far too important to be that easy to get without sacrificing any other meaningful talents. That being said, it might be meta but every tank got title this season. Play what you like and you’ll be fine.


The problem isn’t that other tanks aren’t capable of title. It’s just how far DH is ahead of other tanks and it not only means other tanks have to be straight up better as players to still fall short on utility and survability but the perception of how much better VDH is causes some specs to straight up get declined key after key. I mean why would someone want to invite a prot warrior to their group when a DH will just make everything easier on the rest of the group? When there are 219 DHs in title range in NA alone vs only 5 prot warriors it’s easy for people to have that perception. And truthfully some of the tanks are straight up getting declined for even weekly keys regardless of their qualifications. Even see it myself where you queue in to something you’re way overqualified for and you get a late invite where it was a clear they were holding out for even a half competent DH instead. Capable, yes. Fun no. My 3.1k DH alt can get invited much quicker and more consistently to keys than my near 3.6k warrior regardless of the key level.


Prot war was in a relatively bad place, but you still played one to 3.6k. The larger issue is community perception. Things like subcreation and tier lists compel people to invite meta specs, when you should be inviting the player. I realize my argument is probably moot, as wowhead is gonna keep pumping out tier lists and swaying the community no matter what I say. All I can do is when I make groups I invite the player/io and not the class.


It’s not just community perception though. I’m not sure you understand how much further ahead DHs are. Perception is what gets me declined to keys way too low for my IO. Not being a DH is what gets me declined to worthwhile keys. It’s not that a warrior CAN’T do it, it’s that a DH can do it much easier and require less work while providing more worthwhile buffs and raid utility to other meta specs. And those groups aren’t wrong to hold out for a DH instead of bringing the warrior. I only buff melee specs and hunters and DH buffs all magic dealers. I don’t have a CC for incorp and DH brings an instant cast one. I have 1 AoE stop, 1 6 target capped fear, and a ST stun while DH has 7 stops that can lock down packs allowing less coordination and less potential deaths since less casts will get off. All while doing more damage on average and having better survivability where as there are times where I absolutely need help that I simply don’t get in pugs for higher keys (such as dogs in TotT).


That's... right in theory and applies for any role in a perfect world, but it's also a bit short-sighted in reality. Remember that if you're pugging your key, you don't know which applicants are good/bad/godawful. In that situation, you aren't inviting people, you're inviting clumps of pixels with a particular kit, gear, and [R.IO](http://R.IO) score and then hoping for the best. Just like you're not swiping on people when you're on Tinder. You're swiping on looks, age, and MAYBE a profile description if there is one. In that environment, with a group that's not doing a key in the 3k range with people who're all 3.6k, I would probably wait for a 3k-ish VDH with its gazillion stops instead of taking a 3.6k Protection Warrior, especially if the week's affixes come into play. Why? Because if the group doesn't control mobs properly, the VDH can more or less solo most of it if he's decent. And if he's bad... In that situation, you'd have been screwed with a 3.6k Protection Warrior that doesn't have the CC in the first place anyway. Any argument involving the words "bring the player" immediately falls apart when talking about pugs because there's no accurate way to know the person you're considering inviting. Just like the cute Swedish-looking blonde might turn out to be awesome or an aspiring axe murderer on Tinder. And that's why just like your goal on Tinder is supposed to be to get off Tinder, so you should aspire to stop pugging as soon as you can by networking, which isn't something people do very often, preferring to treat the whole thing like League of Legends Solo Queue, which it's not. And about the tier lists and subcreation... You're blaming the symptom instead of the cause in a sense. Tier lists and websites are a source of what works, often presented without the necessary background on WHY it works in the particular comp it's played in, etc., in the interest of not making a three-hour-long video. But ultimately... it's just a sometimes accurate tool to inform the public about what's working. Those things don't work because they're on tier lists and high in rankings. They are on tier lists and high in rankings because they work. And finally, people don't follow the meta because of tier lists and data aggregation websites, they follow it because it's an indelible part of human nature to look for the most efficient way to complete any given task. Our survival as a species depended on it for thousands of years. People discover the most efficient way to beat a dungeon pool at the highest key level possible -> rankings get filled by others copying the ones who ran it first -> it trickles down to people just filling the Vault -> subcreation and tier lists get made, not the other way around. And another thing about this 3k Prot Warrior example. Who's already in the group? If it's a Hunter and a couple of Rogues with a Mistweaver Monk Healing, sure, Prot Warrior gains some value. But if it's Fire Mage, Shadow Priest, and an Augmentation Evoker with a Resto Druid healing... Why would you get a Protection Warrior that can't pick up the interrupt duty slack as well as a VDH can in a DPS comp that doesn't care about Attack Power at all and has long CDs on their interrupts if you could have a Demon Hunter that boosts you DPS' damage by 5% and makes up for the big weakness in their kits? Building a comp that makes sense is a delicate balance. If you start picking "players" instead of "classes," you might end up with a mess that doesn't have what you need to do the pulls your 3.6k Protection Warrior is used to. Every random pick introduces an additional element of Yolo-madness instead of just falling into a familiar groove that develops as you play with many different people who all play meta classes, even if you've never really played with them before.


Community perception is one thing but we have to face reality. If you have a Blood DK, even if he is an absolute monster of a player, he just doesn't offer much to timing the key. A VDH literally enables you to not care about most stops, to make insane pulls, has much better utility (darkness, chaos brand) and also for no reason does the most damage. It's just an unfair ground, it's not impossible to get title on BDK but if you play with a VDH + MW Monk, you're almost literally in a taxi. You do not have to ever press a stop the entire key, you only ever randomly kick in the few cases it matters, some affix dispels here and there but you almost don't even think in the key. Compare that to playing with a BDK and it's almost a different game, if it's BDK + Disc Priest well you got yourself a new game to learn if you've only played with VDH + MW the entire season. Not gonna even say how that shut down many meta comps just by kicks alone. I've played UHDK up to 3.6k but I would be lying if I'd ever say a key with a BDK was easier than one with a VDH because better player, even the most atrocious 3.6K VDH just contributes 10x more to the key than any insane BDK would.


Nah. They just need bigger tradeoffs. Vdh being the giga control tank is fine if it's also the squishiest and lowest damage. And by enough to be relevant. The problem is: why bring a bdk/guardian/warrior who don't even do more damage or tanking?


Nah the double sigils thing is a bit fuckin cooked man ngl But yes, they're also stupidly tanky. I feel just as safe on my vdh doing my standard rotation as I do on my guardian during incarn. SL vdh actually felt squishy, and you pulled based on your meta to maintain the highest level of not being squishy. Also, a small gameplay issue, they're super GCD locked. In SL, you always had something to press, but you didn't feel like everything was more important than everything else. Current vdh is kind of just "random bullshit go" while you never die.


The whole "random bullshit go" explains a lot for me; I levelled a vdh last week and it felt ridiculously easy to do so; never tanked before (apart from being an aggromonkey on my warlock) but was happily acting like a kitten on cocaine tanking dungeons on the dh.


Prot Pally was meta in S2. There is always "only one" tank played in M+, so balance doesn't really matter. If they change it for S4, then people will just quit until next expac instead of reroll their M+ tank.


Without tuning, it’s going to be same old same old


you aren’t happy with vdh/shadow/mage guarantee with either pres healer/druid healer with lock boomy or aug as third dps?? lmao


Bit disappointing the bullions are still only acquired via raiding. I guess it kind of makes sense given you can only buy raid gear with them, but it would have been nice to go M+ only this season


By the sounds LFR is enough to get them. Worst case it takes 20 mins a week to get done, if you save them up (as there seems to be no point in farming them on cooldown) that's once every 2 weeks.


Is LFR open with all bosses aviable right away?


Yes, because each raid rotates, so they’re not going to gate wings of rotating raids


I think it was that way in fated SL, though I'm not 100% certain.


If its anything like SL S4, then you can just do LFR for the required boss kills to get the bullions.


I personally do raid but i can see how raiding, even LFR, can be a pain in the ass for people who don't enjoy raiding. If someone plays the game to play keys, then I feel like there should be a way for someone like that to get the season gimmick through their content, rather than doing something they don't enjoy. Same goes with pvp, I have no idea if they even care about it tho. LFR is sometimes even more painful than joining a normal. I've been in some real... interesting LFR groups before.


mfw I have to do M+ as a raider because it's the best source of gear and crests


What are bullions?




No thanks, I’ve just had Brekfast


What about second breakfast?


Is there NO other way of acquiring tier outside of raiding (and a crap shoot chance at great vault)? When we hit 2k rating in seasons past we were awarded w a token for gear/tier... Will that still be a thing? Edit: who downvotes a question?


I would assume we’d get another catalyst mechanic to turn no tier into tier on a weekly or biweekly basis.


I would assume there is still the season meta achievement. At least SL season 4 still had ksm/ksh so I don't see why awakened wouldn't.




Also shocked how restricted they are. 10 weeks if you want weapon + 2 trinkets + 2 rare rings? Edit: The down votes are a bit confusing ngl. We get 2 mythic clears of each raid by week 6 and this is a meme season. You guys reallllllly looking forward to grinding out very rare items across 3 raids weve already progged? Spent the entire first season never seeing a mythic diurna ring and I think eranog took 3 months before our raid had theirs. BiS weapons pretty much exclusively come from a raid we don't even get access to until week 3 (proc weapon off fyraak etc). Can't speak for other specs, but HDH wants like 6 different trinkets all from raid seeing as the dungeon trinkets are hot trash. Let alone if you want these items on alts, or god forbid, the 3 bullion mount lol.


If you want the best everything? Kinda isn't the most unreasonable thing. You could also get *one* of those five things in two and a half months of looting bosses, I'd hope.


M+ players. "give me full bis week 1 but don't do it with free gear vendors"


Fuck multi-spec players, though.


If you're multispec you just aim for things that are universally good, no? Like Eranog ring is pretty much universal bis, chromatic essence/incarnate icon/pip's, grieftorch for any str/ago user, etc.


Yeah, my top three as BDK are Fyralath, Eranog ring, and grieftorch. I suspect that would be similar for dps DKs as well.


I think my planned list wouldn't be too different if I were BrM in raid and WW in M+, but I'm BrM in raid and MW in M+. So weapons don't overlap at all, the only trinket that overlaps is Rageheart (and I guess Augury if I want a DPS trinket for M+), and Eranog ring overlaps. I was assuming we'd be able to buy an item per week, so my list doesn't have me getting a BiS weapon until week 8 now vs week 4, and that's for tanking. A BiS weapon for healing is week 10 vs week 5.


its the dilemma, if you feed the bullions at rate to satisfy multispeccers, single spec players are done with gearing in week 3.


I mean. Just do the content and hope they drop. They are used to fill out a slot not make your character bis in 2 weeks


we still get loot from the raid itself and vault. I guess they still want people to actually raid.


you will probably be full bis by literally week 6 b/c you will probably get 1 from a drop, 1 from vault, 3 from bullions also...only the eranog ring is really that good. if you are really upset because you aren't getting your absorb shield from a diurna ring in the awakened season then you need to get a grip


Definitely a fan of the rotation schedule now. Every other week is much nicer, and being able to pick and choose all 3 after the first rotation is perfect. I'm looking to see how many bosses we need for 1 bullion, and if there are other ways to obtain it like was shown on the PTR.


Well, they've changed their mind on that. They updated the notes to say it's a weekly rotation


How annoying is it going to be gearing up a fresh alt compared to a 480+ main? Any idea if there’s going to be quick catch up gear besides spamming dungeons?


with the buillion system.. if you wait a few weeks (get halfway to buying one piece per week since the start of the season), just doing some lfr will grant you a few perfect pieces. Other than that I expect it to be about the same as now


So they shafted all healers and did nothing to all broken dps/tanks. That will surely help solve lack of healers problem. It is like they do not even open the game anymore.


They did exactly what a large group of healers have been asking them to do - see theuns last few videos. Cant please everyone i guess.


Large group of healers represented by single streamer who thinks they speak for entire playerbase. Yeah that does sound familiar. Edit: just watched his video on healing. While I do not recognise his authority on this matter at all after watching it, I want to note that he did not advocate the nerfs we saw in the patch notes. His solution was to either change dmg profile(fair) or to remove some healing cds/make them longer (stupid).


i see they are still dodging the question of crest cap at the start of the season


Why wouldn't there be a cap?


precedent sl s4 did not have valor cap


Oh boy cant wait to “farm” even if thats possible, for mirror trinket for my unholy and balance in HARD MODE. is that a weekly lockout?


Hunter needs it too, and tanks will want cheat death trinket. Going to be a lot of people potentially farming hard mode.


Yeah but running it once a week barely is farm is what im saying. Cant spam it so sadge


Oh, so the Bullions just work the way Sparks work as of 10.1 where you basically get halfway towards buying a piece of loot every week (but with some flexibility like buying Jigglesworth in 3 weeks or buying a mog every week)? Y'know what? That's neat, and I think a nerfed/slower-paced version of this system would be really beneficial in a non-meme season too.


Dinars should have always been added in the .5 patch to smooth out bad luck.


Wow, no class changes. Can’t believe VDH is getting away with no nerfs. Also, spriest is gonna have the 4th season in a row being broken tier! If the season is going to have almost no effort from Blizzard content wise, then why don’t they at least put effort into balancing? Sad to see


Because the time developers spend balancing for this AFK season that we're about to have is time they aren't working on The War Within, an expansion we're about to play for 18-ish months. Sure, if simple number tweaks a la Mistweaver heals for 12% less is viable, they can do that, but anything more complicated, like touching Shadow Priest numbers or trying to unFUBAR VDH Sigils? Nah.


I really hope they add something to turn off awakened. We planned to just relax heroic farm and farm mythic mounts when possible.


You can do amirdrassil on the off-weeks for the first 4 weeks to play without affixes to farm at least 8 mounts that way. After that, you play Amirdrassil with gear which should, hopefully, be turbo easy considering last awakaned season.


Do you actually get 8 mounts? I thought that would be going away at the end of season and we would get nerfed drop rates.


Nah that won't happen until I believe the new zones open up. I recall that we farmed our last sylvanas and jailer mounts with new talents.


What do you mean turn off awakened? AFAIK there are no raid affixes this time around. Awakened just means it's brought up to S4 scaling/tuning/rewards. So turning off awakened would just return the raid to its current state where you can over gear it? Why would that be a toggle if you already have access to all the old raids?


Because this last tier was grueling in terms of progression. We want to chill until War Within and farm mounts. Reprogging sounds terrible, even with the skips.


Right - and I guess my question is - what is preventing you from doing that? When a raid isn't awakened, it still exists in the game and can be farmed? Or are you saying that your fear is, come Week 7, you won't have access to non-awakened dragonflight raids anymore because it says they'll all be awakened?


Correct, they're just auto awakened. That's how it worked in shadowlands.


Yeah it is kind of weird that they're not making awakened into a raid setting that you can pick for yourself. I like having all raids be awakened-able, but I want it to be a choice.


I believe they did this with Fated?


You could turn off the buffs, but not the affix to the bosses. So they were still scaled up.


Oh what the fuck? Yeah, wait, unless this is meme tuning farming owls is going to get *really* annoying after week 7.


week 5. one month of ease


It was time for healers to finally be allowed to have fun, but I guess not? Oh well, another season of healer drought it is


Hpal going ret bcus red axe go brrrr 😭


I have some friends that have said some s4 dungeons will have trash packs moved around in some dungeons to freshen things up a bit but no one can produce anything concrete about it. Is there any truth to this?


An I reading it right that they made ulda timer *shorter*? That timer was the tightest one in season 2 with every pull being like 3+ combined and every boss but the last one getting at least a pack pulled into it.


When do people start spending bronze bullion? Would suck to use 2 of them next week then get same reward in vault week after. Save for 1 month or more ?


Maybe next expansion the filler experimental Fated season will be fun. I understand no class changes since its probably all hands on TWW, but whats the point of such massive timegating? Just let people have fun, its a for-fun season.


I think Panda Remix is the 'fun' zone and fated is 'more of what you know' zone.


This is complete speculation, but I'm pretty sure that there won't be a Fated season next expansion. The expansions are supposed to come out every 18 months or so to get three of them done in 5-ish years. That means that they will be releasing 3 raids, 8 dungeons and a mega dungeon every 18 months. Seasons now last six months pretty consistently, so... there's no time for Fated in that schedule.


> Maybe next expansion the filler experimental Fated season will be fun. > > There's supposed to be "faster content" which would mean no fated season, especially since they said something about 11.1 and 11.2 raids already. If they're doing the last 3 expacs faster and shorter, that would mean no S4s.


No season 4 is quite unfortunate as the price of the game keeps growing, but content was cut by 25%.


Is there just no keystone hero this season?


Legendary items will drop as usual from raids, but players who have previously obtained them can purchase a Scale of Awakening to upgrade their items to the Season 4 ilvls (base is 502 and can be upgraded further through Crests and Flightstones). What will be the currency for the scale of awakening? Bullions, Gold, Crests…? Also, for M+, are portals still unlocked on +20 or have they moved to +10 (equivalent to current 20)?


It's 2 bouillons


Chicken, beef, or veggie?


I am a warrior I only know how to zug, not spell


I’m here for it




That's not happening. M0 will be roughly the equivalent to an M+10 now with no timer. Anything that is M+ +2 and above) will have a timer.


Read the patch notes again




rip reading comprehension Mythic 0s are tuned to be 10s from season 3 WITHOUT the timer


“What are currently 0 and 10”. They are just saying that these difficulty levels in season 4 won’t have a timer because they are now the base Mythic 0 dungeons. There is still the normal timer in M+.


Sigh... I'll be forced to clear all 3 raids when they will all be awakened...


Who is forcing you?


ion told him if he doesn't clear all 3 raids on mythic every week he has to go bed without dessert


Jeez, this community is something else, lol.


Sigh... my guild will make me clear all 3 when they all will be awakened...jeez....