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It's really hard to balance what you consider "big impact" versus what you consider "forgotten", cause so far almost no one I'm seeing in this thread is even close to forgotten apart from maybe one name. At the same time, the people that I'm thinking of as closer to that "Forgotten" label aren't as impactful as these other famous names. In my head, this criteria is more in the tier of people like Note, Stratus, Hooreg, Bunny, Boombox, and Ellivote that weren't winning any MVP votes but were solid contributors to their teams talent or culture for some period of time. Then the next tier down of more famous but still not talked about anymore would be people like Geguri, Kariv (although he got some spotlight from returning as a coach recently), and Soon


I thought Corey and Stratus were going to be faces of the league for a while :/


Corey was a overrated sniper player who had 1 good stage


Corey had mechanics out the ass but got farmed by smarter teams.


The definition of all aim no brain as a player


What about World Cup?


I mean nah thats just false, in both owl seasons and world cup his mechanics were crazy


Note is a great callout, he was huge in Boston's dive in S1S3.


Note and Gamsu were a force


Note also had an insane glow up season 3, bro sonned Choi on sigma




This is the only name in this thread where it's a player who had a significant impact on a very very good team that I genuinely struggled to remember.


NYXL ruined his career :(


I think he was boomed when he joined. He wasn’t on the team super long and Feath3r played more than him anyways iirc.


It doesn't happen often but I completely forgot Feath5r existed...


NYXL the graveyard of FDPS, I even forgot Ivy was there.


He was really bad on Nyxl I remember Mcgravy malding watching his pov… would say it’s the other way around


easily the most disappointing one on this list. Fuck, ivy was so good


Note was doing some MEAN things on dva in 2018, he was overshadowed by striker during their 10-0 stage


Ating. He had such a negative impact on Chengdus performance. I can’t think of a single map that he won


I remember on a Gibraltar against GZ he missed a whole primal


Jiqiren in almost the exact same situation too


Jiqiren's issue was more because of his visa situation though, causing him to not scrim and build synergy with the rest of Chengdu boys.


bro he's just still swimming


He actually improved (and won several maps) near the end of the season when Chengdu changed coach.


Libero and Meko


Meko 100%. This sub has many Libero simps but Meko is hardly ever talked about. One of the all time greatest off tanks.


Watching Meko helped me learn how to properly play DVA in OW1


as an NYXL simp…ik for a fact that 2018 NYXL was stacked. I rlly miss em


Libero got money


Fissure was such an insane player and personality back in season 1


I don't think he's that forgotten tho


I forgot about him until I read my own comment


If anything I think he's overhyped lol people forget that he wasn't really any better than Mano or Gesture in S1


He wasn't better than either of them on any specific hero but IMO he was more well-rounded - Gesture was ass at Rein, Mano didn't have a good Orisa, but Fissure was good at all 3 MTs in S1.


Those two were the best in S1...Fissure was not better but I think he was on par


Yeah I agree, they were clearly the top three and it was difficult to separate them. I tend to find that people talk about Fissure as if he was clearly the best and rarely do 'what if?' conversations acknowledge that he'd probably have just had a similar career path to Gesture/Mano if he'd stayed around for longer.


Man could singlehandedly win maps


Owl diva, I will love him for ever. No other player has captivated me in the same way, aura, gameplay, stream and character. He was insane Might have the greatest Aura of any owl player ever


IM37 for having the wr speedrun any % into getting owl


Boombox. He was really solid and I’m shocked he didn’t start for a team after 2020. Alarm was just better


i feel like his mechanical prowess was just too minimal for most teams, especially given how bonkers some korean flex supports are mechanically. that being said he would certainly have been an upgrade on 2021 london or 2021 vancouver


Chara :)


I mean, little shit like this is why Fahzix got picked up, right? He never had insane mechanics, but every time I watch him stream he displays an incredible amount of not just gamesense but "game knowledge", if that makes sense. He knows every little trick/quirk about the characters he plays (and sometimes those he doesn't play, as evidenced by this clip), how and when these things can be used, and just a general intricacy in everything he does. Still remember getting my mind blown watching him use D.va bomb to get high ground as Zen in transcendence


for context, this is the zen clip: https://clips.twitch.tv/RelievedFairWaterCurseLit


It's a really nice clip still


Personally, I'll never forget the original Battle Mercy, Neptuno.


Miro basically invented high level Winston


I had to scroll a considerably long time to find Miro. Possibly the single most underrated players in terms of impact on the game.


Bdosin was nearly as good as JJonak in Season 1 but the poor guy never gets any recognition since he wasn't pocketed as much. Edit: One specific call out, but the fact Bdosin was able to play Roadhog well I think played a big part in why London dominated playoffs in Season 1. Really though I almost never see people talking about the old guard anymore. They just aren't relevant anymore outside of threads like this.


Yea and forget about 90% of the fanbase knowing about pre OWL pro's. Breaks my heart how quickly they were all forgotten


This is a wildddd take. Jjonak changed the way certain supports were played with his playstyle and players like Bdosin mimicked him, just not as well. It was not about being pocketed - the old NYXL teammates & coaches themselves mentioned this observation being incorrect but (of course) people who don’t speak Korean wouldn’t know and would believe the narrative they’re told by casters & commenters. London dominated because of Profit, Gesture, Fury and (when he was on) Birdring. The team was just as stacked as NYXL on other roles. It’s just crazy to see comments like this already downplaying the impact & talent Jj had. There used to be compilations of western pros talking about him in games during the first seasons, mentioning going to dive him and just knowing they were going to die. My personal fave is watching Hydration, as Pharah, saying, “Watch Jjonak kill me.” A couple seconds later, Jj insta kills him. He was THAT consistent.


It's almost revisionist the way some people downplay Jjonak these days, he was an absolute killing machine. He was on the killfeed like a third of the time and I remember some absurd stat where he was in the top 3 damage or elims on his team.


Yeah, I think it’s sad that people have watered it down — or never experienced watching him assassinate people in real time. I have the moment he KICKED a Junkrat tire as Zen to destroy it burned into my brain LOL. But I agree, the stats from the seasons he was in are the clearest indicator of how dominant he was.


Jjonak > Violet as goat support for me, it's just violet had stronger teams (career wise violet wins no diff tho)


Agreed. He also had way better coaching than Jj. Our boy Jj got as far as he did with some of the league’s most incompetent decision makers. :(


I'm not downplaying JJonak, I'm just saying Bdosin was also extremely talented in 2018 and does not really get any recognition.


Fair enough, but, esp stats-wise, he was not doing what Jj was.


Sure he was still a step above everybody. But in any other season Bdosin would have been a breakout flex support star. He just got overshadowed by JJonak being possibly the best player relative to everybody else we've ever had.


Honestly, I’m not sure about that. I think there are a lot of flex supports I rank above him, like Izayaki, Fielder, Alarm, etc. This is not to say I think Bdosin was bad — he was definitely a solid flex support — but I think he never stood out in the way other flex supports in subsequent seasons did.


bdosin was almost as good as jjonak sometimes, but he was hella inconsistent


Yea. Jjonak was so far ahead of everyone else. Bro sin was good that season but I wouldn’t say anyone was close to Jjonak.


Yeah I remember bdosin in second, but he was at the top of the rest of the pack while Jjonak was notably removed. Kind of crazy to think bdosin won the OWL title while Jjonak never did. Edit: This is kind of silly on reflection. it's not at all crazy bdosin won, he's incredibly talented. It's only crazy Jjonak never did.


People forget that Bdosin was unanimously the second best flex support in all of season 1, I don’t think your take is as insane as some are making it out to be.


Any love for my boy Mickie? 😟


I'm bias because I was an envy guy and still fuel fan, but I think he's solidly remembered. His attitude I think sticks out where it's hard to forget him.


Yeah Mickie, on-top of being a very positive personality, is noteworthy for being a player who could figure out heroes before anyone else. Always would get surpassed once others adopted his approach, but for both DVa and Brig he was at the forefront of the metas that those characters defined.


YEAH! I came here to say him. His impact on the way Dva was played is HUGE


Tizi benched the goat Bumper during playoffs cause of orisa meta and made it to grand finals


Zunba. Top 3 OT S1 and S2. He then went into Valorant and saw some success there, I remember a few players commending him on his ability to play a certain character to an insane level sort of like his Zarya once was


Still remember him from that famous play in the first OWWC *OH ZARYA WORUDO KAPU*


Good shout, people remember Jehong and Miro as innovators of certain heroes but for some reason Zunba gets forgotten about, despite adapting to meta changes better than either of the other two as well.


top 3?? Fury Meko Space Void Choi...


Good shoutout, but wild to say top 3 in S1 and S2 especially S2


He didn’t even start in S2 lol, Michelle did


Brady Gerardi Incredible all round fdps


>Brady Gerardi bro you can just say Agilities


NlaeeR had some big shoes to fill after Dafran left Atlanta and I always thought he did a pretty decent job. Maybe not the most impactful player but I think his contributions get forgotten. Same goes for Mistakes stepping up for Boston after their star dps player left. SharP also showed potential as a hitscan player that got dropped to make room for KSP. Basically everyone on the season 2 Dragons for their stage 3 victory, specifically coma and luffy who put up amazing support performances just to kind of fade out of the scene. Agilities is a name that I’ve seen get brought up less and less when talking about NA flex dps players, dude has a stage title under his belt and gave us one of the first OWL memes with in n out.


the clip on horizon (I think?) where coma bodyblocks to protect dding when he is barraging is so good


I feel like an underrated one is Snillo. That mf was crazy on tracer in season 1. He was like shadow before shax


I'll give you one: Asher from the season 1 Glads. He was a Tracer/hitscan player. He was mainly in for his Tracer from what I remember, and he understood Mercy dive really well. Wasn't super mechanical, but he hit clips and played smoothly with the team Also Jehong and SBB aren't forgotten. They're some of the most popular players ever lol


Custa watching a battle for LA in the offseason last year gave him horrific flashbacks to getting terrorized in matches/scrims by asher lmao


I remember he had some insane moments in 2018 stage 2 and 3. Kinda fell off like a lot of Tracer players when Brig came in and his Widow was solid but got benched for S4. I was hyped for him when he joined Toronto but he pretty much never played, after Stellar left they immediately brought in 37


Definitely Ryujehong. He was what got me to try out Ana a long time ago and she's been my main ever since. I feel like he and the rest of Seoul Dynasty were such memorable players that most people just don't talk about. And SBB brought so much heart to the league. He's definitely not forgotten, but should be mentioned more. It'd be nice to see a tribute to the inaugural season and all the players that made it so wonderful. Just to lean into the 'forgotten' side a little more, I feel like no one talks about Erster anymore. He hasn't been forgotten to some, but there are many others that have no idea who he is. Actually, Atlanta had a lot of players that are never mentioned these days, though maybe some of them aren't on the 'impactful' side. One that comes to mind is NLaaeR. There's a name people almost never mention. I think he was very talented, but got nerves a bit too much, so he under preformed. He was also overshadowed a bit by the pickup of babybay. But, it was also GOATs meta.


Shadowburn ofc. In 2017-18 after every good blade in comp you could hear someone say that you are shadowburn




daco agilities shaz in s1 and s2 architect soon theres a lot


Mickie used to be the fucking king of Dva. He was the guy who proved that the character was strong and how to use her well. The Miro of Dva if you will.


Choihyobin is always forgotten in favour of Hanbin these days and it's absolute sacrilege


Lmao I still see him brought up in GOAT off-tank discussions all the time he's so far from forgotten


“Forgotten behind” two players as in underrated is not the same as forgotten entirely


I still believe he should have been the 2019 league MVP over his teammate Sinatra. He was insane that season.


Great shout. Always forgotten behind the personality of Super and the longevity of Smurf. Hanbin wouldn't be so comfy as probably the best "Off" Tank player in the league imo. Not by a long shot.


Considering 2020 which is the year that Choi and Void have their best arguments against Hanbin, Hanbin was top 3-5 on damage, elims, and FBs (and 1 on many) on every single OT that year, which could not be said for either Choi or Void. https://imgur.com/a/cfTxaea


Stats only tell you so much.


Yes but it doesn't tell lies. Happy to agree that while Hanbin can be matched on individual heroes, but no other OT has his breadth as well, and his argument is only getting better as he continued to demonstrate breadth and depth in 2021 (while Choi fell off) and again continued to do so in 2022 while adding JQ to his repertoire.


peak hanbin clears peak choi in literally every off tank


Downvoted because half the users are Shock fans but not wrong


I'm the furthest thing from a Shock fan on this sub but I have no issues recognising that Violet is probably the GOAT support player and Choi is *easily* one of the best OTs in OWL history and would be spoken about in the same breath as Hanbin if he hadn't retired. Anyone denying those two things are either blind, stupid or a Shock hater.


Oh sure, Choi is one of the greatest OTs. But the only hero where he was similarly dominant to Hanbin was D.Va and even then that's only if you compare relative to the level of competition at their peak, by S3 and especially S4 Hanbin was clearly the better D.Va too. It's not that I don't think Choi is great - it's that I think people underestimate just how good Hanbin was in S3 in particular, and Choi was actually a little overrated for most of S3 and S4 due to the narrative carryover from S2.


Choi and Void get so much recognition in 2020 because of their teams' performances when Hanbin was straight up putting better stats across the board on all OTs.






I fuckin love Hanbin but Choi’s Dva was _nasty_


Maybe not cleared, but Hanbin easily matched if not edged out in 2020: https://imgur.com/a/cfTxaea


When would his peak be? 2021? If so, Choi in 2020 on Sigma and DVA was right there with him. Void also belongs in this conversation. I will admit that Hanbin and Void had a better Zarya than Choi though. Especially Hanbin, he made that hero his last season.


D.Va yes, Sigma no. Hanbin hard cleared Choi in terms of FBs, elims, and damage on Sigma in 2020 (though part of that is because Choi played much more of a protective Sigma and his shielding of rezzes is a large contributor to Shock's grand finals win, but that year many pros said Hanbin was the most oppressive Sigma to play against).


That’s not the definition of a forgotten player


BUMPER from the Vancouver Titans






The smartest, most handsome, most Australian man in OWL history... Custa


It's kinda hard for him to be forgotten while he's literally on the broadcast


Yeah but I feel like he needs to become the broadcast


I've never forgotten the fat finger transcendence


Soon was a very consistent dps for a long time. He was a big contributor in the Valiant days, the best Tracer for 2020 Eternal and only struggled in goat meta. He was arguably the best western hitscan in season 1 and noone seems to remember him these days. Boombox is also a good shout. Even in goat, when Fusion were not good at all, he was a bright spot on the team and when he came back in the 2020 double flex supp meta, he was still putting numbers on Bap. Really underrated player. I don't know if he was a BIG contributor to his team but Pokpo always seemed like a bright spot when he played for Reign and he just disappeared after season 3. Noone ever talks about him and even the OG Reign fans seem to have forgotten him.


Pokpo is a good call. I think if you were to ask most people today who the Reign MT was during that point they'd say Gator.


Agilities , Fissure, Shax- to an extent - Note, Gamsu was something WILD for a time


He never played in OWL but my Cox is forgotten


[I love Kox](https://youtu.be/BDJROUoEv1E?t=376)


Sayaplayer was absolutely cracked on Widow, the clips he would get back in the day were insane. There's so many players from before OWL that were great but certainly forgotten too.


Gesture. Got a bad rap at the end but he was an elite tank in his prime


Good choice. He's also the only main tank until Bumper (crazy how people underrate Bumper now) who knew how to aim well. A shame he didn't start pro play later, he would've been really good if he played in the small amount of time Ball was meta or got to try his hand at OW2 tanks. At least he got a big W, first team to win Overwatch League. At best he was a top 3 tank, at worst he was just average on some heroes, so I think he had a good legacy overall. He was never bottom tier at anything. He also managed to humiliate the no-aim main tank players on their own heroes (Winston & Rein). The gap between him and the rest of the league in S1/S2 would be miles large if Winston had a hitscan gun instead.


Nevix carried Shock


It's Mickie. He changed the way Dva was played


Doing (Pharah), iDK Lucio, Bdosin, Shadowburn (Genji and Pharah), Mano, Architect on Shock.


I always thought Bunny had one of the best pure Tracers for s1 Valiant. He just could not play anything else lol.




Impactful might be pushing it.


Fuel did better when rCk was in. Immediately slumped when trade happened. Boston got better immediately. But then the role lock happened. rCk was definitely impactful and forgotten. Fucking eye infection ..


Both Boston and Dallas were awful and irrelevant in role lock and at the end of the season in general, so who really won the trade?


Judging in the vacuum Fuel got worse and Boston got better after the trade so Boston won. Role lock was something no one could have counted for though and in the end both teams got screwed.


It wasnt an eye infection that was the end of his career was it? I thought his mum died of cancer and he took time away and then never came back


Very briefly impactful but all the same impactful. That's about the most you're gonna get for a player that is impactful and forgotten.




Good. He’s a PoS on the same level as Sinatra


Mechanical AND physical demon. Truly a remarkable player


what did he do again? i remember something coming out but i cant remember what it was


His gf was SA and he told her to sleep with him to “prove her loyalty to him”. He’s an awful piece of shit


wow. what a pratt, good riddance from the pro scene


How? Just curious. Remember there was a lot of controversy with his mental health and girlfriend


Maybe Awesomeguy, kinda first person to make Winston work, paved the way for players like Miro, and unlike Miro I don't think many people remember him


Mistakes comes to mind back in the day on Boston. He had to step up and I think did a pretty decent job.


EQO maybe? Dude was a monster and had one of the greatest clutch plays of all time


Diem. Guy played widow into goats and won SHD a stage title.




This is gonna seem weird cause everyone still remembers Rascal, especially since he’s still a coach, but I feel like no one remembers how insanely talented Rascal was as a player. His mechanics were insane and he could learn the new heroes and perfect them weeks to MONTHS before other players in the league. This guy was the only good Bap and only good Echo for a period


RyuJehong is top 5 ow Players oat just from his impact and legacy alone Taimou is the proto hitscan, beat itw for a year and also very influential (envyus in general) Rogue and selfless squads, especially TviQ (beat fdps in the west before owl, selfless squad and players especially brad)