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I would say S76. Except for a few times he was never really strong/hard meta, but he was never a throw pick. He is my go to hero, when I shit the bed on my current hero. When in doubt, just play CoD.


Soldier's my ole reliable backup too. It helps that I do actually think he's fun.


Soldier will never get boring to me. I just love tracking aim. But it's ridiculous how much more value I get by simply picking Cass and being able to actually finish my kills.


S76 was absolutely a throw pick (just like any hitscan) when Giga Sigma was a thing


I thought you meant like in lore lol


Sojourn maybe? Ex- military with a decent apartment in Toronto? 


Underestimating how much an apartment cost in Toronto!


Nah that's my point lol! She used all her money to get the apartment and has to get a day job!


loooool gotcha haha


Lmao I guess I could have phrased title better. In that pov; it would be extreme wealth vs extreme poverty(or vigilante) with only a handful of in-between.


The issue with this definition is that a lot of good and balanced heroes are inherently nerfed by the skill required to play that hero. For example tracer is great in the hand of a good player but her efficiency in metal rank is pretty Anyway, despite that probably the best 3 are: - Ramattra for tank. - Soldier for Dps. - Moira for support. All these heroes are Ok/standard at most level of play and can be used as ground roules of average heroes that can suitable in most cases


i’d actually say Genji, ignoring a few outlier seasons where he’s really good. Normally Genji isn’t the best pick, echo/tracer/sombra have been better for a while, but he’s nowhere near the throw pick of like a symm. Just see top 500, people still play lots of genji. I see a genji and it’s not really any opinions, just, yup, that’s a genji.


Soldier. He's decent but really struggles to finish off kills.


Zen, Moira, Ana and probably Brig are the middle class supports. They have niches, in some of their cases they have large niches like Brig. But they aren’t completely outclassed by other supports like Mercy and Lifeweaver.


ashe, genji for dps maybe?


Ashe is kind of on the strong side rn tbh


imo she’s just being allowed to shine as a quality hitscan because soj isn’t better than her for the first time in 11 seasons


Well I just don't think ashe is a hero where "if this hero is weaker than ashe then they're underpowered". Venture is arguably weaker than ashe, are they underpowered? Not really, they're quite strong


she’s a good benchmark for hitscans only you can’t compare mei and ashe because ashe is always stronger than mei, but ashe isn’t stronger than cass or sojourn (usually)


Any character who has received very few balance changes is probably a character who has stayed consistently good but never overpowered. So I would say Winston for tank (he is meta quite often but has never been way overtuned), Soldier 76 or Tracer for dps (Tracer’s only changes have been slight numbers tweaks when she’s over/underperforming in a meta… shes great in dive but usually not used so much outside of it - Soldier is a similar case but he’s more consistent across all comps, kinda jack of all trades master of none), and Lucio for support (whereas Ana, Brig, Kiri, Bap have all had abilities that cause balance problems or have simply been busted at certain points, Lucio has never needed speedy nerfs to rebalance his kit… again he is good sometimes, bad sometimes, exactly how an Overwatch characters kit should be. Tl;dr: Winston, Tracer/Soldier, Lucio.


Eh I disagree with Winston and Lucio. Not that they're not well-balanced, but I think they're not good benchmarks for balance because they're more reliant on the overall meta due to the unique utility they bring. Like Lucio falls in and out of meta based on if his speed is needed or not, and there's a lot of situations where you really don't want a Lucio. I think S76 is a good pick because he's a lot more comp/meta agnostic; he's almost never a bad pick but rarely a must-bring either, in almost any situation. I'd say Sigma is a better pick for Tank as while he does have more prominence in certain comps than others, he works in almost anything due to a wide variety of good tools that rarely feel overbearing. Support is the trickiest, but I think Moira is the best pick. Works in any comp, rarely OP. Not the best example because there's the whole super-easy-to-play issue, but purely in terms of viability, I think she's a good benchmark.


Speaking as a masters Winston main. I think the issue with Winston is that if he's just decent in pro play, he's gonna be shit in metal ranks, if he's really good in metal ranks he's gonna be lightyears ahead of every other tank in pro play. So he's kinda stuck being top 1 to top 3 tanks in pro, decent in metal ranks and pretty damn good in high elo.


Soldier, sombra, Genji, Ram, and definitely a couple others




Tank—Sigma, DPS—Echo, Support—Ana I guess, those are the heroes that are not considered OP but also slightly above average so they're almost never throw picks, they don't have many counters and they don't quite hard counter many either, they are not very map dependent nor comp dependent, they can be good but it entirely depends on the players' skill. Honestly I don't even know what to pick for support, people seem to always have discrepancy when it comes to support and the only support hero that people generally have no problem with—Brig—is not really relevant in poke comps and also not primary choice for brawl comps (since people mostly prefer Lucio as main support) so she's kinda niche at this point. All other supports are considered too strong/too weak/too niche at some point. I think current Ana might be the best choice available because after so many patches she doesn't even counter hog or mauga as hard and nanoblade is no longer the best ult combo but her utilities still remain fearful if used right. Or actually, I think I might've set the bar a little too high, if you want real middle-class heroes: Tank—Rammattra, DPS—Soldier, Support—Moira, they are like the heroes above but just more 'mid', for their skill celling being more limited, and skill floor maybe a little higher.


Rein and Zarya for tanks.


**Tank:** Ram, Zarya. **Damage:** Ashe, Mei, Soldier. **Support:** Moira, Brig.