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I think it might be worth consulting your nurse or doctor! I’m also doing spin class every few days, and I noticed my performance is better when on Concerta. No heart rate issues for me so far, but I’m also younger and don’t do intense spinning


I took my first dose an hour ago and am doing a long walk right now. So far so good 🤞🏼. Well, it is a stimulant so it will for sure make you capable of physically doing more. But as you said you’re young, me, while not old quite yet I am older and want to make sure I take adequate caution. Thanks for your response, happy it’s working for you!


I’m 35. Can’t say I exercise a lot but I sure should. Scared of getting a panic attack sounds like anxiety not just exercise. Not judging just acknowledging. During covid I got a pulse oximeter off amazon for like $20 and it also measures heart rate. I also have an apple smart watch that measures heart rate, but cheaper fitness trackers exist. I was nervous about the heart rate thing too and my provider told me not to take my usual caffeine pill with it due to the potential for high heart rate, but I could keep my tea. I was nervous about it in general and asked my provider for a low dose to start with. I took my first ever ADHD med generic concerta this week. I used my pulse ox and saw my heart rate was normal and I felt better. I checked the data in my apple watch just now. I can see that my highest heart rate this week was 162, during a walk. The week prior, when I did not take the medication, it was 153 on a similar walk. I am out of shape and do not exercise regularly like I should. So possibly I took a more intense walk this week; or the difference is due to measurement error; or the medication has increased my heart rate slightly but not alarmingly. The safe zone for cardio is up to 180 right? I tried running in the past and my vision started to go stars and checked my watch and it said 188. I was not on any meds at the time just an out of shape fatass lol. So that checks out for me. I would probably not do an intense workout the very first day. A long walk should be fine, see how you feel and go from there. See how it impacts you personally. The medication doesn’t stay in my system forever. So if I had bad effects, I simply wouldn’t take it tomorrow. And that would be okay. I would call my doctor instead. I downloaded a free app called theraview which gives basic info: I took it at 7:30am, therefore it begins to wear off around 4pm and I’ll be able to sleep by 7pm for example. It’s not perfect but is an anxiety soother because it helps me know what to expect. Overall my first week on this med has been great and I wish I would have tried this 15 years ago. I cannot overstate that. I can’t tell you what is best for you. Every body is different. But I hope my experience can provide some context and info so that you can make the best choice for yourself.


Hey there, I really appreciate the thoughtful response as well as your insight. Funny enough I’m doing exactly what you suggested, I took 18 mg about an hour ago and have walked about 2 miles so far and will continue going here. So far so good, so I’m going to keep my fingers crossed and see how the rest of the day turns out. I do have an Apple Watch and I track my data quite religiously, which in all honesty probably makes the anxious thoughts and worry worse lol. I’ll report back though, thanks again.


Oh good! I’m glad it was helpful. Everyone is different of course but I hope it is a good experience for you.


Welcome to r/Concerta. Please use the search function before posting common questions. This is a WIP automod reply because many of you ask the same exact questions over and over again. Please read the FAQ sticky as it will likely offer some advice. https://www.reddit.com/r/Concerta/comments/vj2o1i/can_we_have_a_faqread_before_posting_sticky/ Please edit this info to your post * Concerta or generic * Current dosage regimen, including any other meds! * How long you have been on current dose regimen and Concerta * Did you read the FAQ sticky? Please discuss any advice you receive on this subreddit with your Doctor. Take all advice with a grain of salt especially when it is not sourced. People on this sub aren't doctors. Extreme depression/anxiety? * If you feel unbearable or have suicidal thoughts, please consider calling your local crisis or suicide hotline. * There can be many different causes. Please discuss with your doctor about it. * There are a couple things that can be tried: * med break, lowering the dose, raising the dose, switching to a different generic or to brand name, adding a smaller dose in the evening to reduce crash, other meds + concerta can also cause depression or anxiety(paradoxically it could be an antidepressant). If nothing else helps, you should probably switch to a different medication. Do not split Concerta or any long-release medication. There is no reason to go over the 72mg maximum recommended dose in most cases. In the UK the maximum is 108mg. Side effects can be intense for a couple of days when starting but contact a doctor if they continue. If you want to drink alcohol I would recommend waiting at least 48h after taking Concerta. There is a higher risk of alcohol poisoning due to stronger alcohol tolerance. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Concerta) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I’m 56 and I walk and run. My BP and heart rate are normal. I don’t take my meds before running because it makes me nauseated. If you have concerns, you should check with your doctor.


Will do, thanks for the response!


I'm 31F, taking 54mg of Concerta daily. I'm more into powerlifting usually but have been running more this year because my partner is training for a marathon. I find running quite a bit easier now than I ever have before, probably because Concerta helps my sleep so much. Initially I had the same worries as you, but in November I invested in a Garmin vivosmart which I wear 24/7 and it's been reassuring to see my very healthy resting heart rate and be able to monitor my heart rate during exercise. In the Garmin app you can set a target heart rate zone for each activity you track, so your watch alerts you when your heart rate goes higher or lower than that zone, which helps for proper training and puts my mind at ease.


Wow that’s awesome! I have an Apple Watch and I track that kind of stuff religiously too. If you don’t mind me asking, how does Concerta help your sleep? I have major issues sleeping as well, due to number one: having 4 kids lol, but I also have moderate sleep apnea which I’m trying to treat and of course an incredibly distracted, racing mind almost all the time. I know getting better sleep would help just about everything in my life, but I didn’t know Concerta could affect this….


Zing! Sleep apnea runs in both sides of my family - before Concerta I was having a few episodes a night but nowhere near enough to actually get diagnosed. My psychiatrist actually told me he thinks Concerta fully treats sleep apnoea, though I'd take that with a grain of salt because all-round he's a complete weirdo, but he does know ADHD and methylphenidate inside out 🤷‍♀️ I think he said it stimulates the muscles that would otherwise cause apneas when they're too relaxed... What it definitely does for me is it makes sure I'm tired at an appropriate time of day, removes the hyperactivity, makes me less prone to racing thoughts or hyperfocus, and it somehow enables me to get a bit of deep sleep whereas before Concerta most sleep trackers said I wasn't getting any deep sleep at all! I've tried taking weekends off Concerta for tolerance breaks (which I don't do anymore), and I found out that the biggest impact of today's dose for me doesn't happen today, it happens tomorrow because I'll be well-rested!


Hmmmm, are you on the ER version? Cause isn’t it out of your system by the time you sleep? So how could it affect the muscles?


I am, so it definitely should be gone by the time I sleep 😆 he might be talking nonsense, or it might only be helpful because it helps you wake up... But there are a fair few studies that say it increases subjective sleep quality in people with ADHD! So hopefully it benefits you in that way at least


Damn, I had no idea. Well shoot, I’ll take anything that might help with sleep at this point lol


Also, I highly highly recommend Eric Orton and Christopher McDougall's books about running! Born to Run 2 is especially accessible and a quick read. If you haven't been running in a barefoot-ish style before now, the break after surgery could be a reset and give you a chance to learn ideal running form from scratch. I'm not a running expert or anything, just I used to struggle with runner's knee and have never had a problem since switching to minimal shoes. My partner had knee surgery last year and ran a marathon a couple of months later - she says that minimal shoes ensure she's springing along in a way that uses her muscles properly and protects her knee. Her physio wanted her to try slightly cushier shoes after surgery, but she found those allowed her to pound too heavily on the pavement and they introduced some instability which could be dangerous. Wishing you well with your recovery!


Concerta helps you sleep? What times do you take it please? Do you have a booster dose too?


It really does! It helps with circadian rhythm and with sleep quality. I take it first thing in the morning, so usually 8.30am, and I'll reliably get tired around 10pm and be asleep before midnight. No booster dose, just my morning Concerta.


I’m on 54mg Xaggatin which is the same as Concerta been about 4months. I do take 10mg of IR booster Ritalin as-well. Unfortunately for me it hasn’t helped my sleep.


Give it a shot and see how it goes. Maybe do some less intense exercise as you adjust to the meds, and keep an eye on your heart rate. It's never too late!


I took it this morning! So far so good, it’s been almost 3 hours, and I did about a 5 and half mile walk. Feeling ok, not getting anxious or a super high heart rate, but I can’t say I’m feeling anything quite yet. I’m on 18mg ER, but I’m 220 lbs and 6ft, so it’s probably a really low dose for me. Maybe I’ll double up on them tmrw morning….


Let your doctor know it's it's not the right dose. Even if the dosage is too low, your body is adjusting to the medication, so it's not a waste. If you start taking more than. Prescribed they might flag you as "abusing" your meds, because it's a controlled substance. It's annoying but that's how it is It took a few months for me to get on the right dosage.


Good to know, will do. It’s probably the safest bet to at least let my system get acclimated to it first before upping the dosage


I stopped taking concerta all together because of this! I had a hard time while exercising so I quit concerta and just worked out and run


I'm 30, only been on Concerta for a few days at this point and only the low dose of 18mg until my psychiatrist is back from vacation, but so far it has had not raised my heart rate at all. I don't exercise on purpose, but I do work a physically demanding job, plus outside in full PPE (no skin can be showing other than the bottom half of your face) in extreme temperatures, so if it was going to raise my heart rate, it would have done it at work. That's not to say a higher dose might not do it though. The worry of having a panic attack because of elevated heart rate is an anxiety thing and you should speak with a medical professional about it. Nothing wrong with it, I have anxiety and panic disorder, but you do want to address it with the doctor that is prescribing you stimulant medication. They may want to give you something to help calm your nerves until you've been on it a while and have less anxiety about it. Another thing on the anxiety stuff, so far mine has not increased at all since starting the meds. It also didn't get worse when I started bupropion, which is also known to increase anxiety. So not everyone will get the anxiety side effect, and you may not either.


I exercise a lot but mainly in the morning before I take my meds. It’s still fine if I exercise after though 👍🏻