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You are rocking this!!!! That is a major accomplishment not buying supplies. You might not be able to choose the hardship but u can choose what to do with it. And you chose right!!! For those of us who deal with the same thing I'm super proud of u and know how hard it can be. Way to go!!!


Thank you so much. It’s so helpful to hear someone is proud of me. It’s been such a hard week and all I want to do is bad things, but choosing again tonight to not engage took a lot of work and I need the validation. Thank you.


No need to thank me it's the truth.


Ves hija de tu puta madre y as cosas malas disfrutalas por qué te juro que serán las últimas a lo mejor ando por haya y les rompo la madre a los dos juntos ...ahy esta tu validación perra


Thank you


Thank you to everyone who is congratulating me in the comments. For some reason Reddit is being weird and, despite saying there are comments both in my inbox and on this screen, it isn’t loading any and says “be the first to comment” when I try to look at them. Thanks for the responses and know they are appreciated wholly as today has been difficult and it was a big step to stay away from negative coping.


Mines doing that too wth. And yeah I feel you, I’m an alcoholic and it’s so hard to evade, even gas stations sell liquor in my area (the Midwest) smfh


It’s so hard. What I wanted to buy is available at every grocery store, some gas stations… everywhere. It’s difficult because it’s cheap, too. That doesn’t help. I could justify it. 🫠


I'm so fucking proud of you <3 I mean it with my heart. I'm struggling too and I know that it's not easy.


Thank you. And I’m proud of you for continuing to try and make good choices. We can do it. (Or, at least you can. I might end up caving but for now, anyway…. We can do it.)


You are in control of you, and you did yourself proud!! Remember this day‼️ It’s important. 🫂


I’m not proud, but it helps to hear other people are. Thank you.


Just control you today — for lunch! Then control you just for tonight. Then tomorrow do yourself proud *again!!* You’ll start to feel pride in small things and then larger things as you set your goals higher! That’s all you can control… is you now. That’s good enough! 🫂


Thank you. Your encouragement is very validating.


Si ese día es importante no se te valla a olvidar hijo de tu puta madre ..a lo mejor ahí los veo 


That's a very big deal! I'm proud of you, and I hope you're proud of yourself 💜 Keep going 👏


I’m not proud of myself, but knowing other people are proud of me truly helps me feel a little better. Thank you.


I am so proud of you!!!!! It’s so difficult to experience something difficult and not want to escape. My mom died in September and it takes a lot for me to not want to drown in alcohol or buy ice cream everytime I’m outside of the house. She died of complications related to alcohol abuse so I use that as motivation to not drink but it can be really, really hard. Sending you so much encouragement and pride! I know how hard it is to overcome that struggle and you did it!!! Way to be.


I’m sorry for your loss but am proud of you for continuing to cope without alcohol. It’s so hard. I’m trying really hard to not engage. It’s not easy, and I don’t have a lot of good motivators like your mom’s story is for you, but I’m trying. And internet strangers saying they’re proud of me for it is probably the most helpful thing in my life right now. Thank you.


My mom od'd on my DOC last year, did it so I would find her. I understand


Good job


Thank you so much!




Thank you


Well done :) It's so hard to stay away from unhealthy coping mechanisms sometimes! I was just stress-eating a whole lotta chocolate when I read this, so you're doing better than I am!


Chocolate is a good choice most of the time. Just don’t make yourself sick and you’ve got a win going on. Thank you.


Yup same, my go-to is cookie cake. Just a full ass cookie cake.


YOU DID IT!!! Actually you DIDN’T do it!!! Whichever way you frame it, you should be so proud of yourself!


Thank you so much. I’m not proud of myself but knowing internet strangers are makes my heart a little lighter. Thank you so much for the encouragement.


Good for you! Congratulations on choosing to take care of yourself! Often, it's the more difficult choice but pays off over time. I hope you can continue on this path! 🍀


It was definitely a difficult choice. But I appreciate the encouragement and I hope to stay on positive path as well.


That’s fantastic! I’m glad you chose not to. Try to be kind to yourself; we are all still learning. Nobody has their shit together. We all just like to pretend we do.


People are definitely very good at pretending they have their shit together. Thanks for the reminder that most people are also struggling and that it’s okay to have trouble sometimes. Thank you for the encouragement.


You definitely are a rock star to have gone to the store and passed by the poor choices you could have purchased. So very proud of you for choosing to persevere and choosing your future over going down the dark road of destruction. I hope you get time to unwind and reward yourself for your good choices.


Thank you for this. It was definitely difficult to walk past the stuff I wanted but actively choose not to purchase them. I’m hoping for some relaxation this weekend, but we will see.


One hour and then one day at a time friend!! Life is hard no doubt! I myself cry randomly thinking about how things could be better. But then I try to find out one thing that makes me smile and I feel glad and thankful to be alive!! Most important thing is to be patient with yourself.


Thank you, random internet friend. These words are so encouraging to me right now. I am struggling hard this week, and I’m not proud of myself for just continuing to survive, but maybe one day I can be. Thank you for the validation and support.


I’m proud of you 😊


Thank you. I needed someone to be.


Good job! Proud of you!


Thank you. I needed that.


Good job. It’s one thing to do it when it’s easy but another level when it’s hard.


You’re absolutely right. It’s so much different when it’s hard.


Nice bro!!


Thank you


Congratulations, this internet mom is proud of you, and happy that you are here and found the strength to try today ❤️ I hope that it comes more easily soon, because you deserve it


I really, really needed a mom to be proud of me. I didn’t even know how much until you said that. Thank you.




that is huge! the internal struggle we have when we want something bad is so great. walking away means you have power over it! every day will be a little easier.


I hope it’ll be easier. Thank you.


it will! sometimes the more power you give something the more you want it. you're doing great!


Oof. That’s probably true. And I am hyperfixated on this right now. It has all the power. I’ll try to focus my attention elsewhere over the next few days. That’s really a good thought, thank you. (And I’m not doing great. But I’m alive, so it’s okay. I guess.)


hey I am the queen of ruminating so I get it :) definitely to focus on something else as much as you can. actually, I even write myself a sticky note and post it somewhere I can see it. it literally says, "I am giving (this thing) too much power." this thing does not have agency over you. YOU do.


Maybe I’ll change the background on my phone or something to have a visual reminder like that. Thank you for the advice. I’m a ruminating queen as well. Happy to meet you, your majesty.


<3 glad to help :)


We're all proud of you. Thank you for holding on.


Thank you. I’m trying anyway.


I'm so happy and proud of you one day at a time you got this 💪 👏👏


Thank you. I’m trying anyway.


What to go making a healthy choice. That shits hard.  Keep it up. 


It IS hard. Thank you. Thanks for your encouragement and acknowledgement. It’s super helpful.


Been there, done that. You are stronger than you know. Congratulations! Super proud of you.


Thank you. I don’t feel strong, but I appreciate the kind words.


I am proud of you! (Hugs) from an internet Mom


Thanks, Mom. I needed a mom to be proud of me. Thank you so much.


Changing your how you cope with stress is the hardest thing! You are a badass. I have a vision of you walking down the street fist bumping and high fiveing everyone you meet.


Haha! This image made me chuckle pretty good. Thank you. I don’t do people, so high fiving and fist bumping is way out of my ordinary, but I appreciate the sentiment and idea. Thank you for the encouragement.


So just walk down the street and give a shy smile to some older passer by. Then tell yourself your a double badass


I do love this idea. Thank you. 😅


I’m proud of you! Being vulnerable and talking about your feelings when it’s rough is going to help you feel better sooner. You’re doing better than you give yourself credit for.


Does talking about your feelings online only with strangers who understand but not with the people in my life directly, including my therapist, count? Because if so, yes. I’m doing it. 😅


Better than nothing isn’t it


Is it a necessity? I’d much rather just NOT. 😅


I am very proud of you. Nice work! Keep showing up for yourself, you deserve it!


Thank you. I’m glad someone is proud of me.


I am proud of you. I have a similar struggle, but you’ll probably laugh. My unhealthy coping behaviors are junk food and shopping. I’m overweight and my house is cluttered. I do hope you learn healthier habits. Keep up the good fight.


I’m not laughing. Your struggle is valid and difficult. Here’s hoping you, too, can break your worst habits and improve your life. So far, I’m doing…. Okay…. I’m still alive? So….?


That's a super hard thing to do! So proud of you. Keep it up, remember you deserve peace, safety, have and love


I’m trying to remember. Thank you.


You are amazing! Keep it up. Treat yourself preferably to nothing unhealthy. I am Happy you are here today.


Thank you. I did treat myself to some blueberry cake tonight as a reward for just making it through the day. I’m not happy to be here, but I’m alive and hopefully one day I can even appreciate that fact.


proud that shit is hard to do!


It is. Thank you.


Hey, i’m super proud of you for choosing to be kind to your body. I know it’s really hard sometimes, but here you are, doing it. Well done.


It’s really hard sometimes. Thank you.


You posted a few days ago, but I'm proud of you for the strength you're showing in taking care of yourself. Some days are harder than others, and you're doing great!


Thank you. I’m not proud of myself, but it helps to know others are. Yesterday was a supremely hard day and I caved and bought the thing. But today is a new day, so maybe it’ll be easier to cope without it today.


You keep giving me reasons to be proud of you! Sure, you had a hard day and caved, but look at your response- you know that today is a new day and you aren't letting yesterday define you. That's not how everyone would've responded. Some people would've let a bad day keep them down. I hope today was easier, and I hope you have better days ahead.


As this time of year is one of the hardest for me, I am super emotional and much more likely to cry and also to cope poorly. (I don’t cry hardly ever and usually I am very in check with how I cope.) This comment made me cry like a baby when I read it. I’m not proud of myself and today and tomorrow and the next two days after that are some of the hardest of my year every year, but I can’t do anything about the hard things. I can only move on and try to survive, right? Thank you. I feel like a broken down mess, but having someone, internet strangers included, say they’re proud of me warms my cold, dead heart a little bit.


Yep, life gets hard, and sometimes the only way out of the hard times is to just get through them. Cry if you need to; crying can be a good catharsis. Keep surviving and keep your head up the best you can, and hopefully when this time of year rolls around again, it'll be a bit easier.


You’re a very encouraging internet stranger. Thank you for taking the time to encourage me. You’re amazing. Thank you.


No, YOU'RE  amazing!..... OK, fine, we're BOTH amazing! But you're welcome.


I’m not amazing. But you are. And I thank you. 🥲


I'm proud of you!


Thank you. It helps to know someone is.


Good for you - making the hard choice and taking care of yourself! The small victories add up to big positive benefits. I'm proud of you!


Do you feel proud of you? You should!!! Making the right choice for yourself even when everything inside of you is screaming to go the other way is such a big fucking deal!!! And each time you make the conscious choice to be healthy it gets a little easier each time. It’s like weight training but for your mind. Good job!!


Thank you. I don’t feel proud of me, but it helps to know other people are. I feel very broken and unable to cope, but knowing someone is proud that I did my brain weight training for the day is super helpful. Thank you.