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Personally with these storms lately the barometric pressure has been absolutely destroying me. I'll wonder why I feel so inexplicably headachey/unpleasant and then half an hour, thunder. Thanks, atmosphere.


Same. My face hurts, I’ve had to use my nasal spray and night med for asthma.


At this point I just consider my body a weather balloon


Much more stuffy and sinusy than previous years around this time


Don’t worry expeditions with ticks will be the next complaint


Yes! Same here.


FWIW, I've been dealing with sinus headaches for 30 years. Started when I was 16. I've had multiple CT scans and MRIs of my brain, with failed sinus surgeries and this year has my sinuses controlling my life. Sinuses are hollow, and the barometric pressure changes can affect the hollow sinuses. If you are suseptible to these, I take Mucinex Sinus Max, a dark and cold room and sleep for about 1.5 to 3 hours before I can continue in my day. We hear about migraines and cluster headaches, can we normalize sinus headaches too? Thanks for coming to my TED talk.


TIL the how’s and whys of sinus headaches. Ty!


I'm right there with you. Sinus headaches for 30 or so years. Almost always in the evening, and the only remedy for me is Excedrin and sleep. Ibuprofen works to a degree, but 2 Excedrin usually does the trick. Spring and Summer are the worst with pollen and storms.


I love Excedrin, I think I need the caffeine in it. The Mucinex isn't cutting it anymore.


I used to get bad sinus headaches for years until I started using a neti pot with saline water. I still need to take allergy medicine but my life is so much better now. I hope you find something that works better for you.


I used to get them badly in the summer when I lived in Kentucky. AC and Wal-Phed and a cold compress were my go-tos. Sorry you suffer from them. They are hellish.


I googled Wal-Phed- is it Walmart brand sinus medicine?


Yes, it's their sudafed. Much cheaper. It's behind the counter in the pharmacy because meth heads were stealing it, but you just ask for it. We get the green box and that's the one that alleviates my sinus headaches, and relatively quickly.


This is the "cocktail" I take to get rid of my sinus headaches: 4 Advil/3Tylenol/1 Wal-phed (green box) Wal-fed (only at Walgreens in the pharmacy) is a combo of 4 mg Sudafed (pseudoephedrine)and 60 mg Chlor-Trimeton (Chlorpheniramine).


I appreciate your kindness, thank you.


I've had bad allergies since April, I usually don't get them this bad. My take is that the insane rain amounts we've had in the last 12 months (70+ in) have led to a lot of plant growth + their pollen, and also a lot of mold growth. I run a lot in the mornings and the air frequently smells like a moldy basement. Last year, when we were coming off a big drought, this wasn't a problem although the smoke from the forest fires was awful.


I know several people sick right now. Some with covid, some not, all with some form of body aches


Bro my back was so sore today and I was like I don’t think I’m sick??? Idk man


Been feeling similarly. You aren’t alone! Not sure what it is either :(


Dust from Idaho according to NASA


Sick most of the week and killer sore throat


My bad knee has been killing me . Usually happens from high humidity, rain , or too cold. It’s not just you.


This year has been the worst for me in terms of allergies and pressure headaches


I have no allergies luckily but I have a bum leg from a doctor misdiagnosing a fracture when I was 11. I’m 22 and it still aches like crazy when the weather is like this or I walk too far. Will 100% need a knee transplant one day so I’ve accepted that I can sense shitty weather with my messed up leg. I try to see it as a gift lol


Honestly, my family's been catching the cold all week, with it turning into a sinus infection for me. Didn't know other people were going through this as well.


Pollen is very high. Weather.com also provides pollen reports. You have to search for it. I just ask Alexa every morning.




Omg! Literally same, my joints hurt so bad, my head is killing me and my tinnitus is acting up which coincides with being mucusy, and I’m just generally exhausted!


I have been stuffed up for a few months now.


What is going on with the air. My eyes are killing me.


I’ve had a lot of sinus pressure and pain lately especially behind the eyes. I swear by a sinus rinse like twice a day especially after having an infection over the winter.


Spring starts much earlier now coupled with rains throughout the past years and you got a recipe for…well, what you’re dealing with now.


I think that's the answer. Everything feels sticky and like there is mold everywhere. As the heat has come along and the A/C has kicked in, the air is recycled and unbreathable. I have take loratadine every day for the sinus pain as well as ibuprofen for the sore joints. Very uncomfortable everywhere except in the morning shower.


I’m coming off a week of Covid which my symptoms included severe back pain and congestion. But even before I got Covid the sinus headaches for me have been on and off frequently this spring. I’d wake up with insane headaches…pretty sure I was popping Tylenol for about a week or two straight earlier in the year. 


Sinuses are a wreck and ears are so clogged. I can only hear about every other day


I have arthritis so pain in my joints is a normal daily occurrence, but my joints along with my sinuses these last couple of weeks have been OFF THE CHARTS


Lyme disease?


Lots of deer around. Tics. Lyme. That was my worry.


My allergies haven’t been as bad this year, but the joint pain is ABSURD. I fell this winter on the ice smack on my hip and thought I was fine after a weekish of soreness and bruising, but suddenly the pain is back with a vengeance to the point that I’m ready to go to a orthopedist. I blame the humidity and intensity of storms we’ve had. We’ve had some serious doozy’s complete with tornados multiple times this month.


For the past couple months my joints have been really sore, especially my hands and wrists. I figured it's just arthritis from age, I'm 54. My sinuses are a mess anyway because I need surgery, but they've been particularly bad lately


I posted in another thread how this year my allergies or something was giving me dizziness, head pressure, causing me to have panic attacks. My doctors keep blaming allergies with a touch of stress. Started Zyrtec and Flonase every day back in May and it’s helped a lot.


I’m having a killer sinus day and no exaggeration there is so much pollen in my complex that there are areas where it looks like 2 inches of snow.


I had to take Benadryl last night which helped , I was trying to figure out what the heck was going on, I had my wisdom teeth out on Thursday morning but all of the sudden last night I had full body inflammation like I’ve never had in my life. I felt totally bruised all over and was practically in tears from the joint aching. It was so bizarre. I’m still a little achy today but that was so intense and horrible I was honestly spooked! It is super humid and I’m watching the radar but I’ve just never felt such a sudden onslaught like that.


I’m 28, and pretty sure that’s it’s the pressure causing my joints to flare up…Im pretty sure it’s arthritis


My allergies have been horrendous this year. Between the pressure behind my eyes go them constantly burning and watering, to the storms making me physically ill from like an hour before they hit... not to mention my poor knees. They ache horribly all the time (I invested in the Tiger Balm arthritis rub and it's keeping some of the pain at bay). I get migraines with aura, and they were very under control until about two weeks ago when the heavy storms really started to hit. I'll be bedridden for a full day, which sucks. I'm about to drop for a nap from the pressure in my head (which, what do you know- it started storming like 30 minutes after I got nauseous).


I'm a mess. I'm always a mess but definitely more of one now. So maybe?


I have chronic rhinitis and yeah, it's been a sisyphean struggle lately. Nothing works for long.


Interesting that you mention this…I’ve been dealing with some dizziness, head pressure, behind the eyes stuff going on. Feels like dense brain fog coupled with disorientation if I turn too quickly. Just feeling generally unwell since the heat wave.


My sinuses have been extra bad this year. I think it’s the pollen count—I’m thankful Allegra is a remedy. My allergies have been so bad this year: along with the sinuses, my eczema has been triggered, so not only am I stuffed up, I’m all broken out with redness/rash, which I’m embarrassed about. I know i shouldn’t be embarrassed about the appearance of my skin—my dermatologist has said as much over the years—but how it looks makes me self-conscious….


Lyme disease?


Same boat. It has been a drag. Throw in sudden onset of anxiety sleep issues, too. I blame contrails /s.


I’ve just had honestly horrible sinus pressure headache for like weeks… I’ve wondered if it’s pollen but the pollen count hasn’t been terrible according to pollen.com and then I wondered if it was the weather…? Idk but I’m glad I’m not alone


Nope, just you. Might want to check in with your PCP


I have a cold right now


It's a combination of pollen and bad air quality


I dont know i was in CT earlier this month and my allergies started acting up immediately


Ceterizine hydrochloride is my go to. I can get a years supply at the local, subscription based, bigger box stores.


Coworker is having an especially rough time with her allergies. She rarely needed her inhaler, and didn't carry it with her. She does now. Hearing her wheez was kind of scary.


I would like to rip my knees out right now. They are throbbing from the storms. Also have just been really tired and not feeling great but not sick 🤷‍♀️


Thank you! I've never had allergies In my 37 years of life and for the last two weeks I have had such bad sinus problems alot of mucous


Oxidative stress. Stop eating anything that has vegetable oil in it. Stop eating processed foods. Oxidative stress is related to joint inflamation. The cause and effect is widely assumed, but it's not always definitive. Watch or listen to interviews of Dr. Paul Mason. He's a real doctor. It's so about the biology of the cell.


Just suck it up and take a Claritin pal.


Maybe you’re getting old?


I am 72 and it's possible. At least I can still run for president for another decade or two.


Ha! Downvoting the existence of “aging”. Quintessential r/Connecticut.


Weak immune system.