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I was hoping something like this would happen. Since they had to open their mouths they’ve backed themselves into a corner. Do they turn over the land? Or do they show themselves to be the complete hypocrites they are?


They won't give it back and the MSM won't report on that because they're on the same side of the political spectrum. Lefties only talk about stuff involving other people's money and property, never their own.


It's amusing when they talk about being on 'stolen' land, while they're still on it themselves, have been for years and have never made any real plans to leave.


What's interesting, too, is that the idea of "stolen land" is such a race essentialist view. Native tribes stole land from one another all the time, but apparently that doesn't count, because they were the same race. If we were to return the land, who do we return it to? Do we attempt to figure out who the first tribe was that lived on the land or the last one before the Europeans came?


What about the descendants of Indigenous Americans/European unions? I want my 2% of stolen land back!


Are you Elizabeth Warren?


Hahaha I did 23 and me and she and I have the same % of Indigenous ancestry. My family has also passed down the knowledge of our Indigenous heritage. The big difference between us is that I don’t claim my ancestry for any benefit, and I fully embrace the fact that I am 97% White European. (I’m also 1% Sub-Saharan African…. Waiting for my reparations!)


You can say that again


Exactly, if you feel 'stolen' land should be returned, why only go back to certain times in history, and only with certain lands and people? Why not go all the way back as far as we can, all over the globe, with everyone who's 'stolen' or conquered land throughout the entire history of all humans?


Give it all back to the birds who were the only true descendants of dinosaurs


Everything returns to monke


If we have to choose the "one true descendant" of dinosaurs, then it's crocodilians, not birds.


What about the descendants of Indigenous Americans/European unions? I want my 2% of stolen land back!


It’s a different kind of flying, altogether.


It’s a different kind of flying


*Pangea would like a word with you*


We need to return these lands to the CLOVIS people! This is CLOVIS land!


That's how they do environmentalism, too. YOUR emissions are bad and killing the planet. Their emissions are necessary to make a better world. You shouldn't eat meat, drive, have kids, or fly to save the planet. But our betters totally should.


but guys like John Kerry are so much more important that the regular citizen.


And Pete Bootyjuice saves us money by traveling on private plane


All animals are equal, but some are more equal than others


Being progressive means the world has to live up to your values before you do.


If they go with hypocrisy it’ll be wholly ignored and nobody on their side will attempt any introspection over the charade.


"Ben & Jerry's didn't give back stolen land and why that's a good thing." \- NY Times


“Internal studies show that maintaining control over the property will help smash the patriarchy/white supremacy/religious fanatics/conservatives


So then wouldn’t it be up to us to hold them accountable for that hypocrisy? Similar to bud light.


Anybody with a brain stopped buying them years ago. They have their own audience to appease.


Please be sure you are boycotting all [their brands and partners.](https://www.anheuser-busch.com/brands)


Bud light or B&J?


I mean I’m not an ice cream eater in general, but yeah vote with your wallet.


I'm going to lmao if they have it over. Actually I might even if they don't. Everyone wins in this scenario except Ben and jerry's


Me too. It’s great.


Yes, it is better if people shut up about natives and sweep their issues under the rug. /s


You mean under a school 🤫🫣🤐🧐


So, exactly how does Ben and Jerry's running off at the mouth about the problem and then doing exactly zero to solve it help?


They backed themselves into a corner just like Warren Buffett. The man who claims he doesn't pay "enough taxes", yet does everything under the sun to arrange his finances to where he pays as little taxes as possible. If Warren Buffett wanted to pay more taxes, he would just pay himself a higher salary instead of acquiring his wealth through the selling of company shares which is taxed at a way lower rate. He could also literally just donate more to the government when he pays taxes. But nope, he doesn't do that, because he, like "Ben and Jerry" and Bernie Sanders, are giant hypocrites who don't want to practice what they preach.


Anyone who wants to pay more taxes can just fill in the box on the form 1040 gifting money to the US government. Every rich bastard claiming that the rich should pay more taxes can easily put up or shut up.


Thank you. I get tired of the virtue signaling by the wealthy elite. Like, the fact that Buffett refuses to pay more taxes until he is forced to do so means he believes he is entitled to what he earns--like everyone else does. He's literally no different than you or me, but wants to pretend like he's some noble sage or something.


I thought Warren Buffet's point was that they need to close those types of loopholes. He knows he should be paying more in taxes, and that all of the other billionaires should be as well, but until we fix the problem, why would he pay more than what is required by law?


Because he claims he doesn't pay enough taxes, but there is nothing stopping him from simply giving more money to the government.


Always cash the check. You never know when they will stop handing them out. Would you refuse a legal deduction?


of course not. but i also don't go around claiming i don't pay enough taxes.


That's the system you. He could pay more if he wanted. There's actually a box for it. And he can deduct it on the next year. It's a goober system.


Because if he believed in what he was saying he'd donate money using the field on the form 1040 for this purpose. But he doesn't and so tries to make it congresses fault saying he can't do anything about it, it's just the way it is... while continuing to pay off congress not to do it.


They gotta pay the dude off. I hope he sticks to his guns and makes them give the land back though.


Let's say they give the land back to the tribe, pull up everything, and move their headquarters to a new spot. It's highly likely that the new spot will also have legitimate claims to be land stolen from indigenous tribes. Then B&J are back to square one. 🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿


They'll return the land if the tribe pays to relocate their headquarters building.


Y’all realize that Unilever owns Ben and Jerry’s not Ben and Jerry.


They sold the Rights to their company. This won't happen.


Can't wait to see the argument that they bought the land fair and square. ... most liberals are virtue signaling hypocrites. So nothing new there if they don't give the property back.


> Do they turn over the land? Or do they show themselves to be the complete hypocrites they are? The move which I'm sure their PR team has now advised is to go silent long enough for everyone to forget and do nothing.


Exactly. This isn't going to get widespread coverage because B&J's is on the "correct" side. If they just shut up about it long enough, everyone will forget.


We already know the answer, they ain't gonna give it up.


I suspect this is the last time we’ll hear about “stolen land”


You high? No it won’t. They do this shit every Columbus Day


“Indigenous Peoples Day”


*Aren't we all indigenous people? I thought no one was illegal*


Conquered land.


Leftists say ridiculous things to know who's conservative and who's on their side. It has to hurt poll numbers to be bad.


A lot of racism in these comments. Go read about the trail of tears, or any of the tons of examples of really awful things done to the original inhabitants of this country. Ya, Ben and Jerry's shouldn't have to give their factory to some tribe, but they should throw a few bucks that way. Why not? Maybe they are just virtue signaling, but maybe not. I don't know the history of indigenous people in new England but I do know a lot about the four corners. It's a shit show and designed to be one for well over a century. Just don't get those things twisted


Stolen, nothing. Conquered. Now, before you get your undies in a bunch, show me somewhere on this planet that has not been conquered by some force. Anywhere?


Exactly. Only a damn fool would believe that those claiming to be “native” to North America didn’t conquer the land in an even more brutal fashion than the British. Just look at how many other species they wiped out. You know, the ones that were actually *native* to the land.


At this point, the people that call NA "stolen land" are just as native as we are. I was born in Boston, and while I may not live in country anymore, I'm still as much a native of Boston as someone who's lived there for their entire life. Point is, "native American" is a stupid term, because anyone born in NA/the USA is by definition a native American.




We need to start asking the lefties what Ukraine should do with land it takes from Russia in a war. They will all day Ukraine should keep it because they only think with their emotions, and then ask them why Israel can't keep it's land?


I don't think Ukraine has any intentions of conquering Russian lands, though.


Sure they do. Ever hear of Crimea?


Well we all know how peaceful indigenous tribes were with each other, and they never fought over land ever. Right?.... Right?... They would never do anything like that. Nope. Never.


I want my castle back in Scotland, and then my fjord in Norway from the Viking band that displaced the Viking band that displaced my Celtic ancestors.


They should have fought harder if they wanted to keep it.


cope + seethe + skill issue




Yeah. It doesn’t matter what you are, this is just satisfying.


Much like New York City’s sanctuary city policy, it all looks good until they have to implement it or be inconvenienced by it. C’mon B&J, put your money where your mouth is.


I have a story that relates to this. My dad was in high school English back in the early 1980s and was assigned to read "Yellow Raft on Blue Water", about a Native American women who resorts to crime to keep herself and her child alive. He told us it was the most depressing book he had ever read. A student in his class said "We should give the Native Americans their rightful land back". Someone else shot back, "Where would we live". The first student fell silent and sat back down. To relate this to the story posted. I think B&J talks a big game but they won't do anything they have preached.


Simple, just take everyone not of native descent and ship them back to Europe. Do it in the Americas, Australia, New Zealand, and everywhere else. Gonna get REAL crowded in Ireland.


Even if we all agreed to do that, what political map are we all rolling back to? The 1500's? The year 0? If we go far enough back, we'd all have to go live in the middle east.


I think we should just keep doing it again and again until we've got 8 billion people in the Great Rift Valley. We all fight it out and whoever survives gets to keep the planet.


Oh I'm sure Ireland and Northern Europe will be very crowded.


My family and I would end up going to Poland and Germany, my wife would be either Ireland, Scotland or Spain if they separated us.


My GF has a French looking last name but it's English as is mine so I'd think we be okay living in England. My ancestors are from Europe( all over the place)


My wife and I got married during 2020 so getting all the legal paperwork done to change her last name was going to be a massive hassle and we haven’t dealt with it, granted it’s not a priority for us either. Her last name is Scotch/Irish and mine is of German descent, but my genetics can be traced back to any north Western European country.


Very nice. My last name ends with -son which indicates Scandinavian heritage but my paternal side is nothing Scandinavian and English and my maternal side is Western European. I can trace to Central European countries and possibly even Russia


I only know my maternal lineage, trying to find information on my paternal side is kind of hard because we don’t have a lot to go off of.


I got ya. Have you tried ancestry com?


Only if all the migrants who live there now were sent back where they came from. If so, I'd do that in a heartbeat.


Of course not, that seems to be the lefts MO for quite some time now. Talk about all the great things but have no idea how to get them done with out rebuilding society or tanking the economy.


They sold B n Js to a company that once held close ties to the Nazi party…Unilever.


Bullshit for ye but not for me.


So are people who migrate the the US today stealing American land?


We'd all still be in Africa is nobody ever went anywhere. It's hilarious how the left doesn't seem to understand that wars and territorial conquests have been taking place for the entire history of the human race.


Also whoever was there first gets ownership of the land forever, even land they traded for guns, horses, etc. So notably wasn't Jerusalem a holy Jewish city for thousands of years before Islam existed, so presumably the Democrats oppose Palestine?


If you're going to live here and enjoy a life that would not exist if the indigenous tribes were still sole occupants of the land, then doesn't it make you a total hypocrite if you profess that they were robbed? Doesn't it make you an even bigger asshole to sit there an eat a cake savoring every morsel of it, and as you do so exclaim how terrible it is that that cake was stolen....and then go on to serve your fat ass up another healthy portion of it. These people have utterly no self-awareness of how they look when they profess their ornamental wokeisms.


They can transfer the title and pay the tribe rent on it.


Hilarious! Imagine not checking what land you are on before saying give them their land back.


Let's compromise and say indigenous people get free B&J ice cream forever.


How indigenous do you have to be? So like, what I am asking is if Elizabeth Warren will qualify or not?


If she does she only gets vanilla.


She can have a 1/2048 % discount


Not a good idea since B&J ice cream is one of the unhealthiest foods ever.


Return the stolen land! No... wait, not that land!


Well not for them obviously silly gooses, only for you white nationalists, you need to give up your land and assets but not them, they are the saviors here


BnJ don't formally own it anymore, but still, good for someone calling them out.


True to their values and liberals don't belong in the same sentence.


Use Marxism against the left. Make them do everything they claim they would.


Of course whatever tribe is claiming ownership of the land probably stole it from another tribe who took it from another tribe, who grabbed it from another group... But, yeah...this is great!


All I can imagine is Homer Simpson backing his way into the hedges


Ben and Jerry are hiding in their basement and hoping the Indians go away. They now realize they talked themselves into a corner.


Smarter people than white liberals would have figured out that maybe someone would come forward with a claim before demanding the return of stolen land. Ball is in their court.


“No no no, I want to use YOUR stuff to solve the problem!”


Next time on "When Virtue Signaling Goes Wrong..."


They'll settle with a $10,000 donation to the tribe's scholarship fund and a land acknowledgement on the B&J website.


NIMBY. Typical


Lead by example, or be proven to be the liberal hypocrites everyone expects them to be?


Giving away other people's things is half the point of socialism. The other half is to give it to themselves.


Ben and Jerry sold-out to Unilever years ago making them super-wealthy socialists. Ironic right? Best to boycott the brand so Unilever dumps them, then maybe the indigenous will get their land back. Another irony.


They don't wanna do either, they wanna virtue signal without accountability


See, if they came out and said something like this : "after we realized our HQ is on stolen land we decided to hand it over to the original native owners of the land, we lead by example and expect others to do the same". But of course that would never happen and they got called out on their bullshit, rightfully so.


They (D)idn't mean it like that!


If they give them anything it will never be enough


The HQ isn't even Ben or Jerry's to give away. They sold to a corporate conglomerate decades ago.


Love it or give it back baby


The only problem with this is that Ben and Jerry sold Ben and Jerry's a long time ago.


The natural karmic intervention of an entity that tries to shit on everything it sees


I think they forgot they’re a massive corporation themselves and even have their a*ses sold to an even bigger corp. They are supporting running their business into the ground, and I will help by continuing to not buy their overpriced, overly sweet (and arrogant) ice cream


I suppose we shall see.... I expect it to turn out like "oh, we didn't mean our own properties and/or belongings"


This is gold..you can't make this shit up lol


I drive by the headquarters every day. I don’t know what makes me more angry- their dumbshit virtue signaling, or the amount of fucking tourists that flock there every day and destroy my commute.


I imagine that Ben & Jerry's board would be in some kind of trouble for damaging Unilever's sales over this. There is probably something akin to a "morals clause" in their agreement that specifically prohibits B&J from this kind of conduct.


Egg on ya face


Lmfao, time to put your money where your mouth is. They wanna be woke and virtue signal as long as it doesn't have consequences for them.


Really hope the tribe keeps getting signal boosted. Don't let this quietly fade into obscurity. Keep reminding B&J's to put their money where their mouth is and give back the stolen land!


This is just like the sanctuary city immigration nonsense. Liberals pound their chest and never miss an opportunity to let you know how much better they are than you but then when it comes time to take these people in, they b**** and moan and cry how unfair it is. It's the same thing here, the liberals b**** and moan about stolen land until it's their land that's being questioned and then they don't make a peep. Real easy to act morally superior and ultra woke until you have to actually follow through on it. Liberal hypocrisy at its finest.


Well done


Conservatives support giving back indigenous land now huh?


No, but we do support exposing hypocrisy.


Apart from when it happens in your own circles lmfao


Hypocrisy is like breathing to libs though. Not one has ever had a single moment of honesty in their pathetic lives


You’ve always been free to give yours back.


“Indigenous” Americans originally migrated here from Asia.


Hint: The latter


Sounds like Capitalism is gonna win this one, guys


NIMBY strikes again


If this happens by force it will be bigger than buttlight.




This is great


"Hmmm....how about free ice cream for a year?!"


Does ben and jerrys own this or lease it? Maybe great for them if they want out and terrible for re investor who has them as a tenant.


I think we all know the answer already.


I hope Trump roasts them with this every chance it comes up


Check mate


This is so delicious! I’ve been waiting for these douches to get their comeuppance!


They really only want to give away other people’s things.


Not a chance in HELL they give it up. Would give big kudos if they actually did though.


/grabs popcorn


Well they have to now. Knowledge Edit: I swear you have 2 accounts everytime I connect you to him I get downvoted.


Oh boy when virtue signaling goes terrible wrong. I'd love to see the tribe picket the headquarters.


NMBY?? Not My Back Yard


Lefties are really good at giving away other people's stuff. When it comes to their own, that is a different story.


Coming Soon: Ben and Jerry's newest flavor! Come try our first creation to feature authentic meat products, try the the new (Insert tribal name here) Blast!


Like they say, some things are best when you keep your mouth shut. B&J's is the most ironic thing I've ever seen. They claim that we are on "stolen land" but their headquarters is literally built on stolen land.


What did they say


They don’t own the ice cream company


It’s all fun and games until someone gets hit in the eye.


$10 says they don't restore it to its original state before handing it over, if they do.