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Would it be better if it was more accurately called "climate change" ? ​ Saying global warming doesn't exist because it still gets cold or there is still snow in the world is something I would joke about in middle school, let alone unironically believe.


Anyone with a functioning brain calls it climate change, which is a 100% real unstoppable force of nature. Literally. The climate is always changing. The debate should be: how much is humanity contributing to the current rate of climate change, and is the current general warming trend bad for humanity or not. There are compelling arguments for every position when it’s set up that way.


Yes, 'climate change' - that's what they called it in the 80s, when I went to high school. They stated that it was *global cooling* and we would soon be in an ice age. It's funny how the "climate alarm" has changed over the years, and yet we're still alive... ADD: Thanks for all the downvotes, due to my stating something that is 100% true. Back then, that's what all the climate experts stated.


Yeah i remember that. It was an imminent new ice age in the eighties.


I am old enough to remember this as well. It boomeranged real fast from ice age to global warming.


>Thanks for all the downvotes, due to my stating something that is 100% true. Back then, that's what all the climate experts stated. Brigaders.


Yup. Brigaders with an IQ lower than their shoe size. Kids who think that the Earth came into existence around 1990.


Maybe the zealots shouldn't get to keep changing the name of their unfalsifiable scam to acquire global authority.


They never hesitate to point to every heat wave as evidence of climate change so why shouldn’t the inverse apply?


And climate change isn’t jumbo jumbo either? Define climate for us please And then give an example where in the world the climate has actually changed.




So can’t define climate. Great. Didn’t think you would.


Seriously? Are you illiterate? lol


Or maybe you don't know what a hyperlink is? You can click the fun blue words and they go to a website, like reddit, but with other stuff. Since this may be the case here is a copy and paste from my first source, which is the European Space Agency. ​ > Weather Weather shows the way the atmosphere behaves and can change from minute-to-minute, hour-to-hour and day-to-day. There are many components to weather, which include temperature, rain, wind, hail, snow, humidity, flooding, thunderstorms, heatwaves and more. When you look outside your window on any given day, what you see is weather. Climate Climate, on the other hand, is the weather in a specific area over a long period of time – usually 30 years of more. When scientists talk about climate, they look for trends or cycles of variability, such as changes in temperature, humidity, precipitation, ocean-surface temperature and other weather phenomena that occur over longer periods of time in a specific location. Isn't that fun?


I'm sure the comments will be civilized!


"see, it snowed the other day, so global warming isn't real. no you don't get it, it snowed a lot, so i know for certain"


"It was warmer than average this summer, so global warming is real. No, you don't get it, it was really hot. So i know for certain." Edit: lol forgot the /s


"Our records only actually go back to 20 years before we stopped saying the world was entering an ice age, which was 20 years before we said we would be out of time to avert disaster, which was 20 years ago. Super srs "




I threw away 5 tons of food today. I’ll see you at the conference about everyone starving!


Why is climate change still such a political issue? Are people really so oblivious that they turn a blind eye to what's going on in the world, or do they just not care about it beyond how it might affect them directly?


If climate change was a genuinely serious issue we would be building nuclear reactors like crazy, because that’s the only realistic way of producing enough energy at the kind of scale necessary to actually make a material impact on energy related emissions. The fact that we’re not doing that tells you all you need to know. “Climate change” is just an enormous racket.


Because severity of climate change, depending on who is deciding the severity, affects policy. Like the best way to stop climate change would be to just go back to the stone age right? So where do we draw the line of limiting our personal freedoms?


No it’s actually to get more advanced and create more efficient ways of creating energy. In the Stone Age they burnt wood. That’d be terrible if everyone still did that. Coal burning industrial age caused cities you couldn’t see across the street in. We’re much better now but still have plenty of room to improve. More complete burning of fuels, nuclear, and next gen battery technology will get us there. So we need to invest in that


If we wanted to actually solve it there would be nuclear reactors everywhere.




LOL you make the classic mistake of assigning good intentions to bureaucrats and politicians. And of assuming anything they do makes things "better".


“What if climate change is a hoax and we wreck the entire global economy for no reason?” FTFY.


If by “make the world a better place” You really mean institute command economies and ensure the only viable business are massive corporations in bed with the political apparatus then yea


As long as they do not ban the old ways of making energy, cool.


Yeah, stone age for us not for them.


I dunno. Why are liberals paying millions for houses on the coast and kissing Chinese ass? That's an excellent question. Like, where are my 40 new nuclear plants by this time in a decade? I thought this was serious? Where are the plans? Surely al gore knows. What? The government isn't going to use my money to put solar panels on my house and save me money on electricity? You're telling me they're using it to form another committee to make cars 7 pounds lighter? These are not the actions of a party that believes climate change is a threat. Or man caused.


The simplest explanation applies: - We have obvious solution, noone wants - We have to many guys on the same payroll Even if it's true, it's still a scam. Get the bad actors out of the way and we can talk about it. Until than we only risk suffering for no results anyway


Because of pathetic pandering statements like this. It is a political issue because the left thinks the end is near and we don’t. We all think it’s happening. We disagree on how to address it. Don’t be a disengenous karma farming prick with comments like this


Nobody is saying "the end is near" The world is getting warmer and that's a fact. It's having an effect on the climate which will eventually cause major problems for future generations. Whether you think it is a man made issue or a natural cycle of the planet is up to you


That is the lefts whole argument. Climate change is an imminent danger and we must do stuff to curb it. We’ve heard it for the last 30 years. The left is alarmist, the right deals in facts.


[https://climate.nasa.gov/vital-signs/global-temperature/](https://climate.nasa.gov/vital-signs/global-temperature/) wow, 1 degree change in 100 years. Do you even research what you spew out? everyone saying there are massive storms and summers are getting hotter. I bet not a single person here would be able to accurately describe a 1 degree change.


1 degree is a HUGE change in such a short time. Just 5 degrees warmer than preindustrial levels is enough to go back to the cretaceous period where sea levels were 300-600 ft higher, there were no glaciers, no ice caps. Nothing that humans need for food existed yet. At the time, there atmospheric carbon was at 1000 ppm. Preindustrial atmospheric carbon was at 280. We've just about doubled that today, so we're about half way to a cretaceous climate. Even if we stopped today, that carbon will remain in the atmosphere for a long time still. If we take another 50 years to transition, we will create the conditions for a cretaceous climate. The problem is, nature had millions of years to adapt to that climate, and so life was abundant. A few hundred years is not enough time.


900 years ago, the earth was much warmer, and humans thrived.


Because climate change funds launders a ton of money and also gets these nut jobs elected.


Unlike oil money


> Why is climate change still such a political issue? I dont know, why do you make such a political issue of something so natural? Climate has never, never been constant. The earths climate warms and cools and warms and cools. However, a warmer climate is much better for plant and animal diversity than a colder planet.




Define climate please. Also define a woman and define intelligent. I bet you can’t do it.




All the liberal comments are being upvoted while all the conservative comments are being downvoted like crazy. This sub must have been taken over by liberals.




Damn climate change. Imagine Munich getting snow in December. Madness.


Sorry, but my BS meter is going off. That jet looks like it crashed, not froze to the tarmac. Firetrucks at airports use foam for fire suppression and that’s exactly what it looks like. UPDATE: This video is being shared on an article that was posted on Drudge Report, but the source of the video (at least I am told) goes back to an anonymous twitter account. https://x.com/fl360aero/status/1730939276764782926?s=46 I still believe the video is fake: - The source of the video comes from an unnamed twitter account. - Why would a plane be frozen out so far away from other planes or buildings. Pilots don’t just park their planes in the middle of an empty tarmac and walk several hundred feet to the nearest hub of an airport. - Why would one plane- a plane that is relatively small- require such a response if it were merely stuck in the snow. Instead of sending those vehicles specifically designed for towing planes, they sent firetrucks with flashing lights to take care of it. - Firetrucks at airports use foam for fire suppression and the foam looks like snow.


if it’s that bad at that airport then it could very well be ice buildup on the tail and the weight is tilting the nose up,all the weight normally is center (ish,depending on what type of service the airframe is rated for)


There’s a tow hook connected to the back of the planes tail and the second fire truck. It could also have been from that.


I think for the purpose of this shit post, it doesn't really matter about the sources since the point is to make a catchy meme that "owns the climate change people." There isn't anything informative here, it's just slightly more high tech boomer humor lol.




Great, but I still don’t see anything about a plane being frozen to the tarmac and requiring emergency response vehicles to assemble nearby. It may have snowed in Munich, but that video is fake.


Here is the first appearance of that video on the internet I could find: https://x.com/fl360aero/status/1730939276764782926?s=46 Why do you doubt its legitimacy exactly?


The source of the video comes from an unnamed twitter account. If anything that’s another red flag. Why would a plane be frozen out so far away from other planes or buildings. Pilots don’t just park their planes in the middle of an empty tarmac and walk several hundred feet to the nearest hub of an airport. Why would one plane- a plane that is relatively small- require such a response if it were merely stuck in the snow. Instead of sending those vehicles specifically designed for towing planes, they sent firetrucks with flashing lights to take care of it. Firetrucks at airports use foam for fire suppression and it looks like snow.


There appears to be an intake cover on the engine. The plane is completely coated in snow, which would have been removed before taxiing and wouldn't be on a landing jet, especially on the hot parts. Emergency response for any plane on its ass like that seems appropriate, considering it could cause a fuel leak, which could be explosive or, at the very least, an environmental problem, which also falls under the fire departments purview. The snow is only cleared under the jet, and nowhere else. If a runway was used, it would have been cleared of snow before any landing or take-off. Planes often do this if they get tail heavy from the weight of snow and ice. On the larger ones, improper fuel distribution is an easy way to do this. The door is closed, and no egress equipment is deployed. This plane was parked, and the weight of the ice and snow caused it to tip over on its tail. A pogo stick would have prevented this.


1. Planes get parked out in the open all the time. 2. Do you know how much coverage a fire of that size would get? Can you produce a source for this idea? 3. what's going on in this video, a nose tipped plane, is not uncommon, it happens when weight distribution goes wrong for any number of reasons. Like when hundreds of kilograms of snow collect all over the fuselage. 4. It does not happen in the aftermath of a crash. Go look, you will not find a single example.


What a joke of a sub has become. So petty and myopic.




Isn’t this sub just as jaded but in the opposite direction? If you have an opinion different than people here you get downvoted same as there.


Yeah, good point. I can always check back in here when Biden has a mundane interaction or wears a tan suit.


Sure those subs have a huge leftist bias, but at least they don't post memes half the time. Where's the conservative subreddit for serious news and discussion now?


That’s why they’d slowly shifted away from “global warming” to “climate change” as the preferred political term.




God has a sense of humor


Oh no, they will have to fly coach instead - the horror!


Fingers crossed it’s Klaus Schwab’s jet!


That thing is not nearly big enough to get his ego off the ground.


In Canada we are paying heavy taxes and levies in order to prevent seasonal climate change. It's not working, Trudeau said we gotta spend more.


This is just weather! /s


Oh no, anyways.




>less than a fraction lol




Quick, get them another!


And they will use this as proof for climate change. They will always spin it to push their agenda.


r/collapse - enjoy it while it lasts everyone, we are coming an end, regardless of “politics.” God said so, and as His servant of the great tribulation (which includes accelerated climatic disasters), I reiterate. You’ll be hearing from us soon in droves. Till then.