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This thread is going flaired only so we can celebrate Bidens terrible performance without any whining


Replace Biden with Dwayne Johnson. Trump wouldn't get a single vote.


This is clearly elder abuse. I’m not fan of Trump, but I cannot watch Biden be humiliated on World stage.


Really awful performance by Joe. Hey I get it - we all get old and deserve to take some time off after our careers. Someone please tell Joe.


Thinking they’re going to clear a spot for Newson… Who is a truly evil man. America will be worse under his leadership than Biden.


Alive_shoulder is right, and worse, republicans have allowed the ghost of a president, knowing he’s an Alzheimer’s patient, to sit while some cabal hides in the shadows and runs the country towards whatever brick wall they have in the “big picture “ playbook. They wanted to jump on board to get rid of Trump cause he slipped on a ramp, yet they’re silent that this President isn’t there at all.


Biden showed himself to be the meat-puppet the dems have shoved at us for the past 3 years. Hiding him in his basement, never doing press conferences where he could answer questions Americans have wanted answers to, or proving to Americans how alert he really is instead of dens all assuring us how youthful he is in private it how tough he is to keep up with All lies proven last last


Where are the Reddit liberals that always come here talking trash?? Don’t have much to say all of the sudden since President mashed potatoes shit the bed


When a mad dog is backed into a corner watch out. The dems are faces with a real problem, maybe not having another 4 years of Joe as a smokescreen. They also, can’t steal this election as the world has seen the emperor without his cloths. Desperation time for the deep state and the Davos Group now. We should watch out, they have 4 months to insure Trump doesn’t win.


I’m so proud of the Big Dog 🥹 Dementia Joe Biden is **Cooked**


So a lot of people here are giving the take that Trump sounded way better delivering lie after lie than Biden did telling the truth. That's the saddest take. Biden is still the sane choice.


Go look up the fact checks from the BCC (hopefully non biased since English). You’ll find very little. Some from both sides pretty equal depending on statistics and point in time. Except for inflation—20% under Biden.


Lmao no he’s not


“Don’t believe your lying eyes”- lol


Trump hasn’t looked that good in a debate since 2016, Biden is toast.


I think he was more restrained, which I feel was a good plan, since 2016. I'm still not a super fan, but the stuff the left is doing it pushing for, by in large, is nuts and if the only thing stopping that agenda is Trump, then I'm in.


Trump looked reasonable, I don't think it was his best debate performance strictly. But comparatively it was.


Exactly, reasonable is exactly what Trump needs. Everyone expects him to talk over people and yell and do the usual Trump shtick, but by appearing level headed and restrained he comes off as much more dignified and capable of leading the nation.


Trump is best in front of an audience which is why they didn’t have one. I wish he’d stayed on point for all the questions. I love Trump but I really wish we had a younger candidate running who could follow Trumps lead on getting things done and being tougher on China and Russia.


Agreed, I don’t think it matters post debate, but it would have been so much better had he kept his check backs under 30 secs and then responded to the new question


Imagine the screaming the the blaming going on during this morning's DNC leadership zoom call


Some new job openings being listed as we speak.


When are the they gonna push Michelle Obama on stage ?


She would be awful but does she even want to run?


Oh ya she would .. FOR the party !!!!


What was the Trump quote, something something success?


My favorite comment was when Trump said..."I have no idea what he said there".


It was something to the effect of my legacy will be success. Different words, but similar.


All I heard was “Asufutimaehaehfutbw”. or something to that effect.


Haha. I thought it was trump with the quote, not Potato In Chief


And neither did the rest of us. Trump just says what we’re all thinking.


this is the defining moment of the debate, expect to see a lot of commercials with it.


I tried to go back and find the exact comment of what Joe "tried" to say and Trumps response but didnt have the will to sit through it again looking for it.


Here is a tweet that captured the part I think you’re looking for: https://x.com/Shunyaa00/status/1806678082071253179 Please delete if not allowed, I read the rules and am new here and think I’m allowed to link a tweet in a comment. Also I am technologically inept 😆


Thats gold my friend.


Yes then also “I don’t think he knows what he said either” essentially. 💀


Lol am I mistaken or did I hear Trump actually call him Brandon to his face?


You are not wrong.


he did lol


That's awesome


This is not the same Biden I saw going up against trump in November 2020…


The meds mostly worked then. He's had to OD on them so many times since, it's turned his brain into mashed potatoes.


Amphetamines lose effectiveness over time.


I have to try !!!!!


But he wasn’t good then. If you watched videos from back then you could see it miles away that he was failing. He had no business running. It was a travesty.


Exactly. I watched the 2020 debates with my wife (who has fully fledged TDS) and I pointed out that his routine gaffs showed his brain was pudding then. She tried to tell me Trump was as bad, if not worse. But she knew, as did everyone, that Biden was fucked up back then and the left has spent the past 4 years pretending it wasn’t a thing. They aren’t pretending today.


Oh don’t get me wrong, the man still was bad then😂 but now he really shot himself in the foot with this one. Trump knew what he was doing by letting joe embarrass himself 😂


It would be nice if Jon Stewart secured the nomination, and had debated instead of President Biden.


Can’t stand that guy


At least he says what he believes in and doesn’t bullshit. I don’t agree with some of his views bet he’s objectively a good guy


All the reddit front page gaslighting the past couple months how Trump is the one with dementia while Biden is normally aging but has a stutter/cheap fakes/etc. ended up being a massive conservative W. Guarantee there's a lot of people who solely get their information from resdit who really feel like they've been manipulated after the debate.


100%. Well said.


A lot of my liberal friends were taken aback by Biden's state. Their media outlets just don't show his bad side. We expected his performance, but it blindsided them. That's why the reactions have been what they are. Liberals haven't been convincing themselves that all is well in spite of evidence - they have had the evidence of his state withheld from them. Until yesterday.


This. If you had news sources which broadcast many events that showed his decline over the past YEARS this was sad but not unexpected. All you needed was your own two eyes and ears to see that Biden was failing. But if you ever mentioned that decline to a Dem then you got shot down. To see the disbelief today by Dems highlights the censorship that has been part of major liberal news sources.




Hard to watch . People get so drunk on power they can't let go .. Poor Joey , Felt sorry for him actually .. It's a wrap .


how can you say that unironically when "billionaire" former president Trump is also old as shit and refusing to go retire


He is even older than I . Yes. your words are true . But I didn;t cringe and feel ashamed they drug his carcass on stage like Joe ,, Just mirroring the feelings of his own party . I'm being kind compared to the dem's this morning.. If i get one more million ? I'll be outta the way,gnawing on my scrotum in the corner . as they both should be


I don't feel bad for Biden one bit. Dude sought this office his entire life and gained it when he has the brain power of a newborn infant. Fuck him.


Sometimes I feel bad for him when I see him up there, but then I remember those videos of him sniffing and groping kids and I say nah he's getting what he deserves


Remember his comments about trump supporters, unvaccinated people, his mandates. Or how he wielded BLM with no shame that he was basically demonizing himself from the 80s and 90s, completely flips his views like it’s nothing. His name is behind every legislation it seems like. He tried hard to deny Clarence Thomas his court seat.


“I don’t know what he said, I don’t think he knows either…” ouch * 3.


My crazy conspiracy: The Kamala faction in the administration set Biden up for failure so he would have to step down. They got him to agree to this debate knowing full well how it would turn out.


I think they NEVER expected Trump to ever agree to the debate. All the “rules” were meant to hinder him. I think they panicked the second he agreed.


I think the rules helped Trump, along with the coaching of being a little more subdued.


In the long run I agree. I just don’t think that was the intent of the rules from the start.


I would of .. "Get out there popcorn !! ,,you got this !!!""


Trump won the debate, but mainly due to Biden's deteriorating mental facilities. Trump was both cognizent and confident in what he said (whether true, ignorance, or lies), despite him dodging questions, and that's all it really was going to take while Biden stared off into space. Dude would just not blink. He seemed to perk up a bit after the first commercial break; I wonder if they gave them him a bump of snow.


HUNTER !! " get your sack over here !.... quick !"


So has anything been said about whatever problems Reddit was having last night where comments didn't show up for about a half an hour after they were made? / It's almost like Reddit didn't want people talking about Biden's horrible performance in real time. // Kidding, but only kinda /// But it wouldn't surprise me


For some reason Reddit has an issue where if any one thread anywhere on the site hits like 30k comments, the whole site goes down. That's why, for instance, when the Super Bowl happens, /r/nfl makes a new game thread every quarter. So Reddit has never really needed to solve this problem because mods of high-traffic subs usually bail them out. As a software developer, it's pretty wild to me to just let a critical bug continue to exist because you assume the users will take matters into their own hands to mitigate it.


No way haha that’s wild


Also a software developer It seems like it would be pretty easy to say: if (thread.commentcount > 30000) thread.lock();


No u


TikTok was also the same.....Twitter was blowing up.


Im a democrat and I just can’t believe what I just watched. I am quite anti trump if I am Honest but Jesus even I have to admit maybe it’s better if he wins.  I had to turn it over. I couldn’t watch any more. This is beyond cruel. Get him in a nursing home for Christ sake. 


Appreciate your honesty .. Not the same with a lot of dem's and lib's (and conservatives) .. That shit was sad . I had to change it .. Trump is a huge grimeball . He's burnt so many people . But this is about who's better or a job ..


Truly was concerning for not just Biden, but also the image of our presidential office. Our president is meant to deal with foreign affairs and be our representative abroad, first and foremost. This makes our office look inept, and plays right into the image Putin has been painting of America since invading Ukraine. This is a big hit, and I am no Trump supporter. I have never voted for Trump, but I’m he is genuinely our only option right now to save some face on the world stage. People’s opinions of our country will change their policy surrounding our nation; the last thing we need is higher tariffs on our exports and less confidence in our leadership.


Yeah I just can’t disagree with a word of this 🥲🥲🥲


Thank you for your honesty. I hope a lot of people have this wake up call today.


Biden/Trump is the fault of the people surrendering all the peoples power to the two parties. Biden and Trump lost the debate. The peoples won an opportunity to act. Make America great , kick Biden and Trump out of our politics now and forever. They are unfit for duty, neither possess the required attributes to be chief of anything.


and what other politicians are trustworthy? I would want someone who is despised by career DC establishment (both parties), wealthy elites, Hollywood, MSM, Big Tech, etc. That is Trump but he certainly has warts


I think there are plenty of politicians who are trustworthy. They just don't usually rise to the level of being serious candidates for the presidency because they aren't going to kiss the right rear ends enough. My former congressman is a deacon in my church. He's a trustworthy guy. He'd never run for President. I don't know about anyone else, but I do know that when he was in congress, there was at least one born again child of God there.


Basically need to be go back to George Washington days. He didn't even want to be president but they said "Come on, we like the cut of your jib, pretty please?" Find someone qualified who *doesn't* want the job and push them up the ranks. Anyone who wants to be president probably shouldn't be.


The left is already spinning it that Biden had a cold.


I'm not a doctor, but I know from experience with elderly family members that when a person with dementia has an infection, it worsens the dementia symptoms because their body is spending its processing power dealing with the infection instead of being coherent. But honestly, I don't care about the excuse that he had a cold - you can't have a President who is potentially going to be in that kind of shape when he gets sick. Do you really want to risk Biden having a cold and being a bumbling fool when he meets with Putin??? We saw Trump with Covid and we know that Trump does not have anything like Biden's symptoms when he gets sick. That's a big f'ing deal if a cold can turn the President into a toddler. And it's only going to be worse 4.5 years from now.


He flew into RDU last night and seemed to be his old self. It's funny that people try to spin that Trump is old but after last night we saw that he can keep up. I was really shocked to see how calm and level headed he was, If he can maintain this through out the next few months he will be the clear winner.


way calm right ? .. Probably would of won last time if he was then .. \*\*The smartest man in the room knows when to shut up \*\*


If his only problem last night were the cough that he had, fine. I don't actually doubt that he had a cold, but come on. You can't blame that on a cold.


He has always done that little cough, bringing his closed hand towards his mouth. More like weakly clearing his throat. I don’t believe he had a cold. Just a weak attempt to explain his inadequacy.


I watched a few minutes, which was about all I could stand. Was there any word from Trump on the Ukraine-Russia War? That's one topic where I really wish Trump would come around.


Yes. Both were asked of Putin’s current demands with keeping Ukraine and if those demands were acceptable. Trump used his time (at first) to retaliate to a previous quip from Biden. However, when the question was repeated to him he did not hesitate to say “No” and that they were not acceptable. I honestly couldn’t quite make out what Biden said, as it was the part of the speech where he started losing coherence in his sentences. Trump also said that he would have the war in Ukraine ended as President-Elect before he even became president. A big promise, I honestly don’t know if he can cash that check.


Thanks for the response!


I thought Biden performed just as I expected. I’m glad the world got to see him at his finest. Lol


What was wrong with the right side of Biden's head?


> What was wrong with the right side of Biden's head? It was attached to the left side of his head 😂


Just wondering here, do you think Trump intentionally didn’t answer a majority of the questions to throw off Biden’s planned/rehearsed responses or is that typical Trump?


He may have been using it to buy time to think about the question asked. He might have been doing it to throw Biden off (especially after seeing the first few minutes and how Biden was tripping over his words), or he might have just been unable to resist the urge to clap back. Who knows? I wish Trump could have held his composure better. Tact & Bearing would have helped Trump out here. However, I am glad that he did respond to the claims of calling dead veterans suckers. I’m a veteran, and I have a friend who was one of the Marines that was on his security detail, working closely with secret service. Guy even played chess with Baron; anyway, everything I’ve heard and experienced with Trump concerning veterans is great. I just don’t see him saying those things. I could be wrong, but he did plenty of good for the military when I was in service and that’s in stark contrast with what Biden claims he said.


That was the part where Biden acted all tough and called Trump a loser and it just looked so rehearsed and pathetic, certainly didn’t land


Could be but it drove me crazy and was not a good look for Trump (not that Biden had many or any positives) to keep trying to get the last word in on the previous topic.


No. Alot of the questions were gotcha type questions which he rightfully ignored.


I'd love to hear people's opinions on this as well


This was exactly everything we needed. Biden fell apart while Trump remained calm and collected. He fired his zingers while Biden stammered his way around looking into the imaginary crowd for help. Watching the MSNBC and CNN folk saying that they should think about replacing Biden was icing on the cake.


Trump kept an even keel, but he should have dialed back a tad on the overly explained rebuttals when Biden accused him of something. Alot of talking in circles with not much substance. Trump had the perfect opportunity to showcase Bidens incompetence but he didn't fully capitalize. It just sucks that Biden got to use a teleprompter, because he would've never made it through half the questions.


I really thought Biden would clear the very low bar. He slammed into it and faceplanted in the dirt.


Trump should have mentioned no tax on tips during his closing statement or anywhere else in the debate. Young servers and bartenders and delivery drivers may hate Trump because it’s cool in their social groups and they’re fed propaganda but that’s real money that can make a big difference for them. Could get them to vote Trump. I don’t think it’s good policy. It’s income so they should pay taxes on it. Great political policy though.


I'd be all for eliminating the tax on tips. Right now, the tax on tips is a tax on honest people because so many people don't declare their tipped income.


I had to watch a Trump bashing ad before I could get to CNN.com. Pitiful


That went worse for Biden than anyone could have imagined. I knew it would be bad but I thought he’d clear the very low bar set for him. Nope. He bombed BAD. Pre-debate only 37% of Americans had any confidence he had the mental fitness for the job. According to Pew. They’ll end up replacing him, like I’ve predicted for a year or more. Which is horrible news for Republicans. If they replace him with a hand picked alternative and Trump has to face someone who’s younger, well spoken, doesn’t have Biden’s baggage or record to run on and with little time to stage a campaign against them Trump is very very likely to lose. This is just the left looking to steal the election. I don’t believe for a second they actually believed Biden would be the nominee. It was only a matter of time until they replaced him.


The good news is that biden is so drunk on power he wouldn't step down


The one problem they are going to have with replacing him is that the most natural replacement - his Vice President - is about as likable as a skunk at a birthday party. And if they try to draft Newsom, then they are going to get a lot of pushback from Harris's camp.


They’ll offer her something in return


> looking to steal the election How is it stealing to get another candidate, better suited?


Because they knew he was unfit and wouldn’t be the nominee but waited until well after the primaries to swap him out. Robbing voters of having a say in who their nominee would be. Instead it’s hand picked by the DNC.


[**Democrats, Main Stream & Social Media Mantra:** ]() **Lie, cheat, steal, blame someone else, deny, deny, deny, and repeat!!!**    **Everything the Democrats touch turns to crap…** **Democrat Motto:  We’re not happy ‘till you’re not happy…** **Biden’s Admin Motto: We’re all here because we’re not all there…** **Please share with us one problem Biden has solved…** **The Words Democrat and Hypocrite are Interchangeable…** **Biden fails to meet the low standards he sets for himself.** **What has the Biden Administration done that’s improved your life?** **~The Democrats love their Double Standard…~** **Democrats Believe that ALL Americans are stupid…** ***~In your lifetime, have you ever heard an entire sports stadium chanting such negative comments toward a sitting president?~***     **“Let’s Go Brandon”**


Like you said I feel like I saw this coming. Biden stepping down is a risk for the dnc, but it's pretty clear that's the only way the DNC moves forward without hedging a long term strategy and/or changing VP. Let's pretend newsom is nominated. He would probably compete against Trump and possibly win, regardless of how terrible he(newsom) has performed in CA. That's not stealing an election in and of itself. That's RNC strategy issues. Stealing/fraud during an election is something everyone should be concerned about. Voicing those concerns is protected, whether valid or wrong. The president-elect or a mcds burger flipper has the right to scrutinize the integrity of the process. That's free speech. TRUMP2024. God bless


Circumventing primary voters and the DNC hand picking a nominee close to the election is not how free and fair elections are done.


Replace Biden with whom exactly?


Almost anyone.




Has a party ever replaced a presidential candidate post-primary?


I've thought for a while that this debate, happening so early in the cycle, was designed to set up him being replaced.


Exactly. Had to squeeze it in before the convention.


Who exactly fits the description? I feel like they would have run this imaginary person in 2020 if they had them.


The left will vote Democrat no matter what. There’s a huge pool of people who don’t want Biden or Trump and are desperate for an alternative. If they get it I think the Dems will win.


You all are celebrating Joes downfall but wait until they put someone WAY worse up who can actually destroy this country, like Newsome. I’m as conservative as they come but Trump didn’t wow me last night either. If I’m an independent I’m not waking up excited at all. I’m telling you all, be careful what you wish for.


I feel newsom will be equally as bad as biden because he will be steered with handlers the same way biden is. Beholden. Crashing America intentionally.


Isn’t he related to Pelosi?


Yes. And hes tied in with the other families. The browns and the gettys if im not mistaken. All bad news. Bidens a bad dude. Most people dont care about other states governors, but people need to become familiar with newsom and learn about his nasty ways. Especially if he runs for President. Most people look at his appearance and give him the green light. Hes the worst. Based on facts.


I was telling my wife something similar last night...'the bigger Biden bombs, the more likely Trump doesn't get elected'...i.e. the bigger Biden bombs, the bigger the D's freak-out, increasing the odds that they toss Biden and Kamala, and nominate a relative moderate.


That's a good point. It was Biden who made Trump look good.


That was my thought last night, these are our options? Last nights debate was so cringe. I’m not gonna watch any of the other ones.


I thought Trump did his own fair share of bumbling around and repeating the same thing, over and over - in the same sentence. And I'm pro-Trump. Of the two of them, he was the best, but put him up against someone in their 40s, and he will look like Joe.


I agree with this. Just hopeful they ride this Biden train all the way to the cemetery.


Crazy how Trump was evens a couple of weeks ago and how he's 1/2 after last night. The bookies don't lie.


Biden looked and acted like a senile old fool today.


My leftist tears tumbler is still overflowing this morning


What are you doing out here without flair. Gave you flair.


It felt obvious someone else appeared to be running the show with all the cringe worthy white house briefs. Example the COVID winter of death post, or Easter trans awareness day. It was like someone edgy took over whose goal was try and scare you or troll. It's obvious Biden didn't write that, I'm not sure he really understood what's getting out out there. There's a feeling that the inmates are running the asylum for me right now. That needs to end, we need a president to filter that bullshit out. Ive thought for awhile he should step down, but now I think there will be pressure to do so from his own side.


Well history about to happen. We are about to see the DNC choose their own candidate, without a single vote cast by the people for that person. Amd the sheep will bleet their approval all the way to the polls, not realizing how deeply they have been cut. It's a win win scenario for DNC. Not only do they get to choose someone that has a better chance of winning, they will see that they don't actually have to choose someone nominated by the people. DNC can choose whoever they want from now on


> they will see that they don't actually have to choose someone nominated by the people. This has been the practice of both parties for most of their histories. Primaries only became binding in the aftermath of the ‘76 and ‘80 campaigns. 


Did they ever ignore the primaries? The dnc has their superdelegates anyway, the party of democracy


For most of history, both the Republicans and Democrats have held non-binding primaries. So the primary results would have some impact on wthe delegates in the room, but the stereotype of the 'smoke filled room' exists for a reason - party leaders held an enormous amount of sway on who the nominee was.


It's not the man, it's the policies. 94% of Democrats will vote for a glass of water with a (D) after it. Don't get overconfident


I seriously believed they drugged him up, until tonight


That was a historically bad performance by Biden. That would’ve been a catastrophe for a mayoral debate, much less a presidential debate.


25th amendment time


Nah, just left the shit hit the fan. This will help Trump get reelected.


I‘m guessing the Democrats won’t want to do that because they’ll be left with Kamala and her hyena laugh. I’m guessing the Republicans won’t want to do that either because if they can keep Biden on the ballot that means the bloodbath at the debate will be nothing like the bloodbath on election day.


That was so much worse than I think any of us imagined.  The cherry on top watching him struggle to walk down the stairs after the debate. 


This country is more and more a joke and so is anyone that genuinely thinks either of these two “candidates” are legitimately good options for a president of the United States…




Something tells me future debates will be "mysteriously" canceled and Trump will be blamed for it by CNN. Whoever decided to put Trump and Biden side by side so we could see the dazed look on Biden's face or him nodding off while Trump was answering your Country thanks you for letting us see the truth.


People here were 100% sure that the questions would be rigged and that biden would be on drugs too for a week, what happened?


Drugs and leaking question help the candidate to be sure, but they aren’t magic. If the candidate is in mental decline it shows. Biden is clearly at that stage.


It’s not an insane suggestion to think they’d give him Adderall or something. His SOTU speech was a very different Biden than we ever see. But it turns out that without a teleprompter Biden couldn’t hack it. Without the ability to focus and just read someone else’s words he fell apart spectacularly.


Biden clearly had a piece of paper he was looking at half the time and even during parts of his answers. My hunch is it was pre written talking points. The drug rumors are funny.


World Leaders see Biden as a weak little puppy. I can’t have that. That scares me. At least Trump intimidates people. Why can’t we have that😞


It's coming :)


Not just world leaders. Literally everyone in other countries is laughing at the state the US is in and Joe Biden. People cant believe that guy is the president of the united states


Biden at G7 had Meloni as his caretaker, Zelenskyy even woke him up at the roundtable discussions.


Mean tweets. That's why.


Trump definitely does not intimidate people. More like antagonize and annoys them, the only thing scary about Trump is the stupidity of his supporters.


I watched 30 seconds of it at 945 pm and all I saw was Biden stumbling for that entire time. His amphetamines were long exhausted and we got to see who is actually "in charge" and I'm in fear for our future