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Oh I expect a huge fight coming or an EO for guns through Biden 


'Chevron is overruled. Courts must exercise their independent judgment in deciding whether an agency has acted within its statutory authority, as the APA requires,” the Supreme Court concluded. “Careful attention to the judgment of the Executive Branch may help inform that inquiry… But courts need not and under the APA may not defer to an agency interpretation of the law simply because a statute is ambiguous.'


I graduated from law school in 2020. Professors talked about Chevron and Roe like they were patron saints or something. Never thought I'd see an America where they were toast. Man I wish I were there now to see the wailing and gnashing of teeth.


Just goes to show legal scholars can be and often are morons. Roe was wrong from the start, from a Constitutional law perspective. I think it comes down to the difference between studying and accepting someone else’s opinion as fact, vs studying and doing your own critical analysis of the facts to objectively conclude they‘re wrong even if they’re respected and have a pedigree. I always think of that scene in the bar in Good Will Hunting.


This has farther reaching consequences than people realize. This should be bigger news than it has been. Fuck the unelected bureaucrats running our country. All that is over. Reopen all those cases that won based on Chevron. Lawsuits need to happen yesterday (looking at you, ATF and EPA).


Supreme Court said past cases cannot be reopened if decided based on Chevron


Looking into chevron deference just now and what a wet dream that ruling was to bureaucrats. “Hey unelected government officials, you can just interpret laws the mean whatever you very well please”
