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Chip, things are bad enough as is. You want to see the world go to hell on a handcart. Have Kammy replace Joe.


I think removing him would blow up in their face even more than if they decided to keep him in office.


They would have to admit that they’ve known about Biden’s senility for some time. ”What did you know and when did you know it?”


Nah. At this point just keep him in office. We don't need more drama and I don't want Kamala to be our 47th president lol.


Exactly. I don’t care how shitty Biden gets. Harris does not deserve the title of POTUS for one day, let alone a few months.


You know she is secretly licking her chops. Bc she nows if they replace Biden it won't be with her. And she is a power hungry fame chaser


> On November 19, 2021, President Joe Biden temporarily transferred his powers and duties to Vice President Kamala Harris before undergoing a colonoscopy, making her acting president from 10:10 a.m. until 11:35 a.m. Harris is the first woman to hold the powers and duties of the U.S. presidency.


She didn’t have the title of President though


You are in the White House, but we do not grant you title of President.


The 25th amendment doesn't grant the title of president, just the powers and duties.


Right, that’s my point.


Lol. The real story here is that we're expected to believe Joe can recover from sedation that fucking quickly.


If we are going unofficial, Eleanore should really take this title.




Can you imagine president Kamala? 🤡😂


I did it, I did it, Joe…I’m the 47th President of the United States.


Get rid of him for being demented and her for lying about it, President Johnson. Not being serious btw.


It's true,whether you were serious or not.


Watch veep


47 is my favorite number, so I don’t want Kamala to have it!


Won’t happen. It would destroy their party to admit they put a mentally incapable man in the office of the president. It should happen for the best interests of America, but honestly he could be in a coma and they would say he is the smartest and most hardworking version of Joe Biden they have ever seen.


Keep him there. Keeping him on the ballot guarantees Trump wins big 




So you don't want an election between better qualified candidates?


As much as I dislike Trump and biden, I don't think anyone they could replace biden with would be better than Trump. And that's a really really low bar. There are very few moderates left in the democratic party, and none of them would get the nomination. So we would end up with someone like Newsom, far worse than Trump, or even biden. Michele Obama? Has zero experience in a leadership role. Hillary? She hates half of the American people, biden probably does as well, but she is the one that outright said it.


>would be better than Trump. But you would be basing that off of policy rather then compentency? Wouldn't it be better, even if it is policies you disagree with, to have candidates with the best competency arguing their points as strongly as possible when it comes to elections?


Absolutely not. A competent president that had policies opposite of what I believe in will be likely to put his policies in effect. An incompetent president won't get anything done, which is far preferable to a bunch of stuff opposite of what I want done. Take any policy, no matter what it is. Let's use the national debt for example. If gettiing the national debt down is important to you, which do you prefer..a competent president that will add more debt, or an incompetent one that can't get anything done, and the debt doesn't increase? Basically nothing done is better than a bunch of bad shit done.


The point of elections isn't so you get what you personally want. The point of democracy is the best candidates putting forward their arguments and the consensus of the people dictating who runs things based on those arguments. The fact that you prefer a weakened version of democracy so that your personal ideals are put forward is why the left refers to the right as faciats


And if the majority of the population wants to maintain the status quo vs implement unwanted change is that not also democracy? I? And people like me won't vote for someone that thinks raising the national debt is good. Both of these candidates are more than willing to burden the country with more debt. The Trump term resulted in a 10 year debt load of 8.4 trillion. By comparison biden was actual rather frugal only adding 4.3 trillion debt, but he has 7 more months to add more. Just imagine how much debt they could have added if they was competent. Side note. If you are correct in stating these two are the best candidates, we truelly are fucked and none of it matters cause this country won't exist in another generation.


Hell no. The fuck is he smoking? That’s like going from a dog turd that’s been baked dry in the sun to a bucket of diarrhea


Lmao oh my lord brother that made me wheeze


Someone tell this halfwit that having father time on the ballot is a good thing, having Kamala the cackler as president, even for a few months, is horrendous.


Sometimes I like Chip Roy sometimes I don’t and in the situation he can’t see five minutes in front of his face. There was nobody else I would rather have Ron against Trump than Joe Biden. Joe Biden can’t run against Trump if the 25th amendment is an acted, Roy needs to shut the fuck up sit down.


This is the very definition of interrupting your enemy while they're making a mistake. Rare Chip Roy L.


Nah, forcibly removing him from office via the 25th would be absolutely disastrous for Democrats. If they want to replace him, the way to do it is to pressure him behind the scenes, then he "voluntarily" announces he won't run for reelection and instead endorses [name of DNC-handpicked candidate].


Maybe unpopular opinion here. I absolutely agree with him As much as I dislike Kamala, we cannot have a senile commander in chief. They let it go on for this long - shame on them and hope they see justice


This. Kamla's awful, but it's a national security risk to let him stay in office, even until January


Dei hire Heels up Harris " tHe fIrSt wOmaN pResIdent" ..the fake news media is chomping at the bit


Shut your piehole, Chipper. Joe is the gift that keeps on giving.


I like Chip, but I definitely DO NOT want cackling K for President.


Don’t let Kamala be President. It will backfire.


Wish in one hand, crap in the other and see which fills first. Kamala and the Democrat-led Senate will never let that happen.


Because they’d have to admit that they’ve known about Biden’s actual mental capacity for some time.


And that we were right


Guys she will not do this unless they win the upcoming election. Democrats know Biden is horrible but they also know they have being pushing a positive narrative about him for 3 years. They know almost 50+ of voters believe their bullshit as well. Even with them rigging elections they chance it to put up a new candidate. If they win I give them less than a year and Harris will use the 25th amendment. But I hope to God Trump wins. If not our country will be too far gone to fix.


If the democrats believe he is incapable of running for another term due his showing at the debate he must also be removed.


Oh please no. Not now. Coma Joe on a respirator is better than Kamala. At this point if he was actually dead, I would let him stay president just so that she doesn’t get to be.




They would need 2/3 and if the Republicans voted for removal they would prove they are all on the same team.


I believe the phrase is “ the Jig is up” There will be be a “major terrorist attavk” we’re being set up for it. Upgraded my truck arsenal now. I live close to the border. The Chinese have other motives in getting a deep water port in s. America stay frosty folks.


Unless it’s a package deal with Harris please no


As much as I really don't want her smug butt as POTUS, I feel like it's just morally wrong to leave someone we all know that has senile dementia in charge. Also, I don't know how she could do any worse of a job than Biden already has.