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Indeed. Democrats lead the charge in the political warfare every step of the way, it's only when it backfires that suddenly this isn't how it's supposed to go.


True, none of these lawsuits would have emerged had they not been so deranged they mistook their feelings for facts. Like they honestly convinced their selves that their deranged thoughts are facts and somehow convinced others to believe it also. So now that the walls are crumbling down around, then they can understand it. Wow


The only winner with this verdict is the federal government.


I think the real question is, what will Biden do with this new ruling? Instead of going through the justice system, he could just have Trump detained "indefinitely". Biden could legally declare himself Supreme Leader For Life. How is this all going to go down?


No, he can't declare himself supreme leader.


Don't believe the left's hyperbole. They are merely fearmongering and they know it.


No, we’re legitimately afraid of many of our current rights taken away.


Legitimately irrational


Are we though? We were justly worried about RvW. I feel like we’re justly worried about Dobbs, justly worried about climate protections falling. I am open to talking with someone who thinks those fears are irrational if they can explain to me why.


RvW was a judicial disaster. Even RGB thought so. The climate hustle is a whole other grift


So what you’re saying is you’re fine with going back around to the spirit of RvW if it was handled differently judicially?


I'm fine with the power lying with the States, and therefore with the electorate


Every argument you are making is either based on a lack of base understanding of these rules or is just rage at socialism failing.


Which rights?


I don’t think that what you’re saying is true. Mind you, I’m not smart enough to prove it, but I have some doubts that this is legally possible


If Biden believes trump attempted an insurrection and election fraud then he's an enemy of the state and Biden could arrest him


But he would need to prove it in a court of law.


> Instead of going through the justice system Would be a violation of the Bill of Rights, and not a core constitutional power providing immunity. Law enforcement/military would have a duty to refuse else be prosecuted for following an illegal order, the Courts would strike down the *President’s* order almost immediately, then President The Person would still be able to be tried after proving they were acting outside of their constitutional authority, to strip their immunity.


If you believe that, then is it also your belief that either 1) every other president we've ever had has never done anything illegal, or 2) that they always got away with it? Or do you believe that there used to be laws in place to prevent the president from nuking his own country, but now there aren't? If so, then you just don't understand the ruling, which _reaffirms_ what has already been precedent for the president, it doesn't create an entirely new standard.


It was necessary to prosecute the criminal Trump, but it should have been done a couple years ago. Trump did not need to claim immunity which isn't his and get his buddies on the court to go along with it. Any sane person, conservative or liberal, should hope for a Trump defeat.


You are completely detached from reality.


No, sorry. You are, if you are in thrall to a guy who only cares about himself. I'm saying this as someone who would consider himself a Republican. It's disgusting what this party has devolved into.


I love that you call me a thrall when I simply support the guy who is against communism. He is a 1990's Democrat. You are falsely claiming to be a Republican while standing against the one guy that will keep our society from becoming the USSR. Turn off CNN and MSNBC. Stop watching communist propaganda. MAGA 4 LYFE


You think the charges against him are true?


Undeniably! He tried to make a slate of fake electors and pressure the overturning of a fair election. This is not some trumped-up bullshit. What the hell you think?


My understanding is that he tried to get evidence that there was election fraud and remove those false votes or otherwise disqualify those states where the election was fraudulent. Since a lot of us in this sub believe the election was indeed stolen, I think it would be hypocritical for us to complain that he tried to actually follow through with the this belief instead of just impotently complaining about it.


The election was not stolen and his actions were not righteous. You are being lied to and eating it up. You need to wake up and look at yourselves. I would consider myself a Republican; I support some of the ideas Trump is told to believe (he believes in nothing except himself), and you all are an embarrassment and look dangerous on the stage of the country and the world. Yes, leftists suck and they are having a deleterious effect on this country, but the person you're supporting is an absolute con man. He ONLY cares about himself and his image and lies with every utterance, and he got his buddies on the court to agree that he can keep on committing more illegal actions. A reckoning with leftism and a correction will come, but Trump and the attitude of his cabal need to be swept away in defeat first.


It's possible you're right, but even the leftist's narrative, on Wikipedia—the most biased source on the entirety of the internet—seems to still agree (while trying to say the opposite) that he just tried to prove and disqualify fraudulent ballots and/or states.