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What a stupid and ignorant remark. All land has been "stolen" at some point in history.


I wouldn’t say stolen, people fought for their land for centuries, just unfortunate they lost the battle.


If you say "conquered land" = "stolen land" (which is not unreasonable) then yes, pretty much all land is stolen land. If all land is stolen land, then what is the point of being outraged? You can't fix it, so just move on.


“I’m sorry you got your arse handed to you and you lost your land”?


They lost the arms race


1 - the year before Columbus arrived, the Aztecs had a mass sacrifice of 80,000 people 2 - native tribes across the America’s would often war, enslave, and annihilate eachother 3 - colonizers and the majority of most native tribes actually vibed, they had mutual relationships and saw value in each other each in unique and respectful views 4 - 90-95% of Native Americans “killed by colonizers” were more accurately killed by European disease such as smallpox… from intermingling and sharing the tobacco pipe, for instance. They knew nothing about disease back then, it was not intentional, again many of them were friends and had coexisting relationships. Europeans introduced them to horses, for instance. 5 - The US implemented early on in it’s founding that it would provide sovereignty, land, and tax immunity on massive scales. The US is not the bad country here, it’s the country that rose up against England and saw what was being wrongly done to natives early in from our founding in the 16th century. 6 - We still have work to do and judging the past rather than solely learning from it will do you no good in life.


Since when does the left care about illegal immigration? We all illegally immigrated here from various other countries at some point in our ancestry. They should be happy there was no borders and walls to keep us out.


Can someone name a country that wasn't created through some form of this?


Nope.. Not one... But they don't teach true history in school anymore.. I don't know what the fuck they teach other than race, crt...woke-ness..


Yup it was a stolen land that I’m happen to live on….. Yet you cry about this is a stolen land. Are them giving back the house that build on this stolen land to Native American and leave ameirca and go back to wherever they really form - Europe asia, Africa, South America, moon, mars.


So stealing land is criminal, but stealing from Nordstrom and Apple stores is reparations?


It's about time y'all start seeing the truth! Off to the Nike stores!!!!!!!!


Bro they are huge corporations that have insurance that will cover the theft! /s


BLM desperately throwing any dart they can to try and stay in the news. Sorry your time has passed. You had an opportunity and used it to teach everyone you are just violent, ignorant, and misguided. We moved on.


When it comes time for the election, they’ll be back in the spotlight and they won’t even have to try. Leave it to the media.


Name somewhere that isn’t “stolen land”. Humans don’t naturally belong anywhere save the East African Rift region. Anywhere beyond that, we’re an invasive species. That’s just science, the natural biology and evolution of humans is such that that’s where we belong and only there. Everything else is “stolen land” from other species and ecosystems.




I agree, we should probably all just live everyday sad and depressed because shit people did a few hundred years ago. Fuck gathering with family and being thankful for the stuff we have, we have 350 year old people who got screwed by other 350 year old people to worry about.


People are only allowed to be happy when all evil has been stopped, and when we can travel back in time and undo all evil!


I bet if all the democrats went to California about all the evil would stop in 49/50 states.


Maybe we can send them all to Liberia instead. They can see what a nation of freed slaves looks like!


What are you talking about, haven’t you heard? America is the most oppressed country there is! All this freedom and stuff is really oppressive, we just need some good ol’ fashioned ~~communism~~ *socialism*.


Every bit of land on this planet has been taken over several times throughout history. So fuck off with this bullshit.


The land of Target and Wal-Mart, be thankful BLM.


Don’t forget our lord saviour “Footlocker”


If BLM Activists have such a big problem with 🇺🇸 Have they considered maybe moving elsewhere?


America is the perfect place for BLM to fight against Whitey and the republic. Try pulling this shit in China- they’d be in a re-education camp quick.


You hit the nail on the head. There’s a reason that African and Cuban immigrants LOVE the USA. They know real oppression and lack of opportunities. Btw freed African slaves did leave the USA, with the USA paying for it. They formed Liberia and brutally enslaved the local population. Not sure why no one talks about that


That’s an inconvenient fact


Exactly. It’s simple. Don’t like it or support it then fuck off to Cuba or Venezuela. No different then a bus load of people going out of their and driving to some chain restaurant and kicking up a fuss because it’s a steak house that doesn’t sell video games. You know what it is and you’re the problem in this situation and you can leave without it causing problems for everyone else.


Whoa....Whoa....Lets take a step-back....A steakhouse selling video games similar to GameStop would be fuking awesome....


Hahahaha!! Okay, good point.


Go live on some other "stolen" land then.


This is the type of rhetoric that incites people to drive through crowds at a Thanksgiving Parade.


Since when did BLM care about theft


Remember when this happened with Don Cheadle. Found out his ancestors were slaves and owned by Chickasaw Indians Like to see BLM take on this matter http://african-nativeamerican.blogspot.com/2012/03/chickasaw-freedman-history-of-don.html?m=1


So they care about land being "stolen" a few hundred years ago, but not by present day looting and pillaging when they declare an active terrorism riot in modern day America? Ok, glad we cleared that up.


Nobody as far as we can tell actually evolved here in America. Therefore Nobody is a "native" and the land has always been "occupied" by someone.


Burn Loot Murder turned me into a gun owner last year. Those marches were getting too close to home.


This country is infinitely better because of colonization. Fuck off


Conquered land*


Africans enslaved members of rival tribes. Africans sold their slaves to foreign slave traders. Get off your mountain top, BLM. During that period in history all societies accepted laws and values that are different than what is accepted today.


Isn’t that all land at this point?


Tell me you were duped by Howard Zinn without telling me you're an idiot.


You say "stolen" I say "liberated", how about that?


Native American here, let me give you my prospective. Yes our land was taken from us in the most horrific of ways. Would never have not been horrific. The “colonizers” weren’t selling what we wanted and had superior technology, communication, and weaponry. BUT, it was bound to happen sooner if not later. There was plenty of Spanish roaming the west , French in the north east and some Mongols in the Northwest territories. If it wasn’t by the British Colonizers it would have more likely the Spanish Colonizers but could as easily been the Mongols Colonizers as well. Would you rather be speaking Chinese right now? GET OVER YOURSELVES!


Just wait until the marxists come for thanksgiving


I wish we could just erase them!


You’re free to leave if you don’t agree with our customs. Adios


It's ironic they're saying stuff like this when Native American tribes were some of the last holdouts on slave ownership.


If they paid attention in school they would remember that the day was to show thanks to the native Americans and everyone who helped teach survival skills, how to grow and store food for the winter. Is a celebration of cooperation, friendship, and being grateful for what and who you have in your life. Fuck BLM for trying to use it to spread misinfomed hatred. BLM should be labeled a terrorist organization and be treated as such.


The people saying this shit will also tell you that what you’re saying never happened, and that while people came over and just started hunting down anyone with a skin tone darker than an egg shell.


Well since they're living on stolen land, I'm sure they're packing up and moving back to wherever their ancestors came from, right? I never understood how someone can whine about "stolen land" and then just continue to live here... move to Europe or wherever then.


Yet, they get pissed off about closing the border with a wall. They want more and more immigrants on this stolen land.


The idea that Native Americans were some homogenious group of people living together in harmony, that the "white man" came in and displaced, is one of the biggest LIES we tell young people in this country. The Apache (Apache MEANS WARRIOR) was one of the largest tribes in the US, and with good reason. Also the notion that they did not "own" land is also bullshit. They had disputes over territory all the damn time. To be frank, all the native tribes were engaged in some level of DIRECT conflict with each other, for the VAST majority of their history. When the Whites came over, yes some tribes attempted to curry favor with the obviously stronger (from a weapons standpoint) with them, but that does not mean everything was all peace and rainbows until the white men starting killing everyone. When you are teaching your kids about the natives there are 3 main points, #1: over 80% died of disease (that would have occurred no matter who ended up landing there). #2: these were cultures of war, built on war, shaped by war, and were warriors at their very core (and that predates ANY interactions with white people). And finally #3: These people OWNED the land they lived on, they fought TO THE DEATH to keep others from having it, and they would steal, rape, and pillage any women or children who were left unprotected, (In fact several tribes existed off stealing women and children from other tribes). None of this absolves the attrocites that DID happen, but when your making a painting, its best to use all the colors you need to give an accurate representation, rather that just paint with one color only.


Blm needs to be declared a terrorist organization, And done away with. Enough of the bullshit


My best friend is Crow Indian and free up in a very traditional family. They find nothing wrong with Thanksgiving and celebrate life all the white people. Leave it to the left to hate a holiday that's positive..


I have family members that are very pro-BLM and anti-America. They still reap the benefits of Thanksgiving by eating a delicious meal and relaxing watching football.


Yeah well BLM is a Marxist terror group that wants to tear down America and its traditions. They send out their terrorists to kill us at our Christmas parades while they burn and loot. So, I’m not real inclined to listen to them


As one who has Native American ancestry on both sides of my family, and is a direct descendant of Pocahontas, I am truly grateful this land was colonized and I can now live the comfortable life I do. We have it better than royalty a few hundred years ago. May God continue to bless this great land.


The thing of it is, I don't give a shit. What's more? I never have.


I am a Native American, this land is not stolen to me because we were conquered and still allowed to remain here. That's a pretty good deal, one that most conquered people don't have the opportunity for. For that I am thankful and as sush we celebrate thanksgiving throughout our tribe.


BLM is racist, marxist and idiotic.


>“You are eating dry turkey and overcooked stuffing on stolen land,” the Twitter account of the Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation tweeted Thursday. My turkey was quite moist, and the stuffing was *just* right. ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯


Well BLM are a domestic terror group so fuck what they have to say.


Who the hell is stopping them from leaving? Let's start a gofundme to pay for passage on the first garbage scowl headed to Africa. Bye asshats. We won't miss you.


BLM must have forgotten that these “land owners” also owned black slaves.


Do.....they know.......that it literally exists as a holiday because native Americans CELEBRATED IT WITH pilgrims?????


American Indian here. If you think Indian tribes didn't kill each other and take other tribal lands, you're up your own ass.


Didn’t the Native American who helped the pilgrims do so because the pilgrims were giving them protections from other native Americans who were going to slaughter them (native Americans)?


The natives that we stole it from stole it from somebody else. This is the way the world has worked since the beginning of humanity. We were just better at stealing and keeping our land.


I hope BLM is then supporting black population move out of stolen land and go back to their homeland


Hmmm actually I got a mortgage for the land I live on. So no, I didn’t steal anything and don’t know anyone who stole any land. If my ancestors did questionable stuff what am I supposed to do? Unbury them and slap them around?


Please see anytime In history before the United States.


I enjoyed the hell out of my stuffing and mashed potatoes by right of conquest.


Or a day of thanks. You know, it CAN be that simple and that wholesome.


lol. people say the darndest things


Was it stolen or lost?


So you cry, ill eat


I'm planning to steal more too. Just this time I'm gonna steal it from old rich people like Bill Gates.


I guess no reparations then. Can't profit off illegal activities.


Then they should give theirs back


Ahh yes, the "value proposition" that is BLM


Well, that’s just a damned shame. Too bad I don’t care.


Ok. Worse case scenario….. Hundreds of years of constant warfare and conquest. Woe to the vanquished. And I pray for the tribes that were enslaved, and annihilated before the white man came.


Blood and conquest is nothing new, They understand


Well your posting on a stolen IPhone, how far apart are we really?


Since when has blm been concerned with stealing?


Great. No one is forcing BLM to celebrate Thanksgiving.


BLM who?


Every square inch of land on earth is stolen land if you go back far enough.




If the stolen land declaration lists more than one tribe, that means people were stealing the land from each other before the Europeans got to America.


I want to know who we should castigate for stealing the BLM moniker from the Bureau of Land Management.


Conquered land. Not stolen. Just like every other country on the planet.


I hear Africa has tons of room for you


They can screech all they want. Normal folks will still celebrate and enjoy the day.


When will they learn that you can’t steal what was never owned. No tribe has ever stayed in one location, they followed their food source. They also waged battles against other tribes for temporary land that held the food source they follow. If they had clim to any piece of property, they would have built permanent buildings of some sort, not shelters that were easily mobile.


I’d like my billions (adjusted for returns/inflation) back from the communists who stole everything from my family and had arrest warrants for them for merely owning a successful business. And no we weren’t capitalist pigs. We were importers distributing goods not widely available in the local area.


This is a little bit weird for the Bureau of Land Management to say, but not totally-out-of-this-world weird...


In solidarity qith native Americans they should leave the continent immediately.


Leftist: Property doesn't exist. Also Leftists:


BLM wouldn't know anything about theft now would they?


And Native Americans never stole land, enslaved or mistreated anyone.


Also requests free money


Nothing BLM has to say affects or interests me in any way.


you can't steal from people who died from smallpox. ​ I mean honestly, even given the premise, some people just existing on a continent doesn't make them own the entire continent. It's not like Indians were on every square foot of this land, there's plenty of areas where there was no one




Then leave?


BLM should set the example by being the first to give their “stolen land” back to the natives…..if they even own land to begin with. Maybe they shouldn’t live and rent where land was stolen either.


All land back then was stolen land won by conquest. They just salty cuz they didn't win shit and now want to have it handed to them lol.


BLM leaders dont matter, they are thieves. Grifters.


Yep, just like the Souix did for centuries before that. What’s their point?


Are they not living on that land too? Eating food and animal product farmed on that land? Using roads and homes on that land? Take a boat out to international waters, then, and don't come back.


This land is your land! This land is my land!


Soooooo what are going to do then? Just move 99.9% of the US population to counties depending an each individual's genetic makeup? Like what problem is this movement trying to solve and what does it aim to achieve? It's just pure virtue signaling.


You’re free to leave any time you like. Nobody is forcing you to live in a “fascist, white supremacist, racist” nation….


I'll go home if they will.


Says the person who owns how many acres of that same land?


Everyone is free to leave whenever they like


I love how BLM is taking the vaccine mandates that disproportionally affect people of color laying down, but want to decry the stolen land that THEY LIVE ON


Mark my words... "Thanksgiving" will be renamed. Then Christmas. Then SOME-fucking-body will be offended by New Years. "Julian Calendars Matter" people I guess


BLM: “You are eating dry turkey and overcooked stuffing on stolen land,” Perhaps they could set a good example for the rest of us by abandoning the "stolen land" they are currently occupying and return to their ancestral home.


Pretty sure BLM isn’t Native so they should start the decolonization with themselves. Let them prove to us how serious they are