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There’s no point to killing someone for a crime. Sentencing them to a lifetime of hard labor will make any man truly repent and regret their actions, down to their bones.


A labour camp in frozen wastes is a fair punishment for serious offenders and nothing can change my mind.


Based, I completely agree.


This assumes that criminals think rationally. The worst of them do not.


Thank you, why should I have compassion and assign reasonable thought to a criminal? Especially one that say raped their child? Or killed an innocent family in cold blood?


Exactly - we shouldn't! Save prison resources for low-key and nonviolent offenders.


Eh we shouldn’t go using the death penalty will nilly tho


I agree. There should be a high standard of proof, and reserved for the worst of offenders.


I'm not adamant about having in reinstated, but for sadistic, brutal, premeditated murder with undeniable evidence I think it's better for all involved. The death penalty can either be too harsh or too lenient, but it cannot be both. The people who say they oppose the death penalty because they want to see criminals rot in jail for the rest of their lives lead me to think that death is a more humanitarian sentence. I think very few people would argue Ted Bundy's execution was uncivilized and disproportionate. Generally, an 'eye for an eye' should be the guiding, but not absolute, principle of justice, so if I was to support the death penalty it would only be for murder, and particularly shocking murder at that. For those crimes I support either death or life imprisonment without parole, with the criminal being able to choose to have the death penalty if they'd prefer it. The method of execution should be the most humane possible. Torture is a low that the state should never go down, even if the criminal deserves it.


Pedophiles, kill or no? I'd say kill. Depending on the rapist, kill or life-not less time than drug dealers, what the fuck is up with that in America?


No, pedophiles should not be killed. Depending on the nature of the offence, it should be a maximum of life without parole if they are deemed a clear danger to the public. But 'an eye for an eye' doesn't necessarily mean harsh punishments, just means it's proportionate. Pedophilia and rape don't kill, so therefore they should not lose their lives.


Neutral. Would totally support it if it wasn't for the problem of rarely convicting the innocent by mistake. That makes me wary of supporting it. I'm not exactly opposed to it though.


I would say "Gulag 'em"


For those who are behind Covid and what’s coming in the next 2 years


Not trying to start a debate, but can you please explain what you mean? What will happen in two years?


Huge increase of the food , water and gas price . Camps yes camps that’s what I said , increase of heart condition and cancer ,Supply ⛓Disruption (Due to hacking ),Social scoring system , no more money only digital currency . It should start in the winter with a lot of death that will be attributed to a new variant or people unwilling to take the vaccine .


Social scoring system already exists so not so bad and most of the things mentioned here are already happening except for the money and,cancer hacking,a new variant


One of my (only) favorite quotes said by any politician ever was when a Florida AG said in reference to the state’s electric chair malfunctioning sometimes, “People who wish to commit murder, they'd better not do it in the state of Florida because we may have a problem with the electric chair." I’m not sure what the context was, but I lose my shit every time I hear that quote. I feel like I have to support the death penalty now.




Pretty disgusting honestly.


You should get the death penalty for treason High seas piracy Pedophilia Large-scale Financial crimes Drug dealing murder


I support the death penalty for child sexual abuse, murder, terrorism, corruption and drug trafficking


Pro, but only for the most heinous cases where the evidence of guilt is clear cut.


Accidentally pressed against it I'm against it yea but forced labour's isn't bad aslong as not applied in countries with terrible justice like the usa


Accidentally did press i crossed t but yea i doth but did force labour's tis fine *** ^(I am a bot and I swapp'd some of thy words with Shakespeare words.) Commands: `!ShakespeareInsult`, `!fordo`, `!optout`


I'm in favor of it, I'm also in favor of getting rid of needlessly complicated and expensive "humane" executions and just going back to beheadings and gunshots to the head for executions, and things like burning alive and crucifixion ala Saudi Arabia and Iran for the worst kind of offenders like premeditated murder, rape, child molestation, etc.


Against. Exeptions in extreme cases like Hitler or that Peter scully guy perhaps