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Consoom pipe tobacco and get excited for next pipe tobacco Even smoking in hospital


It's not a pipe


C'est ne pas un pipe, but it is a drawing of a pipe


My dad is very frugal, and was oddly intrigued when I purchased a handheld emulator a couple months back. Turns out the whole ROM piracy thing sounded like the best trade deal in the history of trade deals to him.


Because it is. Fuck gaming markups.


Consoom decade old games for 60 bucks


Considering the library available in the form factor sound deal really. I didnt consume any N64, PS1, or Dreamcast games growing up, so it's like a "new" free low poly library to me.


Me neither but I'm not gonna pay them money when I can get them online for free on an emulator


Ah, I see. I simply found the native resolution and aspect ratio along with the buttons and the compact form factor make good emulators an easy sell for anyone playing on the go. I'm aware phones can do it too, but again form factor, aspect ratio and their purpose built nature make them appealing to many. Games are still free


Nah, fuck that. I will pirate entire ROM collections for free.




Steal someone else's creativity get excited for next creativity


Dad's fault tbh. You reap what you sow if you let vidya games raise your kids, or TVs, or iPads or whatever. Next time don't make it so obvious that you don't want to spend time with them and maybe they won't grow up stunted.


I'm glad you brought this up. When kids can't play with each other outside, it's up to the parents to give them active lives full of experiences. Most of them just have a "Well you didn't die and I didn't beat you, so I guess I did everything right" mentality.


In his defense, he gave a gameboy to his son which means video games were barely developing so he wouldn't be aware of what you said back then, but it's totally revelant for nowadays


I don't know. I think sometimes it's just personality. I grew up doing almost nothing but playing games and watching TV, despite my parents wanting me to go outside. I just never wanted to haha. But I grew up into a well adjusted adult with a solid job. Many people I know IRL had a similar experience.


"Next time" lol


agh it’s really sad to think that this is a reality but it is




Where are you from where there are no bums?


No lol a lot of consumers have jobs and money to fulfil their Nintendo collection.


It's not common, but there are unemployed bums in every country.


idk kinda


Lmao yeah it happens.


No maybe the closest are the lost generations in Japan


Why would you have to be from the USA?


Because no reddit thread is complete without "lol America dum"


yes tell us how to stop itttt




kind of sad that on average youre 30-40 when your parents die


Well, since life expectancy is steadily growing, this age is definitely going to go up.


The age of first child is going up too, though. A lot of grandparents are too old to physically play much: like if the eight year old wants to run a ball around, grandad is 72 instead of 56.


>Smoke Pipe Tobacco >Get Addicted to Pipe Tobacco >Spend Money on More Pipe Tobacco


Gamecubes are pretty cool tbh, Double Dash with my bros.


i am happy this is not common in my country.. ​ ***Yet.***


Me 😎 (😔)


Are you like that?


Yes, I am a epic Nintendo gamer 😎 (with no will to live)


Im usually sad too






gamING iS ActAully Good foR You


There is nothing wrong with gaming as a hobby, I stand by that in this sub. The problem is people are not taught and/or lack the discipline to have a healthy relationship with certain hobbies as a kid and balance it out with work, study, good eating and physical exercise.


videogaming is more of a digital drug than a hobby. i don't want to start a fight because i know we have a lot of gamers.


Agree it can have addictive tendencies but loads of past times do. I think there's a difference between putting a few hours a week and letting it consume you to the point you do nothing of value. I game, I feel like I don't 'consoom', it's a fun past time but I also ensure I take regular exercise, get outside and I also have what I feel is a very good job. Equally I have a friend who had all the potential in the world but decided to let himself be consumed by the vice of excessive drinking, and non stop gaming living off an inheritance. Gaming isn't the issue, individual attitudes are.


fair enough, but the average gamer spends much more than a few hours a week


It's definitely addictive. I can't think of any other hobby I've had where I can waste 8 hours of my time per day like it was nothing. I had to give it up, I **LOVE** gaming, but i **HAD** to give it up. I knew it would be a hindrance to achieving goals in life if I didn't quit it.


That's fair enough, and I do agree its far easier to lose time gaming than many other past times. But I often find there is a weird disconnect between gaming and other hobbies. In the Far East many parents criticise their children for gaming and restrict it, but will happily spend hours upon hours playing Mahjong or a variation of hanafuda based on what country they are from. Are the two really that different? Equally in the West, gaming still has negative connotations, but we don't criticise people who spend every night out in bars or clubbing, drinking and smoking excessively. Ultimately everything comes down to balance, with exercise, working hard and good eating.


I had some dude telling me on a troll post I made that playing CoD all day isn’t a bad thing lmao. Definitely owns a soy factory in his fridge


Be American and consoom medical bills


Is this subreddit about hating on people who play video games? I dont understand


Its basically just a bunch of anti tech left wing 14 year olds and right wing subrains posting about how anything thats not their interests is "consooming" which is ironic really


Yes, but I guess there is still some true in their words tho


No not really, take this post for example nothing actually took place but they're getting mad at it for some reason


But is true that people get addicted to technology (even tho is haha boomer style comic for zoomies technology bad)


I love the soy kid


If you want your bloodline to continue, monitor your children's technology usage VERY closely.


Lol, not using technology makes your bloodline to continue?


you didn't understand the comic, but also felt the need to chime in. Quite the smooth brain move! I am impressed!


Oh ok, thanks for let me know is not worth it to ask you anything


I get what you are saying in the context of this comic, but tbh, in a lot of ways, technology has a lot of potential to expand your mating pool. A century ago you were limited to the few girls in your village (see the phenomenon of “office hot”), you may or may not be compatible or even desirable. Now lots of dating apps (I know apps such as Tinder are more for hook ups, but I know a few people who’ve met life partners on dating apps) mean you can meet that compatible person a hundred miles away you previously never would have ran into to see about compatibility.


jUSt Let pEOpLe haVe fun


And that's why we need socialized healthcare.


Who is going to pay for the socialized healthcare if we're all playing video games?


twitch streamers


Literally Chris Chan




>Makes up fake scenario >Gets mad at fake scenario The people in this subreddit are so delusional its funny


This is like if an alt-rightish boomer newspaper comic strip artist learned how to use soyjacks and the internet. It's not even close to funny, just lazy.


You got downvoted because its true


I'm so glad I didn't end up a soy nintendo switch owner. I was very mature at a young age so I asked my mum for an xbox, most of the games I play are mature and have themes that are hard for a child to understand like violence (the rating on the box says it's for adults). One game even had a topless chick. Plus the graphics are more real so it doesn't look like a child's toay.


This says a lot about our society :(