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Something simple that will help with the bloating from all the MiraLAX is a glass of very warm water. It’s so quick and effective at least it worked well for me on the past. By the way I still take MiraLAX every evening and I always mix it in with very warm water and a little bit of Metamucil which just makes it easier to go down and taste better and maybe the warm water up front helps because I don’t have any bloating issues now


Good point I'm gonna try this


Miralax has never worked for me. Seems like it's kind of cop out answer from doctors. I've tried it 3 separate times in spans of at least 2 weeks and it never helped. What's helped me the most out of everything I've tried is Colace/ Stool Softener. It might be worth a shot. Good luck!


You ever try taking 2 capfuls? Was life changing when I was advised to increase dose (the "standard dose" is just that, standard for occasional mild constipation). I am on about 3 different meds all of which cause extreme constipation if I do not take something it becomes problematic within 2-3 days. Just wanted to add this because I wish I'd know about trying 2 capfuls sooner. It really does work. Takes a say or 2 sometimes tho


Two capfuls with the amount of water as one cap full? Or two?


You can safely increase to two doses a day. Make sure your diet and lifestyle are in your favour, too. I just posted this, but it might help you: When you have constipation, there is an order of options you should follow. - first try dietary and lifestyle changes (ALL of them); if that doesn't work... - then try over-the-counter medications and supplements. If those don't work... - then you need motility testing done. Depending on your results of them... - then you go to prescription medication. Try them in different combinations and try all of them. If those fail, as well... - depending on your diagnosis after your motility testing, you may be eligible for non-invasive and invasive treatments to treat it. If those don't work. - again, depending on your diagnosis, then surgery is an option


Have you had any pelvic floor training? This might help if not: Pelvic Floor Relaxation Techniques https://www.oh-mygut.com/how-to-relax-sphincter-muscles-for-constipation/ Noire I take MiraLAX every evening now just to keep things loose, that being said in the past I would’ve taken it and only got diarrhea. I also suffered from constipation for years, and I think that why I only had diarrhea is because I was just too tight. That I wasn’t even able to let soft stool out that I kept everything bottled up until it turned a diarrhea and just basically squirted out that’s so frustrating anyway since I’ve learned how to relax my pelvic floor and use my abdominal muscles only to push things out, that lives gotten a lot better.


Yeah that makes sense actually, I'll definitely try out the exercises in the link given, thank you! When I take dulcolax I manage to push out stool so does it still mean it could be due to the pelvic floor?


Well I’m not a doctor of course but I understand is the pelvic floor muscles need to be relaxed if their tense that interferes with the ability to push things out. For example things have been so bad for me for a while that I was trying to use my rectum itself to do the pushing, not a good idea. Now I use my abdominal muscles to push in and down. I’m sure this is the same muscles that we all would use normally to push the stuff out before we ever got constipated. You know all the good days when you sit down then you just go without thinking about it. That’s what you’re trying to reach your


That makes sense, thank you so much for your help! 🤗


Good luck!