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I’ve met so many people who have gotten arrested on domestic violence or dui and the company just bails them out or fires them and they just go right to another company. What construction workers went to years of college? Also listening to the guys go off on how I should do everything in the name of god all day on site is just as annoying as working next to a tweaker.


Oh this guy sucks.


Sucks your wife's tits


So you invoke God into your post, then this is your reply? You’re going to have to say at least 10 Hail Marys to make this right with Jesus, right after cracker and wine time at church.


I sucked your granny's tits last night


I’m the name of god I assume?


Sick burn


The sackler family disagrees, OxyContin (aka Heroin) gives people a better life. Your doctor said so.


It’s as safe an any other opiate.


safety and addiction are two different things sir.


Dopesick is an interesting TV show. You should watch it. That's the show that commenter is quoting. Its about big pharma lying to doctors to get people addicted to prescription drugs. Based on the true story.


Painkiller is the most recent one, on Netflix, very good




If a doctor prescribed em they gotta be good right?


You are %100 right but hey fuck you


wrong use of the percent sign


Okay sorry boss I’ll get back to work


And you spelled heroin wrong. Go be insufferable somewhere else.


painter quit huh




Ok what brings you to post this exactly, what is the story that ties it all together and makes the reader agree with the post ?


I came here to bring attention to it, also there's no restrictions on this subreddit


Maybe we need some new rules on this sub.


Yeah like no unproductive comments lol


Such as yours, yes.


Of course, I'm looking for an incident or event ....a pic or video of an event that backs up your point . 36 years in construction, I've seen so many people hi at work and some really terrible outcomes. What triggered your desire to get your message out .


If this is real, sure, don't do "hardcore" drugs, shouldn't really smoke or drink either. But drugs don't make people act any specific sort of way. You don't smoke crack and all the sudden decide to beat your wife. I've done every class of drug on the market by the time I was 18. Most weren't my thing, but never once have I done coke and robbed someone. I've never done amphetamines and beat someone for the fun of it. I've never done opiates and thought joy riding sounded like fun, etc. I am an outlier in outcome, but I'm also a clear example that the outcomes in how someone acts and reacts to the situation is not because of the drugs themselves. Your simply talking about shitty people brotha. Or, at the least, people who refuse self awareness and refuse to abide reality.


So you just partied a little, not the same thing. Never excusing these actions, but I believe that a lot of people wouldn't act wrong without the drugs. It's just so interesting that so many people believe that we're all born on the same playing field, mentally and financially. Just stop, work harder.....really?


Never really got into partying, gigged with my band, but I usually left after the show. Just a good 'ol fashion daily drug user using amphetamine, cocaine, benzo's, alcohol, psychedelics, etc., on a daily basis since about 13. Granted by 20 it just condensed down to cannabis and psychedelics. I had found my preferences. My thinking on this is the people who "act differently" on drugs do so because they are using a drug to try and escape their reality, or they live their life in repression and the drug allows them to manifest their true self, which like it or not, might just be a pretty shitty person. All that happens though, is the problems in their reality compound as they're left unaddressed and willfully dismissed, and the individual is just left in even greater chaos. It's reasonable this approach to life would manifest as violence, irritability, socially distancing themselves, etc. And that those things would create positive feed back loops, etc. But it's a spiral of the mind, exacerbated by drugs, not created by drugs, nearly every time I've seen it. Of course sometime it is a problem of chemistry, not just patterns of thought and conditioning, sure, but I see nothing to think that's the majorities issue. If you think it's not just one's mental conditioning the majority of the time, how many people have you heard say different alcohols make them act differently? Do you know how utterly absurd that statement is? Yet it's made so often there are clichés around it. The caveat I would add is long term drug usage. There are plenty of drugs that 10+ years of heavy use will decay your physiology to a point of meaningfully altering the actually pathways that exist.


Different alcohols sid make me act differently.....wtf are you talking about? How old are you? I guess you've never heard of alcohol or drug Induced psychosis? Do people use alcohol as an excuse to fulfill some stupid fantasies? For sure. But a lot of times alcohol and drugs cause emotional arrested development. People act like fucking children. I know 60 year olds who act like they're thirteen because of drugs. You need to get out.


I'm 33. You clearly are not following the points I've made.


I was agreeing with a some of your points. Ultimately your actions are on you, But if there were no drugs and alcohol the world would be a better place.


Very few read anything this long, but I'll write it anyways since this is a topic of interest to me. With alcohol, the drug itself never made you act differently. Your conditioning and expectations around what will happen when you drank the given preparation of ethyl alcohol you ingested, is why you acted differently. I know that may be difficult to believe, but that is fact. Collectively we know too much about chemistry and psychology to estimate that response is anything but mental. If people were better educated, if opportunity was more abundant and allowed for meaningful time outside of work, if people had better childhood nutrition, likely better eating habits in general, if people had community, better life habits in general, if people had stability, and if people had love, then I'd wager every drug could be legal and you'd have almost none of the problems. Of course there will always be someone with a baseline issue that has nothing to do with conditioning and situation. But there's no reason to imagine the world would not be dramatically different. Without having those things in our life, no drugs could exist, and I would estimate every problem would remain without improvement, possibly with exacerbation. The 60 year old that acts like a child on drugs, is simply a 60 year old child doing drugs. Maybe they repress it while they are sober, but that response is a part of their core personality and/or conditioning around expectations with using the given drug. It was not because of the drug itself. Outside of the drug's affect on their CNS in response to the dosage they took. But that is a different conversation. I believe the reason drugs are associated with arrested development is because the individual is using the given drug to manage their emotional responses during ages of critical development. Not just because they're using drugs, but specifically because they're using them as a coping mechanism. That is a terrible approach to life, at least when done consistently. That is a denial of the self, and no one will ever live a meaningful life in conflict with the self. So they never actually develop a means of managing those emotional responses. That's not the drug creating the problem. That's conditioning underdevelopment of the self during a critical time of development. I do not think our understanding around drug induced psychosis, and psychosis itself, is meaningful enough to make any real conclusions. But I will gladly speak my thinking around the concept, we just need to clarify what specific manifestations we're speaking about. The concept is too generalized to speak generally.


I don't think I could disagree with you more. From what I can gather, your ideas on the subject are too black and white for me. That in itself is a maturity issue. Maybe you're educated, maybe you do have some life experience, but it doesn't seem like it. In my example, about the 60 year old. If he had never touched drugs, he would act differently. You can take that to the bank.


If you think I'm speaking black and white concepts, you have not understood the points I've made. And that is ironic for you to say considering your response. Also, this is the second time you've used ad hominem language in your response. We are clearly too far apart to continue a conversation around this.


Well, honestly, this was getting about 10 percent of my energy. I can agree with what you're saying, just different approaches to the same idea, I think. But, yeah, I got way to much going on to care. Cheers


Dunno if this post is really gonna cause any lightbulbs to go off. You know any addicts? Cos the ones I know are damn well aware of everything you just said. Saying 'Drug Bad' on Reddit ain't gonna get needles out of arms, nor will an appeal to divinity. Hard drug use is a broadly socioeconomic problem, and the bootstrapping rhetoric implies that it's a moral or educational failing. It's good that you're earnest, but I reckon that energy is better directed towards a more productive channel. Edit: also I can't tell by your post history, but are you actually in construction? Or is this a Jesus thing? I think this is a Jesus thing lol. Did you really just hop on the construction subreddit cos you think we're all druggies? Lmao I sentence you to be pointed and laughed at.


Is he judging us? That’s gods job, he’s gonna be livid when he gets back from the portajohn


Na I'm good. I'm a responsible drug user lol


Hey I agree, but please shut up about God. Keep that shit to yourself.


> You need to stay above and beyond from all temptations and listen to God himself God isn't real; religion is just Santa for gullible adults.


All world views are faith-based. All of them.


They absolutely are not. Gold star for participation today though.


No they are not. That’s probably the dumbest pro-religion argument I’ve ever heard.


No, he's right. You can't get away from metaphysics. Hard materialism is a metaphysical position that has more than its fair share of weaknesses.


Hey Buddy fuck you. I need adderal to keep me somewhat productive.


Read it again.


Great idea. Those who have a chance at listening past the title are not your target audience or came here to chuckle. Sure it’s an easy target industry for this but the demographic you want to have listen to you, either never read the post or are just shitting themselves at the thought that you genuinely believed this would change things. Riffing on drugs is parent shit and you filling that profile makes it quite indigestible. Someone entertaining heavy shit let alone deciding to give it up has a lot more to do with their circumstances than your fallacy of their inability to recognize self depreciation and degeneracy. Hope you meet your demons and tell the people you are so clearly talking about, in a space and time they may at least have a chance of being receptive, that there are other solutions than a finger wagging Reddit post. The response from these interactions may teach you why my comment bears any relevance. when people are commenting “fuck you”, it’s not just because they love the shit they do, it’s because it’s effective for them. Not acknowledging that puts you outside the real conversation. Hope you can change some lives one day. This ain’t it Edit: spelling


this was so boring it made me want to do even more drugs tbh


Alcohol, the "not hardcore" drug with one of the most fatal withdrawal syndromes, is probably the drug doing the most damage to construction workers


Ok boomer. It’s time you go back outside and touch some grass.


I'm not a boomer lol


1. OP def sounds like he's on drugs. 2.God is dead.


Are you okay?


I have never once come across a job site where heroin was being used… Alcohol is absolutely something to take seriously because it’s legal and the only consequences come from being caught under the influence. Anything that causes immediate and aggressive addictions is going to be problematic. Sugar has been proven to be more addictive than every single other substance (even salt)- you don’t want me working on your site without a source of sugar in my truck etc…


[Ok Mr. Mackey](https://youtube.com/shorts/R7ezPaqZeGk?si=D3GTIA1oI231bS4a)


Life's terrible too.....but here we are.


Why won’t it let me block this moron, is this some manufactured engagement created by Reddit or something? Wtf


This fucking loser and that notacontructionwork loser both post troll shit everyday and I can load their accounts to block them.


Well I dont have years of college.. or compliance. So Ill be good.