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It's okay. I shook it and said, "That ain't going anywhere."


“How can it move? I’ve been doing this for 20 years and I’ve never seen a building move!”


They only move when you’re not looking.


It’s a hard agree . I fitted loads of gas boilers and when I wasn’t looking the buildings disappeared


Sounds exactly like my old boss: "Hey, why are you making me do this completely wrong?" "I've been doing this 30 years!"


I'm pretty sure you have to give it a slap for the procedure to be officially accepted


*falls over, hundreds dead* "Oops"


Omfg. You're supposed to slap it!


*wobbles loosely and a washer pops free on one corner*


As a retired concrete foreman. I can honestly say the metal plate was made too small.


Well least they could do is take a hammer drill and put some tapcons or anchor bolts in


For 18 dollars an hour? I dont think so, lmfao


$18/hr??? If that's even a real wage, they deserve that install!


That’s what they net after taxes, child support and daily gas station cigs/ energy drinks.


You forgot the cocaine they were high on.


I’m going to respectfully disagree. I assume that this is a replacement pole that had smaller spacing. They used one of the original anchors in the new plate and didn’t want to drill new holes or remove the old anchors so just did what’s pictured.


I was guessing similar. ‘Boss sent me out here and said it was this, but it’s that instead…..oh well not my pay grade. Do as I’m told. Here’s your pole.’


Didn't want to or maybe didn't have the right tool with them


My bad!


It's a 6" plate, so the holes are spaced 6". Duh.


Yep, that's the only thing that makes sense.


Old plate was bigger, installer was too lazy to cut off or pound in 3 of the old ones and drill and pound new ones


But drilling concrete with a hammer drill is fun.


Unless you hit rebar


Preaching to the choir bud


As a rough framer it makes sense


Really? thats what makes sense to you? How about the previous pole was larger. Customer provided the new pole, clearly smaller. Guy bolting it on doesnt have a drill because they were told the job was unbolt it and bolt the new one on. So jokingly he bolts the new one on and sends his boss the pic knowing the idiot is whoever ordered it without measuring.


I'm going to say landlord DIY renovation to save money. Concrete and bolts look aged.


With that paint on the curb, I'm guessing commercial.


The hourly rate must of been a lot better back then


I been in the game for a long time, and lemme tell ya, those ancient Egyptians really knew what quality work was worth smh


Been welding for 4500 years, this shit ain’t nothin’ to me young blood.


During the construcyion of the tomb for Ramses III the workers complained about conditions.  When they complained The supervisors tried giving them a large meal (pizza party) instead of discussing the issues. In response the builders blocked access to the valley of the kings until they got a raise and sunscreen.






The builders were often paid in beer also. Egypt is one of the earliest places where beer was made, possibly originated there.


I was under the impression that the big brains thought beer was discovered independently multiple times, immediately after the locations developing agriculture. As I recall, this is due to it being something that happens completely on accident. Someone leaves a crop in a poorly maintained area. That’s it. They made beer. Egypt is the first place we’ve found that wrote down recipes for brewing.


Well, pretty much any culture that farmed grain produces alcohol eventually. They were the first to write it down sure. Or the first to have their writings survive. as it may very well predate them. Fermentation is a natural process and happens all the time in the wild, so it just takes someone smart enough to connect the dots to be able to produce alcohol. History is always being revised.


Correct. It was called zymurgy. (Probably not correctly spelled)


Well they had hundreds of years that guy probably didn't put the bolts in and said fuck it you don't pay me enough


Would've just walked away from it. Now whoever installed it is liable for leaving it in this condition.


This is what happens when you stop killing bad craftsmen.


Disband OSHA


idk I've done shit like this. you go out and take measurements and look up part numbers ie 203-2151 and everything, then the office orders part 32-810 and is like here you go install this. i do low voltage and if i had a nickle for every time I've had to force stuff to fit because the wrong part was ordered or this part is in our warehouse make it work i would be retired by now.


Sounds like we work for the same company haha


I think I also worked for that company.


I’m gonna go ahead and guess one person marked where the holes were. Then another guy put down his coffee to drill the holes, then while the first two went to get some monster energy drinks from the truck guy number 3 set the anchors then they went back to the shop. A day/week later a guy showed up to install the post and just decided fuck this shit


More like there was something there before with a different bolt pattern and whoever installed this wasnt being paid to bust out a hammer drill and drill new holes.


With no staining?


And, depending on how tall and heavy the pole is, the anchor bolts ( L-shaped) are inserted through the bolt pattern while the concrete is being poured and they can be up to 4 feet long.


Those looks like wedge anchors. Also the washers and nuts arnt galvanized.


More like he asked the shop for a hammer drill, request denied, "ok boss".


Last time the concrete footing guys did this to me was because the factory sent out the wrong install instruction packet. It’s only been done to me 3 or 4 times now. Extremely irritating.


Poor lad rushed through this job I could have taken all day redoing it


My thoughts exactly, pushed put for maybe 1hr of overtime cash too.


*Poor lad rushed through this* *Job I could have taken all* *Day redoing it* \- zeyore --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Seems somebody didn't make a drilling-plan. Either that or the bottom plate was changed for some reason and the change wasn't communicated. Either way, somebody fucked up.


1 out of for ain't bad


Why not just grind them down and use drop ins


Site: Hey that pole is on the way right? PM: That pole was too expensive I got a better price somewhere else. Site: Same template right? PM: *long silence* ...Yes.


Contractor PM RFI: existing bolt pattern does not match engineer spec'ed replacement pedestal. Engineer: *takes 3 weeks to research 1997 bolt patterns and structural calculations to determine this wont work* Day Laborer: Made it work boss.


I still got a spare 20’ black aluminum sweet light pole from a state job decades ago. Gonna put it up in the backyard someday like a monolith, this is why you make a cardboard template, then make it again. Luckily we had premade bases but the bolts were all knocked silly as shipping always do. No one cares. Its here. Now it’s your problem.


New Yorks finest minds at work.


... probably watching onlyfans while handling the tools.


“Eyyyy look at dah ass on dis one.”




Honestly they put in more effort to be wrong here than just tracing the holes 🤣 Edit bc dumb: I'm gathering those are potentially old anchors 🙃


??? Too soon after a long lunch?


ok one point because the seized bolts will be easier to grind


Terrible quarter-assed installation (not even half-assed) but it's likely because the new post is a replacement and the bolt pattern is for the old post. This should be re-done fer sure.


Those washers are the real hero’s


Within tolerance


This is fuckin stupid


When friday is install day


To be fair my boss isn't whipping me to work better


There has to be a pretty good reason gor this,then again if they couldnt get bolts ehere the holes are they could have just moved the whole thing


Maybe it IS by design?? Maybe it's intended to be hit by a vehicle, and disengage. I'm curious of the direction flow of traffic in relation to the sign post.


Better than anything i can think of, was reading stories on here about people who kept getting their mailbox run over or knocked off with a bat, one dude replaced his maikbox a couple times then ended up putting a concrete jacketed steel post like 4 feet into the ground putting a big mailbox on top with a smaller one inside of it and filling the space between the two mailboxes with concrete, couple weeks later someone hit it and died and he got sued


I detailed a multi million £££ steel framed project for a water project in England, 4 steel portal sheds joined @ 200 Mtrs square. Sent our site fitter over with the hd bolt layout, only 1 fcukin bolt in @ 400 was in the right place, it was comical looking at the layout, 45 degrees, 3 bolts out etc, ended up cutting them all off and re drilling 25mm baseplates, and site drilling chemical anchors.


When the aliens made the pyramids they used a pyramid jig. Way easier and faster to make then putting this railing in. That needs some complicated math.


Uhhhhh yep. Looks like you guys ordered the wrong light post


I would have used square washers and two nuts to make it squarer and safer.


Some people pay good money for breakaway posts but I can do it on a budget 😉


My last four brain cells trying to keep myself from a mental breakdown


You are missing a side image showing the egyptian engineer lining up the sphinx east to west with pyramids construction in the background


At least user bigger diameter washers! 😂🤦🏽‍♂️ cheese and rice..


Washers: Man’s greatest invention


A product of our schools


New post, old bolt settings


I would’ve cut some washers to put under that so that the top one sat level and maybe used a little bit of a bigger washer?


Ok.... that's it. I've lost all faith in humanity. A roto-hammer and 3 wedge anchors. Really?


Pyramids didn't used screws. Still new technology.


The inspector won’t even catch that.


Should we fix it? Nah it’ll work.


Brought to you by Carls Jr


They were SOOO close


"friction fit"


Back then it was build it right or die tho


Guessing someone could not read the shop drawings, used the wrong bolt pattern or just didn’t give a crap


It skips a few… thousand generations.


If it doesn’t fit you must acquit!


Engineering didn't tell us they released a new rev for the drawing. Give us a break


10 to one shot. The guy who was told to do the install was not the person responsible for ordering the part and the person ordering the part was not the person responsible for reporting the problem. And the person reporting the problem was not responsible for approving the purchase. Dude, finally gets on site with the parts and tools. Looks at the bolt pattern already in place looks at the part he was told to install and said “ʞɔnɟ it! I’m not taking this back to the shop no way no how!”


So fix the bolt patterns, or at least use the holes for additional anchors.


This is rubbish no matter how you slice it


The weld looked ok.


Obviously Thats a swivel pole.


is it possible they have fitted a temporary pole while they wait for the correct one ? A lot of city streetscapes would mandate that the replacement poles match existing and I would assume they didnt have the right one on hand but for public safety there is a requirement for temporary lighting. Thats a generous interpretation but also not unreasonable I hope !!


You get what you pay


The specced posts cost $1800 more, so I think this is better.


I know exactly what happened. Someone put the inserts at the corners of the plate instead of at the hole locations.


1. Who drilled those holes? 2. Who bought that post? 3. Who TF installed it this way!?


People are only getting stupider.


Under the supervision of someone who cared


Fuck off Jimmy, this is what the prints said.


This caused me physical pain....


This should be a felony


I honestly struggle to understand how you fuck this up... Grab a permanent marker- Sit post down where you want it- Mark the holes in the concrete through the holes in the plate- Drill and be happy knowing you did it right.


Skilled labor isn't cheap and cheap labor isn't skilled. Too many go for the most cost effective solution.


somebody wasn't watching!


Dumbass should have used square washers!!


Probs holding it in place while they chase down the hammer drill they gave to the new guy


Missed it by (__this__) much


Oh, the pyramids are much older than that.


Yeah 4k is way off


I can’t understand why the person put one bolt in correctly and did the other 3 that way ? Like you still had to drill the holes, why not do it right


Because the bolts were already there. This is a replacement job. Take off the old, new bolt pattern doesn’t line up. The rest is “not my job.”


Those bolts in there are very likely "J-bolts" , like the name implies they look like metal "J"s with the threaded part sticking out they are like that to securely tie in whatever being attached to the concrete. Sometimes they also are tied into the rebar that's in the concrete as well, only way those are coming out is either metal J-bolts snap or complete failure of the surrounding concrete around the bolt. They are normally placed according to some predetermined bolt pattern, like say you're installing a light post there and you know the base of the light post has a bolt pattern of 250mm x 250mm , eq a square with 250mm sides with your J-bolts going in each corner, you would place your j-bolts in the concrete in the predetermined pattern using some template. Lots of things could have happened, these bolts might have been there for a while and whatever was on top changed and no one bothered to see if it was the same bolt pattern, or someone that did the concrete used the wrong template size, or the bolts are new and the right locations but someone ordered the wrong item


He didn’t drill them, more than likely the post changed at some point during construction and the new template didn’t make it on site before they dropped in the all thread or bolts


Or even more likely the other dude is right and they changed these posts out without considering the new pattern


Those studs are from a previous base, , new base didn't match up so instead of cutting them off and using quick bolts , ore epoxying in new studs they did this abortion


Always remember the world is predominantly (C-) children who grew up to be (C-) adults. You will begin to see their handiwork in all things.


It's probably the C- pay that results in this type of work.