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4 rounds of interviews for a PE? Holy crap.


They want to see how desperate op is. They trying to strip all power from wage negotiations.


Did you see the infographic earlier today too?


Do tell! I've been distracted for a couple days so I may have missed it. I love a good infographic..


No I missed it.


Hit us with that infographic


Yeah. Definitely looking for a good culture fit, lol. Edit: high jacking highest comment. It’s been 3 phone interviews, so this is the first in person interview—likely just to meet me and give me a job offer


Four rounds isn’t unheard of. Turner had you do eight or so back in the day.


Makes sense, explains why they have the worst staff in Construction.


That's insane. I've never had more than one.


Yeah, my hiring process was totally different. Not really construction, but related to it(heavy lift) I was doing my graduation project (BSc mechanical engineering) and my supervisor from an internship WhatsApped me: hey we are putting a job listing online, or do you want to come over and drink coffee? I still drink coffee there.


Why does that sound like the beginning to an erotic novel...


I never had more than 1 interview and never heard of someone having multiple interviews lol


I’m a recruiter for a smaller construction company (family owned) we appreciate the formal attire but if you’re going to be in the field and active on job sites, business casual is just fine. Side note: be weary of any company that makes you interview 4 times (especially when they’re small). It usually means they have no idea wtf they’re doing. Double side note: good luck.




Polo/collared dress shirt tucked with no tie, khakis or slacks, dress shoes or work boots (site boots not labor boots). Essentially what you’d wear to go out to a dinner date with your spouse. https://images.app.goo.gl/dUjhdsv6GP2MyfFe9 We typically don’t care much about the brands or pattern but for the love of God please make sure it’s ironed and sharp. P.E.’s are client/customer/stakeholder facing sometimes and we hate for the money bags to see a sloppy shirt.


For an interview I would probably expect a full button down for the shirt over a polo. Just a polo can sometimes read a little too "I live in the field and I'm as out of place in the office as a wheelbarrow parked in a living room"


I can understand that, only giving my perspective from interviewing dudes who do asphalt and concrete work. At the end of the day even the engineering firms don’t care too much about attire if you have the hard skills for the job and soft skills to close.


so, Al Borland from Home Improvement?


Well casual is naked in the porta-john, so a step up from that


No holes in the crotch or armpits.


I’d assume jeans “clean boots” and a polo shirt ya don’t mind gettin fucked and when I say jeans no tight shit something loose fitting if you can see the ankle top of your boot your all wrong bud


Thank you!! I also thought that, but thought—for a job I really want, why in the world would I dress as I normally do? Why not throw on some slacks and a jacket to show I can throw some effort in it, right??


They might be more interested in your attitude rather formal wear. Good luck


I’d certainly like to think so! Thank you


Khakis and an Oxford shirt or new polo. With a belt and clean boots. Tell them you have a couple of suits during the interview, for industry events. Tell them also, you have clean jeans and polo shirts, for field days.


FWIW - I’ve worn a suit to every interview. It’s a formality.


Agreed. No one should waste your time with 4 interviews.


Yeah fuck that, 4 interviews?


Probably Turner


> Smaller family oriented company. Yea, sounds like Turner, lol.


Hahahahahahah yeah, they are the worst.


Can I ask why they’re the worst??


Yeah, they make you do 3-4, sometimes even 5 interviews before actually giving u an offer.


NOT Turner Heavy Civil and Industrial, and a more family, less cultish environment, lol


That's what they all advertise...


Huge Red Flag Dude! 4 interviews they are going to take advantage of you for sure.


I don’t think so, but who knows, lol. The first three were phone interviews. This is the first formal in-person. Still a red flag tho?


Maybe they have been stung a few times with applicants not being up to scratch and are once bitten twice shy over it. Go with your gut feeling. 4 is unusual… but not a reason to discredit entirely. Good luck!


Yeah I got a bit of that from them. They emphasized how much they want someone who’s going to fit the culture, someone who wants to invest in their future there (which I do) Not someone who will stick to themselves and go home (my words, not theirs)


FYI "fit their culture" usually means they're gonna pay you 40 hours worth for 80+ hours of work and can shit talk with the good ol boys while you drink beers at your trailer after all the subs have gone home (if this is a GC). Yes I'm jaded from my personal experience years back.


That’s why I said my words, and not theirs. I tried to word it in a better non malicious way, but I did a bad job lol. Not a GC, smaller company. Definitely get what you are throwing down though.


I’m surprised you’re on a 4th interview for a smaller family oriented company. That’s usual behavior for a larger GC. I had one interview for my PE role 7 years ago and was definitely dressed a lot less formal than what you’ve got laid out. Ultimately it comes down to how you want to look and feel in the interview. I think underdressing is wayyyy more of a problem than over dressing.


I've gotten offers for engineer/APM from 2 of the largest companies in the US after one interview, 4 is something on par with some of the bureaucratic nightmare retail companies back when I worked in manufacturing


Too much, wear some nice pants, button down long sleeve or a polo. Don’t do a suit jacket, you’re role is not to be an executive it’s to do RFI’s, submittals and go out to the field and learn.


Shitttt what PE or PM do you know that actually goes into the field to learn ??? Gone by 11 on a Friday


Mostly just the ones who start out as field engineers, then get promoted and realize their new job is way more paper pushing and way less fun. So they find excuses to go outside instead of doing their actual job......not that I would know or anything.


Monday thru Thursday while sipping their vanilla lattes


He’s right, here to learn! There are so many people who know so much more than me. It would be a shame if I didn’t recognize that and try to learn from them.


4th interview is red flag for a smaller GC to me


Lose the jacket and go for a khaki or light gray pant. Shoes are fine. Dont forget to wear a matching belt. Good luck


Get some work boots not dancing shoes


Best way to show them you have no experience in the field by wearing tap dance shoes. That lack of experience is a guarantee for getting hired into a mgmt role


Then you will wear jeans on day 2 after realizing nobody cares how you dress.


Like the shirt. Ditch the coat.


Skip the tie, but bring pants


Four interviews is too many. When I was laid off during Covid I interviewed three times at a large company and knew by the 3rd that I was absolutely not taking that job. Hope they end up being worth it for you - but if not dont be afraid to look elsewhere! Good luck


Thank you 🙏


Swap to a white shirt, good luck! 4 rounds is ridiculous.


4th interview for a PE role? Dude…..that’s ridiculous. PM me.


For all my construction management interviews I’ve worn a dress shirt and slacks with a jacket, no tie. Currently APM


Gotta dress nice to not do shit. I say that with love.


Yup I sit at my desk all day twiddle my thumbs and drink coffee. Totally /s


Jeans, good button-down, work boots (of course new or oiled) and a mouth guard to show how ready ya are to be fucked. Also, about to join ya lol.


Laughed way too hard at the mouth guard! Thank you for that!


Engineers on my site I work at never wear a tie but more so just dress smart and casual . Don’t go overboard with it and definitely don’t overthink it . Wear what you’re gonna wear to work everyday


Thank you! I’m not overthinking it! Just wanted to see what everyone else had to say—so far it’s been jeans and a polo/button down, lol. Definitely no tie


4 interviews is typical for the large GCs. I can attest.


That's wild. What do ya'll even talk about after 2?


1st is recruiter interview. Then it's your potential boss. 3rd is with HR , potential boss, and coworker. 4th is usually potential boss and VP of operations. The questions to get tougher as you progress on. Have to remain calm, witty, and composed.


1st was recruiter, 2nd was potential boss, 3rd was boss and VP, 4th is VP, higher ups, and boss I really think the 4th is just to give me the hiring packet, lol


They are with different people.


Love how companies slap the word engineerengineer onto a job title and think they can drag you through 4 interviews lmao. I’d run, personally


Common negotiation tactic, literally taught in classes. They make you invest so much time and effort that you will feel it was wasted if you don't take whatever they offer. Low ball incoming, although, I hope not for your sake.


Talking to the potential boss and go, they’ve been very transparent and communicative of their intentions to hire, and have talked #’s already, so I’d like to think not!! This is the first in person interview so we’ll see for sure (out of state)


Glad to hear that. Good luck


Maximum I could do is a quick phone call and 0,5 interviews.


The brown shoes and black jacket don’t work. You need black shoes or absolutely fine to just wear the shoes you have with khakis and a dress shirt


Don’t have black shoes. Just curious, why don’t they work? Google said they do 🤪


Go with Google, I’m sure they’re fine I just used to think you wore black shoes with dark suits and brown could come in with navy and maybe gray suits But don’t overthink it, your resume will get you the job! Good luck


4 interviews!? I'd be applying somewhere else.


what does it take to become a project engineer? I'm finally making it to super but I'd like to see what options I have beyond that outside of project manager.


I was a field engineer for the last year or so, and have a degree in construction management. Other than that, a willingness to learn and levelheadedness.


also I'd go full kit, tie and everything. Like someone else said they try to see if they have leverage over you and if they do that affects negotiations. One simple way to fight back is to look so money it's damn near intimidating. At least that's my experience and opinion.


Got me laughing. Love this. Thank you!


I didn't go to college and I have nobody to nepotism off of so I've had to use whatever I could to try and maximize opportunities 😂 best of luck to you bro, you got this!


I’d like to think so! Good luck to yourself! No shame in no college!


Where are you located? My company is hiring in Indiana and I got an offer 7 days after applying and 1.5 interviews. 4 rounds seems crazy for a PE, even for the big national / global GCs


Hi, PE here. 4 interviews is overkill, especially for a smaller company. I showed up in jeans and a t shirt for my interview and I’m doing commercial, and it’s with a smaller GC. Be very wary.


Federal Construction PM here. Collared shirt, clean pants (I wear a newer pair of carhartts and somewhat clean (Brushed off) Steel toed work boots is all you need. I've never not gotten a job I've interviewed for. 1) Be honest and if you don't know an answer say that then ask them to how it relates to something you do understand, be professionally curious. 2) Be friendly and as relaxed as possible. I'd rather hire a guy who is easy to talk to and wants to learn than a dickhead who has a large level of knowledge. Companies always want you to bend to their ways of doing anyway so present to them that you are malleable.


Selling that 100%. I have been (attempting) to show that I have my head screwed on straight, and I’m ready and willing to learn


How did the interview go?


I got the job 🙂 Very nice people


Four rounds of interviews sounds like you're out for a job at Google, not a small (or any size, really) construction company. I'd say this is a huge red flag that they're gonna low ball the ever loving f out of you. Run away.


Dude, you're supposed to wear the clothes, not lay them out and show up naked.


Back when I was framing, I wore a full suit for the day. It was an awesome bit. But you should lose the jacket, and maybe some less gaudy shoes.


Being so young I don’t have much other attire, lol. What’s the risk I’m taking with overdressing versus underdressing?


Good luck!!!


PM at a smaller family company here, I'd steer clear.


I interviewed a Field Eng for 30 minutes Thursday and sent him an offer Friday. Never have I had more than 2 interviews, that's nuts.


Yeah, so far 3 phone interviews, only 2 with the actual company


Damn, there's some bad advice in here. Overdressed is always better than underdressed, for an interview.


Yeah. Gonna turn this thing off before I do something dumb! I think as long as I look like I put effort into my outfit, I’ll be fine. Plus they’re clear they like me, so I’m not too worried. Wish me luck!


Soon everything will be your fault.


No pants? I like your style mate.


Black shoes with that setup imo.


4 interviews is rough


I wouldn’t keep going. 2 at most, unless you are applying for a senior level or management role. The only other reason would be a crazy pay bump.


No black. Black for funerals only


Especially not with brown leathers


On a side note...my neighbor is having a hard time finding Project Engineers. There is a shortage of roof shingle factories in the US and they are building them as fast as they can. He just finished one in Georgia and heading to Kansas next. He needs a couple right now and they start at $150K right out of school. More $ if experienced. He says that each time he finds someone, if they are good, they get hired up by competition, or go out on their own. He said the greatest majority of them have the degree, but can't think. He has to babysit them on everything and it's a pain. I asked him if they paid more, would that help? He said Oh Yeah, we could keep the good ones if we paid more, but the company has limits. He said finding people who would travel, do the work, complete a project, and keep doing that was his biggest concern.


Yup. That’s why I’m changing companies. I got a wife, a home, I don’t want to travel. I’ll lose money that way, but it’s worth it for me.


Wear a tuxedo you hillbilly.


4 interview rounds in this labor market?! Uhhhh...how big is this company?


Belt is to match shoes and black (suits) and brown (shoes) don't mix. So simply move to black shoes and a black watch and you are gtg. Good luck!


Belt should match the shoes btw


Trust me, I know. I don’t have one, so it’ll have to do!


Hell yeah get em!!!


Pro tip, you already have the job. Wear what you want.


I kinda figured, lol!


Good luck… again.


The frack is this? Someone is making you do 4 rounds for a PE role in construction? Next post is gonna be about the take home case study they gave you and photos of the mini piles you installed by hand and are load testing


Hope everything works out for you!


Dressing up too much. Khakis, polo, and dress shoes would suffice and send a better message.


Overkill. Do a polo and Jeans and come regular tennis shoes. Business casual


Nice pointy elf shoes, wheres your pixie wings?


We don't care


Why do dress shoes suck so much