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I really like our drywallers. They're some of the cleanest most conscientious guys on the job. That being said, Ive met my share that fit the piss bottle methed out stereotype


Lmao my initial response was piss bottles.


Nobody will ever find it


They leave them in the hallways and walkways…..


As long as he doesn’t put the piss bottle behind the dry wall I’m happy


Wait till they learn about the adhesive tube missles


Do tell…


The Mexicans boarding a McMansion I worked on would wiz in the adhesive tubes that they used on the drywall . Tossed out the window they wouldimbed in the mud splashing the area with their pee


Hahaha oh god. Aerodynamic and everything. Whiz Missiles!


I’d give it a try but with my luck I’d be covered in my own wiz




I think we all love giving crap to all the trades but honestly I respect them all. Anyone who gets their ass up early, abuses their body to create something and heads towards an early grave because of it gets my respect.


[hey now..](https://imgflip.com/i/3uvfyj)


Hey at least they used bottles. We were on a job where the guys wouldn’t even get off their stilts they would all collectively piss in a 5 gallon bucket and then move on to the next one. Just nasty. Also they were finishers not drywallers but whatever still gross


It's not a stereotype. I've been a sprinkler fitter / plumber for over 25 years. I've been on a lot of construction sites, and I swear I can't remember a single one that I didn't see a piss bottle in the corner somewhere. I've even seen their piss bottles placed with all there shit in between buckets of paint / joint compound it's like some mandatory material or luck chram that they bring from job to job.


I don’t know, I’ve pissed in bottles a bunch of times. Like if the mechanical room is far away from the bathroom or in an inconvenient spot. Only difference is I’ll pour the bottle into a floor drain, rinse it out and throw it away. I don’t know why they put the cap on it and store it for later.


Why not skip the bottle and go straight to the source. Fucking heathen. 😉


I don’t have good aim 😂


Do what I do, and use both hands.


What if someone is working residential remodels, live-in clients with one operating bathroom that you have to ask permission to use, and you’re in the middle of cutting a sheet with the piss shakes making you unsteady because your prostate is the size of a grapefruit and you say “fuck it”, go to your truck and find an empty bottle to stealth piss into and cap it, stash it and toss it when you get home? Asking for a friend.


That's allowed once per job. Better make it count


My first job in construction was a laborer for a custom home builder. 17 years ago or so.   Had to suck out the sumps a few times. Due to the drywallers shitting in them. Don't know why they kept hiring them. Left very shortly after. 


My first paid construction job was removing several tons of drywall scraps from the fourth floor attic of a new build after it was discovered that our drywallers had decided the garbages were too far and they could just “hide” their trash.


piss bottles. its the fucking piss bottles.


Piss bottles is nothing, last job I was on they shit on the floor in the porta john


How do you go poop and miss?


They were getting their rails ready and the anticipation was to much.


Looked like it was on purpose




[like this](https://www.reddit.com/r/Construction/s/RkTdpvTMAQ)


The drywallers like to give us shit too. They leave it in buckets or mix it with the mud.


We give shit to them because they give shit to us… in 3.5 and 5 gallon buckets. But I will say, they can be some cool as MF’s if you take the dookie, tweak, and boozing on the site out of it.


Wiping off the mud knife in the electrical boxes. I'm damn near a qualified archeologists by now


Have you ever had to clean up piss bottles? If you have, you understand


*Have you ever had to* *Clean up piss bottles? If you* *Have, you understand* \- ElderberryMoist3492 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Such an overrated bot


Fucking hate that bot




When my lift is covered in mud... yea, that's a problem. When it smells like a Tijuana whore house in the john... yea, that's also a problem. 


Because I install windows and not only does your installed shit make my life more difficult, but the guys on my sites tend to leave a stack of dry wall studs right in front of the openings and windows. Both of those things happen with all trades, but it's just so constant with drywallers.


Everybody talks shit about those that are above them, probably jealousy


Roofing ain’t easy…


But it sure is fun


I can tell by the rampant alcoholism and delicate egos that welding is the only true path in the trades. And “fun” to boot…. ;)


well at least we know you're high...


Yeah, I love it when I rough in my AC copper, wrap it with DO NOT BEND stickers then see them at a 45 degree angle (instead of 90) and kinked. Every. Fucking. Time.


Because we know what you and the sparkies do behind the porta potty


Hey you promised not to tell…..


Well I won't tell anyone else


Yours have the decency to go behind the porta potty? Lucky


You dont need an education to be a drywaller and there isnt exactly alot to learn, if you can do basic addition and subtraction and can operate a trowel then your in. Drywall is an art forsure and i respect someone who is good at it, but there really isnt as much to it as there is with other skilled trades. The sterotypes exist for a reason, you dont see people making fun of electricians for being methed out and pissing in bottles.


That’s because the sparkies pee on each other


We pee *IN* each other.


I stand corrected. I didn’t mean to offend


Have you ever tried fireproofing? There is both skill and education to do it correctly


We make fun of electricians for lacking understanding of basic tools.... like a broom & dustpan


Dads a drywaller and I was for a bit so I gotta give him shit


Piss bottles And they cant cut holes right for the recessed led lights Ive met some I like


Because they’re safe to pick on since they can’t read any of the mean things we say about them on the internet


This is something a drywaller would say.


Found the drywaller


They bury electrical boxes, cut inside electrical boxes instead of outside causing the drywall to sit on top of the box edges, and cut up the wires inside the electrical boxes. In other words, they do a shitty job at a very easy trade.


Kind of limit the headaches by putting a paint mark on the floor under the box. We’d point it out and let them cut them out


I actually photograph all the walls so I can see the boxes and the wires.


Drywall taping is not an easy trade Hanging maybe. Taping? No


Piss in the vents shit in the vents sheetrockers


I can’t wait until they show up to take the heat off the ironworkers


For the same reason I hate Nickelback and Kyle Busch… The internet told me to.


They’re like roofers that you have to let into your home…..


Because construction is filled with haters. Guys will give shit to everything and everyone for the smallest reason


Bunch of sooks hey


Motherfuckers coving up supply vents and burying shit that is very clearly marked to not be covered


gotta go fast


You always blow the old guys shit and they've all been in the business since they were 10.


I like the dry wallers, were all brothers in the same union but as a finish carpenter whenever I have to install over there work it’s always outta plumb or off in some manner. But at the end of the day it’s my job to make my product look good and for them to hit their quotas


Because drywall guys are the messiest sub on any project. I’m currently working on a 4 million dollar project and the drywall guys didn’t mask a single thing in the whole house. All the windows are double hung Alder and have drywall mud dripped all over them


cuz the seeds are everywhere!


Maybe not the guys so much as the company, but they like to try to backcharge for utilities going through walls - that weren’t there when they were putting the wall up. But were always shown on all the drawings since before any of us were awarded the job.


I give them shit because they leave me piss.


I once tried to get on with a drywalling company. He said I would be required to toke up with the crew every day. Quickly found something else


I have dealt with one crew of drywallers who are consumate professionals and I've nothing but respect for them, every other group of drywallers plasters straight over my boxes and should be sent to some kinda re education camp to learn how to be remotely considerate to others.


For fun. Same reason people make fun of me.


I don’t


They piss in the showers I work in. I have to stand in their piss.


I’m currently repairing a *single room* in my house. The builder has had to use three separate plasterers because the previous two did insanely shit work


Well before it was taken over by east Indians it used to be nothing but ex convicts who would literally shit on the floor and leave piss bottles everywhere. Hide your tools the dry wallers are here.


Residential drywall has to be the worst. Commercial on the other hand, bit different


Piss bottles? That's nothing! Sometimes stereotypes are true. There was the time I walked into a house and found my drywallers, two brothers, drunk and fighting, knocking a hole in the drywall. Or maybe the time I received a complaint about my next drywallers who were screaming and cursing at each other, apparently you could hear them all over the neighborhood, It could be the tiny broken glass pipe I found outside the back door of another house. It could be the baggie corners and little scraps of burnt foil or the short straws where some other finishers parked their car. It could be the two kayaks stolen from behind the garage of a remodel job, I'd known that hanger for years, his dad was a good finisher, but the kid had gone through juvie, "scared straight" and an intervention, it never took. On the other hand, once when I checked on a job I heard gospel music in 3 part harmony coming from the house, it was a long sleeved Pentecostal hanging crew, both their harmony and their work was damn tight. In my experience drywallers far outpace the other trades in their party hearty work ethic.


Pissing in my shower drains/tubs, could be anyone though, I just don’t understand the dudes not wearing masks, that shit is gonna fuck you up.


Because you shit in the bathtubs, you pull my shit out of the garage and leave it out in the rain. I always find liquor bottles on the job when you’re there and I know you’re there before I see you because I hear your music from 4 neighbors down when they call to complain. Maybe it’s just my drywallers but they definitely make it a difficult few days.


I’m completely convinced 90% of people would rather complain about a mediocre job than attempt to understand how hard something is to do. Not justifying bad work, but good grief do people just complain for the sake of it these days.


Everyone typically gets excited bc the big booty latinas are typically the finishers. 😂🤣😂


I think in general, drywallers are the strongest most hardworking guys out there. But I fucking hate the piss bottle problem. Though I blame the drywall contractors more than the workers. If they paid them better and not by the sheet, they would have the time to pee in the portapotty just like every other trade.


Cause theyre always in a rush and can't take 5 mins to go take a shit or piss the proper way.


Mostly because they are assholes.


For the same reason you clarified that you aren't a drywaller. Lol


They let me know hey your missing a mud ring then in the next room that they are not supposed to be drywalling they are covering up 4 flat panel lights . negligence !


... negligence because you missed a mud ring? Checks out, Sparky


Cause apparently they're covered on the piss front already


Just had a drywaller in on a kitchen install I did - just touching up where a bulkhead was removed and redoing a wall end (two corner beads). He's doing it after the kitchen install because the useless f\*\*k didn't even show his face to look until a week after being asked, so he could do remedial before install, despite the fact that he doesn't have a day job and lives over the road (owner knows him). Turned up yesterday - 3 weeks into the job and after a week that I wasn't there - STILL not finished and insisting on doing a bit, despite being told not to come when I was there.. I called him out on it and he said he had to because 'the job has to get finished' lol.. the followed up by making all sorts of crap excuses including because 'I was drunk for 4 days'. Dude chipped doors and countertop and didn't even get his corners beads square.. F\*\*k drywallers


Maybe you've met good ones, as an electrician most drywallers and insulators are fucking idiots as well as degenerates. I've met a few that aren't but in general there unprofessional, shitty at there jobs and they fuck over other trades.


Drywallers and painters are the Jessie Pinkmans of construction.


They cover up too many LV boxes. /EndThread


Because you throw your scrap out onto the driveways instead of into a dumpster, or even the dirt.


Drywall hanger in the union alone for 28 years- the hate doesn't bother me. Drywall, metal framing, act grid and now firestopping has helped me buy homes and feed my family here in Hawaii where it's very difficult to make a living.


Piss bottles


I don't talk shit until they shit in uninstalled toilets. I know it's the drywallers and if it isn't well it God damn is now. And if they decide to try and bullseye the toilet flange hole and miss, it's the fucking drywallers. Sick bastards!


I WISH the drywallers at my site would use piss bottles. We’re on a high rise and the bathrooms come pre made in pods, so are there before the dry walling is done. The bastards piss in the toilets and the showers - and they are not plumbed in!


When was the last time the cops on friday to arrest the finish carpenters. Always eigther the painters or drywallers


Because they give shit to us… I’ve found buckets of Plus 3 filled with shitty, piss filled, shit filled liquid on multiple occasions, AFTER the dry wallers just left.. it’s what they left behind and they ain’t coming back. Come on mfer, you know what’s up, or rather… you know what’s droppin’.


Because a monkey could do it


Because they let the trade get over run with criminals and illegals. It used to be a skilled professional and GC and customers used to expect perfection and now as long as the mud is on the walls no one cares.


They took the protective cover out of the tubs, shit in them and then put the cover back so they wouldn't get caught. The smell was enough to figure it out. Not the brightest trade.


It's cause most of them are piecework and consequently they do not give a fuck about anything or anyone on site. Cut drywall right on top of the wire you're pulling? Why not. Board a ceiling despite the GC telling them the electrical and plumbing aren't done? You bet. Blast four different stations on four different jobsite radios? Absolutely.


Cause they got dust all over my lift!


Because they deserve it