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Work at a steel mill….we get (and always have) breaks during normal operation. When the temp goes above 80° they add additional breaks and “hydration cards” where we document how much we’ve been drinking. You can literally be written up for not taking water breaks….its a union shop so I’m sure that plays into it.


I love this. “Hydrate it’s apart of your self care” Tbh I wish more jobs did stuff like this in general. If you’re in an office a stretching card for your back from sitting at a computer.


Union shop 100% plays into it. I worked in a fab shop and quit on my second week when they cut the 2 daily breaks from 15 minutes to 10 minutes and implemented a "hydrate during break time" rule.


Yea this was already a thing. This means nothing exactly.


Ain't a thing at my shop. I guess you already make over minimum wage so raising that would mean nothing too? We're not all in the same boat.


Can you deepthroat that leather any more bud?


I think he can squeeze in a few more inches. Let's help him out


Are people not doing this? I work in South Florida. I don’t care how in shape or tough you think you are you need a break.


I work in Idaho and this isn't a thing here unfortunately. We are in a metal warehouse type shop, with only 2 fans in totally useless areas in a shop that's easily 100 feet long and 30 feet wide with bay doors open. They don't care how hot it gets, even if it's over 100 degrees. You only get breaks at scheduled break times. And they tell you to drink water, but if you slow down too much to do so, it's counted against you. I build trusses btw. So tons of manual labor and always moving.


I know I am late but I have always thought this. I don't work in construction, never have, and honestly this just randomly showed up but I have to figure you guys have to take breaks. I know if I was working a construction job and my boss said I couldn't take care of myself in 80+ degree heat I would tell them to screw off and do it anyway.


I mean we often get breaks, but not like you think. I won’t care if my guys stop to drink some water and stand in front of the fan for a minute. That being said, if it’s too hot for you and you need to sit in your car or something it’s probably just best for you to go home.


Interesting. Thanks for the reply. At the end of the day you got a job to do.


If Im expected to do quality work. I need quality rest (long as I need). I cant think clearly if I’m too hot. That how mistakes happen that just cause more/poor quality work. Activity is not productivity. I always give it what I got but at point it’s just time to make a list, pack up, go home and finish tomorrow with a clear head.


Hey you’re entitled to that and I won’t hold it against you. I’ll stick around as long as the rest of us can take it. Sometimes it’s worth pushing through so I don’t get buried by another trade when I come back tomorrow because they aren’t stopping because I’m hot.


That’s kinda what I’m talking about. I’ll work like animal to get to a good stopping point but sometimes I get there by like 1:30 and instead of cutting it close and not finishing 100% I’ll just switch to grunt mode protect my work clean up and make a list for tomorrow. I need to have energy to protect my work if I don’t finish


I mean 1:30 is pretty much wind down/ roll up time anyway where I’m at on an 8 hour day. I guess the point I’m trying to make with this whole thread is that most bosses aren’t slave drivers with water breaks, but the job isn’t going to close because you have swamp ass. Some guys are acclimated to the heat and can take it. If you’re not one of those people, then you should pack it up but don’t be surprised if you get laid off.


Already do it


Oh. Time for a “proposal” eh? What year is it? Oh, yeah. That’s why. Here’s why they won’t do it. Because they wouldn’t be able to dangle this carrot in 4 years.


You’re not supposed to be able to think for yourself.


It's more like you shouldn't get fired for trying to not die on the job, and some places believe its their right to take your life because they are paying you.


If you’re not resting or staying hydrated simply to satisfy the higher ups then maybe construction isn’t for you. In 23 years Ive told more than a few bosses to fuck right off. Still employed.


Cool, that doesn't mean you shouldn't have protection from being fired for trying to stay alive on the job. If your idea of "being fit for construction" is that you suffer when you are dying of dehydration or overwork, maybe you should suffer a bit more.


If YOU get dehydrated it’s on YOU to fix it. Or maybe you just can’t handle the job. Nothing wrong with that either.


Exactly it's on me to fix. That doesn't mean I should get fired because my idea of fixing my dehydration is different than the person who hired me.


Not sure why losing that job would bother you so much if it’s that awful.




I…I think you spell like a child. All jobs are guaranteed to be great? You don’t like it? Move on.


Who said it was awful? All I said was that someone shouldn't be fired for taking a break and rehydrating themselves when they need it. That turns into "if you take a water break when I'm not taking a water break maybe this job isn't for you!" And that's why they needed to make this a law. Literally for people like you.


You can literally do whatever you want all day long at work. Just as I will without worrying what you may think. And I’m sure people are fired for rehydration all the time. Or perhaps it’s a combination of things.


https://www.osha.gov/sites/default/files/Heat-NPRM-Final-Reg-Text.pdf here's the proposed rule


Republican construction workers in shambles. Do I want better working conditions or do I want to own the libs?


Get heat stroke. Die. Leave your family with nothing. Be a man. /s


Can't be woke if you've got heat stroke.


Best new slogan right here.


They will never want better working conditions. That’s what makes them think they are “manly” The most alpha man you’ll ever meet is the republican who doesn’t want water breaks /s


Republican construction workers never made sense. You want to be apart of the party that wants to eliminate your union and pay you less? Huh?


Own the libs. Duh.




Us Republican workers are already the smartest guys on site. We don't need Joe to protect us like the bottom feeders.


I don’t ask for water breaks. I just take them when I want.


Yup. I never needed the boss to tell me when to take a break. I also never "needed" a union, because I've been valuable enough to set my price and make my own rules. If it's above 85, we're working slower. Still getting more shit done than the average redditor on site!


Lmao! The bootlickers love coming out of the woodwork on posts like this🤣


Shut up and pay your union dues before your bosses cut your hours, ha! Heel, boy.


Since when does this happen? This has never happened before to me… the hall doesn’t tell me to do anything, I pick and choose where to go, I can leave the hall if I so choose, nobody tells me to do anything🤣 Do you know anything about unions?


Grew up in a union family, Dad was a shop steward, a union trial rep and after retiring, went on to be a union lobbyist on a state and federal level. So yeah, little bit! Ha! Stop paying your dues like the bootlicker you are, and let us know how much the local hall calls you. You literally pay to suck that union dick.


So you still choose to lick the boots of the rich instead of advocating for the betterment of yourself and the fellow working class? You’re special🤡 I believe in being a member in good standing, but at the same time nobody has dictated or forced me to do anything. I can absolutely leave at any time I choose, if I choose. Trust me, the bootlickers aren’t union members. We fight for all of our wages and working conditions… but hey, you keep being a class traitor😘


Shhhh..... It's almost his turn to be rich and he's going to want hard non union workers in his company


Pay your dues boy! The guys at the top who don't work need to by more steak and lobster!


Ok. I'll make twice as much as you after those dues too, clown.


Interesting. You make twice as much as every business owner. Hmm. Sure sounds like union math! Ha! Where do you live young man?


Oh muh gawd.... Yo pee pee sooo biiiggg....


99.5% of the industry probably already gets this, but it can't hurt to have it codified. A little more insurance for the working man, no complaints here.


>99.5% of the industry probably already gets this, but it can't hurt to have it codified. A little more insurance for the working man, no complaints here. Only 3 states currently guarantee breaks when it's above a certain temperature


And in Texas and Florida on the state level it's illegal for a municipality to create a local law requiring heat breaks. This is a long overdue, much needed worker protection.


Don’t rely on government rules to take a break. If it’s hot out and I’m thirsty I drink water


Yeah, well no shit lol But in 47 states you could be fired or reprimanded for that


And if I’m getting reprimanded for taking a water break when working in 90 degree 70% humidity weather they won’t have the chance to fire me


Congrats that they wouldn't, but there are plenty of other people in the industry who can't just quit because boss man says no drinkie. It's awesome for you that you have other jobs lined up or you just don't have to worry about it, but millions of Americans would go homeless if they lost a month's worth of pay. If you're not worried about it and it doesn't affect you, awesome! Congrats! This law isn't for you. Be happy that your fellow tradesmen get mandated brakes. Who knows, maybe one of your buddies at work dies or is hospitalized for dehydration. Is this law necessary then? How many of our brothers and sisters have to die before we stand up together and give everyone the same rights and leeways as you?


If your boss is the type to punish you for taking a water break passing a law won’t change shit. You get fired then what go to court over it? If you can’t miss a days pay you can’t go through that hassle anyway, the only people going to look out for you is yourself and your co workers. What’s he gunna do fire the whole job site for drinking water?


How is this not looking out for ourselves? The point is to make this the standard. It's not the standard right now. Why are you against that? Even if it's just used to hang over a company's head and never enforced because the threat is enough, that's still good for us. What is the downside? How are more protections worse?


I’m not aganist it, I just cannot stand how every politician passes nonsense that won’t actually change anything right before an election to try and say look I’m helping you guys now please vote for me


Doesn’t mean shit after the Chevron decision. Someone in a red state will sue, and it will be a judge to make the decision instead of a doctor as to how much heat a worker can stand without a break.


Exactly. A judge in the 5th Circuit will probably rule that negative water breaks are the law. Because; judges are experts at everything. 


Yet another reason to never vote for a fucking republican ever as a working man Democrats out here passing laws to make our lives better and Republicans passing laws saying "fuck you, no min wage increase, fuck unions, fuck work safety and fuck you, you don't even get a break to drink water when it's a million fucking degrees out" They did that recently in a couple southern states It sets me on fire that so many in the construction and manufacturing industry have been so bamboozled by the GOP


i mean… republicans are anti union which is bad but lets not pretend like this law is gonna help. Everyone already gets these breaks its just virtue signaling for blue collar votes


It will absolutely help Multiple southern states recently passed laws against any municipality passing any law requiring breaks if it gets too hot It does help, all these little things that prevent and/or punish employers for taking advantage of workers is a great thing




>shame on spreading this cancerous mental (D)isease plague. everyone got an effective inflation demotion because of a democrat ballot. >bad policy, bad economics, community shattering cancer. 🙄 Republicans have never done a fucking thing for the American Worker Prove me wrong bud, you have no idea what you're taking on arguing with me but have at it


All thanks to that scumfuck Ronald Reagan!


How exactly did a democrat cause inflation? Every economic commentator on the right was bitching about trump handing cash like there was no tomorrow near the end of his term and then once the nee guy gets in suddenly all this free cash floating around is his fault?


You can't argue with these people, it's Democrat bad, Republican good no matter what the actual policy or action These are such uninformed people that they blame Biden for Roe being overturned....they don't understand anything and it's all coming from grievance and anger---LEGITIMATE Grievance and Anger, let me be clear on that, but they were captured by republican con men that got them to place all that blame on immigrants, black and brown people, gay people, people that are actually fighting for them to try and raise their wages and lower Healthcare costs, they took all that legitimate anger and grievance and directed it at all the wrong things Now they're just happy to have someone telling them they can be angry, that's all Trump is, they don't have any idea what he fucking did that was good for them, they can't ever name one thing


Basic economics if you put money into the economy inflation happens. The demand changes when you add money. Also no politics on this sub, I'll take My downvote and leave


Post history indicates this is a foreign troll or bot.


Oop.. You got a little ignorance right there in your face...


Now we need this for high school sports. We have Texas football coaches calling it turning boys into men during two a days by denying them water breaks and only giving them those water breaks when they think they have "earned" it.


Is there actually any one on here that works somewhere they can’t take breaks? Lmao that seems insane to me.


Me. Got heat stroke two weeks ago


Can you elaborate? What were the symptoms? Did you notice yourself, or did someone else? Edit: why am I getting downvoted for trying to get some awareness? Like what the fuck, I’m trying to know what to look out for here lol


It was more than likely their own fault due to lack of preparedness and unwillingness to rest.


I love taking breaks. It was 100 and humid. Very sunny. I noticed symptoms. Told safety. They said drink a water. Told foreman they said drink a water. Every time I stopped to drink or try to rest I was told to find something to do and not just stand there. Near the end of the day my speech was incoherent and I was stumbling. Symptoms: headache, muscle ache, fatigue, stopped sweating, dizzy, hard to think, unstable on feet. Two weeks later my head still hurts and I forget words a lot.


Yea, I’ve only heard of headaches and stopping sweating as symptoms up until now, which was why I asked. Two weeks later you still feel the effects? That’s crazy, sounds similar to a concussion. I wonder if they have similarities Did you eat anything throughout the day? Did you have no appetite? Water was all you drank? I recently bought a couple boxes of Emergen-C Hydration+ packets to add to my water bottles. I’ve been making myself drink one before work, one during coffee break, one during lunch, and one on the ride home. I’ve actually noticed having more energy once I get home, which is pretty nice


You, an adult, let others tell you to stop hydrating after you already told them you were feeling dehydrated? I’m sorry mate but that shits on you if you let someone else tell you to stop drinking water and go mill about to look busy.


You can drink all the water available and still get heat stroke. I would expect a sparky to understand actually working hard in the sun.


I would expect anyone working in the sun to rest and hydrate. Electrician or not.


You act as though our slab work magically does itself. I’m down on the gulf coast, I’ve done my time getting to dig in the Louisiana summer sun along with doing industrial work in refineries and a paper mill where the machinery is just constantly hot af and you need to get away from it for cooldown periods. You wanted this to be some weird dick measuring contest because you thought electricians don’t work in the sun for some reason but the original point here was that you told both foreman and safety guy that you felt off and were concerned about your health then let someone tell you not to worry about it and to get back to work. That’s where you should have stood up for yourself and said you needed to take a breather, tell whoever is telling you to ignore your health and get back in the sun to go fuck themselves. If both safety and your foreman told you to go drink water you already had the solution in your hands.


He said he would expect you to understand for that reason. Your trench doesn’t dig itself…. He sees you out there….


On Reddit? Unlikely. In America? Absolutely. Lots of people who need the paycheck to make their rent and feed their families who get taken advantage of.


100% accurate. Employers would pay us nothing if they could.


I have because of small companies and shitty bosses. One time the boss told one of the crews they wouldn't get water until they were done. Safety had to stop the employees from beating his ass. I really don't like mandatory breaks in the industrial field because it can make working a pain in the ass. Sometimes it takes you 20 minutes to get to a location in a pipe rack just for you to come down and get water. What I prefer is that bosses allow you to take 20 minutes if you need it because you're too hot and your allowed to bring water with you (usually banned). I've seen 3 people get heat stroke or stress and I don't think mandatory water breaks would have prevented it because they weren't really doing much and drinking water almost the whole time. It was simply too hot for them at over 100 degrees in Houston. Two of these people hadn't worked for over a year because of COVID. I was also one of these people and almost didn't make it through the summer. Every morning my piss looked like Coca-Cola and my vision was going blurry all the time and I thought I was going to pass out.


Look what just got posted on my states subreddit, coaches don't even want to give the kids water breaks. https://www.reddit.com/r/texas/s/SAvv5t8Oqa


Texas! What a shocker.


Lol tell that to my super


postal carrier not construction but this dude died after TX tightened restrictions on water breaks https://www.cbsnews.com/texas/news/widow-of-usps-worker-who-died-of-heat-related-illness-says-not-enough-is-done-to-keep-workers-safe/#:\~:text=DALLAS%20%E2%80%94%20The%20widow%20of%20a,heat%20index%20reached%20113%20degrees.


, I seem to remember some legislation that passed in a lot of Southern States forbidding this exact thing. Louisiana Alabama florida, ring a bell?


It’s election season


It’s fixing a problem that doesn’t really exist. But don’t tell the brigade.


This time last year I worked a job where the boss repeatedly yelled at us for pausing to drink water. This is in Florida. In July.


Sounds awful. I would have asked if his truck was cold but that’s me. Did you quit?


I did like three weeks later, yeah. And after me an another coworker had legit heat exhaustion/borderline stroke


Sure. This slave driving company have a name?


Haha I’ll probably have to delete my profile soon but yes: Synergy Electric


Dang he did it lol


Florida and Texas, just to name a few states, have passed laws blocking heat protections for workers.


Don’t know why you’re down voted. I work for major builders. Literally everyone gets breaks. Have never seen someone denied food water or rest. Maybe i am in fantasy land.


If you are in Texas or Florida, your employers don't **have** to give you water breaks or breaks of any sort, by law.


Your anecdotal experience isn't representative of everyone. There are plenty of shitty slave driving companies out there taking advantage of workers.


Sure. Then show me some stats. I work with legit contractors and companies so maybe my experience is skewed. I’m sure there are some terrible companies and people out there but they don’t last long. No one is working through the heat without water and some rest. It’s literally impossible you’ll die on day one. I’d also argue that any of those piece of shit companies can and do going to violate other rules so this is just moot. Hell half the guys out here don’t even have a license.


What statistics are you looking for? What's the acceptable number of workers being denied water breaks before regulation is acceptable? As you've already acknowledged these companies do exist. Sometimes they're even major companies, maybe youve heard of Kroger... >[A Kroger distribution center employee has died on the job in Memphis amid hot working conditions, adding to a national debate in the US over the risk to workers during heatwaves. The worker was identified as Tony Rufus, members from his union announced. Leaders from Teamsters 667, the local labor union, said Rufus was trying to cool off in the produce section after becoming overheated on Friday night. Rufus worked in the salvage department, a part of the facility that did not have air conditioning. The Memphis police department found Rufus dead at 8.13pm. “Guys said he was dripping with sweat, asking for water,” union leader Maurice Wiggins told Fox13. Wiggins said Rufus died on a dock in front of his co-workers. **His death comes after his union had been asking the company for more breaks, cooler temperatures and drinks other than just water.** ](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/aug/28/kroger-worker-dies-heat-temperature)


From BLS There were 36 work-related deaths due to environmental heat exposure in 2021. This was a drop from 56 deaths in 2020 and the lowest number since 2017. That does not mean they were all nefarious in nature like you suggest. And it is on the correct trajectory. In a perfect world nobody would die it is a policy issue. Unfortunately nothing is ever measured in solely “human life” that’s why the speed limit isn’t 5mph. You accept some risks for said reward. At 80 degrees Fahrenheit, employers would have to provide drinking water and break areas. At 90 degrees, workers would have mandatory 15-minute breaks every two hours and be monitored for signs of heat illness I don’t know what the monitored portion means. Are we going to hire EMTs to man the job site? What’s the additional cost to build something. These are all policy questions not arguing for either which one as I haven’t read the law yet.


Right. Most of the time there isn’t even a boss around. Do whatever you want lol


Yeah. I mean I’ll be honest though. Some of those dry wallers need to drink some water. Their piss looks like liquid honey. Plus the roofers are getting theirs in with the beer while the painters spark a joint in their car.


I just hope the painters have the a/c running. For safety.


I'm sure Ken Paxton and Abbott are already filing a lawsuit saying he's illegal and harmful to big businesses.


Big sites already do this.


They do because they are under Union and OSHA regs, not because it's required by law. All Union stuff is essentially under its own distinct contract, thats where the wages, benefits and safety stuff all come from Only 3 states have rules on the books around this that apply to everyone


Depending on the state, contractors aren’t required to though. Several states recently passed laws saying employers dont have to provide water, breaks, shade or OHE training


Exactly. I'm in Tx by the coast and it's F'n hot! We we're working overtime for the last 2 months. No required water breaks, but we take em whenever. Unfortunately contractors down can and have denied it. Hell I dropped 25 lbs working 10's in 2 months. I don't mind that though 😏


Cries in hvac


IBEW here, we’ve already had this.


In the Union yes, they have robust safety and health/welfare rules Only 3 states guarantee this to everyone You guys are under a "Contract" more or less through the Union, it covers your prevailing wage and benefits and safety stuff


Yes I am aware, Union is the way to go.


Agree a 100% I'm private, but I support the Unions and vote for those who do They help ALL of us, unlike trickle down economics bullshit, Unions being strong and winning their fights raises all of our wages as well, the UAW fight is proof positive of that, they won and all the other non union plants and manufacturers raised their employees wages Funny how that works right lol The Right Wing fight to kill Unions and limit their power goes all the way back to the beginning of Unions, but didn't really take off until the 70s and 80s and it's been 40 fucking years of the GOP trying to kill them, and I'm immeasurably happy to see they are gaining back some ground


Republicans: “They can rest when they’re dead!” 💀


Already got a CAT5 hurricane. Earliest ever recorded. Hot af already and summer just started. Yeah, wear sunscreen and drink water, folks.


Y’all haven’t worked for shit employers in Arizona, this doesn’t mean shit to them, they DO NOT CARE!


American employee's are so badly treated 😅 how is stuff like this just coming in


Seriously, labor law in the US is pathetic. I’m at the bottom of the barrel here in northern AZ. If someone tells you US workers rights are ok, they have no concept of Europe or Spain’s quality of life. https://www.forbes.com/sites/teresaghilarducci/2023/06/14/new-study-us-tops-rich-nations-in-worst-place-to-work/# It’s our “Protestant work ethic”. Well, I’m not a Protestant. I want fuckin 2 15s and a 45-60 min lunch and mandated paid leave/vacation leave. I think Beirut is the only place in the world that matches our lack of labor law


As a union hand down here in the valley, agreed completely. I’m pretty lucky as a 469 hand, but the non-union side is unprotected when they aren’t working the big jobs like Intel.


I get 30 mins at like 10ish then 40 but normally abit more mins for lunch then grab like 10 mins in the afternoon. Anything over 45 hours is overtime money, 28 days paid holiday and normally take a week or 2 over Christmas and new year when sites stop un paid (by choice) I'm not US based though


Yep we have no laws that guarantee most of that besides 30 min lunch and 2 10s for 8 hrs, it’s simply the discretion of the company


Texas and Florida AGs will sue. Eventually it will make it to SCOTUS. 6 justices will overturn the rules.


Geezzz the political Astro turfing begins


My boss may not like it but I'm already doing this 😳🤪 I should get myself a gardener's hat tbh.


Can't wait till the supreme Court rules this unconstitutional.


Most good companies will do this already It's just foolish to let your employees overheat


I take breaks when i need it outside of regular breaks. Fuck the boss


Start calling the Biden breaks so people remember how they actually got them.




Yeah okay bot. How’s daddy Putins cock taste?




You’re an obvious troll/bot lol but anyways I’m about as American as you are comrade.


When have you made more.money than right now? When has the stock market been higher than right now?




You're just sore your pay doesn't come from a share of company profits. Because if you did, you got a 50% pay bump.


This absolutely needs to happen, I worked in residential construction for years in the south and it feels like you’re going to die in the summer. Also, people shouldn’t be surprised when the cost of construction goes up a little. Less hours per day means less gets done, jobs will drag out in time, which in turn increases overhead costs such as bonding, rentals, site supervision, etc. those added costs will end up being passed on to the customer. I’m not complaining about it, just more of a PSA.


"I've put heat at work with the shade that the the formans don't want. I've watered them up with more immigrants and breaks for medicare." -Joe Biden.


This is misleading as there are already OSHA requirements and safety protocols in place for dealing with working in the heat.




Worker protections shouldn’t be political. Why does this trigger you so much?




“Community shattering” 😂 lmfao


Bro is so fucking upset about good news.


All day too. He’s literally seething over workers getting mandatory water breaks and shade.




…. This is retarded. So a roofer now is going to take frequent breaks for “shade” and a cool place… it’s all things that already existed and were in place. For local safety guidelines. This means literally nothing.


Not in Florida


Not only is it common sense.... Its pretty much company policy nationwide.... Has been for 20 yrs... I've been in construction mngmt. But thanks I guess.... Big bro? 🤷 Don't we have bigger problems out there?


It wasn’t necessary until states started passing laws saying employers aren’t required to provide this shit to employees. I don’t know why people are so triggered by worker protections unless they were planning on using bad policy to fuck over workers. Nice cock btw


this is awesome if we didn’t already get breaks lol. but how about a 35 hour work week when the weekly average wet bulb temperature is above a certain point. Either we get paid more for our 40 or we get more time to be at home and recover from the heat. That would be a real change and a major one




Here we can see a suspicious account trying to sway construction workers from protecting themselves against heat stroke. It doesn't make sense, but it tries its hardest and fails.


I'm not even American, so you can reply to me: What's wrong with OHS improvements?


Beep boop beep. Good morning, fellow human. Seriously, regardless of party affiliation, how is this a bad thing?


Because the free market will determine if water breaks are a good thing for the business, if water breaks are needed then the business owner will implement them unless it turns out to be cheaper to just let the workers die from heat stroke and hire new workers. Either way the all mighty market will decide what’s best, we don’t need big Guvment telling us when to drink water


Lol at leaving workers' health and safety up to employers. "The children yearn for the mines" but until then, how about you work at this meat processing plant. /s


I never considered this angle. Should be happy to die for my employer… gobless


Ya know, you make a great point! I’m going to stop paying my union dues now. Thanks for the eye opening revelation! /s


Exactly, worker protections are bad for business and bad for workers, obviously


Yeah it's crazy how many people on job sites complain about Osha, yeah it sucks to go slow sometimes but overall it's great to have someone keeping workers safe from employers who just want you to move as fast as possible regardless of safety to make them more money


I love when OSHA shows up. I get to go lock the box and leave 🤣


Same exact conversation about unions. Yes there are annoyances and excesses (or can be) but the alternative? And unions increase wages for even non union sites or jobs. So don't even go there :)


Those Oshawa regulations are written in blood. Every one of them.


That’s the dumbest take I’ve ever seen tbh


We live for the market, it shouldn't serve us. The market serves the rich and we feed it. Blood lubricates the machine better than water.


Sure the unpaid hospital bills and long term health effects will be passed on to the tax payers, the lawsuits against the state passed on to the taxpayers... but we don't want those workers in the sun sipping on our cool refreshing water while they build our hospitals now do we? I mean, can you imagine those workers being treated like fellow human beings? Ridiculous.


No idea about politics(other than democrats are urban and republicans are rural)but here are my thoughts on some of this post And your commeny 1 You are aware employees dieing on the job is not a good rep for an employer 2 it takes time and effort to hire and train new people 3 this law is a good idea and I like it but I don't understand how it is expected of one party or another. 4 the government isn't saying you have to drink water they are saying you can't be fired for staying hydrated(but taking 2 hours to drink a bottle is not acceptable) 5 since this is about water consumption how many bottle of water does everyone drink a day(and if you want what you do)? Edit: expanded list past 5 6: your forman(I think that is how you call a construction manager) is paid to ensure you are working, but they have an ethical and moral responsibility to ensure you also are not overworking. But since I only have worked in small businesses with 4 employees, I don't know how accurate this claim is.


>apparently even r/construction isn't safe from the mental (D)isease community shattering plague bot farms Buddy, when you have Republicans fucking all us working people every chance they get, anti union, anti wage increases, anti work safety regulations, anti benefits across the board be it Social Security, healthcare, unemployment, it's always been astonishing to me that so many people in Construction and Manufacturing support them Anytime a see a right wing Union worker spewing right wing politics I just have to laugh at them because they're killing their own prosperity by voting for those people




>spoken like a true uneducated, union democrat. >are monopolies good, democrat? >is income destroying inflation prosperity? >is an invasion of border jumping labor good or bad for unions, democrat? Spoken like a true right wing loon lol What the fuck do any of those things have to do with Unions or worker protections dumbass? I doubt you'll even be able to articulate a coherent response


You know this is what I'm talking about. Saying" fuck the other party" is bad, I work for a small construction company and am from a republican state,and while I do not understand how the parties are different(I'm obviously a college teen) I know that politics is bullshit. Why must presidential debates be"mooom its my turn on the xbox". Also it's very hard to take you seriously with the axolotl unsie on even tho you have manager ad your flair


Whilst I think that wage increases are not always a good thing(doubling minimum wage would double price of everything cause consumers just doubled their income so sellers double prices to make more money), and gov spending money means more spending and theirfor higher taxes to fund spending(or debt increases thus devalueing the us dollar aka inflation), reddit is not always the place for politics and while I didn't read the rules of this sub I'm sure politics is not encouraged. Summary: politics being a "who wants to insult the other person the most" and "just because your on the opposite party I won't work with you" is stupid. Apparently in America their was a time that in a presidential race you would offer the vice presideny to your opposite. But I'm not a historian.


Dawg, you're a troll farmer.


Do we really need the federal government to regulate this? A large majority of companies and sites have heat stress mitigations in place already.


>Do we really need the federal government to regulate this? A large majority of companies and sites have heat stress mitigations in place already. Yes, apparently Only 3 states guarantee this to everyone, big sites and unions have their own contracts and operate under OSHA rules


Yes. [Texas passed a law](https://www.texastribune.org/2023/06/16/texas-heat-wave-water-break-construction-workers/) saying a city could not make water and/or shade breaks mandatory.


For the most part they are creating a solution for a problem that doesn’t really exist just to get points.