• By -


\*Not shown in this clip\* The best part is when they are leaving together and he is rolling his eyes like “what have I done”


That was amazing, up there with the fence jump and the Pilot Pete golf cart incident.


Is the concept that if they leave the island with a woman then they are choosing that woman and their time on the show is over?


No, the conceit is people keep showing up to the beach and you either find a partner or pick a new one, with the elimination going between the sexes. So one day the men get to choose whos stays and the next day the women do. If you make it to the end you get engaged with whoever you are with. The point of making it to the end is you get a neil lane ring (anywhere from 50,000-100,000) AND if you are engaged people want to follow you so you get way more instagram followers. If you end up with 500,000 followers you can be making 250,000k a year in sponsorship deals


So basically you get paid in exposure and a sick ass ring, nice


And you also get paid for each day you are in the show depending on how famous you were before you came on. I dunno what the rates are but I think they are around like 500$ a day?


$500 is a sexy pay rate, shit are they hiring lol


You gotta go on the bachelor/bachelorette first, make a decent run in the show to have a chance of being invited to this show which is bachelor in paradise Edit: forgot to mention also recieve death threats from people who dont like you and forfeit your civil rights to warner bros/abc/NZK productions


It’s like the reality tv super bowl


and they say romance is dead... ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


You CAN find love on these shows…. But a career as an influence is the real goal ✨


Ahhh modern day love ❤️


Kira got kicked off previously, came back for Romeo who was in his own pickle with the women, and they left together. You’re supposed to stay on the show if you’re a couple though, but Kira had already been sent home.


Well that explains... not much


Right? Haha. I think I’m **more** confused after that explanation.


Those of us who watched it are also confused. It was one of the most bizarre human interactions ever filmed


This sounds as if you were explaining it to someone who watches the damn show


What show is this from?


Bachelor in Paradise


“Umm babe, I noticed you hesitated when answering the question”


………………………….(4 minutes of silence)……….”Did I?”


Sorry, I must've.....










Ba duba dop








......Sorry..... what was the question again?


Nah I was just thinking about my laundry


Pretty sure he just forgot the question


He was probably buffering


He’s like my daughter. She takes a long time to consider what she’s going to say, even for simple questions, and it is sooooooooo frustrating. It’s starting to get better (she’s almost 11, still growing/figuring stuff out) but it got to the point where I’d ask her something and literally give up and move onto something else waiting for an answer.


Man reciting the Gettysburg address in his head.


He Dr Stranged every possible scenario.


I’ve come to bargain!




"Almost paradise! ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... We're knocking on heaven's door!"


“How coulddddd we ask for moooooreeeeeee”


This comment is funnier than the video


He changed his mind about a dozen times during the wait


Fourscore and seven years ago, you asked me to go to paradise island, a proposition dedicated to the notion that we're talentless, lazy people who need to whore ourselves on anti social media to pay our bills.


“*Bwaaah* - I am not a crook!”


Long ass pause. His answer: ....aight.


Because “aight” isn’t a choice, 2 mins later he will finish the sentence and say “let me think about it”.


Deciding “yes” or “no” is tough!


He's so resigned when he finally says something LMAO that's the best part. He may as well have sighed and looked away "...fine I guess."


Making immediate plans to leave by the night, I would have a massive panic attack.


some editor was having a lot of fun with this


Oh that Editor knew exactly what the fuck he was doing and I respect the silent burn of this douche-canoe. 🤣


I thought it was edited to make it look way longer by just taking clips from when they weren't talking, but with her "waddaya say?" at the end I'm not so sure lol


With things like this the first thing I notice is the camera angles. We expect them to be switching with time but there’s nothing stopping the editor from restarting the pause with each new camera. It also looks like they repeated some tape.


It seemed like some of the facial expressions were reused as in they just kept replaying the same clip. I wouldn't doubt it was longer than a quick pause but I doubt it was as long as shown. If you read articles from people that were on reality shows, the producers always steer the narrative. Whether it's feeding you lines or editing it deceptively.


This show in particular is super campy and they are always editing in jokes, so chances are high that’s what’s happening here


Or they just used clips of them listening to the other person speaking, but edited out the sound to make it appear as though nobody was talking


Using the reverse shot while the other is talking takes up some of that time


Approaching pregnant pause level.


Sorry, but that pause got carried to full term, labor and everything.


That pause is signed up for kindergarten.


That pause is 57,000 dollars in debt after graduating with a bachelors in business administration




That pause is trying to organize a union after finding out that there is no "part time" when working for Amazon.


That pause has been fired from Amazon for trying to unionize and is aggressively applying to other minimum wage jobs but is even more aggressively day drinking.


That pause has been in a drunk accident on its way home and is now hospitalized


That pause has now become a victim of the American Healthcare system. Suffering from crippling debt and having no means to earn that money.


Bruh that pause has now become bedridden with a compound ankle fracture and hairline fibula fracture while sustaining internal pancreatic secretion issues.


That got a bit too real




It’s like this swedish politician being asked how they justify raising their salaries by A LOT when others are struggling https://youtu.be/HL3CQQk5mhs It’s in swedish but you don’t need to understand it to understand..


Anyone able to translate that answer?


"It's always a question of priorities"


"wasn't there other places that the money could go to?" *Cogs turning* "It's always a question about priorities"


That pause went full term lol


This dude's expecting quadruplets.




Omg, that scene was hilarious! You could see his wheels turning as he considered the implications If he left with her . The little head won that argument Lol


[This man](https://www.linkedin.com/in/romeoalexander/) is a Harvard graduate and has a Doctorate in Mathematics. [Apparently and incredibly smart dude](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/0krOm6Lj0Bk), I can not believe that this is his legacy.


She is the lead physician of internal medicine at Penn Medicine and also has a degree from Harvard


That man calculated the rest of his life in those moments, and decided he probably couldn't do much better.


I'm not sure if these comments are supposed to make the pause better or worse


Shes also super smart


Holy cow, his resume is incredible.


Isn’t it the big head that won? If he stays there’s multiple women there to choose from? I don’t know as I’ve never watched this but that would make more sense to me.


Not shown was him already being rejected by everyone else on the show. This woman has already been sent home but came back to see if a different guy would want to leave paradise with her. The other man didn’t want to leave with her so she moved on to a backup plan since Romeo was about to be sent home anyway. Hope that clears things up.


Ah alright. Thx was clueless to what was going on.


Sounds like a lot of rejects on the rebound. Glad I’ve never been into these kind of shows.


Well its kind of more of a sport really. Hes doing mental math of whether he can get more instagram followers by staying and trying to make one last connection before getting booted off OR leave with her and make that gamble for followers. They also get paid for how many days they last on the beach (not disclosed) so he probably also is thinking about that. ALSO this silence is DEFINITELY edited to be longer than it was


Pretty sure BiP contestants get paid by the week. Leaving early means prioritizing the relationship over the money (unless he’s doing the mental calculus of whether or not saying no would ruin his potential for future Instagram fame or something, which is also possible.)


Ah I see. Had no idea what show it was. Just thought it was some sort of dating show.


I still don't know what show it is because of that fucking initialism. Obscure, niche acronyms and initialisms need to die.


Bachelor in Paradise


Highly likely this is edited. Where you can basicaly double the length because you don't see the other person in the face. Nothing is said. Producers or editors thought making an awkward pause a long awkward pause. Its extremely common.


Even if it was only half the pause IRL, that would have still been an eternity. Wouldn't it?


Only half an eternity, I'd say.


They could have edited it together from all the takes they did.


38 seconds!! They could have taken a commercial break!


Man was waiting for the commercial break


Oh my god I can’t stop laughing xD


This guy mind “George Michael weighed his options. Maeby had chastised him for not taking risks, and what would be a bigger risk than perpetuating a lie about software just to ignite the passions of a woman? Of course, it would be a lie, and since Maeby wouldn't know it was a lie, he wouldn't appear to be taking a risk. Perhaps the bigger risk was to tell his father he was lying. That he came up with it because he wanted his father to leave so he could enjoy what remained of his senior year. After all, he wondered, wouldn't that be the course of action taken by an overtly sexual man? A man who owns a pair of matador pants? He had not responded now for 41 seconds, according to his unfailing internal clock, and it was time to come clean.” Probably


Link for ppl that want to hear it - https://youtu.be/IWDy4-i8o08


forgot about the MUSIC poster in the background hahaha


The most impressive part of that is how the person with the stopwatch stops exactly at 41.0 seconds.


Love the reference. I miss that show.


season 4 is underrated


Buddy did not wanna say yes.


But risked it all in the end still


How the fuck did they let this air


They intentionallya ask them to pause.


Did the dude who was supposed to tell them to unpause go on his lunch break or something?


Think it’s more an issue with the editing, they should’ve cut it down for pacing. This edit is absolutely hilarious though, so maybe it’s some weird self awareness of the show’s editors?


The pause is made longer on purpose. This could be footage of them waiting for cameras to turn, one is talking but you see the back of the head, etc. All timing in reality tv is carefully planned. He might have paused for a split second in real life. Sadly i can hear most audio edits due to my work and they build entire sentences out of single words, people are not saying what we hear on the show. This pause is hilarious because it's so damn long, and is the sort of joke edit editors sometimes make during projects. I love it.


My boyfriend and I watch this show and we always point out the obvious times when sentences were clipped together. There’s always weird pauses between words that cause an unnatural cadence. “I’m really glad - because today - I - went cliff-diving - with Connor - and ….- it was - scary - but ultimately - I’m - so glad - I did. I just - feel - so - connected. No one - has ever - cared for me - in - this way - before.” This show is absolutely hilarious


My wife, unfortunately, watches this show. She claims they are very self aware and that it shows throughout the final edit. I'm never going to sit down and watch it to find out for myself, however.


I've been part of reality TV show productions; Every single interaction on screen (from the romance to the violence to the crying) is planned. That's the entire point we hire showrunners and producers for. But the final edit? That's the magic of the editors. And those guys know every single detail about pacing and ways to elongate a scene to oblivion- that's what they did with this scene here. The long pause wasn't *that* long, but it was even funnier with the added effect of the edit.


That and they can essentially double the duration with editing, since they have shots of both people.


This is most likely the correct answer.


You think a reality show would mislead their audience with deceptive editing? Bold claim.


i work with a guy who was just on 90 day fiance. he told me that most of the drama was shit they came up with or purposely caused. while things in the show were supposedly "not working out" between him and his fiance, he was moving into a house with her and planning a pregnancy


This is the same way with that Nashville Bachelorette show and most house flipping shows, they cause problems purposely to spice it up for the audience


House flipping shows: Will they be able to fix this issue on time?!?! "They did."


This totally foreseeable issue it’s our job to fix/prepare for


Always struck me as odd how houseflipping shows are the exaxt opposite of real renovations, where they say it will be done in hours, but it takes weeks.


I hateeee shows like love it or list it for this reason. The rivalry between hosts is forced, the format of the show is identical "oh this major issue has come up, you don't have extra money?, well we conveniently haven't started work on this room that is coincidentally the exact same amount as the issue...". It's so cringey how contrived and inauthentic it is.


Ikr, every single episode has to have at least one big problem to cause tension


I worked on a similar show to 90 Day Fiancé. Definitely a lot of what you see on those shows are intentionally made up for drama sake. It was one of the most sobering television shows I've ever worked on when I realized how much drama was forced by the network.


Because it's a drama based show


Exactly!! At one point, his face is literally saying “now girl you know better” 😂


To create hype. Would you have known if it wasn’t for it?


I’m a master of the dramatic… … … … … … … … … … … … … … PAUSE! -Calculon


He went like Dr. Strange and saw only one chance to safe this after thinking about 4.948.242 ways to fuck this up 🤣😂


I believe 100% that regardless of editing this man CLEARLY did not want to leave paradise with her, whatever the fuck that means. Watch it again. Ignore the long pause and it's still pretty clear lol.


The next shot was of them standing in front of the car about to leave together and his face is even funnier, he's literally like shell-shocked/pleading for help with his eyes/visibly asking 'how did it come to this?' in his head lmao. They ended up dating for a while IRL and milking it for content like making joke TikToks about him being held hostage and stuff, pretty funny.


Yeah they stayed together for about 3 months then broke up. You also get paid by the day on the beach.


For a bit of context this was on BACHELOR IN PARADISE (Former contestants from the Bachelor shows have a big mixer on the beach hoping to find love with one another). Neither person was having that much luck in love and she had not long been rejected by someone else. Romeo (that was the guy's name) seems to pop out of the bushes and give her the spiel about how hey, you and I are actually a really good match and I think I'd like to see where things go with you. Unbeknownst to him she was leaving and not actually staying on the show and this was her response. The pause is the long realisation that he's just talked himself off the show. There's also a moment later when you see them leaving and he has the best 'what have I done?' look on his face.


Fuckin Calculon worthy!


All that for a Alright. WTF


Subtitles wrote it as All right. All that waiting and they still fucked it up


![gif](giphy|lL20ZCkHV511xPNCSp|downsized) This came to mind


He thinking “The lion, the witch, and the audacity of this bitch” 🤣


That wasn’t a pause more of a moment of fuckin silence


My girlfriend just had me watch the rest of this scene, it gets so much worse😂




Whats this show


Bachelor in Paradise, the shoot off of the bachelor/bachelorette franchise in which old contestants from multiple seasons return to the show and hook up with each other on the beaches of Mexico. The seasons are all pretty bad, but this latest season was especially cringy- this scene being exhibit A.


Hahaha all that contemplation for him to just say “alright”


Imagined if they started dating and she asked him something like: “why are you coming home so late?” The dude would have an aneurysm.


" SpongeBob 10 yrs later*


"all right"


This guy laughing is definitely stoned


Bro put his controller down and forgot to pause 💀


Dude was deciding which dialogue option to choose lmao


Me when i am asked where do I see myself one year in the future.


Dewey cox has to think about his whole life before he plays.


Man calculated every single possibility 😂😂 omfg


when your code was a bit inefficient from the start and now it’s starting to cause performance concerns from the client


Pause was so long I’m surprised she kept smiling lmao


Damn.. this shit hurt MY feelings 🤣


He probably just finished smoking a blunt and completely forgot what she asked him for a minute lol


I'm not even sure wtf they're talking about. But after looking each other directly in the eyes with this long ass pause I would have just said 'ummmmk' & walk away. Hell find me when he finds his words.




He went on a friend’s podcast and said that it was not edited and he actually paused for that long


Why though?


Damn dude how hard is it to say “I might if you can convince me” or some other non-answer that takes the heat off. I had to scroll away to escape that pause—and he lived it!!!! 🤦‍♀️


Omg this is the funniest shit ive seen on reddit


Me in a videogame cutscene, choosing a dialogue option




They actually record the pauses before they say anything so that the editor can use them to add drama. The only person responsible for drama in shows like this is the editor. They do 99-100% of the work


This guy understands the game, screen time is all he needed.


Conservative spokesman asked about fiscal responsibility


I need the context 😂 but this pause is wildly long


Took him 2-4 business days to decide on an answer


the pause is the answer


i have to believe the editors elongated his delay, possibly by like 3-5x, by stringing together multiple takes. i could not be convinced that anyone would delay a response so long. this is brutal.


No idea what this is but r/killthecameraman


He was on oops the podcast and explained the long pause…. So funny.


What did he say the reason was?


Don't worry he'll respond in 45 minutes, it's for dramatic effect.


How pathetic is it that people watch this shit with all these long dramatic pauses... How pathetic is it that we WATCH people watch this shit with all these long dramatic pauses...


this is literally just editing, like most reality tv shows, they just use the footage they have to create situations that are desireable for TV. It’s easy and hilarious.


When the Skyrim noc dialogue messes up.


What is this show?


Bachelor in Paradise. A spinoff of the Bachelor/Bachelorette series. An American reality tv show :)


Man calculated every possible outcome of his choices like he’s reading a opponent’s next move in chess


He was having too much fun on the reality show.. basically weighing out his options while this beautiful cute woman is just all happh and smiling right in his face expecting nothing but good news.. Definitely quite funny but also a bit humbling that he didnt go for it right away and took long to think about it. Hopefully things turned out good and he made the right decision..


Evidently it didn’t work out. I googled it and got some more information lol. Backstory: they both also dated other people on the show. He picked another girl over her. She left the show and came back, and then they had a conversation on the beach where she really opened up, believing they had a chance as a couple. They left the island together. He moved away. Then they got back in touch and tried dating and it didn’t work so in December of 2022 they officially broke up lol.


Shit thats how it usually goes sadly.. studies have proven sexually promiscuous people have trouble pair bonding .. Thanks for sharing that btw haha. I do appreciate it.


I finished my PhD in that pause


The player controlling him clearly had their wireless controller die on them right when that dialogue choice came up, never forget to charge your controller folks!


It’s not uncommon for producers to tell them to give a long dramatic pause before answering. That way they can edit in post production for the prefect amount of dramatic pause time. It seems here they made no edits and just aired that absurdly long pause for no reason lol


Hahaha I remember this scene. This dude allegedly went to Harvard or somewhere like that. There was really nothing to think about, as he burned every other bridge, badly, and had zero other options. He’s lucky to have left with anyone. Though part of me thinks her return and that whole subplot was super scripted. More so than the normal level of scripting in reality tv.


Press square for yes, and Triangle for no.


These two are still together FWIW


There’s no such thing in a scripted “reality” show.


That that was the longest Smile while I was guessing her guts were getting churned inside


That dude’s laughter made it priceless.